Third of Muslim Students Back Religious Killings

How many Honor Killings happened this year? Where were the majority of them?

SAM, anyone with two brain cells can tell you that a Religious Book is the VERY LAST PLACE you would want to have a concept such as just MURDER. Civil Institutions are where people should take their grudge - NOT to the pages of some 1400 year old tomb of gibberish.

Anyway, so why is it that 1 in 3 Briton that happen to be Muslim support Religious Killings whereas the rest of Briton do not (even though they may be against the war).

Do you suppose it could have something to do with the FACT that DH posted it IS Godly to Murder people at times under certain circumstances in the "real world" :bugeye:

and people wonder why....

You're completely nuts. I bet Americans have killed more people in Iraq and Afghanistan this year than anyone else.

Maybe you should tear up your constitution and dismantle your army, it appears to provoke mass murder in Americans.
Maybe you should tear up your constitution and dismantle your army, it appears to provoke mass murder in Americans.
I am MORE than willing to consider this. I am more than willing ton consider the very real possibility that there are some serious faults in the US system of government. I am happy to vote to change it, and if need be, scrap it and start afresh. It may have outlived it's usefulness and in this day and age we may be able to do MUCH better.


How about you SAM? Are you similarly willing to recognize that faults similarly exist in the Qur'an?



*watches SAM squirm as she realized that yet again she has painted herself into a corner* ... ;)
What corner? You appear to think that honor killing is written in the Quran. Maybe you should get around to reading it once in a while.
No, I do not, my last post (which you quoted) said nothing, absolutely nothing of the sort. I said that YES, the US Constitution may have outlived it's usefulness. It may have many faults. It may be that we can do better without it.

Then I asked you: How about you SAM? Are you similarly willing to recognize that faults similarly exist in the Qur'an?

SAM: "Ooooh THAT corner.... I see."
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Maybe you should tear up your constitution and dismantle your army, it appears to provoke mass murder in Americans.

I say we also force America to close radical kindergardens and preschools, which we all know are just terrorist camps in disguise.
I agree that some kindergartens probably should be shut down. Like those that teach children their's is the ONLY true religion and their religous books is Perfect somehow and everyone else's is somehow inherently wrong and has "imperfections".

Or how about those that teach children that the end of the world is Neigh? Or those that teach children evolution is wrong and say otherwise is the "work of the Devil". Or those that teach children polygamy is good. Or those that teach children that as girls their place in society is behind their man making babies.

YES, many pre-schools and kindergartens in the USA probably should be shut down.
Well, I am. Some home-schools in the USA are really quite scary. I'm thinking of those poor children in the Texas polygamy cult.
What corner? You appear to think that honor killing is written in the Quran. Maybe you should get around to reading it once in a while.

Speaking of reading, here's some really bizarre statements in which a certain someone should have done some reading other than the Quran.

The American civil war did not happen.

There has been no successful atheist society. They were all failures.
Speaking of reading, here's some really bizarre statements in which a certain someone should have done some reading other than the Quran.

Uh, the first was a joke. The second is a fact. No lasting society has ever been created by atheists. The last semi-successful one was by the Carvakas, 2000 years ago, but even that one has gone down into oblivion. Forget the communists, who were obvious failures. No current society can survive without religion.

I wasn't sure why exactly you suppose that 1 in 3 Britons that happen to be Muslim support religous killings?

was you answer that:
a) fake data?
b) the wars in ME?

It seems like the most logical answer is it's something they read in their Holy Book.
How irrelevant. A country like Australia wouldn't try to defend Osama from justice if he was living in their territory.

If they did, then yes, they should face the consequences.

no one 'defends a person from justice', they defend a person from their oppressors. and if you carpet bombed any country, of the people killed who do you think would actually be responsible for, or willing, to protect Osama? is jailing/executing a single person worth lives? get your bloodlust under control.
A YouGov poll among British Muslims conducted after 7/7 found that 6 percent insist that the bombings were justified. Six percent amounts to about 100,000 individuals. Another 24 percent of respondents did not condone the attacks but had some sympathy with the bombers’ motives. The majority, 56 percent, reported that whether or not they sympathized with the bombers, they could understand why some people might behave this way.

do you have statistics comparing that to non-muslims? i'm all for secularism but i can sympathize too, and i can see why people would consider it justified. being able to put yourself in someone else's shoes doesn't say anything about your own values/actions.
Uh, the first was a joke. The second is a fact. No lasting society has ever been created by atheists. The last semi-successful one was by the Carvakas, 2000 years ago, but even that one has gone down into oblivion. Forget the communists, who were obvious failures. No current society can survive without religion.

I would be willing to bet that most of them met their demise through religious intolerance and hatred.
I would be willing to bet that most of them met their demise through religious intolerance and hatred.

I think there would have been some record of that, we tend to relish our wars [read the Mahabharata?]. But mostly, they probably committed mass suicide, which is dishonorable and not worth mentioning [especially if its not martyrdom].
Uh, the first was a joke. The second is a fact. No lasting society has ever been created by atheists. The last semi-successful one was by the Carvakas, 2000 years ago, but even that one has gone down into oblivion. Forget the communists, who were obvious failures. No current society can survive without religion.

Religion's good at providing social stability. sheep need a shepherd. societies are made up of lots of sheep.

Maybe if atheists were able to control people with colourful stories they'd be better at creating societies. maybe if they had a book telling them to go convert everyone and gather together they'd have a reason to create societies.
I'm in complete support of religious killing. I think that 2/3rds of the population of the earth need to be put to the sword. Who's with me?