Thread For Christians Only.

Adstar said:
That is what the evil leaders of this world exploit. your desire to defend your family your neighbours your country. You are one of the "misguided individuals" you talk of.

stop blabering! - such individuals have the desire to kill - i dont.

Adstar said:
Jesus said Love your enamies and do not resist an evil person. God is your families defender. It is better to loose ones life then to kill to save it and loose ones eternal life with God.

you do not understand the meaning of those Words, - they apply to those that desire to kill- if the desire is in your heart, then you become guilty of a great sin when you commit the act.

what i am saying is this - i am sitting in my backyard minding my own business when all of a sudden someone threatens "my family, my neighbors and my country", now i am not gonna sit there and watch the people that i care about get hurt.

i am a good person - i just dont believe that anyone has got the right to hurt "my family, my neighbors and my country" over something that they did not do.

if you want justice then follow the laws of man that have been set down - find reprieve in the courts - every action has to be justified.

true The Christ has said those powerful words that you mention but remember that self defence can be "self justified" - it is still a sin but it is not as heavy as the sinful desire to murder and kill.

Thank you.
Angelic Being said:
stop blabering! - such individuals have the desire to kill - i dont.

Stop trying to justify yourself.

you do not understand the meaning of those Words, - they apply to those that desire to kill- if the desire is in your heart, then you become guilty of a great sin when you commit the act.

I understand the words. They apply to all followers of The Messiah Jesus. those who desire to kill never listen to them in the first place.

what i am saying is this - i am sitting in my backyard minding my own business when all of a sudden someone threatens "my family, my neighbors and my country", now i am not gonna sit there and watch the people that i care about get hurt. i am a good person - i just dont believe that anyone has got the right to hurt "my family, my neighbors and my country" over something that they did not do.

wrong again you are NOT A GOOD PERSON Jesus said only God is Good No human being is good. If you trust in God then you will trust in His protection and His eternal justice on those who take delight in unrightiousness.

if you want justice then follow the laws of man that have been set down - find reprieve in the courts - every action has to be justified.

I trust in God for justice not in the courts of men. You would do well to do also.

true The Christ has said those powerful words that you mention but remember that self defence can be "self justified" - it is still a sin but it is not as heavy as the sinful desire to murder and kill

Thank you..

It can only be falsely justified by referring to the lying doctrines of men. You yourself call it sin and so it is. Why then do you seek to justify sin when you know it is sin?

I caution you when you speak againt the Words of Jesus you deny them.

John 6:63
It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh profits nothing. The words that I speak to you are spirit, and they are life.

Matthew 5: 43-48
43 "You have heard that it was said, "You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.' 44But I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you, 45that you may be sons of your Father in heaven; for He makes His sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust. 46For if you love those who love you, what reward have you? Do not even the tax collectors do the same? 47And if you greet your brethren only, what do you do more than others? Do not even the tax collectors do so? 48Therefore you shall be perfect, just as your Father in heaven is perfect.

Luke 9:24
For whoever desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake will save it.

Deny His word you are denying Him and so shall he deny you.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
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Angelic Being said:
Get Lost Atheists And Mormons. This Thread Is For Christians
Mormons are christians, dumbfuck.
Aka Beautiful People Only.!!
I've yet to meet a seriously beautiful christian. Athiests, jews, and buddhists, yes. Many.

Do Not Contaminate This Thread With Your Ugliness.
The irony is amazing.

Thank You.
No, fuck you.

Angelic Being said:
So did Hitler and Stalin, and look what happened. Destroying is not good, no matter who or what does it. :rolleyes:
Adstar said:
Stop trying to justify yourself.I understand the words. They apply to all followers of The Messiah Jesus. those who desire to kill never listen to them in the first place.

you dunce - those words were in reference to the soldiers who had come to imprison The Christ - although applied or directed at the disciple who drew his sword and cut off the ear of one of the soldiers, it really was meant for the 'ears' of the soldiers who most probably were murderers an killers themselves.

