Third of Muslim Students Back Religious Killings

That explains why the Muslim nations had 300 years of war of the barbarians, followed by centuries of colonial rule where the natives were either killed off or put into nigger reservations, followed by two world wars, a Holocaust, nuclear and chemical bombing, ongoing occupations, "we don't do body counts", supporting oppressive regimes, death squads, pointless wars, etc.

Yeah, make them atheist and the world will be a better place. Russia is so peaceful now, the Chinese could not get any better, Cambodia is a shining light to the world. The NATO countries are spreading democracy by the missile load. What more do we need? Ah some biased media propaganda would be nice.

Those Muslim nations! They simply will not recognise self determination of people! See how foreign populations have completely replaced natives in their lands. :bawl:

Yes and look at the injustice black people went through, and yet they are not off murdering innocent civilians as a result. Why? They are not islamic.
Actually I was talking about a sizeable minority of muslims living in Britain. But of course it comes to no surprise to me that the sizeable minority may not be such a minority in islamic countries.

I sizeable minority in Britain supports attacks against whom? The West, Israel, whom?

I have another question for you, where the native Americans justified in fighting the colonists from Europe? If they were, then why are not the Palestinians justified from fighting against colonizers from Europe?

Yes and look at the injustice black people went through, and yet they are not off murdering innocent civilians as a result. Why? They are not islamic.

Being Islamic (I suppose you mean Muslim) does not make you a commit these attacks. It is the experience, as a human being, which pushes people to this brink. The people of Palestine, Iraq, and Afghanistan have lost everything to them, they don't have any jobs, they are starving, bombs are indiscriminately killing innocent people, and their lives are a complete mess. If Western countries will not help them, then why should they be prevented from helping themselves? The Palestinians, Iraqis, and Afghans have the right to resist any invasion of their lands.

As far as the Africans which the white colonizers brought to this country, there were massive revolts and subsequent genocides meed against them. The colonizers like to portray a happy relationship with slave and master in America, this is far from the truth. Among the slaves brought here to this country, nearly a half or to some estimates a third, were Muslims. White colonizers forced them to adopt an alien religion, they forced them to become pacified. It was an African Holocaust, this is what it was.

To think blacks are complacent to that history, is far from the truth. They are unaware of their potential in the modern era, but they demonstrated with sheer force and numbers how strong they can be in the 60s and 70s. The US government and white industries want to keep them distracted by drugs, silly music, and exploitative materialism.
This Religion of Peace Moment is brought to you by Muslims attending British universities: Third of Muslim students back killings.


And fucking what?

You have a point?

Everyone wants to make generalisations, everyone wants to put entire communities into little conveniently labelled boxes so they can be condemned and looked down on, my friend that is insanity, its pathetic and I reject that.

In an ideal World there would be no killing, however only a fat pussy looking at the World through rose-coloured specs would say that we can live in a World without killing. We live in a war-ravaged effed up World and sometimes you have to kill. (In defence of course, unless you are American).

Please watch:

Dispatches - It Shouldn't Happen to a Muslim

Broadcast: Monday 07 July 2008 08:00 PM

On the third anniversary of the 7/7 London Bombings, Peter Oborne investigates whether these attacks and the fear of terrorism has fuelled the rise of violence, intolerance and hatred against British Muslims.

Part 1 of 6

The whole thing is on there. I'll hopefully make a thread about it when I have time.

I sizeable minority in Britain supports attacks against whom? The West, Israel, whom?

A YouGov poll among British Muslims conducted after 7/7 found that 6 percent insist that the bombings were justified. Six percent amounts to about 100,000 individuals. Another 24 percent of respondents did not condone the attacks but had some sympathy with the bombers’ motives. The majority, 56 percent, reported that whether or not they sympathized with the bombers, they could understand why some people might behave this way.

That is just the tip of the iceberg. This is what the ideals of islam results in. Countries like Saudi Arabia and Iran shows what religion is capable of at it's very worst. This is the type of religion that jails a woman because she comitted the hideous crime of being raped. This is the kind of religion that kills apostates. This is humanity at it's worst. Terrorism is just the tip of the iceberg.

No excuses.

And yet, Europe is so scared of appearing racist that it will roll out the red carpet for muslims to spread their poisonous ideals to the west. Give it 50 years and you'll have sharia law there... especially when people like you make excuses for them (the muslims).
The British media is as screwed up as the US media. Did you watch the Dispatches investigation of UK "news"?

As for

That is just the tip of the iceberg.

