Thread For Christians Only.

KennyJC said:
Yes, just as I'd be glad if an atheist did. But if he started quoting verses from the bible I would have thought I had died and gone to hell :D

heres one piece of knowledge - there is no hell! Hurray!!!

(Q) said:

That has evidently become a lie.

i had hoped that you atheists would visit other threads seeing as there are so many - but you just could not leave my thread alone.

SnakeLord said:
I take it you do not have children. I have had to take my child out of classes and assembly because the school would have it that their religious indoctrination attempts are part of the school curriculum. I wouldn't mind so much if she was 15, but she's 5, (6 now).

It might not bother you, or be an issue to you if you don't have children, but one day it just might be.

you know there are so many schools you could take your child to - no matter what type of school it is the main area of concern should be - will my child be physically and psychologically safe in that school.

how strong you want your child to be is 80% your input, the rest you must let the child find out on their own.

Adstar said:
Who cares if they hold strongly held religious beliefs? if their religious beliefs are not in alignment with the Will of God then to call them Gods nations is a twist of the truth. I did not avoid the question i corrected a serious misconception. As for comparing a nation run by false faith and one run by "secular ideals" is not my concern. both are faulty.
PS: i am not here to support any nation on earth or their forms of government. All governments on earth are in league with satan, actually those that claim to be God centered are my greatest enemies because they are far greater deceivers of Christians that purely "secular" states.

now that is abit 's....' and ignorant on your part - you write off nearly everyone as wicked with such statements.

and yes, as Christians we are not in support of any nation..... or whatever....., - that is clear - but as Christians we must do what The Scriptures say - obey the ruling authorities unless you are asked to do something that is in violation with GODS LAWS>

KennyJC said:
Because the US is the biggest offender of religion gone haywire, in a modern developed nation. Hence the comparision. And if secular states are 'faulty' as you put it, why is society in secular countries better off than that of all nations with strong religious beliefs? I still haven't really seen a theist attempt to answer this directly.

it is simple - when you have a gun to someones head that person will do whatever you want - that is we are referring to the same secular societies.

Christianity allows free will - you can do whatever you want and you face the consequences - secular societies (if ever there is really such a thing) "allow free will" as long as you are prepared to 'pay' (purchase) them.

Do you thinnk we should be arguing model economies, societies etc - even our foremost experts are at a dilemna as to what is the best society.

Adstar said:
Oh millions upon millions of them professed to be Christians and many of them truly believed they where Christians. But they had been deceived by the churches of this world who serve the satanic powers that be. The beasts harlot and her daughters.

Matthew 7
21 “Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven. 22 Many will say to Me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?’ 23 And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!’

Luke 6
45 A good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth good; and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart[a] brings forth evil. For out of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaks.46 “But why do you call Me ‘Lord, Lord,’ and not do the things which I say?

1 John 3
22 And whatever we ask we receive from Him, because we keep His commandments and do those things that are pleasing in His sight. 23 And this is His commandment: that we should believe on the name of His Son Jesus Christ and love one another, as He gave us commandment.

There are hundreds of solider cemeteries with million of white crosses neatly aligned in rows and they are all doomed.

Most supposed "christians" react the same way to the Word of God. it is foolishness to them. But to those who embrace it, it is the door to eternal life with The God of Abraham. :)

stop preaching please, and by the way if you really understood The Scriptures, you would know that what you have defined above is rubbish.

many will make it in the Second Coming - you can believe me or not - if i had my way i would not want some of you non - Christians to enter Paradise - but thats me speaking.

The Creator is greater then i and HIS WORDS ARE CLEAR -

not many of you are prepared for this information so i will speak on it at an appropriate time.

Angelic Being said:
it is simple - when you have a gun to someones head that person will do whatever you want - that is we are referring to the same secular societies.

In what way do secular societies hold a gun to peoples heads?

Christianity allows free will - you can do whatever you want and you face the consequences - secular societies (if ever there is really such a thing) "allow free will" as long as you are prepared to 'pay' (purchase) them.

I would agree that in religious societies people do whatever they want and face the consequences, this probably explains why the US is half filled with gun toting maniacs and a president waging wars because 'God told me to'. It is this sheriff attitude and selfish means (by both the administration and half it's citizens) justified by their religion which results in half the population becoming crazies and the gap between rich and poor growing as the republicans (religious right) feed their own self importance.

I disagree however that we somehow don't have the same "free will" in secular societies just like that of America. It seems we have much of the same rules, but are rather more sensible in applying them and obeying them. And what exactly do you mean by purchasing free will? I need examples that are unique to secular societies...
(Q) said:
Oh millions upon millions of them professed to be Christians and many of them truly believed they where Christians. But they had been deceived by the churches of this world who serve the satanic powers that be.