Adstar said:
wrong again you are NOT A GOOD PERSON Jesus said only God is Good No human being is good. If you trust in God then you will trust in His protection and His eternal justice on those who take delight in unrightiousness.

again you draw out of context the meaning of the word- good- yes everyone is a sinner , but as Christians people like me become good because we make it our top priority to live by the Laws of the Bible.

Adstar said:
I trust in God for justice not in the courts of men. You would do well to do also.

did i say i did not?

Adstar said:
It can only be falsely justified by referring to the lying doctrines of men. You yourself call it sin and so it is. Why then do you seek to justify sin when you know it is sin?

did i justify that sin? surely there can never be such a thing - i said that if you are acting in self defence, even though you may kill someone - it is still a sin. But we must be careful that our intentions are not evil or demonic inspired because then we become murderers.

Adstar said:
I caution you when you speak againt the Words of Jesus you deny them.

i speak the words of The Christ, i live the words of The Christ my Brother - you speak the words of men - i speak in spirit and truth - it will therefore be difficult for many to understand at first what i am saying.

But hey - this site is not one for preaching - it will not be fare on the non-believers if we go along these lines of preaching.

if you notice what i do is try to gat these academics to recheck their 'facts, concerning the Scriptures - in this way i qualify to be on this site. at the same time i try to introduce the 'shocking idea' that The Holy Scriptures actually does agree or allow alot of the scientific ideas that we have today....

stop living in ambiguity - it is no better then the darkness that the non-believers live in.

Adstar said:
John 6:63
It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh profits nothing. The words that I speak to you are spirit, and they are life.
Matthew 5: 43-48
43 "You have heard that it was said, "You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.' 44But I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you, 45that you may be sons of your Father in heaven; for He makes His sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust. 46For if you love those who love you, what reward have you? Do not even the tax collectors do the same? 47And if you greet your brethren onl
Adstar said:
y, what do you do more than others? Do not even the tax collectors do so? 48Therefore you shall be perfect, just as your Father in heaven is perfect.
Luke 9:24
For whoever desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake will save it.

very good - but to the non - believers that visist this thread they dont really care what you say - it is something to go about branding verses and its another thing to expect non-believers to even open their ears and listen.

i speak as the Apostle Paul does - common sense and powerful reasoning - also what type of results would you expect if you keep on speaking a style of speaking that many do not use.

notice that i use common every day language - and i still manage to put the message across.

Adstar said:
Deny His word you are denying Him and so shall he deny you.

i deny not what i understand - you understand not what you profess to believe.

Adstar said:
All Praise The Ancient Of Days

and by the way - you have no spiritual authority(as do i) to refer to The Creator using one of the most Holy Titles - one that is used by only those that have a powerful spiritual relationship with HIM.

thank you.
and by the way - you have no spiritual authority(as do i) to refer to The Creator using one of the most Holy Titles - one that is used by only those that have a powerful spiritual relationship with HIM.

So God is a he? Could you please confirm to me that God has male genitalia? If you tell me that God has male genitalia then I promise I will become a good Christian in return for you making me laugh more.
KennyJC said:
So God is a he? Could you please confirm to me that God has male genitalia? If you tell me that God has male genitalia then I promise I will become a good Christian in return for you making me laugh more.

is the male genitalia of much importance to you? is some thing wrong with yours that you find the subject funny?

i am sorry but whatever it is ain't my fault - you've gotta learn to deal with it.

and come back when you have something bigger to talk about.

thank you.
Angelic Being said:
you dunce - those words were in reference to the soldiers who had come to imprison The Christ - although applied or directed at the disciple who drew his sword and cut off the ear of one of the soldiers, it really was meant for the 'ears' of the soldiers who most probably were murderers an killers themselves.

again you draw out of context the meaning of the word- good- yes everyone is a sinner , but as Christians people like me become good because we make it our top priority to live by the Laws of the Bible.

