Thread For Christians Only.

Cyperium said:
To judge God is to put Him or His deeds in question. We can't know by ourselves what purpouse God has, neither positive or negative, to make a statement that "God did 'that' because of 'that'" is wrong either positive or negative (if it wasn't inspirational). Both positive and negative may mislead, cause some of what we perceive as positive is not allways clearly positive in Gods eyes. Though God being good, is clearly positive and is not misleading. Actually it is not even judgemental, it is in the scriptures that He is good, He inspired the prophets, therefor I am not judging Him, since it is not by my judging.

I haven't been faced with this kind of question before...but this is as far as my understanding goes about "judging" at this time.

Judging is something that you do by considering the good things and the bad things someone has done or is doing. What these things are is open to anyones interpretation.

When referring to The Creator - the word 'judge' becomes obsolete or without purpose and meaning. The reason is that the criteria I have mentioned above is not fulfilled.

Judgement is reserved only for us sinners - this includes unbelievers, fallen angels, christians who sin, and christians who fall. - We satisfy the criteria so therefore we are judged.

WHO is the JUDGE ?- I think we both know !!!

Thank you.
Cyperium said:
Jesus was with God from the beginning, Adam was not. Adam was the first man, but even so, Jesus was before him. Jesus is Gods Son. He is also described as Gods Son in the Bible. Gods only begotten son.

I don't know why that occured but nevertheless Jesus was understood to be Gods Son, so to the degree that they accused Him of blasphemy.

Point: Only a Few Individuals can claim to have been directly Created By The Hands Of The Almighty - Adam and Eve were one of them.

The Scriptures mention that The Christ was the First of all Creation. On this Earth The Creator is mentioned to have actually 'formed man out of dust'. If you still do not know why Man are so important to HIM then this is it - HE 'CREATED' US -THATS WHY WE ARE SO SPECIAL.

When Apostle Paul made reference to Adam and The Christ - he did this understanding this fact.

Part of being a Christian is to know and understand this - only then will you be able to fully realise the significance of the verse that says ' for HE so loved the world, that HE sent HIS only Begotten Son...) - Sadly many Christians still do not realise the significance of this verse - they 'understand' this verse from a worlds point of view - the way we define love- they are not able to realise the meaning of the word LOVE fdrom GODS point of view.

Thank you.
Angelic Being said:
I have answered the question/s.

You just could not 'see' it.

Thank you.

I bet no one understood anything you said because what you say is not "common" sense, as you say it is.

You claim Jesus is "God" not "GOD". Can you tell me the difference please? What is it that Jesus can't do which makes him God and not GOD.

Peace be unto you :)
Angelic Being said:
Point: Only a Few Individuals can claim to have been directly Created By The Hands Of The Almighty - Adam and Eve were one of them.

The Scriptures mention that The Christ was the First of all Creation. On this Earth The Creator is mentioned to have actually 'formed man out of dust'. If you still do not know why Man are so important to HIM then this is it - HE 'CREATED' US -THATS WHY WE ARE SO SPECIAL.

When Apostle Paul made reference to Adam and The Christ - he did this understanding this fact.

Part of being a Christian is to know and understand this - only then will you be able to fully realise the significance of the verse that says ' for HE so loved the world, that HE sent HIS only Begotten Son...) - Sadly many Christians still do not realise the significance of this verse - they 'understand' this verse from a worlds point of view - the way we define love- they are not able to realise the meaning of the word LOVE fdrom GODS point of view.

Thank you.

By the way the word "begotten" of John 3:16 isn't there. It's another forgery thrown out by the RSV, as they did with the blasphemous verse 1John 5:7.

Peace be unto you :)
I bet no one understood anything you said because what you say is not "common" sense, as you say it is.

Uh, for the record, neither of you is using common sense. Essentially, it is a pissing match - my god fantasy is better than your god fantasy.

