Third of Muslim Students Back Religious Killings

I am wondering if you do or do not think that Bin Laden financed 9/11? If not then yes you are correct, if so then why the run around?

I don't know. I've never seen any evidence either way. But it did not stop the Americans from invading two countries rather than present the evidence. It was only later that the FBI admitted they had no "hard" evidence of any link.

On June 5, 2006, the Muckraker Report contacted the FBI Headquarters, (202) 324-3000, to learn why Bin Laden’s Most Wanted poster did not indicate that Usama was also wanted in connection with 9/11. The Muckraker Report spoke with Rex Tomb, Chief of Investigative Publicity for the FBI. When asked why there is no mention of 9/11 on Bin Laden’s Most Wanted web page, Tomb said, “The reason why 9/11 is not mentioned on Usama Bin Laden’s Most Wanted page is because the FBI has no hard evidence connecting Bin Laden to 9/11.”
Did you know that your quote has a Skype link embedded into it? That's weird. If I click it I can call the FBI from Skype.

Anyway, Bin Laden could have been handed over to the international courts.

That aside, you don't think it's ODD that many Britons are against the war and against religious killings unless they are muslim, then, for some odd reason, 1 in 3 Britons are for religious killings. Do you think maybe this has something to do with their ... Oh, I don't know, religion?

If you were to look over the last 1400 years of Islam, how many women do you suppose were killed by their jealous husbands using some verse in the Qur'an to justify their murder? I wonder how many Buddhists have used scripture to kill their, maybe, cheating wives? I wonder why 1 in 3 Britons that are Buddhist do not support religious killings - even though they are against war.
I think its very odd that someone who supported a war that is ACTUALLY happening and has been going on for seven years now with hundreds of thousands dead for no logical reason, makes comments based on a poll that is probably fake, if the Dispatches news is to be believed. The occupation of Muslim countries shows to me that Britons are actually doing the religious killing here, since they are willing to attack Muslims for reasons that they will overlook in other people.
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This thread is a magnet for Muslim haters. It represents everything wrong with America today.

And there it is.

It's not the Muslim that is hated, but instead it is the vicious and violent ideology that has enslaved people for centuries that is despised and has made you the sanctimonious hypocrite that you are today.

So, now that you've made that statement, will you now use it to muster reasoning to defend yourself? Will you now use the Quran to lie, kill and go to war since that is what your religion demands?

Much of America is represented by another vicious and violent ideology; Christianity, which is really what is wrong with America today, as well.

Hence, two ideologies, which came from the same original cult, nonetheless, and are causing the violence and hatred, is what you should be concerned about.
I think its very odd that someone who supported a war that is ACTUALLY happening and has been going on for seven years now with hundreds of thousands dead for no logical reason, makes comments based on a poll that is probably fake, if the Dispatches news is to be believed. The occupation of Muslim countries shows to me that Britons are actually doing the religious killing here, since they are willing to attack Muslims for reasons that they will overlook in other people.

Speaking of sanctimonious hypocrites...
And there it is.

It's not the Muslim that is hated,.

Not true. Thats the same BS that Stalin gave when he killed people. That Hitler gave when he killed Jews.

"By now it is clear that [the conflict between Germany and the USSR] has … gradually assumed the characteristics of a struggle that can only be compared to the greatest historical events of the past. The pitiless and merciless war that has been forced upon us by external Jewry will lay the entire Continent in ruins unless the forces of [eastern] destruction can be stopped before reaching Europe’s borders. [Should they break through], the worst consequences would be not burned cities and wrecked cultural monuments but the bestial massacres of masses of human beings comparable to those that followed the invasions of the Huns and Mongols out of inner Asia." (quoted in A J Mayer, Why Did the Heavens Not Darken: The "Final Solution" in History. London: Verso, 1990, p. 346)
Like the Jews before? I find the argument on alien Jews that were present in Europe before the Holocaust remarkably similar to the ones on Muslims now.
Snarf, it is maybe a foreign concept that muslims own behaviour may have some bearing on how they are percieved. This is a two way street like it or not.

It's interesting that when in open public, Muslims preach Islam as a peaceful religion. But, when it is behind closed doors, a very different kind of preaching takes place, a preaching of hatred and killing.
Much of America is represented by another vicious and violent ideology; Christianity, which is really what is wrong with America today, as well.

Christianity as an ideology isn't the problem, it's the people in power who pretend to (I don't believe they are that dumb to completely misunderstand the message) be Christians in order to get their nations backing to terrorise the planet with unjust wars, to make the world "a safer place".

Do you really think Jesus would want His followers to act like Bush and his advisers?
Jesus was technically an insurgent, he campaigned against the ruling oppressive government. And was crucified for sedition.