Thread For Christians Only.

Angelic Being said:
You emphasize the Blood Of The Christ Literally - whereas the true meaning is Symbolic. - this is apparent by the way you draw similarity to the sacrifices of the past.

This is why proponents of religious concepts in favor of science have no validity. They are inconsistent on whether or not the bible is to be taken literal or symbolically. Either the bible is full of myth and metaphor or it isn't. Hypocrits like you can't seem to recognize that. You claim to "know" something that unbelievers cannot, but the reality is you are ignorant because you fail to apply objective and critical perspective.

The bible is nice literature. That's all. It isn't historical. It isn't very factual. It's mythical. It deserves a nice spot on the shelf with Homer, Twain, and the Brothers Grimm.
geeser said:
what pain and suffering, if you beleive this crap, you must know it was preordained, that it was inevitable that jesus would die on the cross, and as jesus was aledgedly the son of god or god, well at least a demigod, so oblivious to pain, thus never died, not in the real sense the whole thing was/is a farce, if you believe that crap that is.
how true,you just believe in one more god then I. no, the only things that seperate us are common sense, rationality, good sense, levelheadedness, logic, practicality, sound sense, wits.

The Sacrifice of The Christ was not preordained you Dunce.

True some denominations preach what you say but actually, to believe in such a thing will bring in too many contradictions.

However, more importantly, why dont you let The Holy Scriptures Speak - The Christ came down knowing that He the consequences He would face, however He insisted to the The Father that up until the last minute, He would always give a chance to humanity.

Once again, there was no preordination - You DUNCE.

In some of my earlier statements i clarified that The Creator has the ability to look into the future - This is one of those cases in which HE exercised those powers - but HE never would change the outcome.

Dunce - There is a battle going on - between The Devil and his followers and THE ALMIGHTY AND HIS FOLLWERS.


The devil still has time allocated to him by THE ALMIGHTY to prove that he is a better leader and that humans will follow him.

Until the expiry of that time - we humans have The Christ as our Saviour and Protector.

Thank You.
SnakeLord said:
A) Where did I say anyone was a father?
B) This is an issue you religious fundies need to take up amongst yourselves. Some of you think jesus is god, some of you don't..

Personally I dont think love would be complete unless it encompassed the parent / child thing do you? I think most Christians understand the Lord's prayer without much further debate.

SnakeLord said:
It's hardly my problem to be honest. When you lot finally figure it out, gimme a call, (although 2000 years is surely enough time?)

If it's not your problem why is anyone going to give you a call?

SnakeLord said:
Some of you take the stance that: "why call me good.." whereas some take the stance: "I and the father are one".

Neither idea is opposed to the other. 'Why call me good ...' implies that Jesus looks up to His Father whereas 'I and the Father are one' implies that their will's are as one.

Snakelord said:
My post only really had worth to the latter. To the former I could only say I still don't give a shit.

I'm not asking you to give a shit.

Snakelord said:
I am supposed to care about the pain suffered by some Israeli dude that lived 2000 years ago? Sheesh, it's like saying I should pity some unknown dude that died in a volcano back in 62ad... It's worthless. There are people right here, right now that are suffering - and incredibly so. They deserve my sympathy more than some ancient sheep herder or rabbi.

Care about whatever you want.

kenworth said:
hmm.,i must have an evil version of the bible,jesus does seem like a bit of a bastard in it.actually,is jesus considered a bastard because mary was married to joseph not god?

According to the Jewish custom there was no thing as a bastard.

A child shall always have a father.

Dont think that your custom is similar to that of the jews or isralites of The Holy Scriptures.
Thank You.
geeser said:
kenworth is right, jesus is a bastard, in 13 out of 27 bibles it says "slaves", one it says "bondmen", another "bondservants", and the rest "servants".
and we all know what a servant was back then dont we, a person who performs duties about the person or home of a master a person subject to the direction or control of an individual, one who's submissive to another.
so it really matters not whether it's slave or servant it's the same thing.

You dont want to argue with me on Translations and different versions about that word.
SkinWalker said:
This is why proponents of religious concepts in favor of science have no validity. They are inconsistent on whether or not the bible is to be taken literal or symbolically. Either the bible is full of myth and metaphor or it isn't. Hypocrits like you can't seem to recognize that. You claim to "know" something that unbelievers cannot, but the reality is you are ignorant because you fail to apply objective and critical perspective.

The bible is nice literature. That's all. It isn't historical. It isn't very factual. It's mythical. It deserves a nice spot on the shelf with Homer, Twain, and the Brothers Grimm.

Youre starting to repeat yourself!!!
Hey... you said I didn't want to argue scripture with you. I'm just making sure that you are aware that I most assuredly am.
please just give me an idea of when this pisspoor failed experiment your childish little diety calls life will end I could use a good vacation.
Angelic Being said:
Your wanting to sound smart in something you dont understand just shows that you are nothing when it comes to The Holy Scriptures.

Angelic Being said:
You emphasize the Blood Of The Christ Literally - whereas the true meaning is Symbolic. - this is apparent by the way you draw similarity to the sacrifices of the past.

The price to do away with the wages of your sin was pretty literal. Nothing symbolic about it at all.

This is what I meant when I said that people like you scare me - it is unholy.

Don't be scared :)

Apostle Paul in one of his exhortations said to a congregation - " have you forgotten what The Christ has done for you? Have you forgotten the Purpose of the coming of The Christ?"

To do away with the wages of your sin was the Purpose of the coming of The Christ. His death was very real as was the resurrection.[/quote]

Sadly, people like you have indeed forgotten the Spiritual and the true meaning of the coming of The Christ.

Thank You.

No I haven't. But neither have I forgotten the humanity of Jesus. Also I am not trying to reduce Him down to a necessary variable in a scientific equation either.


Angelic Being said:
By repeating yourself ?

The truth always bears repeating. However, I don't recall pointing out in the past the hypocrisy of claiming the bible is literal or symbolic, depending upon the claimant's desired ends. Where have I repeated that before?
SkinWalker said:
The truth always bears repeating. However, I don't recall pointing out in the past the hypocrisy of claiming the bible is literal or symbolic, depending upon the claimant's desired ends. Where have I repeated that before?

Now you are forgetting yourself!!.