Thread For Christians Only.

Angelic Being said:
havent I answered you?

"you will seek but you shall never find" - .....

Thank you

lol, now you divert the question. I am not stupid ok. When I talk about religion you accuse me of something. When I clear up my position about your accusation, and ask you what basis does your accusation have, you divert back to religion.

I guess you have learned never to answer the question, but divert it as much as possible. My question wasn't about religion, any smart person can see that. But now your answer is back to religion, which was my question before, which you answered with an accusation on me.

This is just pathetic. How do you think you can discuss something when you will keep changing the topic when there is no need to.

Peace be upon :)
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Cottontop3000 said:
Sounds like what AB is going to have to experience for him/herself. Seeking but never finding.
He doesn'teven deserve the dignity of being called by his current nick. His name was originally Jadon, so it shall remain Jadon.

Jay, you have a mental disease that most likely runs in your family, called "porphyria". It becomes widespread through years of inbreeding, and is characterized by insanity.
I'd say that describes you to the last detail.
786 said:
By the way the word "begotten" of John 3:16 isn't there. It's another forgery thrown out by the RSV, as they did with the blasphemous verse 1John 5:7.

Peace be unto you :)

On this claim of yours I will reply sometimes in the future - but really whether the word is there or not makes no difference.

As a Christian I know and accept The Christ.

Thank you.
* Is Jesus the God of the OT?

Quote AB
"Using the words - god or God - you can say that.
But Not using the word -GOD."

* What do you other Christians believe?
Angelic Being said:
Definitely not in the way It means to you

You must have mind reading abilities then ;)

Angelic Being said:
- Alot of Christians like you put too much emphasis on the Death of The Christ

Probably not as much as Jesus himself, however He also rose again that we might know the power and glory of God and have hope in Him and His ability to save us.

Angelic Being said:
- - to me your behaviuor is abit unholy and scary

lol. I'll try to be better 'behaved' in future :rolleyes:

Angelic Being said:
- I RISE WITH THE CHRIST - He is my Leader, my Brother, my Saviour, my Messiah. He is the Son of GOD. - This is what His blood means to me.

Thank You.

Given that I did not state what it meant to me, I guess it is only fair to clear that up lest you be under any further misconceptions ...

Right through the old testament you have this notion of a blood sacrifice however the sacrifice of an unblemished animal could only ever be a sign of intention (rather like circumcision) as the blood of an animal could not 'really' cover the life of a man.
The life that Jesus lay down 'cost' Him dearly. It is very hard to imagine the torture he endured. He paid for your salvation with that blood, that you may know that God's love for you knows no bounds.

There is a real temptation when one becomes a Christian to forget that you are not really different from any atheist alive. The only thing that seperates you is that you accepted the Word and therefore accepted the 'grace'. However it is still 'grace' lest you become proud.

God is patient with you. Humbly know that he extends the same patience to others.


L.S.D. said:
The life that Jesus lay down 'cost' Him dearly. It is very hard to imagine the torture he endured. He paid for your salvation with that blood,
what pain and suffering, if you beleive this crap, you must know it was preordained, that it was inevitable that jesus would die on the cross, and as jesus was aledgedly the son of god or god, well at least a demigod, so oblivious to pain, thus never died, not in the real sense the whole thing was/is a farce, if you believe that crap that is.
drugpusher said:
that you may know that God's evil Love for you knows no bounds.
the hippie drug said:
There is a real temptation when one becomes a Christian to forget that you are not really different from any atheist alive.
how true,you just believe in one more god then I.
the killer of janis joplin and jimmy hendrix said:
The only thing that seperates you is that you accepted the Word and therefore accepted the 'grace'. However it is still 'grace' lest you become proud.
no, the only things that seperate us are common sense, rationality, good sense, levelheadedness, logic, practicality, sound sense, wits.
geeser said:
what pain and suffering, if you beleive this crap, you must know it was preordained, that it was inevitable that jesus would die on the cross, and as jesus was aledgedly the son of god or god, well at least a demigod, so oblivious to pain, thus never died, not in the real sense the whole thing was/is a farce, if you believe that crap that is.
how true,you just believe in one more god then I. no, the only things that seperate us are common sense, rationality, good sense, levelheadedness, logic, practicality, sound sense, wits.

