There Are No Aliens!!

Aliens, hrmmm its another seeing is beliving jobbie aint it?

Again if anyone wants to take me to where aliens are id be delighted to accpet, infact id pay serious money to have a conversation with an alien perhaps they could tell me why i dont see ghosts :).
Benji, no visible Aliens for you.
They contact in another way, by just being there all of a sudden. Not in a visible state but you feel the presence of them being there if they have a message to tell.
And then it is rather unusual they contact everybody on this Planet.
The messages are not good, for humans are leading the Earth to total destruction, probably within the next 40 years there will be an enormous Nature disaster which will erase 2/3 of the human race.
Only the ones who nurture Earth and keep on doing this will remain...

All religion wars and other hateful and harmful humans to Earth will be erased from Earth, so She can calme down again and others shall get the chance to do better.

That is in very short words the last message I have got, how silly it may sound to you. However, it is the truth.
I am not the only one who got this message. There are at the least 12 others from which I heard exactly the same. They have got this same message, exactly the same.
Doesn't that make you wonder?

I am not happy with this knowledge, but never asked for it. They come to me, like they come to many others who are at the same 'frequency' so to say.
Think of it whatever you want, but we are told to make sure to pass the message as much as we can.
Originally posted by shrike
REITERATION(at least I think that's the word)

The discussion that I started was about whether or not aliens were traveling to Earth and contacting us, having sex with us, etc. I said it was impossible. People agreed, disagreed. Space travel is tedious, and it is either impossible or extremely hard to do so. So break out your fists and weapons and lets brawl!


Space travel is not impossible, we have done it. Space travel to another star is not impossible, it would just take time and resources that human beings are not ready to commit to or a technology that may not exist.

The question of whether or not there are aliens out there is one that is almost impossible to prove with our current knowledge, but if aliens did exist, why haven't they colonized the galaxy? This question was asked by Enrico Fermi and is known as the "Fermi Paradox". Here is a link to a good article discussion the "Fermi Paradox".

With conventional technology you could do it, it would just take on the order of hundreds of millions of years. We don't have the drive to do it right now, but if aliens existed that did have the drive to do it, why would they not have already colonized our galaxy?
That is a good link you gave there.
I have under favorites, but it doesn't tell you a thing about extraterrestrial contacts here on Earth and elsewhere in the Universe.

If you want I can give you a link where is more to be found about these contacts and their existance.

You have to let me know, I don't post it here just like that.
SeekerOfTruth, you can send me a PM if you want the link.
I refuse to post it at Sciforums.

They already think I am a craze, I think.
But then again, maybe they don't. I prefer to give it to you by PM.
Is that ok with you?
Send me one, I reply it to you.
Star Control

What Fermi never thought of ( well, he probabaly did actually, but..) was that just because the hypothetical alien race could colonise many other planets, it doesnt mean they will, or that they even want to... Imagine an advanced race with zero population growth (already a reality in many parts of Western Europe). If they can live comfortably off the resources of their solar system, then why bother leaving?
Our world could be poisonous nightmare world to some creatures, silicon-based or something more exotic, with crushing gravity and so on.
The Star Trek "Prime Directive" could be in effect in outer space. Well, its a theory.

Another consideration is that Earths in a "backwater" area of space, and the evil alien conquerors, or Ghandi-like pacifist vegetable creatures, might just be unaware that theres anything of value out here. Remember the planet Tatooine ? That might be how an alien would view Earth.
Re: Star Control

Originally posted by Bandit
What Fermi never thought of ( well, he probabaly did actually, but..) was that just because the hypothetical alien race could colonise many other planets, it doesnt mean they will, or that they even want to... Imagine an advanced race with zero population growth (already a reality in many parts of Western Europe). If they can live comfortably off the resources of their solar system, then why bother leaving?

Well, going by the example of the only sentient race I have personally met, human kind, it seems pretty natural to reach a conclusion that intelligence leads to expansion which would imply a quest for expansion on a galactic scale when the technologies were available.

I mean just look at the human species. We have colonized every continent on the planet, some, such as Antarctica, that there is no way we could live on without our technology. Why not think that this is a standard path for intelligent beings to take? It would seem that the expansion of any given race would be guaranteed if it could not, or would not, adequately control its own population.
This human race has amused itself to death.
You call us humans intelligent?

Why are they destroying eachother then? What about all the holy wars? Nice human race, very 'intelligent'.
They only bring pain to other humans feelings and make deadly inventions. Just in case they have to wipe out another country.

What crap!!
And the leaders of the countries are all the same, they want complete control. Well, there are leaders who screw up harder then the other, but it is always the same. They want complete control about humans, who are Free Spirits which nobody has the right to bind up. Try to respect eachothers feelings, in stead of bringing hurt to them all the time. Humans grow bitter and sour that way and then they start arguing and fighting eachother.

Christian or Martyr, Jewish in robe...Give anyone species too much rope and they fuck it up.:mad:

And don't be to sure we are not being watched, for we ARE watched. There is lot Out there, maybe more then you think.
Humans and their arrogance. To think they are the only living and thinking species in the Universe.
Think about that.
Why should humans be the only living and thinking species in the Universe?
Pretty arrogant thinking. But that is the human race....