No you don't become good, you are proving it to all now by slinging insults like a puffed up pharisee in the temple. You do not live by the Laws of Jesus. You have no love for the one you call brother.

did i justify that sin? surely there can never be such a thing - i said that if you are acting in self defence, even though you may kill someone - it is still a sin. But we must be careful that our intentions are not evil or demonic inspired because then we become murderers.

You clearly justified the sin by saying you can kill another in self defense. Therefore you are a false witness to the message of the Messiah Jesus.

i speak the words of The Christ, i live the words of The Christ my Brother - you speak the words of men - i speak in spirit and truth - it will therefore be difficult for many to understand at first what i am saying.

No you don't. You clearly preach against the Words of The Messiah. And do not call me brother, the one you called a blabbering dunce. How dare you fake a loving term when you have so clearly declared your contempt for me. I tell you this, your words are noted by the Ancient Of Days.

Matthew 12
36 But I say to you that for every idle word men may speak, they will give account of it in the day of judgment

But hey - this site is not one for preaching - it will not be fare on the non-believers if we go along these lines of preaching.

It is fair that they see that you are not a follower of the Messiah Jesus. that you contradict His word and that you are a prideful person. They have a right to know just what a hypocrite most so-called messengers of Jesus really are.

if you notice what i do is try to gat these academics to recheck their 'facts, concerning the Scriptures - in this way i qualify to be on this site. at the same time i try to introduce the 'shocking idea' that The Holy Scriptures actually does agree or allow alot of the scientific ideas that we have today....

How can the blind be taught by the blind. I am here to get you to recheck the facts of the Message of the Messiah Jesus.

stop living in ambiguity - it is no better then the darkness that the non-believers live in.

I am not living in ambiguity, I know what Jesus said, I know the teachings of my Redeemer. It is no better for them to follow your darkness as it is to remain in the darkness they are already in. There is no point being pulled free of a dark pit, only to be torn to threads by vicious bear that freed them from the pit.

Adstar said:
John 6:63
It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh profits nothing. The words that I speak to you are spirit, and they are life.
Matthew 5: 43-48
43 "You have heard that it was said, "You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.' 44But I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you, 45that you may be sons of your Father in heaven; for He makes His sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust. 46For if you love those who love you, what reward have you? Do not even the tax collectors do the same? 47And if you greet your brethren onl

very good - but to the non - believers that visist this thread they dont really care what you say - it is something to go about branding verses and its another thing to expect non-believers to even open their ears and listen.

Those that seek the truth and love it when they see it will come to Jesus. There is no point if they accept a false jesus that you follow. If they will not listen to the truth how can they be saved by lies.

i speak as the Apostle Paul does - common sense and powerful reasoning - also what type of results would you expect if you keep on speaking a style of speaking that many do not use.

notice that i use common every day language - and i still manage to put the message across.

Speak as Paul do you? Well well aren’t you a special person then the equal of Paul. lets here what paul said then:

2 Corinthians 10
3For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh. 4 For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds,

Are you still prepared to proudly boast that you talk like Paul? You talk against Paul just the same way you talk against Jesus.

and by the way - you have no spiritual authority(as do i) to refer to The Creator using one of the most Holy Titles - one that is used by only those that have a powerful spiritual relationship with HIM.

thank you.

I have the Holy Spirit. All those who have the Holy Spirit have that powerful relationship with Him.

You call yourself "Angelic Being" what a puffed up title to give oneself. you remind me of a particular angelic being he is a good deceiver as well. Is he the one that inspires you?

Adstar said:
No you don't become good, you are proving it to all now by slinging insults like a puffed up pharisee in the temple. You do not live by the Laws of Jesus. You have no love for the one you call brother.

i, like Apostle Paul try my best to live by the laws of The Holy Scriptures - i dont just talk, i act.

Adstar said:
You clearly justified the sin by saying you can kill another in self defense. Therefore you are a false witness to the message of the Messiah Jesus.

the reason i used the " " over the words - self justified -was to show that the action committed by the "self'" and the circumstances surrounding it will be studied carefully by GOD - the question is - is the individual comitting the action doing so out of the reasons that i stated? or is he/she doing so for the wrong reasons?

Adstar said:
No you don't. You clearly preach against the Words of The Messiah. And do not call me brother, the one you called a blabbering dunce. How dare you fake a loving term when you have so clearly declared your contempt for me. I tell you this, your words are noted by the Ancient Of Days.

dunce - you are definitely not my brother - i do not even know you - you could be one of those people who like to do perverse acts.

Christ is my brother not you!!!!

Adstar said:
Matthew 12
36 But I say to you that for every idle word men may speak, they will give account of it in the day of judgment

you read the words - i see the Speaker of those words.

Adstar said:
It is fair that they see that you are not a follower of the Messiah Jesus. that you contradict His word and that you are a prideful person. They have a right to know just what a hypocrite most so-called messengers of Jesus really are.

i never contradict the words of The Christ - you think so because you define His words according to what suits people like you best

Adstar said:
How can the blind be taught by the blind. I am here to get you to recheck the facts of the Message of the Messiah Jesus.

thats something you need to ask yourself - my facts are Spiritually Based.

Adstar said:
I am not living in ambiguity, I know what Jesus said, I know the teachings of my Redeemer. It is no better for them to follow your darkness as it is to remain in the darkness they are already in. There is no point being pulled free of a dark pit, only to be torn to threads by vicious bear that freed them from the pit.

notice that i Live the words of The Christ - whereas you 'know the words of Jesus' - you sound as if you are trying to convince yourself. if you are trying too hard then you are still in darkness.

Adstar said:
Those that seek the truth and love it when they see it will come to Jesus. There is no point if they accept a false jesus that you follow. If they will not listen to the truth how can they be saved by lies.

as long as there is time, the work of The Christ shall continue - was it not The Christ Himself that said that in the last days - ' His followers will not be recognised' - i am one of these - LOOK - NOT ONE OF YOU KNOWS WHO I AM AND THE MESSAGE I AM GIVING!!

Adstar said:
Speak as Paul do you? Well well aren’t you a special person then the equal of Paul. lets here what paul said then:

2 Corinthians 10
3For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh. 4 For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds,.

evidently, i am speaking to a very crafty person - you seem to like changing my words around - and by the way - you said it - not i.

all i can tell you is this - Apostle Paul shall be my witness.

Adstar said:
I have the Holy Spirit. All those who have the Holy Spirit have that powerful relationship with Him.
You call yourself "Angelic Being" what a puffed up title to give oneself. you remind me of a particular angelic being he is a good deceiver as well. Is he the one that inspires you?

i simply dont think you do - you have nothing or whatever you have must be demonic because i can see that you have no understanding of the verses that you brought up.

and about my name - so what - i am proud to be likened to the angels of GOD.

thank you.
I think watching you two squabble over jesus like a pair of homos, while both accusing the other of being in league with the devil/demonic etc is really not the way you'd "teach" anyone.

Personally I think people would prefer to be "blind" than have to learn from you two simpletons.
Angelic Being - Please could you explain why Christ thought it was important to take the punishment that Adstar should have received himself?


Angelic Being said:
is the male genitalia of much importance to you? is some thing wrong with yours that you find the subject funny?

i am sorry but whatever it is ain't my fault - you've gotta learn to deal with it.

and come back when you have something bigger to talk about.

thank you.

Well this is something big (no pun intended), and I want to talk about it. The bible makes lots of intricate assumptions of God, even going as far as to quote God himself.

It really is a vague presumption that christians simply think of God as having the sexual origin of a male. To me, it shows just how little christians know about God.

I am sorry but I just find the thought of something with a penis creating the universe amusing.
SnakeLord said:
I think watching you two squabble over jesus like a pair of homos, while both accusing the other of being in league with the devil/demonic etc is really not the way you'd "teach" anyone.

