Thread For Christians Only.

ok apparently when you asked me to define it you meant "make something up so that i can poke holes in it"

let me spell it out for you then.

i accept the definition of belief to be: unsubstantiated or only partially substantiated trust that a particular idea or concept is true or real but lacks empirical and experiential support.

i accept the definition of knowledge to be: awareness of a thing, idea, or phenomena gained through experience and learning in a way that is independently verifiable through the support of empirical data.
SkinWalker said:

I ask again, but more clear this time: is the bible to be taken literally or symbolically?

after all your lengthy explanations, then you go ahead and ask a stupid question which just proves my point.

You know nothing about Christianity - otherwise you woul not ahve asked that stupid question.

Advice: try to solve first all the scientific mysteries and puzzles that you believe in, before you want to try to solve what you consider Christian 'mythology'.

From your reply i can see that you are an intelligent person - but what use is it when you cannot even answer a simple question like that you asked .

Lesson: all of our scientific knowledge as humans are nothing compared to Biblical knowledge.

get off your high horse and stop being arrogant because all it will do is leave you bitter and lonely in the end.

Thank you
SkinWalker said:
I'd like to hear some. Start with a scientific explanation of how the sun was stopped for a day.

is it not possible? The description stated is as given by someone from that time - surely the earth's spin could have been stopped, so that the other side of the planet would have had a longer night. Why is this not possible to you?

Who says that laws of physics and interplanetary motion cant be tempered with? you have to be a dunce to think so.

Thank You.
geeser said:
duh!, so it was'nt destined, fated, determined, set, calculated, deliberate, predestined, foredestined, foreseen.
ok then I must be the dunce?

You're confusing yourself - get a lesson in English.

Thank you.
MarcAC said:
Can you expound upon this statement? What exactly do you mean by religious concepts in favour of sience?

Floods. Creation. Stars being halted from orbiting their planets. Seas being parted to allow cult followers to pass. Whales swallowing people whole only to spit them out again later. Etc, etc.

MarcAC said:
In that there can be no error.

So the "blood of christ" shared was really Jesus' blood? The bread the broke was really his body? If not, was the author in err? Was the author in err when he claimed that the "sun stopped in the middle of the sky and did not hasten to go down for about a whole day?" Particularly when the sun does not orbit the Earth? Particularly when there is no geologic evidence to support that the planet stopped rotating suddenly then, just as suddenly, began again?

MarcAC said:
How do you justify such a statement? You forget the third option: it may be filled with fact and metaphorical myth

Indeed. I gladly revise my position to accept this possibility. I would suggest that there are many facts in the bible. Perhaps as many present in Moby Dick or Huck Finn. Yet they are still fiction. In fact, Homer is readily accepted to be literature and myth, yet we also generally accept that Calvert and Schleimann discovered Troy, the city described in it.

MarcAC said:
So it isn't very factual? What exactly does that mean?

The core tenents are without merit when we look at the claims it presents. The philosophical tenents are fine and admirable when we look at the teachings of Christ, but claims of Virgin Birth, resurrection, the "stopping" of stars, flooding of planets, etc. are bunk. They are no more factual than the myths of other religions and cultures throughout history.

MarcAC said:
But science is based on human imagination and perspective - i.e. the ability to conceptualise that which may not be immediately apparent. You, of course, then test for it on the basis of your faithful assumptions.

Hey, faith is fine for that which can be observed. If I observe that rain is always occompanied by clouds but clouds don't always occompany rain, I can have faith that it will not rain on a day that remains sunny. If I observe that the moon's appearance changes regularly with time, I can have faith that I'll see two quarters in roughly a month.

But when you speak of faith in words written by early historic humans about supernatural, unobserved and untestable claims.... only the fool accepts them at face-value.

MarcAC said:
But certainly a person with your knowledge will know of the evidence for an enormous flood that produced the Black Sea from glacial melt after the most recent ice age?

Of course. I even wrote a paper about it. But the flooding of the Black Sea hardly qualifies as a global flood. It may very well be the source of some of the local mythology that surrounds this flood, but I rather believe that the Deluge myth was the result of a flooding of the Tigris & Euphrates, which may have carried a merchant to the gulf. His survival then took on legendary proportions, underwent many revisions as oral traditions do, received some embellishments, and was then borrowed by the Jewish cults that were constructing a new, monotheistic cult for their people to follow.