SeekerOfTruth, this is not meant to you or anybody personally.:)
Originally posted by Banshee

SeekerOfTruth, this is not meant to you or anybody personally.:)

Understoond Banshee, and don't worry, I agree with what you said. :D

Intelligence of the human race aside, I was just pointing out that we have expanded to environments that we could not live in without our technology. Our whole history is about expansion in one form or another, so why can't we assume that beings from another star would want to expand in the same way, although by the time they could technologically accomplish the feat, they may have an altogether different view of how they should interact with the universe, which we will have hopefully developed by the time we are capable of such a feat.:D
If all humans should think and act like you, maybe then they should have better contacts with the Beings in the Universe(s).

But, no, this human race is spoiled and overdue. Literally amused to death. They put their children and themselves before the tv in the evening and so you don't have to feel nor have a thought on your mind.

A lot of humans sit before the tv all day long, no feelings left, no thought to think....

Pretty 'intelligent'.;)
It's all about perspective...

In quite the opposite dynamic world governments have attempted to attribute the existance of unidentified craft to terrestrial technology, or moreso, to debunk their existance at all. The universe is too ancient for any of us to truly comprehend, this means that somewhere, in the fields of galaxies surrounding us, life probably did aggregate into an intelligent form, probably millions of years before our dinosaurs roamed. Why could they not be the inventors of a technology which could bring them into any section of the universe whithout even dealing with the limitations traveling at a vector described by "speed" over distance and direction. Physics deems this to be absolutely possible, however, all anyone on this planet has experienced is motor/jet transportation, so naturally folks are inclined to guffaw at anything alse. It is this lack of imagination which may limit us from discovering these technologies ourselves, at our rate of environmental decline (which appears to be coupled with our evolving technology) we may soon need something like that to perpetuate our race. Maybe it was this necessity which led to other races in other cosmos developing highly advanced technologies. We must entertain every possibility whether it is likely, or highly unlikely, we must keep a "floating" point opinion in order to be truly objective about anything, allow mental technology to evolve!
Re: It's all about perspective...

Originally posted by Yogamojo
....It is this lack of imagination which may limit us from discovering these technologies ourselves, at our rate of environmental decline (which appears to be coupled with our evolving technology) we may soon need something like that to perpetuate our race. Maybe it was this necessity which led to other races in other cosmos developing highly advanced technologies. We must entertain every possibility whether it is likely, or highly unlikely, we must keep a "floating" point opinion in order to be truly objective about anything, allow mental technology to evolve!

This is one thought I have had, that species that are capable of surviving their technological evolution have diverged their paths from that which we take to such an extent that both their technologies and their motivations are beyond our understanding.

If they did have the technology to visit us across the vast distances of space, what makes us think they would interact with us the way we assume they would? And what makes us think that their motivations would be ours?
Alien motive.. ...

you are quite possibly correct. If any species were capable surviving it's own technology it would have to have involved an evolution in spirit and motive which our race has so far been able to pinpoint, much less implement. This would make their motives very alien indeed. So whether they have sought to interact with us, experiment on us, or whether they are even aware of our presence in this universe has yet to be proven.
Yogamojo, be welcome at Sciforums.
You give good replies. Keep on going this way.;)

There is no proof of extraterrestrials who travel through the Universes because they travel to far away in other Universes.
If they contact somebody down here on Earth, you won't hear about it because they have their own way of coming and going here on Earth and the humans they contact.

Imagine what would happen if extraterrestrials contact for instance mr. president bush....
You think he would like it?
Guess the extraterrestrials scare the hell out of him. Shouldn't be that bad though.:)

I 'd love to see the reaction then....
Nice article SeekerOfTruth.

Oh those scientists and their theories. We want proof...

If a thousand humans say it is like this and that, without giving proof and one human says it is not like this and that and comes up with a nice (material) scientific theory, then it IS proof?

Yeah, yeah. Well, I have my own thoughts and knowledge, but then again, I have no proof to give and with me there are many, many others on this Earth...

So who is right?

And what do they hide from us?

Because they hide something, otherwise they wouldn't do that suspicious about Area 51 and the tragic story of Roswell...
Oh those scientists and their theories. We want proof... If a thousand humans say it is like this and that, without giving proof and one human says it is not like this and that and comes up with a nice (material) scientific theory, then it IS proof? Yeah, yeah. Well,...I have no proof to give and with me there are many, many others on this Earth... So who is right?

Why of course, the people with the actual Evidence!

Imagine a policeman giving you a ticket for speeding and telling you that an etherial voice told him your were driving way over the speed limit. You'd insist that he produce the actual radar or laser-related evidence to support his claim against you, wouldn't you?

Imagine it's time to graduate from university and the student records officer tells you that a disembodied voice, said to have been heard by 12 other people, communicated that you won't be ready to graduate for several more years. Wouldn't you ask for your actual transcript to prove you have enough credits to graduate now?

Evidence not heresay, proof not guesses, reasoned judgement not wishful thinking.

How do you think your aliens got to Earth, by listening to at least 12 people that say they can travel through space in an invisible spaceship powered by impossible forces and they needn't bother to check the validity of the claims of craft and powersource for themsleves because they have only to believe it with enough ernst because its a popular opinion?
