Thread For Christians Only.

Angelic Being said:
No hasbeen is the preferred name i give to hapsburgh or hamburgh - the sixty year old teenager.
Thanks for the comparison but I'm serious and you seem to have the light of truth on your side. I'd just like an answer so I have something to look forward to.
bconn29 said:
Thanks for the comparison but I'm serious and you seem to have the light of truth on your side. I'd just like an answer so I have something to look forward to.

It is not as simple as that - if you remain an atheist how can you expect to have something to look forward to?

You believe that life is now and that is it.

A Christian believes and knows that the promise of everlasting life is soon to Come - when the time allocated for Satan is over.

The Creator will then restore everything back to what it originally should have been as was the purpose for Eden.

I know that The Creator will show to us humans Science at a level that has never been seen before - that we will not be populating only this planet in the future.

in my past statements i argue that if our scientists today accept The Christ, then we will have knowledge that has never been imagined.

I have to admit however that sometimes I wonder if this is it - this is the best that our scientists can go. Why are we still stuck on this planet? Why havent we found a more conventional source of energy?


Look around you. Another blasted storm is heading our way - why is it that we still dont have the technology to counter such forces of nature? a major report has just been released - showing that a significant percentage of plants in western europe are non longer absorbing carbon dioxide - what can our science do?

When will our scientists humble themselves? When will they admit that there is a CREATOR?Why cant we have more Newtons, Einsteins - people who did believe in a Creator.?
A. I never claimed to be an athiest
B. How many scientists do you know for a fact are athiests?
C. It sounds as if your faith is a bit shaken does your god not send us these horrific events as tests of faith?
Just curious
bconn29 said:
A. I never claimed to be an athiest

You sound like one.

B. How many scientists do you know for a fact are athiests?[/QUOTE]

The Important ones.

C. It sounds as if your faith is a bit shaken does your god not send us these horrific events as tests of faith?
Just curious[/QUOTE]

Your god - NOT MINE.

Thank You.
Angelic Being said:
You sound like one.

B. How many scientists do you know for a fact are athiests?

The Important ones.

C. It sounds as if your faith is a bit shaken does your god not send us these horrific events as tests of faith?
Just curious[/QUOTE]

Your god - NOT MINE.
Just out of curiousity and I don't mean to sound disrespectful but what does your god do? I'm not really sure I understand your point of view.
Thank You.[/QUOTE]
Angelic Being said:
No hasbeen is the preferred name i give to hapsburgh or hamburgh - the sixty year old teenager.
What evidence have you? You have no proof to suggest that i were 60, especially when I am in fact 15.

And the nick is Hapsburg, or Habsburg, or Habichtsburg. Depends on if your're german, swiss, or anything else.
Personally I dont think love would be complete unless it encompassed the parent / child thing do you?

This is of no relevance to what we were talking about. You made the statement that it's hard to imagine the pain that poor little goddy woddy endured. Now, he is either god - omnipotent, eternal etc etc, in which case a temporary 'death' does not mean anything at all, or he was just a human in which case his pain is not hard to imagine considering many people go through worse. Having said that, wanting people to feel sympathy for this person is daft.

I think most Christians understand the Lord's prayer without much further debate.

You're living in a dreamworld.

If it's not your problem why is anyone going to give you a call?

Because that's what christians do.. They go round banging on people's doors, stopping them in the street etc, whether it is our problem or not. We don't seemingly have a choice in the matter.

Neither idea is opposed to the other. 'Why call me good ...' implies that Jesus looks up to His Father whereas 'I and the Father are one' implies that their will's are as one.

That is certainly another opinion held by some christians, yes. I can see I'm going to have to start drawing pictures to aid this discussion..

A large amount of christians believe that jesus and god are one and the same. I agree with you that the whole trinity notion is polytheistic, because it denotes 3 separate entities, not one single entity - but these christians aren't very good at maths, and so consider jesus and god as the same.

I'm not asking you to give a shit.

But you are. Your very statement that "it's hard to imagine the pain jesus endured" is an appeal to others to feel some sympathy, to indeed give a shit.

Care about whatever you want.

I do, and always will. But this is completely irrelevant to discussion. I want you to support your statement that it's hard to imagine the 'pain' that god 2 suffered, or some ancient rabbi suffered. You can either take the stance that he is god - which makes temporary pain meaningless, or that he's a human - which means his pain is not hard to imagine considering many humans go through worse on a daily basis and are much more in need of sympathy than some ancient guy.

Stop avoiding the issue.
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Angelic Being said:
My argument is that Religion ie. Christianity is a Science.

That argument would be a fool's errand. Religion cares not about critical examination or objectivity. When it comes to truth, religion settles on faith -a science looks for that which can be tested.

Angelic Being said:
Sadly , many just refuse to admit that alot of the events in The Holy Scriptures have Scientific Reasoning - for example, the miracles stated all can be explained Scientifically.

I'd like to hear some. Start with a scientific explanation of how the sun was stopped for a day.

Angelic Being said:
If we cannot do so for a particular miracle then it is simply because we still do not have the Knowledge.

The explanation for mythological miracles is simple: mythology. The human imagination. The need to tell people what they want to hear in order get them to align themselves with a given cult. It isn't just Christianity... other cults do the same thing.

Angelic Being said:
Example:: Prior to the great Flood, the planet never had rainbows.

Really? And so you have evidence that the physics of light behaved differently before this alleged flood? Moreover, there is no evidence that a flood of Noachian proportions ever existed. What there *is* evidence for is that the Noachian myth was adopted from older Mesopotamian stories. Stories that were *not* passed on as truth but as literature.

Angelic Being said:
The dilemna is - How is it possible that there were no rainbows prior to the Flood?

It isn't a dilemma at all. It is only possible in the same manner that it was possible for a cyclops to exist for Odysseus to defeat in Homer's tale. It is possible in the same manner that it was possible for Ra to create the sun from an egg -or a flower- depending on which ancient Egyptian myth you read. But the biggest problem with your rainbow speculation is that there is no evidence for a flood nor for the rainbow poppycock.

Angelic Being said:
Is it possible that The Creator altered the Speed of Light? Could it be that the Definition of Light that we have now has alot of Limitations? How is this related To Time? Could this be an explanation for the Long Lives that humans of the pre-flood era enjoyed? Does light Affect the Human Physiology?

So as Scientists , we should try and solve such dilemnas rather then writing them off as "miracles" and using your antropological and psychological nonsense as excuses.

Better still, we can forget considering them as "miracles" at all and accept that these stories are consistent with human stories in other cultures in the world which make attempts to explain that which they are incapable of testing: they are mythology. Rather than read only ONE SET OF HUMAN MYTHS and just settle for the status quo of your cult, why not read and hear what other cults of the world have to say. Much of it is vastly different from the Christian nonsense. Some of it has similarities. The differences and similarities say much about human nature and our belief engines.

But to the cult believer, someone who has been indoctrinated and conditioned, anthropology, sociology and psychology become the "nonsense" and the untested beliefs become the "truth." That says more about the believer than it does science. It says that the believer is ignorant and chooses to remain so.

Angelic Being said:
Because to tell you the truth - all these miracles mentioned were put there for a purpose - FOR HUMANS TO UNDERSTAND AND DUPLICATE THEM.

Wrong. The purpose was clearly to reinforce and validate the hierarchies and the authorities of the religions. The individual cults developed these "miracles" as "proofs" of their doctrine. Believers look for these miracles in everyday patterns and occurances to justify their superstitions. There is much to support this as the purpose and nothing at all to support your wild claim of "duplication."

Angelic Being said:
And to be honest - science right now is not moving with the times - thanks to idiots who rule the Scientific World and to their Followers that worship them.

More poppycock from the cults who want to paint science as a cult itself. I've got news for you, bub. Science isn't a thing or an entity. It certainly isn't a "religion." Science is a process. Either you follow it or you don't.

Angelic Being said:
Dont take me for one of those mumbo jumbo Christians who are no different from you.

Actually, I take you for a typical believer. Ignorant of science but for the basics. Ignorant of science to the point of claiming it for the purposes that suit you, ridiculing it when it doesn't. The hypocrisy is clear. Even you don't know what you truly believe in.

I ask again, but more clear this time: is the bible to be taken literally or symbolically?
Angelic Being said:
The Sacrifice of The Christ was not preordained you Dunce.
your calling me the dunce, we go from this to this.
jadon said:
However, more importantly, why dont you let The Holy Scriptures Speak - The Christ came down knowing that He the consequences He would face, however He insisted to the The Father that up until the last minute, He would always give a chance to humanity.
Once again, there was no preordination - You DUNCE.
and theres more.
jadon being said:
In some of my earlier statements i clarified that The Creator has the ability to look into the future - This is one of those cases in which HE exercised those powers - but HE never would change the outcome.
duh!, so it was'nt destined, fated, determined, set, calculated, deliberate, predestined, foredestined, foreseen.
ok then I must be the dunce?
Angelic Being said:
You dont want to argue with me on Translations and different versions about that word.
why not!, your a moron.
I'd be having a battle of wit's with a half brained man.
kenworth said:
i was waiting for a file to transfer so i picked up the bible and looked through it a bit,would anyone care to explain to me why it is written that "Slaves, obey your earthly masters in everything;and do it, not only when their eye is on you and to win their favour, but with sincerity of heart and reverance for the lord. it is the lord christ you are serving" colossians 4

WHAT THE FUCK?????????also lots of other horrible horrible things i cant really be bothered to type out.
That's not horrible. You were a "slave" to your parents as well, in that you were expected to do as you were told, was that so horrible? It's only a matter of staying loyal even if the "authority" was not around. Cause then you are serving Christ and God who sees that which is hidden.