MarcAC said:
But did the bible state that there were no rainbows before the flood or did it state that it would be used as a sign after the flood? The version most immediately available to me (CEV) states nothing about existence of the rainbow.

What is written or not written in the bible regarding rainbows is irrelevent. There exists no evidence to support his claim.

MarcAC said:
But religion is also a "process"; you either follow it or you don't. What's the point?

Surely you aren't so daft as to imply that because they're both "processes" that they're the same? If so, then masturbation is also a process. Does that mean that scientists and clerics are merely jacking off? Its fascinating to watch cult followers attempt to justify their cults by accusing those that don't believe their drivel as being "religious too." Strawman nonsense.

MarcAC said:
But that may also be said of a typical atheist. Again, what's the point?

It could be said, but I doubt it could be quantified. My point is clear: science is based upon empiricism and what can be observed; religion is based upon faith and what is hoped. One is tangible, measurable and generally quantifiable. The other is intangible, immeasurable, and quantified only by the number of cult followers that can be deceived to believe.

MarcAC said:
But why the or? Can it not be a compilation of both? That question appears rather strange to me.

Sure. It can be both. But if we could get religion to accept that, we might actually begin some progress as a society. Instead, we have fundamentalists claiming that creation should be taught as fact in public schools and cults convincing that their doctrines dictate that they not use birth control or that women are second class to men or that people should dress a certain way, etc.

angelic being said:
after all your lengthy explanations, then you go ahead and ask a stupid question which just proves my point.

You know nothing about Christianity - otherwise you woul not ahve asked that stupid question.

And yet, the question goes unanswered. I contend that my knowledge of christianity is more complete than your own. You see the question as stupid, but I think its fair. I'm open to being educated by you and allowing you to demonstrate that I truly know nothing of christianity, but simply saying the question is "stupid" without qualifying your statement is truly ignorant.

angelic being said:
Advice: try to solve first all the scientific mysteries and puzzles that you believe in, before you want to try to solve what you consider Christian 'mythology'.

Heh.. the mythology question is largely solved. Humanity has demonstrated it's tendency to seek patterns and engage in beliefs. The scientific mysteries that puzzle me, however, include you and your contemporaries that attempt to proslytize heathens in science boards. I'm also fascinated by the belief engine of religious nutters and the UFO/paranormal woo-woos that find their way into science forums in, what appears to be, their attempts to justify their beliefs. Or perhaps some simply attempt to sharpen their debate 'swords' for use elsewhere.

I have an answer to the question I posed. I've no doubt that the bible's value is symbolic. I have no problem classing it with the Popol Vuh, the Egyptian Book of the Dead, the Bhagavad-Gita, the Illiad, etc.

angelic being said:
Lesson: all of our scientific knowledge as humans are nothing compared to Biblical knowledge.

Bullshit. Prove it. The bible cannot provide us with cures for disease, technology for transportation, answers for the evolution of life, or even the proper order of the solar system -to name but a very, very few things. Indeed, the "knowledge" of the bible is extremely limiting when compared to other, more complete and accurate texts of Mesopotamia and Egypt. There are probably less facts within the bible than are present in Huck Finn.

angelic being said:
is it not possible? The description stated is as given by someone from that time - surely the earth's spin could have been stopped, so that the other side of the planet would have had a longer night. Why is this not possible to you?

Who says that laws of physics and interplanetary motion cant be tempered with? you have to be a dunce to think so.

No. It isn't possible. And you'd have to be a true dumb-ass to think it is. Ordinarily, I wouldn't refer to others I have discussions with as "dumb-ass," but your liberal use of the word "dunce" and your overly ignorant statements about "who says the laws of physics..." deserve such language. The geoloic record is clear. Such a traumatic event never took place.

Get a real education and take your nonsense to the religious boards where you can get a pat on the back. Tell them all how ignorant we are of the bible and christianity and how we are arrogant and ride high horses.... that's why you're here, right? To get a few war stories to take back to your cult forums? to share with your fellow cult believers in some cult gathering on Wednesday nights?

This is a science board. Either put up or shut up. Your nonsense is not only far-fetched, but it gives true christians a bad name.
Angelic Being said:
You're confusing yourself - get a lesson in English.
if the oxford english dictionary, or any english dictionary was in front of you,
you would'nt know what it was.
Wow, your a legend in you own anus.
Angelic Being said:
after all your lengthy explanations, then you go ahead and ask a stupid question which just proves my point.

