There Are No Aliens!!

" something tells me you 'could be inclined' to answer yes to all the above questions! "

Actually no.

" Crop circles: Yes, people have come forward but there are many other circles around the world with reports of abnormal radioactivity in the area."

Yes there are. The problem is a few lights are not enough to contribute it to aliens. It also makes for a hell of a story. One might see an airplane or helicopter over their field one night and wake up to a crop circle. Then they think back and say hey, I seen some lights in the sky the night before. I have yet to look in the sky and not see artificial light of some kind.

" When comparing the witch hunts to the modern UFO craze I find that there isn't much to compare. The people in Salem were horrified just from a few girls practical joke, so they went on a rampage across town, killing anyone anyone named as a witch. People didn't want to make life more interesting, they just wanted to get rid of their enemies (easily, I might add)."

It is not just that. Those people actually BELIVED that those that were burned were witches. It is more than they seen a way to kill an enemy. They would draw the obvious conclusion that they were an enemy because they were a witch. It is an example of a situation where people truly believed the completely insane without evidence. It was easy to blame it all on witches and it is easy to blame it all on aliens. Witches gave them an enemy to fight, a little adventure. Aliens give people today a sense of wonder and adventure. There are many parallels.

" We have changed the Earth, and I think every star within fifteen-twenty light years has probably heard a signal from us, I know that's small but it's a start. Plus you can't forget early TV and radio transmissions, they go probably sixty years back."

There are only 32 stars within 15 light-years of us and a little over 1000 50 light-years from us. Out of the 1000 there are only 6 identifiable planets but that number is very likely to be a few magnitudes larger. We have reached very few planets. There also has to be a relatively clear aria to get the signals as well. Most stars are paired leaving a lot of room for interference. I personally believe that SETI is a completely lost cause. It is a noble pursuit but the chances of an undisturbed signal reaching a sentient species that happens to have radio technology at that time and also has the listening equipment is 0. Even if our signals reached a developed planet AND they were listening then they would not have the technology to reach us. What makes everyone believe that a civilization that is so advanced would be using radio waves or have all there devises tuned sensitive enough to hear us.

" you guys can say anything you want about what UFOs are, but you can't rule out the fact that there are aliens (or other life) in the universe. You have no proof."

You are right. As a matter of fact there is plenty of evidence that proves there is other life in the universe. Just none that says it is here.

" unfortunately that's the bitch of the matter. All the proof resides in the governments hands. (I almost feel like quoting the Matrix, but I'll spare everyone) sooner or later we'll have to force them to release it."

The truth is the government has no proof. It is the most horrible keeper of secrets there is. They have such a bloated infrastructure and the worst system for classification there is. The government basically classifies everything and prays that you will overlook the important stuff. There is no big brother and there is no secret section of the government that is hiding all this super technology. The funny part is the fact is overlooked that the government can't actually build anything on its own. Everything is contracted out to companies that are given the technology to build what they need. Conspiracy theories are always so funny.
About your quote, Q2. Something I heard from / once, but he said the key to keeping AI under control was simply programming this little sentence into its brain:
You will never compare yourself, your intelligence, your phisique, to humans.
Anyway it was something like that. Assuming they type that in I'm not worried about a cataclysmic war.
the biggest conspirecy is that there is no conspcirecy
-Dennis Miller

look there is other life out there they are either very primative or highly advanced and don't want encounter us (we are a very dangerous species, and stupid i might add).

the government has no alien bodies no alien aircraft, just a few adavanced aircraft

and that fact that comercial piloits have seen these craft i find it hard to believe that they are aliens moving through our atomsphere because of the realitvie size and shape that they are described sounds more like a natural pheomenon that we don't understand yet i.e. how electricty effects tectonic plates, lighting balls, and lighting sprites
It's hard to write a reply to something that was never actually an argument in the first place. Granted it is a hard topic to argue, being that there's no proof on either side of the topic. And you're right maybe the thousands of experts, eye witnesses, and people who have been medically altered by unknown parties shoud just go after the government.
But personally I don't think that the government has the technology or the coordination to pull off all of the, UFO's, Crop circles, cattle mutilations, abductions, and sightings.
And as far as the numerous sightings by airline pilots, who are used to what should normally be in the sky, such as other planes, lightning balls/sprites are all just natural phenomenon. But on the other hand if the aliens are advanced to the point where they can traverse the great distance between stars. Don't you think that the ship could get to a large enough size to be noticed by people who happen to be very close to them at the time, as they fly by?
Why don't you think the government can pull it off? There's no real proof that they can or can't. We don't know how many people are behind the closed doors of area 51, and since our fastest jet (to my knowledge), the SR-71 Blackbird can go anywhere in the world from anywhere else in under three hours I think it's possible for them to create one cropcirlce a day in different area's of the world.
back up the train

Okay guys, your forgetting one thing.

There are like billions of stars out there. Plenty probably harbour life.

Say that there is semi intelligent life only like 25 light years away. But they arent advanced enough to travel here.

But also say that there could be super intelligent life like 1000 light years away. Maybe they would be capable of teleportation or advanced travel something.

The truth is it really doesnt matter how close a very intelligent species could be to us, it all depends on how intelligent they are. Distances really dont make much of a difference when you're that far away, intelligence is all the difference.

Humans dont even have the biggest brains. I hear animals like dolphins have bigger brains. Our species, though has managed to use our brains, and the last hundred years has exploded into a massive rennaissance of learning. in 200 years we will probably be capable of the kind of distance travel we once criticized as impossible. ie - ion propulsion.
As far as the government being incapable, that's just my opinion of the government in it's current state. I can only make judgements, on what I've seen with my own eyes, and thus far they tend to lean me more towards the extra terrestrial side than the worldwide conspiracy side.
I've never read so much crap in my life!