Sure there were terrible slavekeepers then, but there are also terrible parents around. When I think about it, it's not that much that has changed really. Sure it is a good thing that, nowadays, people get paid for their work, but maybe they couldn't do that in that time, the needs were different, and the people were used to it.
SkinWalker said:
This is why proponents of religious concepts in favor of science have no validity.
Can you expound upon this statement? What exactly do you mean by religious concepts in favour of sience?
They are inconsistent on whether or not the bible is to be taken literal or symbolically.
In that there can be no error.
Either the bible is full of myth and metaphor or it isn't.
How do you justify such a statement? You forget the third option: it may be filled with fact and metaphorical myth - the difficult part is figuring out which is which and that is what Christians (should) do. That is we (should) apply objective and critical perspective as opposed to complete dismissal or naiive acceptance.
Hypocrits like you can't seem to recognize that. You claim to "know" something that unbelievers cannot,...
I think an informed Christian will not claim to "know something unbelievers cannot", but they may claim to know [Something] unbelievers do not or do not want to - God.
...It isn't historical. It isn't very factual.
So it isn't very factual? What exactly does that mean?
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geeser said:
... I'd hate to think they were religious.
But in fact we are all religious. Religion, in fact, may distinguish humanity from the rest of the earthly tree(s) of life - i.e. it is a part of what defines humanity.

Every human has their "God void" - some fill it with: drugs to achieve some state of euphoria; belief in extraterrestrial "higher beings" watching over us; belief in science as the "holy grail" of achieving human destiny... Whatever "floats their boat."

Christians fill their void with God - perfect fit. :)
Angelic Being said:
It is not as simple as that - if you remain an atheist how can you expect to have something to look forward to?

You believe that life is now and that is it.

are you really telling someone else what they believe based on what you think you know about atheism?

atheism is just the nonbelief in god. it doesnt mean that you have nothing to look forward to, that you dont consider the issue open to debate or personal speculation.

as an atheist myself here is how i define it - i dont believe, i know.
i trust what i can know and dont try to believe in baseless or unproveable things. that being said i do feel free to think about a wide variety of subjects, i have an imagination, i frequently engage in ridiculous amounts of hope and speculation that theres a possibility of some transcendent human experience. but i dont have any reason to believe that i will find it because i dont or cant know about it at this point.

the kind of faith that i have is really just confidence in knowing that if something exists, humanity will eventually find a way to prove that it does, at which point religious belief will probably appear to be nothing more than a series of exploded fallacies.
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Sorry to but in again...
SkinWalker said:
When it comes to truth, religion settles on faith - a science looks for that which can be tested.
But science looks for that which can be tested upon some basic assumptions which cannot be tested. What are those assumptions accepted upon?
The explanation for mythological miracles is simple: mythology. The human imagination.
But science is based on human imagination and perspective - i.e. the ability to conceptualise that which may not be immediately apparent. You, of course, then test for it on the basis of your faithful assumptions.
Moreover, there is no evidence that a flood of Noachian proportions ever existed. What there *is* evidence for is that the Noachian myth was adopted from older Mesopotamian stories. Stories that were *not* passed on as truth but as literature.
But certainly a person with your knowledge will know of the evidence for an enormous flood that produced the Black Sea from glacial melt after the most recent ice age?
But the biggest problem with your rainbow speculation is that there is no evidence for a flood nor for the rainbow...
But did the bible state that there were no rainbows before the flood or did it state that it would be used as a sign after the flood? The version most immediately available to me (CEV) states nothing about existence of the rainbow.
Some of it has similarities. The differences and similarities say much about human nature and our belief engines.
But nothing of their truth.
Science isn't a thing or an entity. It certainly isn't a "religion." Science is a process. Either you follow it or you don't.
But religion is also a "process"; you either follow it or you don't. What's the point?
I take you for a typical believer. Ignorant of science but for the basics. Ignorant of science to the point of claiming it for the purposes that suit you, ridiculing it when it doesn't.
But that may also be said of a typical atheist. Again, what's the point?
I ask again, but more clear this time: is the bible to be taken literally or symbolically?
But why the or? Can it not be a compilation of both? That question appears rather strange to me.
MarcAC said:
Can you define belief as opposed to knowledge?

yeah, actually shockingly, the dictionary does it for us. as you see theres a clear cut difference.

belief -
1.The mental act, condition, or habit of placing trust or confidence in another.
2. Mental acceptance of and conviction in the truth, actuality, or validity of something: His explanation of what happened defies belief.
3. Something believed or accepted as true, especially a particular tenet or a body of tenets accepted by a group of persons.​

knowledge -
1. The state or fact of knowing.
2. Familiarity, awareness, or understanding gained through experience or study.
3. The sum or range of what has been perceived, discovered, or learned.
4. Learning; erudition: teachers of great knowledge.
5. Specific information about something.
6. Carnal knowledge​
Every human has their "God void" - some fill it with: drugs to achieve some state of euphoria; belief in extraterrestrial "higher beings" watching over us; belief in science as the "holy grail" of achieving human destiny... Whatever "floats their boat."

A very crude way of describing our innate curiosity. Perhaps some drugs are actually a form of communication, not a void to be filled with whatever gives us satisfaction.
charles cure said:
...actually shockingly...
Another shocking thing is that they can't all mean the same things in this particular context. Which do you refer to?