You know nothing about Christianity - otherwise you woul not ahve asked that stupid question.

actually what youre saying there sounds pretty unchristian to me. what if someone were trying to gain a better understanding of the church and its beliefs from you, a christian? would you tell them well, duh you obviously dont know anything aboutchristianity if you read the bible and cant figure out what parts are supposed to be taken literally and figuratively. i mean come on thats been the crux of every debate between biblical exprerts for like the last 8 centuries. youre just an asshole about it to this guy because you dont want to answer his question and concede a point.
Angelic Being said:
You're confusing yourself - get a lesson in English.

Thank you.
Mayhaps it is you, who should be the one getting an English lesson, since you obviously have enountered everyday speechery that is too advanced for your understanding...but then again, you are a mentally diseased child, so...ah, why don't you just go shoot yourself, that'd solve all of our problems. :cool:
I'd just like to say a few things to you, Angelic Being:

Originally Posted by Angelic Being
sinners like you

You are not a sinner? We are all sinners. Take a step back and look at what you are saying. You are treating others(atheists, non-christians ect.) as inferiors and putting them down as worthless and treating them without respect. In this way, you are completely condridicting the teachings of Christ!!! Jesus cared for everyone, loved everyone, and died, FOR EVERYONE. This is the basic principle of Christianity. I don't know how Christains lost sight of this idea so many times in history, but it is the truth. Love your fellow man, do not belittle him just because his views differ. It his choice whether or not to accept God, not yours. But do not think less of him as a person.

Where have all the sensible Christians gone? I am Catholic, and it pains me to see such people stray from the real core teachings of Jesus. We can disagree yes, but read the bible Angelic. Jesus cared for all mankind, sinners included.

You should be reaching out to them, if anything. Not devaluing them.
SkinWalker said:
And yet, the question goes unanswered. I contend that my knowledge of christianity is more complete than your own. You see the question as stupid, but I think its fair. I'm open to being educated by you and allowing you to demonstrate that I truly know nothing of christianity, but simply saying the question is "stupid" without qualifying your statement is truly ignorant.

. It isn't possible. And you'd have to be a true dumb-ass to think it is. Ordinarily, I wouldn't refer to others I have discussions with as "dumb-ass," but your liberal use of the word "dunce" and your overly ignorant statements about "who says the laws of physics..." deserve such language. The geoloic record is clear. Such a traumatic event never took place.

This is a science board. Either put up or shut up. Your nonsense is not only far-fetched, but it gives true christians a bad name.

Your reply just goes to prove my point - people like you like to hear yourself when in actual fact the storage capacity of your brain has reached its maximum - you dunce - how do you know that such an event would be traumatic? your brain cannot even imagine the possibility - you dunce.

Even though you may be quite knowledgeble in science, I mean no offence to you when I say that you know nothing really - your knowledge is limited by the pen that you hold in your hand - you dunce.

Once again - dunce - I have to explain to you that you know nothing about Christianity as this is shown by your last sentence - true Christians - there is no such thing .

By the way, if I shut up it will allow people like you to bully weaker people with the scientific fantasies that you are so proud of.

Since you have made my statements personal let me clarify once again - this is not about you. You gave your point , i replied with mine - i cannot see why you are reacting aggresively unless you are taking my views personally.

Wake up - this is a forum where we can talk normal language and debate - remember at the end of a debate, how we treat the content should be personal and kept personal. You and people like you show in your replies that you cant even control your emotions - you just cannot hide your irritation of me - and finally, there is proof of the flood - and it was not the entire planet that was inundated - you dunce - it was only the earth as it was known by man.

Oh and by the way - keep your evil contentions to yourself because in reality - I am the Christian and you are not.

Thank you.
you dunce

your brain cannot even imagine the possibility - you dunce

Once again - dunce

you dunce

And there, my fellow humans, is "love thy neighbour" at it's finest. I am glad to see that some christians actually listen to the teachings of jesus.

You and people like you show in your replies that you cant even control your emotions

Oh such glaring hypocrisy. It's almost embarrasing.

because in reality - I am the Christian

I think you have openly shown otherwise. Take some time to read the book your god has given to you and then return when you've actually paid some attention to it. Thanks.
SnakeLord said:
And there, my fellow humans, is "love thy neighbour" at it's finest. I am glad to see that some christians actually listen to the teachings of jesus.

