Third of Muslim Students Back Religious Killings

Perhaps I am missing the point. I would assume that the one with the most power would have the capacity to make the decisions about Jesus.
Perhaps I am missing the point. I would assume that the one with the most power would have the capacity to make the decisions about Jesus.

Yes you are missing the point.

The point is the pharisees delivered Jesus to Pontius Pilot, thus they were the sinners.

Free will.
The American government is elected.

Still missing the point?

You do realize that one of the reasons our president gave up his position early was to do with his controversial movements in Iraq.

Also, Bush is playing his fathers role. And when Americans elected Bush, there was no indication Bush would have done these things. So elections have nothing to do with the actual process.

It's the government, and namely George Bush that should be done for warcrimes in Iraq. The people of the country should never be held in consequence of actions made by people in higher power, especially when ''the people,'' ultimately don't have a say in governmental actions.

Look at it this way. If this was the way we should look at it, then we should hold everyone responsible in Iraq for the bombings of 9/11. See how ridiculous that is?
Look at it this way. If this was the way we should look at it, then we should hold everyone responsible in Iraq for the bombings of 9/11. See how ridiculous that is?

I understand the point you were trying to make, but the analogy is horrendous. 9/11 wasn't committed by a sovereign nation with elected leaders.
Yeah, it is ridiculous. However that has not stopped it. Has it?

And that is why the Islamic extremists are now making their own goals their own demise morally. They are now harming people who had nothing to do with the war itself; just as much as some Americans and Britains are so closed-minded as to even entertain the bombings in Iraq, killing hundreds of innocent children and women.

But... there are an elite few who do not uphold the war, and THIS IS THE POINT. Politics is never fair, and war is just the continuation of politics, but just in another way... (that last part was actually a qoute from someone... i forget who now.)
And that is why the Islamic extremists are now making their own goals their own demise morally. They are now harming people who had nothing to do with the war itself; just as much as some Americans and Britains are so closed-minded as to even entertain the bombings in Iraq, killing hundreds of innocent children and women.

You're kidding right? These "extremists" are fighting for their lives in a ridiculous war that was imposed upon them. Please, spare me the media myths.
I think its very odd that someone who supported a war that is ACTUALLY happening and has been going on for seven years now with hundreds of thousands dead for no logical reason, makes comments based on a poll that is probably fake, if the Dispatches news is to be believed. The occupation of Muslim countries shows to me that Britons are actually doing the religious killing here, since they are willing to attack Muslims for reasons that they will overlook in other people.
I'm not disagreeing. BUT, the reason why Britons support the conquest/subjugation of the Middle East are different than the reason why Muslims Britons support Religious Killings. The OP was about Muslim backed religous killings.

A lot of innocent women have been killed by insanely jealous arse hole husbands. Just imagine those innocent women that had their head cut off by some nut husband as he justifys killing her by reciting a verse from the Qur'an. Funny that the World's only Perfect Book, wrote in the Perfect Language by the Perfect Last Prophet, could result in scenes reminiscent of a Canadian Buss ride last week. The fact is it's STUPID to justify murder in a religous context. I am 100% sure that every woman who is just about to die in just such circumstances or every homosexual hung in Iran comes to just such an epiphany.

I said I supported a limited 6 week invasion to capture the people responsible for driving planes into buildings in New York. Any competent person would have seen that Bin Laden was captured long ago and Afghanistan could still be ruled by Pakistan in proxy via Taliban. Which is perfectly fine with me. Like I said, I'm all for pulling out all troops now. Today couldn't be soon enough.
I'm not disagreeing. BUT, the reason why Britons support the conquest/subjugation of the Middle East are different than the reason why Muslims Britons support Religious Killings. The OP was about Muslim backed religous killings.

A lot of innocent women have been killed by insanely jealous arse hole husbands. Just imagine those innocent women that had their head cut off by some nut husband as he justifys killing her by reciting a verse from the Qur'an.

You imagine it. You're the one with the weird scenarios. :rolleyes:
Pretty sad that Michael the baptist always tried to resort on women's rights in muslim lands... I suppose crimes against women doesn't occur in western societies?
Religion shapes culture and the rights of women to be legally equal to a man have been trampled on by many religions.

Lets look a neutral country. Japanese treatment of women before Confucianism and after. It’s absolutely clear that the Chinese value system greatly affected the treatment of Japanese women by Japanese men. Here we started with a culture that revered an Empress and ended with one where the underlying concept for the word “woman” means closeted away in the house. No more female rulers.

Do you suppose that a man taught that he can have four wives also feels that they are his equal? Is this the way human psyche works? Imagine a world where each black skinned person can have 4 white servants but the 4 white servants can never have a black servant – they have to stay in the house as servants. I betchya that in such a society there is a natural tendency towards bigotry.

Pretty sad that Michael the baptist always tried to resort on women's rights in muslim lands... I suppose crimes against women doesn't occur in western societies?
”muslim lands”… heh

Yes, Women were not treated equal to men before or after Xianity. How about in “Muslim Lands”? At any point in this 1400 year of Muslimness, snarf snarf, were women ever treated legally equal to men?



Is it true guys? Are there no crimes committed by christians against' their women?
Of course they did.

I have a question: Have men in Muslim Lands ever used verses from the Qur’an to justify killing women for adultery?


Have verses from the Qur’an to justify killing men for being homosecual?


Like there are no crimes of passion in west, cited by Michael? for example if a western women commits cheating or adultery, her husband will reward her with flowers? or maybe tell her "it is okay honey"... just wrap it up before I come home... ;). So, there have been no murders in the name of love or passion? Which is normally known in east as honor killings...
Really, it’s a crime of passion for a brother to kill his sister because she was found to be secretly dating a boy. Yeah, that one happens all the time.


This wasn’t my point. My point is IF you put justification for murder in your Holy text THEN expect some people to use it to justify murder. It’s really that simple. We in the “Civilized” world have what’s called Civil Institutions where we deal with infidelity. Not some airy fairy religious book. That’s why our societies are so much more advanced on civil issues compared with theocratic ones.

PS: We don’t call it Honor Killing, we call it Psychopathic Murder.

Seriously, I think there are no crimes against women in west..
seriously there are crimes against women in the West, BUT, only a psychopath would look into a Religious Book and think they he is Justified I fulfilling his revenge. You see, Diamond Hearts Post said just that. Trampled RIGHTs, sanctioned MURDER and just REVENGE. Wow, those are the VERY LAST concepts you want in the mind of an insanely jealous husband when he finds out his wife finally couldn’t stand him any longer and left for a good man who didn’t bear her and treats her well.

Oh, I know you don’t get it, it's OK. Watch FOX News do ya? It’ll do that to a person.

So the fact that the US has an army is justification for American men to kill their wives?
You imagine it. You're the one with the weird scenarios. :rolleyes:
How many Honor Killings happened this year? Where were the majority of them?

SAM, anyone with two brain cells can tell you that a Religious Book is the VERY LAST PLACE you would want to have a concept such as just MURDER. Civil Institutions are where people should take their grudge - NOT to the pages of some 1400 year old tomb of gibberish.

Anyway, so why is it that 1 in 3 Briton that happen to be Muslim support Religious Killings whereas the rest of Briton do not (even though they may be against the war).

Do you suppose it could have something to do with the FACT that DH posted it IS Godly to Murder people at times under certain circumstances in the "real world" :bugeye:

and people wonder why....