But do carry on, its somewhat entertaining.
786 said:
I bet no one understood anything you said because what you say is not "common" sense, as you say it is.

You claim Jesus is "God" not "GOD". Can you tell me the difference please? What is it that Jesus can't do which makes him God and not GOD.

Peace be unto you :)

Can you get out of my thread?You are saying things I did not!!!

You cannot 'see' because you are 'blinded'.

Thank you.
(Q) said:
I bet no one understood anything you said because what you say is not "common" sense, as you say it is.

Uh, for the record, neither of you is using common sense. Essentially, it is a pissing match - my god fantasy is better than your god fantasy.

But do carry on, its somewhat entertaining.

Still bitter I presume?

Do the right thing and refer your comments only to the other person who is not even a Christian and pretending to know something about The Christ.

By the way - where is Superluminal??????
Angelic Being said:
Can you get out of my thread?You are saying things I did not!!!

You cannot 'see' because you are 'blinded'.

Thank you.

Huh? Ok I claimed two things which I said you said in that post of mine.

Ok this is what I said
786 said:
I bet no one understood anything you said because what you say is not "common" sense, as you say it is.

You claim Jesus is "God" not "GOD". Can you tell me the difference please? What is it that Jesus can't do which makes him God and not GOD.

I claimed two things. First that I said you claim to talk "common sense". Second thing I said you claim is that you claim Jesus as "God" and not "GOD".

Now which part of my claim are you denying that you didn't say.

Here is my proof for both of my claims.

Angelic Being said:
Sadly , you did not get my point again!! Perhaps it would be better if you went to another thread - you will never be able to understand my point seeing as you do not believe in The Christ.

I talk common sense and logic.

And again, my Peace is with The Christ who Lives forever, not from mere men like you who will return to the dust that you were originally made from.

Thank You.

So you did claim that you talk "common sense".

Now my proof for my second claim.

strecthed said:

* So? Is Jesus god?

So strecthed asked you that Is Jesus god? And you replied.

Angelic Being said:
Using the words - god or God - you can say that.

But Not using the word -GOD.

Thank you.

So you did claim that using the word "God" and NOT "GOD".

Now you tell me what the heck did I say that you didn't say!!!

You are playing with the questions and never answering directly, then you accuse me of saying something which you claimed is untrue. What the heck are you trying to do? If you don't want to answer the question because you have no concrete proof of what you say then just tell me, don't accuse me of something which I didn't do!!!

Peace be unto you :)
Though God being good, is clearly positive and is not misleading. Actually it is not even judgemental, it is in the scriptures that He is good, He inspired the prophets, therefor I am not judging Him, since it is not by my judging.
By saying a being or a thing is good you are judging it to be so. When you say god is good you make a judgement call. Simply because it says in the scriptures that he is good does not nessarily make it so, any more than me saying I'm Napolean makes it so.
Angelic Being said:
This thread is for Christians only.
It is a place where we can come together and discuss our doctrines and its relevance to society, its relevance to science, and its contribution towards the development of Mankind.


1. Only mainstream Protestant Denominations
2. Roman Catholic and Orthodox
3. Atheists can just read but must not contribute. Preferable that they
dont visit this thread at all.
4. Mormons are not allowed.
Topics can be started by anyone, about anything that you feel we as Christians must be aware of.

The Creator Loves You. :)

I am a Christian and I can tell you that your first mistake in trying to have a "religious thread only" is, you feed the atheist. Ignore them or just simply go to a Christian majority site. This site seems to be an athiest site with not one thing to offer a full hearted believer.
This site is a science site... where empiricism is needed to evaluate claims. Religion here should be discussed in the anthropological and psychological perspectives... all this believer nonsense just gets in the way.
One subject I find most intriguing, Angel, and I'd like to see Christians state their belief on is: Is the soul an immortal entity that existed before the body? If you believe so, state some scriptural references, if not, back it up, why not?
Angelic Being said:
Can you get out of my thread?.
No. This is a public forum. We can post in whatever thread we want to, because it's PUBLIC.
PM your little critchen' friends if you want to have a private conversation.
MarcAC said:
One subject I find most intriguing, Angel, and I'd like to see Christians state their belief on is: Is the soul an immortal entity that existed before the body? If you believe so, state some scriptural references, if not, back it up, why not?