There are a million similiar atheist replies to posts like mine and they all say the same thing i.e. Atheists are smart for not believing and Christians are stupid for believing. I hope it makes you feel good to know you are on the 'smart' side. Keep telling yourself that you are smarter, more levelheaded, and more equipped logically and practically. No need to respect other people no matter their beliefs, no need to adopt a spirit of humility, no need to listen.


I respect your right to not believe, as I have said, people are people no matter what label they choose to stick on their foreheads. That would be the levelheaded approach you are such a proponent of.

By all means explain why you do not believe and what arguments lead you to your non-belief but saying 'I do not believe because I am smart' is arrogant by anyone's standards and does not lead to interesting debate.


Marlin said:
It's Colossians 3:22, and the KJV uses the word "servants" instead of "slaves."

hmm.,i must have an evil version of the bible,jesus does seem like a bit of a bastard in it.actually,is jesus considered a bastard because mary was married to joseph not god?
Angelic Being said:
So, stop talking like an idiot and get your facts straight.

Thank You.

i quoted something out of the bible and wanted it explained.go have a wank and cool off.
Marlin said:
It's Colossians 3:22, and the KJV uses the word "servants" instead of "slaves."
kenworth is right, jesus is a bastard, in 13 out of 27 bibles it says "slaves", one it says "bondmen", another "bondservants", and the rest "servants".
and we all know what a servant was back then dont we, a person who performs duties about the person or home of a master a person subject to the direction or control of an individual, one who's submissive to another.
so it really matters not whether it's slave or servant it's the same thing.
"Slaves, obey your earthly masters in everything;and do it, not only when their eye is on you and to win their favour, but with sincerity of heart and reverance for the lord. it is the lord christ you are serving" : colossians

I think it might help if I put this into context ...

This sentence was advice to slaves/servants and was good advice at that.
it was supposed to help people in a servant position to keep focus on what was really important i.e. serving the Lord. A believer's duty is to live a life according to the power of the Holy Spirit. In this way others may come to Christ after bearing witness to the lives believers lead and wanting to know where their inner peace comes from.
If slaves/servants called themselves believers but then went around upsetting their masters or just appeasing them sycophantically when they were around how could their faith present itself in visible form when their actions had not deviated from before their conversion?
The Word says to these people 'do your duty as if doing it for the Lord'. This helps the servants to refocus on whom their true Master is without compromising their economic position on earth with their earthly masters.



I seek that which I Understand - You seek that which you do not.

Yet, the atheists here understand scriptures better than you. Curious...
It is very hard to imagine the torture he endured.

What a load of old festering camel penis. Let's run through it..

A) jesus is supposedly god
B) god has never ever been dead
C) as such god never died
D) being that he is god there is no reason to assume he would be "suffering"
E) The majority of humans go through serious suffering aswell, but unlike god they are not omnipotent, cannot "come to life" a couple of days later, etc and thus endure more pain than god would even know existed.

Don't you fucking dare try and make people feel sympathy for pain suffered by god without feeling a hundred times as sorry for, as example, the 5 year old children sexually abused, beaten, burned, stoned to death and so on. That you would sit there and do such a thing is absolutely sickening.
SnakeLord said:
What a load of old festering camel penis. Let's run through it..

A) jesus is supposedly god
B) god has never ever been dead
C) as such god never died
D) being that he is god there is no reason to assume he would be "suffering"
E) The majority of humans go through serious suffering aswell, but unlike god they are not omnipotent, cannot "come to life" a couple of days later, etc and thus endure more pain than god would even know existed.

Don't you fucking dare try and make people feel sympathy for pain suffered by god without feeling a hundred times as sorry for, as example, the 5 year old children sexually abused, beaten, burned, stoned to death and so on. That you would sit there and do such a thing is absolutely sickening.