So, you created your own version of Christianity that suits your needs. That's no different than every other Christian. Welcome to the pack.

you mean your pack?

i am a Christian - i belong to The Christ.

(Q) said:
My lack of approval comes about because it would undo the things I hope will happen such as becoming a grandad and having a large family with lots of shiny little faces running around.

That is irrelavent. As a Christian, if that's what you claim to be, you must follow the decisions of Christianity regardless of your own personal desires.

Homosexuality does not promote what I believe to be condusive to the family structure.

It doesn't matter what you personally believe. it matters only what Christianity tells you to believe.

Convictions held by an individual. Stop playing dumb.

I'm not playing dumb, explain yourself.

I do not follow what 'Christians' decide to propose. What makes you think that I would?

Simple, you are a Christian and you must follow what Christians decide to follow.

Man, if I thought that my salvation depended on following what other Christians decided I should follow, I would be well and truly screwed.

Then, you are no Christian. You have simply made up your own religion based on Christianity. In other words, you made up your own religion to suit your needs.

enough of your evil speeches - Prophet Daniel said that in The Last Days all the false doctrines that misguided individuals introduced into Christianity will be exposed.

that is what is happening today - Christianity is more then a way of life - IT IS A SPIRITUAL RACE OF PEOPLE - who will bit by bit slowly cut away at the chains of the false doctrines that have just brought so much misery to the human race.

also the stand that you are taking is out of date - you have been exposed for the lies that you uphold - i understand your arrogance and ignorance to be coming from the inevitable destruction of the false doctrines that you hold - something that you yourself can see but of which you can do nothing.
GeniusNProgress said:
My response is to the comment that Mormons are not allowed. Do not ignorantly create something with 'Christians Only' and deny other true Christians from being able to comment. My advice to you is this, study the basis of your religion and foundations before judging who is and who isn't a Christian.

ha! ha! funny!!!!!!!!!!!
Adstar said:
No i follow Jesus and believe His words and teachings. They follow the twists of truth produced by theologians. They serve themselves by killing their enemies and saving their own lives by doing so. Pacifism never serves a pacifist. i am not served by my refusal to kill i am disadvantaged by my refusal to kill.

Jesus made it very clear on this issue of warfare i am following His will, they follow the traditions of men.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

are you sure of what you are believing in?? then stop using so many words to defend yourself - if you are then you are.

Angelic Being said:
enough of your evil speeches - Prophet Daniel said that in The Last Days all the false doctrines that misguided individuals introduced into Christianity will be exposed.

that is what is happening today - Christianity is more then a way of life - IT IS A SPIRITUAL RACE OF PEOPLE - who will bit by bit slowly cut away at the chains of the false doctrines that have just brought so much misery to the human race.

also the stand that you are taking is out of date - you have been exposed for the lies that you uphold - i understand your arrogance and ignorance to be coming from the inevitable destruction of the false doctrines that you hold - something that you yourself can see but of which you can do nothing.

so what you are saying is that christianity is right and everyone else is wrong?its marvelous that people actually believe this.someone writes in a book that anyone who disagrees with them is wrong and you BELIEVE it?!
(Q) said:
i would only be too willing to take them out before they take innocents out.

Another fine product from the people who brought you Christianity.

as a Christian common sense is telling me

Is that not an oxymoron?

why should it be - The Christ urges us to use the brain that GOD gave us, and stop your whining.

face it - all false doctrine will be removed.
(Q) said:
there can be no problem between the two - science and Christianity( not any other religion) - they are one and the same.

Don't ya jus luv whut the goot lawrd providz?

is that a snake i hear ???
Angelic Being said:
face it - all false doctrine will be removed.

how are christians going to do that?by turning the other cheek?get a job hippie.
kenworth said:
so what you are saying is that christianity is right and everyone else is wrong?its marvelous that people actually believe this.someone writes in a book that anyone who disagrees with them is wrong and you BELIEVE it?!

yes i do - as simple as that!!!!
Angelic Being said:
yes i do - as simple as that!!!!

sorry,but dont you just find it a bit convenient.if i go around telling people that i am the messiah and that anyone who questions them is wrong and just testing their faith...............
kenworth said:
how are christians going to do that?by turning the other cheek?get a job hippie.

Christianity today is like the flock of sheep and goats - The Christ clearly said that the Last Days would be marked by the separating of the goats(misguided Christians) from the Sheep(Christians).


who do you think i am??? Ha! Ha!

The Truth is in front of your "eyes" but you cannot see it!!!!!!!!!!!