Third of Muslim Students Back Religious Killings

So lets not focus on people who are using freedom of expression, lets focus on the ones doing the actual killing, for a change.

Especially since the media in the UK is completely distorted where Muslims are concerned

If a woman cheats on her husband, does the husband then have the right to murder the woman and the man (or other woman) with who she slept with? Surely his RIGHTS as a husband have been trampled upon? He's just the VICTIM. The good husband. He has the RIGHT to seek REVENGE. He first thanks God, kisses the Qur'an and then murders the pair.

How many times can you tell yourself that the Godly and Holy verse on killing are being "misinterpreted"? How many women have to die beofre you recognize that such verses are henious? 10 thousand? A million? How many women do you suppose have been murdered by their family over the centuries while the Qur'an was quoted? 10s of millions? 100s of millions? How many SAM?

FFS, can you focus on those who are currently killing people? Or are you too arsed up with your effing hypotheticals?
At the time The Koran was being written, Muslims were being prosecuted and killed in horrendous ways, such as being buried alive in the sand or being drawn and quartered. Obviously, many Muslims felt that they could defend themselves in the name of their religion, and this attitude has persisted throughout the centuries.
I was under the impression that the Qur'an was "written" sometime AFTER the Muslims had already conquered many of their enemies. I think they probably realized the zeal with which religion can motive people to certain ends.

Militarily such sentiment is not novel and actually a common theme in many religions of that era in that place.
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The US government and white industries

My views are that using religious text to justify murder is ALWAYS wrong, it doesn't matter if such justification is found in the Qur'an or another superstitious book, say one from Scientology.

See simple really, I believe that Civil institutions can worry about when or when it is not permissible to punish someone. Sure, maybe when humans were monkeys we needed a God and a verse but in today's day and age we have progressed to living in societies and have social civics. I actually pity you that you are stuck with an unchanging 7th century religious book. Poor bastards.
FFS, can you focus on those who are currently killing people? Or are you too arsed up with your effing hypotheticals?
I already said I am against the wars. I have made that clear on many occasions. See my and many British Muslims are both against the war. See on that point we agree.

The question is: Why do 1 in 3 Britons (that happen to be Muslim) think religious killings are acceptable?
You supported the war in Afghanistan. So backtracking now isn't going to bring back the dead. People like you make me ill.
I supported a limited 6 week invasion. And as the USA was attacked the citizens do have the right to seek out and capture the people who attacked them.

IF Afghanistan had a government that would have captured the criminals in the first place then there would have IMM never had been a reason for attacking southern Afghanistan.


PS: You have time and again supported the attack of Persia so please - at least try to be consistent.
Being Islamic (I suppose you mean Muslim) does not make you a commit these attacks. It is the experience, as a human being, which pushes people to this brink. The people of Palestine, Iraq, and Afghanistan have lost everything to them, they don't have any jobs, they are starving, bombs are indiscriminately killing innocent people, and their lives are a complete mess. If Western countries will not help them, then why should they be prevented from helping themselves? The Palestinians, Iraqis, and Afghans have the right to resist any invasion of their lands.

How about the oppression of native religious minorities in dar-al-islam, which continues to this day? Is this part of the great "resistance" also? Did those people have the right to resist islamic oppression? Why or why not?
If a woman cheats on her husband, does the husband then have the right to murder the woman and the man (or other woman) with who she slept with?

I supported a limited 6 week invasion. And as the USA was attacked the citizens do have the right to seek out and capture the people who attacked them.

IF Afghanistan had a government that would have captured the criminals in the first place then there would have IMM never had been a reason for attacking southern Afghanistan.


PS: You have time and again supported the attack of Persia so please - at least try to be consistent.

What criminals? The US government has not enough evidence to prosecute anyone. Let alone bomb a country for seven years. And if the Americans were not so far up the bums of the bin Ladens they flew out immediately after 9/11, they may not have needed to invade two countries and kill hundreds of thousands of people. Would you support a six week limited invasion of the US by Iraqis and Afghanis who are fed up of American hubris?
The Bin Laden family are not guilty just because they happen to be related to the man who financed 9/11. Surely you are not going to CT us into believing Bin Ladan and his associated has nothing to do with 9/11 and it was a Joo plot. Don't get me wrong, I am not a fan of Jewish monotheism anymore than any other but please.

Bin Laden was a major criminal and he was living in a lawless land where the authorities had refused to do the right thing and turn him in to the police. I think a competent 6 week (or less) operation would have seen him captured with NO civilian casualties.

It's obvious to me the GWB is also a criminal so yes, he and his ilk should also be prosecuted.

BUT do I think it's "religiously" alright to kill GWB. NO - we have civil institutions that deal with that. AND, if they do not then this is still a public matter.
Yeah, putting the bin Ladens on a private plane and bombing hundreds of thousands of Afghnias and Iraqis makes perfect sense. Declaring it was all OBL makes even more sense without evidence.

The Taliban asked for evidence THRICE. They even suggested third party intervention. The western freedom of expression ends at their anal interpretation of law.
Times are better; now they are only persecuted for their beliefs, clothes, language, religion, nationality, oil resources, geographical location and culture.

Fortunately, islam persecutes non-muslims in islamic countries for only about half of those.

A real improvement.
Yeah, we have to keep waiting for the west to catch up. You're ex-British aren't you? Did you watch the Dispatch video? What did you think of it?
Anyway, why is it that Briton who are against the war AND not Muslim are also against killing on the bases of religion where as 1 in 3 Briton who happen to be Muslim think killing based on religion is justifiable? Don't you think that maybe they are being taught something that is wrong somewhere here?

OR maybe I should ask: do YOU think that killing someone based on religious doctrine is justifiable!??!?!

I bet EVERY single woman that lost her head, comes to the same epiphany I have stated, in those last moments of her life, She then realized that such verses are evil - especially those woman who were innocent but had insanely jealous husbands.

As you are a woman I find it hard to believe you can not concur? Too much FOXislam I suppose?
Yeah, putting the bin Ladens on a private plane and bombing hundreds of thousands of Afghnias and Iraqis makes perfect sense. Declaring it was all OBL makes even more sense without evidence.

The Taliban asked for evidence THRICE. They even suggested third party intervention. The western freedom of expression ends at their anal interpretation of law.
I am wondering if you do or do not think that Bin Laden financed 9/11? If not then yes you are correct, if so then why the run around?