There's so much bullshit in the above thread that it's impossible to address it all.

So Shrike! What makes you so convinced that instellar travel will always be impossible when many scientists think that one day we may well be able to travel to the stars? Whose to say that countless alien races in this galaxy alone have not already developed ways of doing this? The fact is you just don't know.
How arrogant can you be to think that humans are the only living, intelligent creatures in space.....
As some one of you noticed the dolphins for instance are much more intelligent then we, humans, are.
That makes you think, doesn't it??

And then, who says there are no alien life-forms on Earth yet.
You never know.
How do you think they built their incredible buildings in Ancient Times. And The Pyramids.....
They've had help in those days. Now you can start laughing or you can listen...
It seems long, long ago the people lived more to Earth then people do now and they listened to their inner feelings and did what they thought was right.
One day, they came from the sky and helped the people living on this planet. Help with their star constellation, so they knew when the warm and cold seasons came and with the building of the unforgettable places we still know, from what's left behind......

It makes me sad to think there was a Civilization, good enough to work close with alien entities...
Later there was that terrible meteor impact that caused a very high tsunami and most of the land on Earth disappeared under the water.
How everything exactly worked between the Old Folks and the aliens I am not sure.........
But I am sure it happened, how odd it may sound to you.....
Proof??? Is there any proof?? People can say whatever they want about the past, but as far as I know there's no evidence to support what they're saying.
God knows we could just be brains in a jar. How would we prove it?
There you go....god?? What god???
Proof me their is god..........
I assure you, how can you even have the arrogance to think that humans are the only intelligent life forms in space..
Man, how dare you even think that way.

Dream on in your god-world.
If you want to listen seriously, maybe I tell you.
If you think about it, it is only logical that there are aliens on Earth.
Maybe you don't know them, and so to hear that's better too isn't it, haha
Come on, give it a try......Do you really think we are the only ones with brains??????
I don't want to be stereotypical, but I am not at all surprised that one of the few people in this thread with a mind open to the idea of aliens is from that part of Europe. Why dont the rest of you just remove yourselves from your present beliefs for just a second and try to imagine the possibilities. Just try. Where do you think HUMAN civilization would be without open minds and twisted overactive imaginations like mine. Everybody thought Edison was a nut when he told them he could record noise. And Astronomers were sent to hell for saying the earth is round and isnt the center of the universe or the earth revolves around the sun. or thing like risking falling off the edge of the earth to reach china. Think about it.
Who's saying that astronomers go to hell?

That is for God to decide my friend. Only Him.

Einstein was also called stupid by his teachers. He seemed to turn out alright.

Where is this coming from??
Scientists go to hell.....
What nonsens, haven't you got something else. I thought we were talking about alien life forms.
On Earth or not on Earth............
So no more god and devils, aliens.....
Come on think hard and write it down;)
" Come on, give it a try......Do you really think we are the only ones with brains??????"

Not a chance in hell. :) That is not really the question. It is really a matter of how and why are they here. Far from being the only ones with the brains, we are so insignificant that it is a far stretched idea that anyone has found us.

" So no more god and devils, aliens.....
Come on think hard and write it down"

That is your job. The burden of proof lies on you. There is no proof of nonexistence, only lack of proof for existence. Until it is proven that aliens are here then they are not.
I was being sarcastic when I said they (astronomers) were sent to hell. Actually sinical would be the word of it. I'm not even christian and I dont believe in the pope and I dont believe all that crap regarding their desendence to hell for discovering. I dont even believe in hell.
I don't hang on any religion. I do not believe in god and the devil.
I do not believe in heaven and hell, but it was so weird to read scientists go to hell.

It is not my doing to proof aliens are on Earth.
That's the same problem as with reincarnation, but also with the christian heaven and hell.
No proof of any thing and that people believe, yeah, yeah.
And now I have to proof to you aliens exist?
Get real. You know it or you don't.......Pay attention and don't be so focussed on things you know what to expect.
You can try....
Why not??? Try to see things in another opposite way.
I hope you understand what I mean.
Turn it around, the whole item, then wait a couple of hours and try then to look at the words: Aliens are on Earth....
Without the scepticisme, just look at it, make your head empty and look at it.......
And then THINK......why should they not be here......
lions and tigers and aliens oh my

my my my i leave the forum for awhile and all Netherland breaks loose hmmm, cropcircles....explain how a hoax can alter the genetic structure of a corn stock. Some interesting news was just emailed me from my filers files weekly update of a new crop circle in England with a binary code and an alien diagram by a radio telescope, there was also another sighting in the Maine area with over 600 witnesses. Unusual lights and strange noises in the sky and noone could explain with 600 people seeing this, come on people wake the hell up and all you can do is bicker i see i havent missed much for those worthy of discussion just email me lol i'll be back soon when we have dsl available here in Germany...Dettelbach anyway and those here in Germany who wish to talk can call 0170-1206007
Love and Light,
" Get real. You know it or you don't.......Pay attention and don't be so focussed on things you know what to expect.
You can try....
Why not??? Try to see things in another opposite way.
I hope you understand what I mean.
Turn it around, the whole item, then wait a couple of hours and try then to look at the words: Aliens are on Earth....
Without the scepticisme, just look at it, make your head empty and look at it.......
And then THINK......why should they not be here...... "

I did that. I did that for years. In the end one realizes all the ridiculous thing that they had faith in and the complete denial of the obvious. Like you said, once people start believing in things without proof, things like Christianity and heavens gate happen. The people in the heavens gate incident would think along the same lines you are. A little bit of skepticism can be a healthy thing.
It is your good right to think so.
Everybody thinks his/her own way, but because of that, you are as valuable like any one else.