Jesus came as a human being, feeling just like you or I. It is as much a part of the injust human suffering as any other you care to cite, however because Jesus was not connected to the sin of Adam, that blood becomes life for all because of the law i.e. pure life for an impure life. This is the message of the Christian faith.
Jesus had faith that he would be ressurected but this was on faith, he did not and could not 'know' it.


Jesus came as a human being, feeling just like you or I

But he was still god right? He was still omnipotent right? He was still omniscient and omnipresent right? He still never actually died right? I mean.. was god actually completely non-existant when he "died", (i.e there was no such thing as god)?

Case closed.

It is as much a part of the injust human suffering as any other you care to cite

But no it isn't.. Either way you cut it god gets to live forever.. Forever and ever and ever.. What is pain to a being that lives forever and ever and ever, is ominpotent, can never die, can never get disease, can never starve, will never get run over by a speeding train, get lung cancer, or a urine infection - will never have to go through the pain suffered by man - and even if he did for one brief moment in his eternal existence, we can liken it to a bee sting you got 75 years ago. Do you think his scars have healed yet? What about the scars on a 5 year old girl that got raped and left for dead last week? Who needs my sympathy more?

You ask me to pity god? Pfft, you need to wake up pal.
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SnakeLord said:
But he was still god right? He was still omnipotent right? He was still omniscient and omnipresent right? He still never actually died right? I mean.. was god actually completely non-existant when he "died", (i.e there was no such thing as god)?

Case closed.

Jesus made no such claims. He said there were things the Father knew that He did not know. He was humble before His Father and encouraged us to adopt that attitude, thus becoming 'bold' before the throne of God rather than cowering from it. Much easier to be bold when addressing God as your 'Father'! The very relationship requires that the younger respect the elder for the elder provides for the younger. You are wrong to say that Jesus is the Father. He is not.


You are wrong to say that Jesus is the Father. He is not.

A) Where did I say anyone was a father?

B) This is an issue you religious fundies need to take up amongst yourselves. Some of you think jesus is god, some of you don't.. It's hardly my problem to be honest. When you lot finally figure it out, gimme a call, (although 2000 years is surely enough time?)

Some of you take the stance that: "why call me good.." whereas some take the stance: "I and the father are one".

My post only really had worth to the latter. To the former I could only say I still don't give a shit. I am supposed to care about the pain suffered by some Israeli dude that lived 2000 years ago? Sheesh, it's like saying I should pity some unknown dude that died in a volcano back in 62ad... It's worthless. There are people right here, right now that are suffering - and incredibly so. They deserve my sympathy more than some ancient sheep herder or rabbi.
Angelic Being said:
I seek that which I Understand - You seek that which you do not.

Thank You.

Therefore, you seek only that which fits into your comfort zone. You are a fucking moron and a mother-fucking imbecile.
c20H25N3o said:
You must have mind reading abilities then ;)

Right through the old testament you have this notion of a blood sacrifice however the sacrifice of an unblemished animal could only ever be a sign of intention (rather like circumcision) as the blood of an animal could not 'really' cover the life of a man.
The life that Jesus lay down 'cost' Him dearly. It is very hard to imagine the torture he endured. He paid for your salvation with that blood, that you may know that God's love for you knows no bounds.

There is a real temptation when one becomes a Christian to forget that you are not really different from any atheist alive. The only thing that seperates you is that you accepted the Word and therefore accepted the 'grace'. However it is still 'grace' lest you become proud.

God is patient with you. Humbly know that he extends the same patience to others.



Your wanting to sound smart in something you dont understand just shows that you are nothing when it comes to The Holy Scriptures.

You emphasize the Blood Of The Christ Literally - whereas the true meaning is Symbolic. - this is apparent by the way you draw similarity to the sacrifices of the past.

This is what I meant when I said that people like you scare me - it is unholy.

Apostle Paul in one of his exhortations said to a congregation - " have you forgotten what The Christ has done for you? Have you forgotten the Purpose of the coming of The Christ?"

Sadly, people like you have indeed forgotten the Spiritual and the true meaning of the coming of The Christ.

Thank You.