Thread For Christians Only.

You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.

Nice fantasy. If one believes that, then their decision making process is highly questionable. One certainly couldn't be trusted to hold a position of authority with such ideals. Nor should they be trusted around children.

Everyone knows how they want to be treated, it doesnt need a whole set of rules, whys and wherefores, it is just common sense.

Then why do you need to worship imaginary gods if its merely common sense?

Seems to me that you refuse to give people claiming to be Christians the benefit of the doubt based upon your usual experience. Is that not close minded for a free thinker?

How can anyone possibly give someone the benefit of the doubt when they allow their fantasies to rule their judgment? You most likely wouldn't to anyone who believed in fairy tales, would you? Is that what you consider open minded?

Your views seem very similiar to the racist elements that propogate these forums i.e. because a large bunch of blacks / mexicans are 'seen' to be violent / thieves etc, then all must be bad and irradicated from society.

Religion has people believing in imaginary gods and poisons the mind to ignorance. Yes, it should be irradicated.

If you consider fighting to free the mind and thus educate it to be racist, then so be it.

I do not go to church because I find it to be a largely dead place hung up on traditionalism and special days and ceremony.

Then you have made up your own religious fantasy based on Christian fantasies.
As a Christian I don't feel obligated to follow the mass of so called other "christians" in their viewpoints on political, social, or domestic issues. I, myself form my own opinions on the facts presented before me and research in order to come to, what in my mind, is a factual and valid point of view.

Clearly, that has failed you as you remain a Christian.

I believe political decisions should be formed with the well being of the population in mind.

A utopia, yes, a reality, no.

That when making necessary decisions we shouldn't put our faith above those of others.


People will live their lives how they want. And there will never be a time where everyone agrees on one single thing so my advice to focus on how you live your life and not others.

That certainly is the current theist state of the nation and the world. But it would make more sense to irradicate religion altogether so as to have much less to disagree. And if rationale and logic are to prevail over religious thought, one might see a whole lot of agreement amongst men.
No i follow Jesus and believe His words and teachings. They follow the twists of truth produced by theologians.

It's one and the same, get over it.
Your views seem very similiar to the racist elements that propogate these forums i.e. because a large bunch of blacks / mexicans are 'seen' to be violent / thieves etc, then all must be bad and irradicated from society.

"To criticise a person for their race is manifestly irrational and ridiculous but to criticise their religion, that is a right. That is a freedom.

"The freedom to criticise ideas, any ideas - even if they are sincerely held beliefs - is one of the fundamental freedoms of society."
- Rowan Atkinson

You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.

Nice fantasy. If one believes that, then their decision making process is highly questionable. One certainly couldn't be trusted to hold a position of authority with such ideals. Nor should they be trusted around children.

Look no further than the President! :D
Marlin said:
It's amazing--Angelic Being has come full circle, from accusing me of committing the unpardonable sin, to being accused of it himself by Adstar!

Lesson to be learned from all of this ugliness: Judge not, that ye be not judged. Man has no divine sanction to declare his fellow man "unforgivable." That is God's judgment, not ours, to condemn or exalt.

whats amazing is that you have really made yourself "s...." by saying things that you are not allowed to say, things that are even untrue and unholy.

Cyperium said:
The death of the body isn't the worst thing that can happen. Everything that we experiance is humanly conceivable and natural. Natural in the way that we are built to face such things. Even you must agree with that? A lighter has to tolerate heat. As such a living being has to tolerate the environment in which it lives.

We must not kill, not only because it is by human morals intolerable, but because we don't know when is the time for another one to die. God lets us have a chance to follow the right way.

You say American society is better than God? God told us to follow the rules and laws of the society since they were inspired by Him.

it would be really good on your part if you understood that Christianity and philosophy are the total opposite, so try not to ratrionalize The Scriptures with "mens thoughts".

the preacher said:
wtf, it's the belief in a god and the belief in an afterlife, that causes the most deaths in the first place, it should be intolerable period.
by killing you deprive a person of the one chance they have of a life.
any society is better than a god, gods are fictitious, god told us nothing.
we had morallity long before we started imagining gods.

i am a Christian - but there are some people out there that like to kill and hurt( fortunately these are a small minority) - i would only be too willing to take them out before they take innocents out.

mustafhakofi said:
rebeling against an imaginary god, is the ultimate sanity, because mere men are vastly superior to an imagining, for they are real.

i worship HIM that i believe - you worship THE FOSSIL THING that you believe is your ancestor .

in one of my earlier statements i said that it is impossible for someone not to be a worshiper of someone or something(as in your case).

for someone to insist that they do not believe in anything or anyone that person is just expressing simple human emotions - lies and stubborness. - so it is okay, if you wish not to believe in The Creator tthat is your choice, but at least admit that you believe in something and therefore "worship in something".

KennyJC said:
See, this is where you are wrong and where the misconception lies with many theists. They say an "athiest" nation results in deaths of millions (ignoring for the moment religious nations have a similar past and presant).

