There Are No Aliens!!

Unless there is a civilization out there that is slight ahead of us technically and within 10 light years, it will take a long time for them to notice us and reply. It is more likely there are equivalent planets in the other arms of our galaxy about same distance from galactic center as Earth. If that is the case, it still is a long way from us.

There may be another way. We may find life in other dimensions. We do not know if those other dimensions exist, let alone find a way to communicate through them.

Take example of our solar system,Jupiter couldnt become a star
because of its less mass,had it been that Jupiter HAD become a star then ours woold have been a binary system and story of life would have been a different case.

most of them(solar system are binary)so even if there is a life on them they are quite different then us,to be able to bear the heat produced by those two darn things is pretty tough isnt it?the grey definition given by abductees,or alien definition given by various people who are seeing them is quite like us or our perception and not WAY WAY different than the only conclusion on the basis of the fact that if ALIEN entities exist and they have been interacting with us...they are from different universe with altogether different dimensions vibrating at different frequencies.

so the idea of other dimension universe beings is quite acceptable...

How narrowminded can you be...

Have you ever thought that goverments all over the world are denyinig the existence of UFO.s , because they might loose their power to control people and that they wants us to believe that we the people are the only and the strongest lifeform existing?!...:eek:
Who is narrow minded here..?

Did you read all the posts here? Guess not for then you'd known that I tell everybody extraterrestrials DO exist. I am convinched of it. And I know about the UFO disclosure. Guess that is common knowledge by now. Read the whole thread please before you post.:)

By the way, welcome at Sciforums. That you may post long and happy here at the Forums...;)
But Banshee at least say that my theory is worthy? To remind you, I said that UFO's-all of them-are secret government spacecraft etc and that the whole abduction phenomena and sightings across the world is a plot to keep civilians from thinking that the government is keeping secrets from them.

Sure, I understand that you, at the moment, are convinced that UFO's are alien spacecraft. But doesn't my theory solve this mystery in case you're wrong?
Not all UFO's are Alien Spacecrafts...

The governments all over the world do hide 'things' for us, the 'averidge' humans. They developed a Spacecraft which is without doubt, copied from a Spacecraft they found at Roswell. Remember?? I posted the link somewhere in this thread, where it is explained. :) I'll post it again for you.

And then again, I am not convinced that every Spaceship is from Alien origin. I know better then that and so do you. There is a lot of talking going around about the UFO disclosure. Perhaps it will be all revealed to us in a short time period.;)

Science Fiction becomes Science Fact. Read the whole article please...

Thank you:cool:

I am wery sorry to insult a "fellow beleaver". I admit that I might have been agressive and hasty for no reason. You see, I have so used to deffend UFO.s to allmost everyone I know ,surely you understand.....I hope anyway.
Am I forgiven???:(

No need for forgiveness. You just came in to the Forums. Nothing to it.

It is good to have another real UFO and Alien 'believer'. Keep on posting...;)

did you ever see a UFO?if yes could you just describe its charracterstics and what made you think that it was alien craft...
please,just a request in wonderment...

I can't read the link now banshee I only have a few more minutes but I should have time later since in my ASTRONOMY class I have all my work done.

Who knows? Maybe the government is killing people to keep something really important from being told, like the development of a ship that could travel to the other side of the universe in an instant? Think of the ramifications of such a technology...

Humanity would be scattered about the universe and the galaxy in a century.
Wouldn't that be cool Pollux V...It won't happen though. LOL:D

Humans will never invent such a Spacecraft. The next century? How come that you are so sure there will be a next century for this human race? ;)

By the way, did you here about all the tunnels, under the surface of Mars? Which are not yet discovered by humans? Humans THINK they've discovered all kind of crap about Mars. Well, they know zilch, nothing, nada.:p

Check the link out if you can find the time. It is really interesting...( I am serieus!):cool:
Don't say that humans have only another century (or less) banshee because there really is no solid evidence. Next time you see your light friends tell them to drop by my humble home in Maine and tell me everything they've told you and then I will definitely believe you and dedicate my life to saving everyone.

But banshee, lets just say for a moment that you are wrong. You go to the doctor because your head hurts and he finds that you have a slight hallucinating problem. This is just hypothetical. So it turns out that the human race will likely survive another century. Given the extremely accelerated rate of our technology (as shown in that article, which I read the beginning and skimmed the rest) how do you know that we won't be scattered about the universe? A hundred years ago space travel was just formulating in the minds of sci fi writers like Jules Verne, now galactic travel is forming in mine. Space travel and soon commercial space travel will be real. You really can't imagine what the next century will be like.
Re: How narrowminded can you be...

Originally posted by Leader1
Have you ever thought that goverments all over the world are denyinig the existence of UFO.s , because they might loose their power to control people and that they wants us to believe that we the people are the only and the strongest lifeform existing?!...:eek:
But why would aliens go along with our governments? What would technologically superior beings gain by this secrecy? Why would they go along? What are the benefits? What is the purpose? And why would aliens conform to 'earth' standards of conduct?
Extraterrestrials don't go along with the governments. There is something else going on here. Ask yourself how often it happens that humans see an UFO or indeed do have contact with extraterrestrials. It is happening all over the world and the humans who've had these experiences are more and more eager to tell about it.

The extraterrestrial technology is different then the human technology. They have a much more advanced technology because the human race is just developing their (space) technology over the last 50 - 60 years.

Extraterrestrials have been visiting Earth from the beginning of Her existence. What about the missing link? It is an old article, still relevant though. Til today the scientists didn't discover anything new. So what do you think?

Pollux V, there is nothing wrong with my head, nor with my mind. Thank you. If you've read the whole article I've posted for you (twice!) in an earlier reply, I'll be happy to talk to you. A little effort please...;)
Banshee by finding that four million year old human it just proves that we evolved from 'it.' They've traced our evolution back to rats and this little white fish that swam in light streams hundreds of millions of years ago. That article proves nothing.

But unfortunately at the moment I don't have the time to read further into the article but rest assured I will take you up on your offer.

I often Wonder,if U.S. Govt is building&designing advanced Anti-gravty technology,why in U.S still there are loads of research going on over building better Delta designed aircrafts that work on simple rules...:confused:

The U$ government is just sneaky. They have a lot of secrets and try to cover up all the important 'technology' they have. I am convinced that they have interstellar Spacecrafts and are trying to copy them.

Did you read the article about the so called new technology which is coming from the Spacecraft found at Roswell?

Extraterrestrials are just a part of our lives. It seems easier to deny that for the thinking humans who like to have control and don't know what to do with the humans who actually see the extraterrestrials. Their information is not allowed to be open to the public, the government(s) are afraid to many humans are getting the real facts about UFO's and extraterrestrials.

There will be a change in that, for the UFO disclosure is coming to an end...:cool:
Banshee i have the official video and the report of the Roswell incident.the official video gives the satisfying answers to all the results.i think you should see a copy of it and take a look.
