There Are No Aliens!!


You should walk around where i live you will see a lot of Aliens,and some of them are more ugly than them on the films.

Some of them look really horrible, like the aliens next door to me....:rolleyes: I know they must have tried their best to look like humans, but must surely have bought their costumes on some garage-sale...:p

Bebelina, you make me laugh all the time.
Your fault if I type mistakes.
You should meet the Aliens I met.
They are ugly.
Then we say all the time.
It is a good Alien.
In stead of, it is an ugly Alien.
Then they are not insulted.
You have to behave, even with Aliens.
:p :p
What nonsense.
Sorry, I am gone already.
Nothing important will come to me now.
REITERATION(at least I think that's the word)

The discussion that I started was about whether or not aliens were traveling to Earth and contacting us, having sex with us, etc. I said it was impossible. People agreed, disagreed. Space travel is tedious, and it is either impossible or extremely hard to do so. So break out your fists and weapons and lets brawl!
Shrike, I really do believe Aliens are here on Earth.
No joke, I mean it very real.
By my meanings they have always been here.
They have contacts with humans, but not with the politicians.
They look for people with an open mind, who they can bring their messages.
Not abductees, that is not what I mean.
Some people are in contact with Aliens when they are asleep. They really communicate to Aliens, in their sleep, because then in dream state, your sixth sense works the best and you are most open for the influences that come to you from another frequency or dimension, whatever you want to call it.
It is good that these contacts exist, people are told how they can help to do good. For the sake of the Earth and Nature.
But also for the human beings.
They will not be seen and known by the human race right now.
They are to barbaric, to uncivilized...
With all their dumb, religeous wars. They kill, in the name of love, they say. The love of god... What god? They kill eachother for the same god. There are only different rules made up by every name they have given to their religion, catholics, protestants and so on.
Even allah and mohammed are the same as god and jezus. The name of the book is different and so are the rules you have to live after, or you will burn in hell.
In this world Aliens better beware.
I would not tell if I was an Alien...
To agressive here...
Shoot first, then shoot again and maybe then ask questions...

It almost sounds like those aliens have taken the place of a god for you. You mentioned Allah, and Jesus but what about aliens.
What about Aliens then?
I told you very clearly I think there are Aliens on this Earth, yes.
So, no gods or what so ever.
Just Beings from another World, another Planet if you want.
Haha, Aliens like gods.
You make it really nice.
How did you make it up?
Afraid to admit that Earth is too uncivilized for Aliens to contact everybody?
It is true, no?
If you were an Alien, floating in your spacecraft above Earth and you saw all the wars and violence here on Earth, would you land and park your spaceship outside the door?
I guess not.

And that is what I mean...
So maybe you listen better to what I have to say.
I am not saying I am right, just that you are wrong.

I agree with you shrike, in saying that there are no UFO's. I have raked my brain for years, listening to all the theories and documentaries about this subject, then trying to make my own. All i've come to is that it is the Neandertahls (is that how you spell it?), who, being supposedly telepathic, were able to, over the course of a few years, much much shorter than it took us, discover that they were the superior species. In an attempt to help us, they left the planet, making it look as if they died out in a particularly harsh season, and have been studying us ever since. They have been zooming over the countryside of "Hicksville" and shoving cold metal rods up the anuses of many of the locals, so that they could look so ridiculous that nobody would truly believe that a true hollywood alien exister. After all, why would some immensely advanced culture travel hundreds of lightyears just to shove a cold metal rod up your ass? I know this sounds far fetched, but is it any more than those of others?
Aliens do exist, but they just don't care to learn about us.
Haha, no, why should they?
Is there anything to learn about us then?
Except that humans are very violent and destructive?
Thank you for the good laugh.
And welcome to the sci forums.
Have fun...I guess you don't have problems with that.

And Shrike, Aliens on Earth or not, it would be good if you knew for sure, wouldn't it?
I said the same thing on another post-at least about how aliens wouldnt travel hundreds of lightyears to insert a cold metal rod up your ass.
I agree completely about the 'ufos'. There may be aliens but there is enough empty space between us, coupled with the speed limit of the universe, to keep us away from each other.

Peace, jt
I'm not going to say that our planet is the only planet in the universe that not just can support life but has life forms.

I have come to an understanding that lifeforms on other worlds might accidentally wipe out each other through experiments that weren't necessarily meant to include other life. Take for instance the creation of too many parallels and what that outcome could create might wipe out a whole planets populous.

(If only from a science fiction perspective)

If there was going to be any cooperation with this planet and Aliens it would be through the UN and/or NATO and not a singular government.

As for our past having interaction with aliens, there is no physical evidence that proves this.