In fact in all developed secular states (in this day and age), society is much better off than that of a nation ruled by God. If you had read the topic I made on the forum last week you can read an article on this. A godless society is a more health society, as places like Europe, Japan and Austrailia show.

i dont care what other theists are saying , but as a Christian common sense is telling me that evil people whether they be Christians or atheists, are responsible for the death and destruction in our history - in my previoous statements i call tham misguided individuals -

by the way this thread is not about pitching atheists agains Christians - this thread is for Christians only.

Actually The Scriptures state that the devil (satan) is in fact using man to do his evil works.

The problem with the above statement is that alot of both Christians and atheists alike treat the notion as like a fairytale.

wake up!!! open your eyes - the devil is fooling you all and having a good time - ha! ha!

Angelic Being said:
i am a Christian - but there are some people out there that like to kill and hurt( fortunately these are a small minority) - i would only be too willing to take them out before they take innocents out.

No one is truly innocent.
Are you trying to say that violence never solves anything? You don't violence solves anything!!!??? :bugeye:

Violence can solve everything, in a fun way too.
Adstar said:

There has only ever been 1 nation governed by God and that is ancient pre-monarchy Israel.

No other nation has been governed by God.

The next nation that will be God governed will be the Messianic kingdom of Jesus.

your statements is true but you know very well what the person you are replying to is meaning,

stop playing the atheists game - one of irrationality - it will make you no better then them.

and by the way - stop using that TITLE - you have no authority.

KennyJC said:
Bit of a contradiction there. Sure science has created things which can be used for destruction, but by whom? Perhaps by G.W. "God told me to do it" Bush.

So the moral therein lies, that with the responsability of knowledge and technology - a secular world is required so that we have the maturity to handle these things.

Besides, all science has it's uses. You might be very glad one day that nuclear weapons are there when an asteroid is heading to Earth...

all "creations" of science, necessarily must be for the advancement of the human race - yes evil men will get there hands on these creations, but as long as we are acting like spoilt children, science will always be misused.

i would only be too willing to take them out before they take innocents out.

Another fine product from the people who brought you Christianity.

as a Christian common sense is telling me

Is that not an oxymoron?
c20H25N3o said:
So it seems to me that the problem is neither with science or religion...

there can be no problem between the two - science and Christianity( not any other religion) - they are one and the same.

there can be no problem between the two - science and Christianity( not any other religion) - they are one and the same.

Don't ya jus luv whut the goot lawrd providz?
SnakeLord said:
Personally I disagree. I think it depends vastly on the creator.. Take for instance if your father was an uneducated, alcoholic wife beater. You then, if you try, can easily become greater than your creator..

very good point - one can never compare The Creator to your earthly parents - in fact you can never make any type of comparison to HIM - for Christians this is the meaning of the words of The Christ when He said - " I and the Father are one" - The Christ is the best comparison we can have of The Father - but remember they are not the same.

finally some people are using their heads...

Angelic Being said:
i dont care what other theists are saying , but as a Christian common sense is telling me that evil people whether they be Christians or atheists, are responsible for the death and destruction in our history - in my previoous statements i call tham misguided individuals -

Okay, nice joke about Christian common sense first of all. But does it not show you how subjective it is when you call other people 'misguided individuals' when someone with your beliefs could be labelled misguided also? Statistically, there is more chance of me being right saying that your beliefs are wrong than there is you being right in saying that I am wrong and that you beliefs are right. If you really are right then I am the misguided one... but that really is a long... long shot.

Actually The Scriptures state that the devil (satan) is in fact using man to do his evil works.

If I was alive then and wrote scriptures too, I'm sure thousands of years later they would be seen as wise and unworldly. That doesn't make them true though.

The problem with the above statement is that alot of both Christians and atheists alike treat the notion as like a fairytale.

And they are right to do so.

wake up!!! open your eyes - the devil is fooling you all and having a good time - ha! ha!

How can I wake up and open my eyes to the work of fiction that has been fabricated and re-told over hundreds of generations? Who is the one that should open their eyes I wonder...

No, thank you for the laugh.
(Q) said:
Fair enough ... but do you also attack science for nuclear advancement because of the potential abuse that comes with it? Is scientific advancement also a great evil?

It is for the Christians who ultimately have already abused it. It was Christians who dropped the bomb.

thats abit unfair, isnt it?

Advice: dont go there!

c20H25N3o said:
So because people did this and claimed that 'God' told them to, you now say that all 'faith' is corrupt and religion the scourge of society! If that isn't irrational I don't know what is!
A sword can still be an object of beauty even if it has been stolen and used to slay innocents and this is what we have, 'faith' stolen and used to slay innocents. Just as your nuke can blow up an asteroid, so the sword of truth can save many.c20

also, President Bush is President - what he says is his own battles as a Christian and as a Leader in this wicked world.

but for you atheists, let me clarify something - when it comes to Christianity - President Bush is my equal - hey i couls easily say that if i was president i would not encourage and condone wars - but thats just it - I AM NOT THE PRESIDENT....
