Thread For Christians Only.

Angelic Being said:
you are just confusing yourself.
In what way am I confusing myself?

Atheists don't look on the subject the same way we do, they think of God as lower than us, while we think of Him as higher than us. They think of God as our creation, while we think of us as His creation.

There is nothing to suggest that I am confusing myself on this matter.

If atheists looked upon it our way then many questions would answer themselves, cause it would be obvious that God can kill a man, since God is higher than us and knows the implications of His actions while we don't. Yet many atheists ask that question "how can God kill?" etc. like if He was a subject of law or on trial. God is above the law, and above any trials that we may make. What we determine as good or bad, is not allways what God looks upon as good or bad. God is above all, above our reason and any arguments.

So why is these questions asked? We are not God, we cannot say "He killed that man because...". What do they expect? Should we explain the reason for Him to do something?

We can only know to the best of our understanding, so what we tell you is things that has helped us understand.
Angelic Being said:
Point: Only a Few Individuals can claim to have been directly Created By The Hands Of The Almighty - Adam and Eve were one of them.

The Scriptures mention that The Christ was the First of all Creation. On this Earth The Creator is mentioned to have actually 'formed man out of dust'. If you still do not know why Man are so important to HIM then this is it - HE 'CREATED' US -THATS WHY WE ARE SO SPECIAL.

When Apostle Paul made reference to Adam and The Christ - he did this understanding this fact.

Part of being a Christian is to know and understand this - only then will you be able to fully realise the significance of the verse that says ' for HE so loved the world, that HE sent HIS only Begotten Son...) - Sadly many Christians still do not realise the significance of this verse - they 'understand' this verse from a worlds point of view - the way we define love- they are not able to realise the meaning of the word LOVE fdrom GODS point of view.

Thank you.
Jesus was not created, He was with God at the beginning.

I've never said that He didn't love man. I also realise that our meaning of love might differ from Gods point of view (though not by much, and is still only because we don't understand the full meaning), love is still love, what we feel as love is what love is felt like, love as you know will remain and cannot be incomplete like we are, but it's rather then our understanding of it that is incomplete, and our incomplete understanding of it may hinder us from receiving love in full scale.

(and none of what I wrote above was confusing, so if you find it so, look again).
Angelic Being said:
Judging is something that you do by considering the good things and the bad things someone has done or is doing. What these things are is open to anyones interpretation.

When referring to The Creator - the word 'judge' becomes obsolete or without purpose and meaning. The reason is that the criteria I have mentioned above is not fulfilled.

Judgement is reserved only for us sinners - this includes unbelievers, fallen angels, christians who sin, and christians who fall. - We satisfy the criteria so therefore we are judged.

WHO is the JUDGE ?- I think we both know !!!

Thank you.
:) I have nothing to disagree with here.

(it would be nice if someone could start a thread where continuation didn't mean disagreement :) it seems a little awkward to me, but I guess that's the nature of debate, he he...).
786 said:
Well Cyperium refered to Jesus as God, and 1 reason he gave was that Jesus had no earthly father. In that sense I refered to Adam as a greater God (not god) because of the reason that Adam had no mother or father.
In that sense I refer to Jesus as greater than Adam because Jesus was not made. Thus truly God, the Lord.
Cyperium said:
Atheists don't look on the subject the same way we do, they think of God as lower than us, while we think of Him as higher than us.

Correction: atheists "think of god" as non-existent rather than "lower than us." When an atheists questions "how can god kill?," they are speaking in some hypothetical context or they simply aren't atheist.

Beyond that, you guys really ought to think about consolidating your posts... two pages of one-sided conversations equates to "unsubscribe from this thread" in my book.

SkinWalker said:
Correction: atheists "think of god" as non-existent rather than "lower than us." When an atheists questions "how can god kill?," they are speaking in some hypothetical context or they simply aren't atheist.

Beyond that, you guys really ought to think about consolidating your posts... two pages of one-sided conversations equates to "unsubscribe from this thread" in my book.