It is not an immortal entity - this is a demonic teaching.

The soul is mortal.

If you notice I do not use Scriptural verses to back up my beliefs - this is simply because I know that I am right and I 'Feel' that I am right.

I assure you the evidence is in The Holy Scriptures

Thank You.
SkinWalker said:
This site is a science site... where empiricism is needed to evaluate claims. Religion here should be discussed in the anthropological and psychological perspectives... all this believer nonsense just gets in the way.

My argument is that Religion ie. Christianity is a Science. Sadly , many just refuse to admit that alot of the events in The Holy Scriptures have Scientific Reasoning - for example, the miracles stated all can be explained Scientifically. If we cannot do so for a particular miracle then it is simply because we still do not have the Knowledge.

Example:: Prior to the great Flood, the planet never had rainbows. The Creator decided to give it as a sign to Noah that HE would never again punish mankind that way. The dilemna is - How is it possible that there were no rainbows prior to the Flood?

All the ingredients towards the formation of a rainbow were present - were they not? T o argue that they were not is to say that life could not have been possible in that environment for Humans especially.

Is it possible that The Creator altered the Speed of Light? Could it be that the Definition of Light that we have now has alot of Limitations? How is this related To Time? Could this be an explanation for the Long Lives that humans of the pre-flood era enjoyed? Does light Affect the Human Physiology?

So as Scientists , we should try and solve such dilemnas rather then writing them off as "miracles" and using your antropological and psychological nonsense as excuses.

Because to tell you the truth - all these miracles mentioned were put there for a purpose - FOR HUMANS TO UNDERSTAND AND DUPLICATE THEM.

And to be honest - science right now is not moving with the times - thanks to idiots who rule the Scientific World and to their Followers that worship them.

Dont take me for one of those mumbo jumbo Christians who are no different from you.

Thank You.
Angelic Being said:
It is not an immortal entity - this is a demonic teaching.
The soul is mortal.
No, souls are stated as part of the Holy Spirit, ergo part of your god, and are therefore immortal, unless you are implying that your so-called god is mortal.
Angelic Being said:
It is not an immortal entity - this is a demonic teaching.

The soul is mortal.

If you notice I do not use Scriptural verses to back up my beliefs - this is simply because I know that I am right and I 'Feel' that I am right.

I assure you the evidence is in The Holy Scriptures

Thank You.
I do also believe that the soul is mortal Angel, in fact, I believe that we are souls simply put. What I haven't seen so far is scriptural evidence which suggest that the soul is immortal - contrary to what some naiive, ill-informed novice-atheists seem to suggest.
MarcAC said:
I do also believe that the soul is mortal Angel, in fact, I believe that we are souls simply put. What I haven't seen so far is scriptural evidence which suggest that the soul is immortal - contrary to what some naiive, ill-informed novice-atheists seem to suggest.

Exactly - sorry atheists but the jig is up - step by step Christians will move back to the correct teachings in The Scriptures - It is prophesied by Daniel about 2000 years ago - " That there will be a contamination of the Truth but in the Last Days , The Truth wiil come back so as to get as many people back into The Fold Of Christianity".

By the way - where is Superluminal?????

Thank You.
Angelic Being said:
Exactly - sorry atheists but the jig is up - step by step Christians will move back to the correct teachings in The Scriptures - It is prophesied by Daniel about 2000 years ago - " That there will be a contamination of the Truth but in the Last Days , The Truth wiil come back so as to get as many people back into The Fold Of Christianity".

By the way - where is Superluminal?????

Thank You.

What does Jesus' blood mean to you?