Oh such glaring hypocrisy. It's almost embarrasing.

I think you have openly shown otherwise. Take some time to read the book your god has given to you and then return when you've actually paid some attention to it. Thanks.

For your information - Dunce is a word that should be taken lightly and with good humour - you are so sensitive i am beginning to think that you are a woman.

Once again - this is not personal

Thank you.
geeser said:
if the oxford english dictionary, or any english dictionary was in front of you,
you would'nt know what it was.
Wow, your a legend in you own anus.

see what i mean skinwalker?

This is so funny i really dont know what to say!!
charles cure said:
asshole about it to this guy because you dont want to answer his question and concede a point.

how can i give the answer when he is not prepared for it - that is why i prefer that he finds out for himself - that way he will learn.

The Christ said that one must become a child again in order to understand the truth - children have to learn for themselves - so it is preferable that the guy do likewise.

Thank you.
For your information - Dunce is a word that should be taken lightly and with good humour

Why don't you ask the person you're attempting insult towards whether they find it funny? You are after all calling someone far more intelligent than you could even dream of being, stupid.

You're a halfwit. This is not personal.

you are so sensitive i am beginning to think that you are a woman.

Not only have you never even begun to actually 'think', but I have serious doubts that you even know what a woman is.

Once again, this is not personal.
Allow me to embolden your boldest.

Angelic Being said:
Your reply just goes to prove my point - people like you like to hear yourself when in actual fact the storage capacity of your brain has reached its maximum

What is the storage capacity of the human brain? And how do you quantify one that has reaced maximum? Try speaking as though you are genuinely interested in discussion and less like one who is merely interested in trading insults.

Angelic Being said:
- you dunce - how do you know that such an event would be traumatic? your brain cannot even imagine the possibility - you dunce.

The limitations of your education would probably preclude a full definition, and, in spite of the obvious response that a supernatural being that has never been proven to exist would necessarily have the omnipotent power to do whatever he wanted, I'll offer two very simple and obvious problems that anyone with an eighth grade education should recognize: 1) the kinetic energy of the earth's rotation must have gone somewhere and the energy needed to restore the rotation must also have originated from somewhere. Such energies don't simply disappear or manifest themselves at will. 2) the equatorial bulge of the planet itself is a result of the earth's rotation and a pause in rotation, however long, would have traumatic and lasting effects upon the geology. Indeed, it would likely be an event that would cause mass extinctions.

I'll not delve into the particulars and the specifics because, as I said, the magical thinker will explain away such supernatural occurances with the supernatural. But such explanations are weak to the point of silly and have no modern analogs with which to compare. There exist only the mythical writings of ancient, superstitious cult leaders who were moved to organize and unite their cult followers.

Angelic Being said:
Even though you may be quite knowledgeble in science, I mean no offence to you when I say that you know nothing really - your knowledge is limited by the pen that you hold in your hand - you dunce.

Another nonsensical and pointless comment from the undereducated. My knowledge in your own cult clearly outpaces your own. I'm actually aware of the origins of your cult's doctrines and myths. I'm able to compare and contrast these doctrines and myths with other, similar texts and stories. You, however, are limited by the indoctrination and emic perspective of your cult.

You have yet to present (nor has anyone else of your cult, so don't feel bad) any evidence that your particular cult is the correct one or that any religious cult is necessary. Your particular cult is no more valid than the Hindu, the Navajo, the Wiccan, or the ancient Maya.

Angelic Being said:
Once again - dunce - I have to explain to you that you know nothing about Christianity as this is shown by your last sentence - true Christians - there is no such thing .

Again, you demonstrate your own ignorance. I write from an anthropological perspective -an etic one- rather than the religiocentric one. The christian cults are very much at odds with one another. Catholics view theirs as the true cult of christianity. Mormans see theirs as the correct version. The Baptist cult is, perhaps the worst of them all and qualifies "true christiandom" by their own interpretations of old and new laws. The cult of Jehovah's Witness is would certainly not recognize any of the other cults as valid. From and anthropological perspective (an objective one), they are all cults of Christianity.

