Thread For Christians Only.

beyondtimeandspace said:
Interesting that you should choose only Christians for this thread, this circle of friendship. Jesus included all kinds of people, often sinners, within his circle of friends. Samaritans, tax-collectors, prostitutes, lepers, etc... How entirely unChristlike it is of you to be so exclusive, Angelic Being. I am Christian, so you cannot tell me to hush hush by your own intructions.

i dont understand what you are trying to get at. this forum is as like i said it - one for Christians who can talk about relgion and science.
everneo said:
It seems, Jesus rejected the belief that we are all born sinners, from Mat 9:13.

what The Christ was referring to was our inherent nature to sin - in fact it is guaranteed 100% that all shal commit sin - but as Christians that eternal condemnation which Adam caused on us is lifted - so now the process is reversed:

Whereas before The Christ , we Christians were sinners trying to do good, now as Christians we are righteous people trying our best not to sin.

Whereas before the majority of us were likely to fail, now the majority of us are likely to pass.

Whereas before we seeked GODS LOVE, now GODS LOVE seeks us.

Whereas before we were bound in the power of the wicked one, now we are bound in the power of The Good One.

Whereas before there were only a few special sons of GOD, NOW WE CHRISTIANS AE ALL SPECIAL SONS OF GOD!!!.

Thank You.
Nysse said:
"This thread is for Christians only.
It is a place where we can come together and discuss our doctrines and its relevance to society, its relevance to science, and its contribution towards the development of Mankind."

isn't that what church is for mate?

is that what i said?????
alain said:
hey, im scott, and im a devout christian ;)

but i disagree with rule 4
"Mormons are not allowed."
our creator loves all of his creations, should we not model ourself after the almighty and love our mormon bretheren?


if you were a devout Christian you would know who is your brother.
(Q) said:
This Thread Is For Christians Aka Beautiful People Only.!!

"I don't want you and I don't need you
Don't bother to resist, I'll beat you
It's not your fault that you're always wrong
The weak ones are there to justify the strong

The beautiful people, the beautiful people
It's all relative to the size of your steeple
You can't see the forest for the trees
You can't smell your own shit on your knees."

~Marilyn Manson

oh - oh - a sad song from a sad sad person.
cato said:
Christians are so out of touch with reality that is kinda makes me sad... then I realize they are mostly hypocritical jerks, and I don't feel so bad.

do you ever feel good at all???

oh okay, it is the Christians' fault.
Facial said:
Hi, angelic being.

I am a former Christian who has joined the ranks of communism and recently my respect for atheists has put me on the agnostic boundary in terms of belief.

I believe in evolution and the Big Bang.

I think many religious fundamentalists exhibit severe intolerance, both in the intellectual and moral senses. Such is one of the reasons which I have rejected the mentality of these people.

I believe that the Bible must be interpreted more symbolically in order to survive and reconcile with science.

That is all I have to say.

Oh, by the way, am I invited?

if you wish - as long as you dont get personal like the rest of the atheists.
cato said:
muwahahahaha, sweet sweet payback for christians ruining my atheist-only thread. man this is sweet. =]

just for fun, why don't I hit you with a flaw in christianity.

if god grants any prayer then he is taking away someone's free will, think about it. even if you pray for a safe trip home (which would take away the free will of anyone wanting to do you harm) or more patients (which takes your own free will to be impatient), the bottom line is that god must take away free will to grant prayers. so what is right? does god take away our free will? or is one of the staples of christianity (prayer) wrong?

For Christians there is no longer any free will - it is our decision that we give that up to abide by GODS WILL.

Now the example you mentioned can only be met with this answer:

you may have or do have free will - your willingness to carry that out is entirely another matter. your point is therefore null.
superluminal said:
I love this one:

"god bless America"

Translate: Please god, let us dominate the world and be successful in decimating our enemies because we are better than them. Amen.

your erronous translation - not mine.
witnessjudgejury said:
I spew you out of my mouth with projectile vomiting!

there are the elect. 144,000 people whom God has elected to remain on earth after he, for the second time, removes man from the planet. These are those who kept his commandment. You know, those commandment to that part of the bible that yours was tacked onto the end of.

wrong rendering - do more research or better still stick around and i will give you correct renderings of The Holy Scriptures.
Horseman42 said:
This is the funniest thing I've read all day! :p
Either you are a master troll AB or just about the fundiest fundy I've ever met! Don't you know you can't discriminate here on sciforums?

did i hurt your feelings? - is discrimination the right word?
FreedomCry75 said:
I too, do not understand people calling themselves Christian, and then displaying the very opposite (I do believe they call they hypocracy). Jesus accepted everyone. Some day, very soon, I do believe that we will come to find out much about his life, and what has been hidden from us for centuries, as a form of control...many secrets exist. Some secret would shake certain religions by their roots. I believe in God, his son, and also many other enlightened beings who walked this earth....Nostradaumus, Buddha, Daniel, Edgar Cayce, order to get in touch with God, one merely has to ask.

are you sure you know what you believe in??
Cyperium said:
It's a great problem that people expect God to behave in a way that makes Him lower than us, atheists see God as our creation, which is totally the opposite of what it should be, maybe some atheists can stretch their mind to the idea of a god being greater than us, but that idea usually don't last very long - or so it seems. At least they should believe that WE believe in a God greater than ourself. Maybe that's why they can't understand us, because they think we blindly believe in our own creation, and not the creator. Our belief is greater than that.

you are just confusing yourself.