Its British troops in Iraq and Afghanistan, just like it was in India. Not the other way around. Lets not lose sight of who is the aggressor
At the time The Koran was being written, Muslims were being prosecuted and killed in horrendous ways, such as being buried alive in the sand or being drawn and quartered. Obviously, many Muslims felt that they could defend themselves in the name of their religion, and this attitude has persisted throughout the centuries.
Times are better; now they are only persecuted for their beliefs, clothes, language, religion, nationality, oil resources, geographical location and culture.
Times are better; now they are only persecuted for their beliefs, clothes, language, religion, nationality, oil resources, geographical location and culture.

Quite right too.

I'm not one who agrees with the war in Iraq or the war on terror in general. But the invasion of Afghanistan was necessary, although mismanaged as they apparently gave up on hunting down Osama. I believe that islam is a greater evil than even the USA.

For it's not just terrorism which gives islam a bad rep - it's all those things you hear about on the news that are unrelated to the war on terror. It's woman being jailed for being raped, it's riots over a cartoon, it's islamic schools teaching that jews are pigs and christians are (I forget the derogatory term). Islam in this day and age is rotten to its core. It's what christianity was in the dark ages. For any injustice muslims recieve today, they can have no sympathy when their method of defence is the deliberate killing of innocent civilians, slowly sawing off the head of conscious humans. No other group of people, wether it be blacks, gays, atheists etc. they do not respond to it with such barbarism. Perhaps because they do not follow a bloody ideology with such dangerous enthusiasm.
Sam: I guess you would fit into the "24 percent of respondents did not condone the attacks but had some sympathy with the bombers’ motives".

Notice one thing in common with all these "backward" societies? The British had a hand in each and every mess.
Sam: I guess you would fit into the "24 percent of respondents did not condone the attacks but had some sympathy with the bombers’ motives".


Lets see the UK invade Americans for not turning over those CIA agents who kidnapped and tortured the European Muslims. :rolleyes:

At least they had a trial and have evidence for their demands of extradition:
A judge in Italy has ordered 26 people, most of them CIA agents, to stand trial on kidnapping charges. In 2003, Egyptian cleric Osama Mustafa Hassan was kidnapped in Italy and flown to an Egyptian prison where he alleges he was tortured.

Now the question is, will Italy seek extradition of the CIA agents from the U.S.

Lawyers say they have compiled thousands of pages of documents and testimony from Italian agents past and present, some of whom have acknowledged working with the US in planning the abduction. The trial is due to begin on 8 June.

Unlike the garbled nonsense from the US:

FBI says, “No hard evidence connecting Bin Laden to 9/11”
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Don't be foolish. Islam gives the RIGHT of anyone whose rights are tramped to get revenge against the perpetrators of these crimes (all the governments in the world teach this to best of my knowledge), but it also teaches that forgiveness is BETTER.
Yes Yes and this was and is and has always been taught to every person everywhere in all cultures and all peoples always. So, there is absolutely no need to restate it in the airy fairy world of religious dogma.

You see my good chap, what happens is some people will find the "RIGHT" to "get revenge" because they perceive their "rights were trampled" on. Which is to say: everyone in the world!! The simple fact is everyone at some point in their lives feels they are "the victims" and "life just isn't fair" and their rights are being trampled upon. (actually, playing the victim is a rather common aspect to the psyche of certain societies)

If one were so inclined, it would be interesting to look up some centuries old examples of when various people were put to death whilst a religious book was quoted to justify their murder. It certainly happened in Christendom and it happened in Islamic societies were the Qur'an was quoted to justify murder - and I'm sure that we could read with appall some such murders. Imagine the southern Slave beaten to death for seeking freedom as the Bible was quotes at length. Just lovely huh? The homosexuals hung in Iran for harming the country - lets read a couple quotes from the Good Book and kill them - as that is the word of "God".

I'm curious, if a woman cheats on her husband, does the husband then have the right to murder the woman and the man (or other woman) with who she slept with? Surely his RIGHTS as a husband have been trampled upon? He's just the VICTIM. The good husband. He has the RIGHT to seek REVENGE. He first thanks God, kisses the Qur'an and then murders the pair.

IF you find such behavior to be appalling THEN perhaps you can see why such HOLY VERSES are most unenlightened.

IF NOT, then we go back to my supposition: ingestion of FOX News for hours upon hours every day results in a numbing of cognitive function and eventual dumbing down to the point of no longer being able to grasp slightly complex concepts.

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Actually I was talking about a sizeable minority of muslims living in Britain. But of course it comes to no surprise to me that the sizeable minority may not be such a minority in islamic countries.
This is the point. Many Britons are against the war. But I just don't think you could find 1 out of 3 of those against the war supporting religious killings. Actually, I'd think that the demography of the non muslim Britons who are against the war are also probably against religious killings.

Ironically only Britons that are Muslims are those Britons that back religious killings - - all the other Britons are against the war AND against religious killings.

Isn't that interesting?
Only British troops and western troops are currently occupying other countries and actively killing people of a different religion. Isn't THAT MORE interesting?