Even though they consider Him non-existant they still feel Him to be lower than us and man-made. That is a irrational feeling. Where the concept of God then goes against it's own concept. I still have a concept of unicorns even though I don't believe they exist, thus my feeling about unicorns is correct by it's own.
There goes a theist using the word rational/irrational again. Makes me laugh.

Anyway I think you misunderstand the agnostic/atheist argument here. If an intelligence really did create the universe then obviously we exist as a result, so we would not be lower than 'Him' (I still can't believe you numbskulls label God as male). My perception of the atheist/agnostic argument is that religion is below us.

An 'intelligent designer' and religion are two completely different things. It's not the 'intelligent designer' I sneer at - It's the downright stupidity of religion.
(Q) said:
Once again, your one dimensional thinking process precedes you. The reason couldn't possibly be the fact that userid registration requires at least 3 symbols, could it? :rolleyes:

Ah. How unimaginative of you.

Cyperium said:
If atheists looked upon it our way then many questions would answer themselves, cause it would be obvious that God can kill a man, since God is higher than us and knows the implications of His actions while we don't.
That's a rather strange way of looking at murder. Man can kill man, too. A person that kills another person certainly knows the earthly implications - that they brought someone's life to an end, that that person's family or loved ones will be bereaved. You are excusing God because He "made the rules" while acting in an obviously unacceptable way.
Cyperium said:
Yet many atheists ask that question "how can God kill?" etc. like if He was a subject of law or on trial. God is above the law, and above any trials that we may make. What we determine as good or bad, is not allways what God looks upon as good or bad. God is above all, above our reason and any arguments.
There are many die-hard theists who would resist this argument to the depths of their very being. But in any case, atheists are not really "putting God on trial" when they ask such questions. The question that they are really asking is, "How can you worship a God who kills?"

Whether God kills or not is not my concern. What is my concern is why American Christians are happy to be subjects to a religious system which fundamentally goes against everything they were brought up to believe. The United States is a Republic. Christianity teaches them to be subject to a King. The United States uses a system of due process and trial by ones peers. Christianity teaches that all are under the summary Judgement of an entity. The United States decrees laws and punishments by consent of the People. Christianity teaches that the Law is what God has decreed it to be - like the most despotic and tyrranical ruler - and the penalty for transgression is not life imprisonment but eternal torture, or (to put it in mathematical terms) all the punishments and tortures imposed on every human being - on every sentient creature, in fact - in all history, imposed upon one soul...... times infinity.
Quote Cyperium:
"In that sense I refer to Jesus as greater than Adam because Jesus was not made. Thus truly God, the Lord."

* So you believe Jesus is God?
Angelic Being said:
1. Only mainstream Protestant Denominations
2. Roman Catholic and Orthodox

1. Mainstream? How big must a Protestant denomination be before it becomes Mainstream.

2. Not every catholic is a RC.

I am here to feed the troll. :D
Angelic Being said:
The church is there but you just cannot see it - you have to open your eyes of your own accord - i cannot do that for you.

Thank you.

What if I see the wrong one. What if, Jesus forbid, I go to a synogogue, or mosque? What if I decide to see my basement as the church? At any rate thank you for not answering another of the many straight questions you have been asked. I am sorry I am so simple I cannot receive god's truth. It must be fantastic to be you, so self satisfied and righteous. If you're the kind of person that I would meet in heaven you can have it!
Cyperium said:
In what way am I confusing myself?

Atheists don't look on the subject the same way we do, they think of God as lower than us, while we think of Him as higher than us. They think of God as our creation, while we think of us as His creation.

I view them as intelligent people and it is my belief that they prefer to believe in what they believe due to ignorance or just lack of knowledge.

Cyperium said:
If atheists looked upon it our way then many questions would answer themselves, cause it would be obvious that God can kill a man, since God is higher than us and knows the implications of His actions while we don't. Yet many atheists ask that question "how can God kill?" etc. like if He was a subject of law or on trial. God is above the law, and above any trials that we may make. What we determine as good or bad, is not allways what God looks upon as good or bad. God is above all, above our reason and any arguments.

and in my previous statements i have made it clear that it is only the wicked who are destroyed - but after the arrival of The Christ this form of destruction was stopped .