From some perspectives it can be said that alien life was what populated the planet from a meteor, (or the impact of the meteorite catalysed the life we know)

As for Aliens crashing at Roswell or UFO's being seen, I'm definitely a non-believer that they are alien phenomona, but are more likely natural or manmade events (be they purposely or accidentally made)
Shrike, time doesn't exist in Space.
Aliens can have a complete different form from traveling then we know.
Maybe they come from another dimension, by a vortex or just like 'Sliders' with a remote-control.
Haha, sorry.
There is not such thing as time in Space.
Time is something invented by humans.
Aliens can really have something very different.
Something we can't imagine, simply because we do not know how or what they do to travel.
You can't seriously think that in this whole, enormous Universe, we are the only living beings.
That is quite an arrogant way of thinking...
That is why I think there are Aliens existing, yes.
But they can be so very different then we...we don't know, til we meet one.
But I don't want an argument about this.
I like you and your posts, lets not argue about something like this.
It is not worth it.
You have your meaning, I have mine.
It is ok.
Like I said, why would aliens want to use such enormous energy in order to make a wormhole so they can travel to us in minutes and then to shove a cold metal rod up uranus?
shrike, mister62 ...

Maybe the aliens are Vulcan to the umpteenth degree - completely emotionless - capable of powers of telepathy beyond mind melding and so jaded that alien billionaires (not unlike Dennis Tito who supposedly paid $20 million to go into space) will pay dearly to vicariously experience the emotions that our species feel when being 'probed' (and not only up the ass).

Just a thought. ;)
Banshee!! Banshee!!!

I didn't say that aliens dont exist! At least...I'm pretty sure I didn't. Anyhoo aliens are definitely out there (man) its just impossible to get to them. Ya know how big our galaxy is? The quaint milky way is one hundred thousands lightyears across. Pardon my french, but that is really f**king big. Multiply the Milky Way by ten billion. You've got the known universe, plus the space between the galaxies. How the hell are you gonna traverse it, according to the laws of physics that we know of? The answer: Really frickin slowly!

THanks for the comment Bansh, it was a nice thing to say. I won't get into a brawl with ya unless I'm wrong about what I'm saying.

If the universe is infinite, think about this (it's really heady mayan-not prounounced mayain but like a hippyish guy says it or a surfboarder). Right now, somewhere, out there, there is another Earth with each and every one of us doing exactly what we are now.


Traverse that!
Shrike, I heard about that theory of that there can be a world, exactly the same as this one...
That learns us then, we live in a parralel Universe...
Or the other people on the other world live in a parralel Universe..

There are so very much Galaxy's, Universes, whatever.
There is life, it can be no other way.
And traveling through Space?
Oh yes, I think they can fly through time, for there is not a thing like time in Space. Probably they have other Flying Ships then we do. Maybe they really come through some kind of Worm-Hole..
Who can tell...?
Maybe they come through the Black Holes...
Everything is possible.
For no one knows..
It is the secret of the Universe.
Maybe it is not our duty to find other life-forms, because we can't take care of our own people, with that rotten wars and all the destruction.
If we can take care of our own world, maybe then contact is more easy, because humans think different then, if they live in peace I mean.
When we can live in peace next to eachother, we found Inner and Outer balance, and that is what it is we have to learn.
Well, I have a lot of this from my study.
And thought of some myself.
Greetings, people of the forums.
Til later.
:p english is very bad sorry

I agree......aliens never exist.....
They aren´t from space...from other worlds...
They came from another dimension
They are entities....they are that rebel angels that
follow lucifer in this rebelion against God....
They are around us......trying to ..make confusion...
trying to ..put the cristanism...down....
They are trying to make a new cult.....a Space master cult....
in a true just one master exist.....Jesus.....
So in a past...some people ....spoke about demons....
And they turn a legend......nobody more belive in demons...
So they ( entities) turn yoursefl a new vision....whit that..hungry of men .for space running.....and they turn yorself in a " Space brothers" ...but in true...they are demons that are trying to ...confuse our mind....and put cristian...down..whit this new promisse of salvation....and in a bible are write...about to many that supose to came whit .salvation...false prophets....
And...this demons are work for lucifer....and a despite ..that we dont belive....they exist......just like angels ......they
(demons) are angels in a past...........
So we have to read...more C Seagan......" Os demonios que assolam o mundo" ....i dont know how is the title english...cause im Brasilian........
So is my opinion.........beware whit....." aliens" ......
" Our fight isnt against blood ....isnt against our.........Our fight is against....a principle of Air......"
bye...........mail go !
Hey Marcello.
Bad english, or bad knowledge?
Or just a little foolish....

You scare us...
Hi banshe......where are siouxsie..(laughs)

So....why .bad knowledge...?
Teach you are the Mothfucker..all mighty..

So tell me what you think ..that is
I not a king of.exobiology..or..ufology...
but....i think im right ....
If you want to belive in aliens...good for you..( or not?)
But never see one..gray...or a space ship..
But im now...that have entities...around us.....
Im a beliver im past....but ...its a fake....
Im do not...sad that its the future....
a discover ..of live in other planet...
But...THIS evidences that we every fake...
So ....some entities are ,,using wit us.....
And you now what im talking about......
Demons....they are a legion....they be live since the world creation....and they are control ...our lives...
in bible....are write ..of conflict....
In that of this entities are try to ..fuck whit us...
His personalized...a great man....but..his evil man
and he is trying to ...confuse us..whit this...ridiculous myth brothers......
its my opinion............and i think..that is more..convincent that " abductions"...that we used to see anytime....
So read the bible.....
take a look in ..conspiration....of millenium..
so if you want.....send me a mail....
bye......good night for all..