Personally I think people would prefer to be "blind" than have to learn from you two simpletons.

well, i dont really care for your personal opinions - did i not tell you that users of this site must keep their personal feelings to themselves.

thank you.
KennyJC said:
Well this is something big (no pun intended), and I want to talk about it. The bible makes lots of intricate assumptions of God, even going as far as to quote God himself.

It really is a vague presumption that christians simply think of God as having the sexual origin of a male. To me, it shows just how little christians know about God.

I am sorry but I just find the thought of something with a penis creating the universe amusing.

The Holy Scriptures state that man and woman are equal - but it informs woman that they must honour their husband - now some have misinterpreted this as saying that woman are subservient to man and even to the extent of saying that the two are not equal.

This is a downright lie.

Note also that reference is made specifically to married women - and advice given is to encourage and nurture the Love that man and woman have for each other.

So, the verses mentioned refer to husband and wife and must essentially remain there.

Women are our partners, our friends, our "everything" - a man who degrades them or who looks down upon them is a nobody.

Society has to try and change the way we have been misrepresenting The Scriptures about women.

thank you.
Angelic Being said:
well, i dont really care for your personal opinions - did i not tell you that users of this site must keep their personal feelings to themselves.

thank you.
All you bickering Christians make for great entertainment. And reinforce the division Christianity and religion in general create in this world. Arrogance, ego, self-righteousness, pride, etc. flows out of this thread like a festering sore. Thanks for consistently confirming my negative view of y`all and your shared superstitions.
well, i dont really care for your personal opinions - did i not tell you that users of this site must keep their personal feelings to themselves

Feel free to add me to ignore if you have a problem. And if users of this site must keep their personal feelings to themselves then there wouldn't be any posts. Would make it a dull forum.
Originally Posted by Adstar
I have the Holy Spirit.

Originally Posted by Angelic Being
i simply dont think you do - you have nothing or whatever you have must be demonic because i can see that you have no understanding of the verses that you brought up.

and about my name - so what - i am proud to be likened to the angels of GOD.

Pride comes before destruction.

You would accuse the Spirit dwelling in me of not being the Holy Spirit, of being a demon.

Mark 3
28 “Assuredly, I say to you, all sins will be forgiven the sons of men, and whatever blasphemies they may utter; 29 but he who blasphemes against the Holy Spirit never has forgiveness, but is subject to eternal condemnation”— 30 because they said, “He has an unclean spirit.”

You better be right. Your eternal destination depends on it. Remember it is the Only unforgivable sin.

1 John 2
22 Who is a liar but he who denies that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist who denies the Father and the Son.

I believe Jesus is the Christ He is the Son of the God of Abraham.

1 John 4
3 and every spirit that does not confess that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is not of God. And this is the spirit of the Antichrist, which you have heard was coming, and is now already in the world.

I believe Jesus came in the flesh He was raised from the dead in His body and ascended into heaven.

I cannot even say "may you be forgiven". Because if I have the Holy Spirit you will not be forgiven what you have said. May you be removed.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
KennyJC said:
There goes a theist using the word rational/irrational again. Makes me laugh.

Anyway I think you misunderstand the agnostic/atheist argument here. If an intelligence really did create the universe then obviously we exist as a result, so we would not be lower than 'Him' (I still can't believe you numbskulls label God as male). My perception of the atheist/agnostic argument is that religion is below us.
God has the role of the Father, thus male in our conception, in Sweden we say humans as "she", and when we ask what time it is then we ask what "she" is. It just feels more natural, and why would it hurt so bad if it really was a male????!

However, on to your reasoning;

The created is allways lower than the creator. Though He made us in His image.

An 'intelligent designer' and religion are two completely different things. It's not the 'intelligent designer' I sneer at - It's the downright stupidity of religion.
I don't think so, if I may doubt you. I think it's the stupid people that do stupid things in the name of religion that you sneer at. If don't, then keep your eyes on yourself and stop sneering so much. Can you really live up to the ideal that you expect others to follow? The point is, just because something seems strange there is no meaning to sneer and point fingers, point one finger at someone and you point three at yourself.