Cyperium said:
So why is these questions asked? We are not God, we cannot say "He killed that man because...". What do they expect? Should we explain the reason for Him to do something?

i am trying to tell them that such questions have no merit or qualification.

Cyperium said:
We can only know to the best of our understanding, so what we tell you is things that has helped us understand.

well and good but you will always be doubting your faith when you have so little of The Truth - so to atheists you will come off as a desperate person trying hard to believe in yourself.
Cyperium said:
Jesus was not created, He was with God at the beginning.

I've never said that He didn't love man. I also realise that our meaning of love might differ from Gods point of view (though not by much, and is still only because we don't understand the full meaning), love is still love, what we feel as love is what love is felt like, love as you know will remain and cannot be incomplete like we are, but it's rather then our understanding of it that is incomplete, and our incomplete understanding of it may hinder us from receiving love in full scale.

okay, as fellow Christians we will differ on the trinity part, but if you can see, because i believe GOD to be SEPARATE from the Son, i seriously believe that to even presume that you can view LOVE as seen by GOD, you have to be mentally insane. For people like me, this a glorious secret, one which cannot be spoken - but in all honesty i can only get a glimpse of wht it means to The Creator to LOVE his Creations.

Cyperium said:
(and none of what I wrote above was confusing, so if you find it so, look again).

though you may not know it, you are confusing yourself

Thank you.
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Cyperium said:
Even though they consider Him non-existant they still feel Him to be lower than us and man-made. That is a irrational feeling. Where the concept of God then goes against it's own concept. I still have a concept of unicorns even though I don't believe they exist, thus my feeling about unicorns is correct by it's own.

there you go again sounding desperate and just giving more bullets for the atheists to fire - okay i have to ask - did you "see" what marlin did? - what she said concerning The Ceator was abhorrent and demon inspired - and the funny thing is that she does not even know what she did.

if you are not sure of your answer then say nothing.
KennyJC said:
There goes a theist using the word rational/irrational again. Makes me laugh.

Anyway I think you misunderstand the agnostic/atheist argument here. If an intelligence really did create the universe then obviously we exist as a result, so we would not be lower than 'Him' (I still can't believe you numbskulls label God as male). My perception of the atheist/agnostic argument is that religion is below us.

An 'intelligent designer' and religion are two completely different things. It's not the 'intelligent designer' I sneer at - It's the downright stupidity of religion.

atheists tend to repeat themselves over and over and this a form of evolution??

bconn29 said:
What if I see the wrong one. What if, Jesus forbid, I go to a synogogue, or mosque? What if I decide to see my basement as the church? At any rate thank you for not answering another of the many straight questions you have been asked. I am sorry I am so simple I cannot receive god's truth. It must be fantastic to be you, so self satisfied and righteous. If you're the kind of person that I would meet in heaven you can have it!

if you keep track of my statements then you would start to see. "it is not you that will do the finding - the Truth will find you"
Did not The Christ say that 'he who lives by the sword shall be slain by the sword'? Did He not say that 'if someone hits your left cheek, turn and give the other cheek'?

A Christian knows no violence - AND YES - alot of individuals have used Christians to do their evil work - something that is still going on now.

In my previous statements i call such people - 'misguided individuals' - but let me tell you something - as a Christian if anyone dares to threaten my family, my neighbors , my country , if given the chance, I will do my best to take that person out.

If he hurts me - it is okay, but there is no way i will sit down and let that person hurt the people I care about.

That is what the evil leaders of this world exploit. your desire to defend your family your neighbours your country. You are one of the "misguided individuals" you talk of.

Jesus said Love your enamies and do not resist an evil person. God is your families defender. It is better to loose ones life then to kill to save it and loose ones eternal life with God.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days