But true Christians are those that subscribe to the teachings of the alleged Christ. A philosophy that I'm very much partial to. I happen to agree with 99% of the alleged Christ's so-called word. I have my doubts that this person ever actually existed, but the philosophy is sound. You, sir, do not apparently represent this particular cult of christianity -the "true" Christians. This is evident by your attitude and loose insults that you claim aren't insults. Not only to you insult your fellow human being, you lie about it. You claim that your use of the word dunce "should be taken lightly and with good humour." Your constant and frequent repetition of its use with those with whom you disagree demonstrates otherwise. In other words, you're lying. Neither of these are "Christian" characters.

Angelic Being said:
By the way, if I shut up it will allow people like you to bully weaker people with the scientific fantasies that you are so proud of.

There are those who require forceful and direct attack. You, sir, are one. Those that make wild and unsupported claims deserve not only critical review but even ridicule if done in an intellectual manner. Poppycock should not be allowed to propogate itself. Particularly when this particular brand of poppycock seeks position and status within government. It certainly has no place of stature on a science board and deserves whatever criticism and ridicule it receives.

Angelic Being said:
i cannot see why you are reacting aggresively unless you are taking my views personally.

Anyone with the arrogance and audacity to join a science board and post in the section where we discuss the anthropological and sociological aspects of religion and cult beliefs only to begin his first post with "This thread is for Christians only," deserves aggression. That person deserves intellectual ridicule and criticism as well. This board is overrun with religious nutters who seek to sharpen their debate swords and hone their skills with the "atheists." Clearly such a comment as your opening post was baiting and, as the saying goes, be careful what you wish for.

Angelic Being said:
there is proof of the flood - and it was not the entire planet that was inundated - you dunce - it was only the earth as it was known by man.

What is the proof? What is the evidence? Simply stating there is evidence and refusing to cite it means little. It demonstrates your own ignorance and lack of education and does not support your weak attempt at ridicule with your liberal use of "dunce."

Angelic Being said:
Oh and by the way - keep your evil contentions to yourself because in reality - I am the Christian and you are not.

I contend that, as an atheist, I'm more of a "Christian" than you.

Angelic Being said:
Thank you.

You're welcome.
Angelic Being said:
how can i give the answer when he is not prepared for it - that is why i prefer that he finds out for himself - that way he will learn.

The Christ said that one must become a child again in order to understand the truth - children have to learn for themselves - so it is preferable that the guy do likewise.

Thank you.

who the fuck made you the arbiter of peoples preparedness to ask and receive answers to questions? what youre really doing is continuously backing a way from a question that it seems you cant answer properly. dont feed me that christ said this or that bullshit, you dont believe it any more than i do. its just a sheild for you when things get touchy.

anyone else see that or am i out of my mind?
Christianity does have its roots directly in mythology. Such is the case of the Nazarene. Though there may have been a historical Jesus, there was never a Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is nothing but a mythology. Nothing but a metaphorical story, and a corrupted and exploited one at that.

I have no problem with Christians believing in their mythologies, it is simply when a mythology becomes an irrational truth by uneducated people and my views become disregarded that I become agitated. Christianity is a religion of faith, not a religion of inherent scientific, and evidential reasoning. Faith, meaning that it is only true to the person who believes that.

Faith -

1. Confident belief in the truth, value, or trustworthiness of a person, idea, or thing.
2. Belief that does not rest on logical proof or material evidence.
3. Loyalty to a person or thing; allegiance: keeping faith with one's supporters.
4. often Faith Christianity. The theological virtue defined as secure belief in God and a trusting acceptance of God's will.
5. The body of dogma of a religion: the Muslim faith.

Christ is simply the last, and successful product of a line of similar mythologies. Research the sixteen saviors.
Jadon said:
how can i give the answer when he is not prepared for it - that is why i prefer that he finds out for himself - that way he will learn.

The Christ said that one must become a child again in order to understand the truth - children have to learn for themselves - so it is preferable that the guy do likewise.

Thank you.
Moronic Jackass, the people here are ready for your answer, we're ready to hear the statement that would 'convert' us, as you say. We want to hear your oh-so-perfect argument.
You simply keep backing down, like a fucking coward. You probably do not even have an answer, a reply, an idea of what the fuck you are talking about.
Typical christian moron- not to say that all are, just over 99.99999 % of them are about as stupid and relentlessly moronic as you, J/AB. :rolleyes: