There Are No Aliens!!

Marcello, you sound very familiar.
Are you sure, you are a new member here?
Time for shrike to intervene!

Don't trust the bible, just don't. Prophecies have a habit of not coming true or being completely false. Remember all those people who said we'd all disappear or something in 2000? Well they sure did shut up after new years eve. Armaggedon is total b.s.
Marcello try to make your posts more understandable. You may not be the smartest guy on the forums, none of us are (cept porfiry-yeah I'm sucking up) but we come here to learn. You learn throughout your whole life, this is just kind've like accelerated learning. I've learned a lot and made a lotta friends since I came hear, that's what forums r for! Use em!
Thank you Shrike.
You can say it so nice..
I totally agree with you...again.
Thank you.

And Marcello, have fun and some understanding, at the forums.
This is a nice, friendly forum.
No Shrike, no sucking up with Porfiry, sorry.
;) :p
Don't trust the bible, just don't. Prophecies have a habit of not coming true or being completely false. Remember all those people who said we'd all disappear or something in 2000? Well they sure did shut up after new years eve. Armaggedon is total b.s.
Marcello try to make your posts more understandable. You may not be the smartest guy on the forums, none of us are (cept porfiry-yeah I'm sucking up) but we come here to learn. You learn throughout your whole life, this is just kind've like accelerated learning. I've learned a lot and made a lotta friends since I came hear, that's what forums r for! Use em! first never will see dates 2000 bible...." the day ..and hour..only God nows" many profecys.are .done.......but .dont you now this.if you still dont belive in bible.for start....
" Remember all those people who said we'd all disappear or something in 2000?"
Nostradamus maybe say that......but his not a bible.prophet.....
So.if you cant belive in bible....a ...cant do nothing for you......[
in Science magazine you belive???????? :)...... many discover .that DNA code....that all humanity came from same man.........
Bible say that!!!!!!.......Adam........his name

" You learn throughout your whole life,"

all i that a know nothing..........
God do the tinghs unglorify
all the men cience.....are noting for God........wo create the universe........and dont aliens
Is for the faith.that you have to understand bible......not for you mind.because you NEVER will prophets....and profecys.whit your ( our) 10% brain useable
Hey Marcello, what do you mean man?
You speak in tongues or what do you call it in biblical sense?
Can't you say straight what you mean?
I am getting a little sick of this kind of conversation...
Could be a problem with the language translator software Marcello uses. He should find a more expensive variety or study English - that can help....
Marcello, listen to Kmguru.
This is no way to talk to you.
I do not take you serious.
Not for a second.
I am sorry.
cmon everyone, lets debate this more and turn pseudoscience back into the thriving community it once was! We have probably next to two posts a day, and before this place was really popular! What gives? Lets debate, I liked this thread. Come on!
Everyone is getting bored. There is nothing new on the subject. Unless the face of Mars pops up again or we get some signal from is no use...rehashing the same stuff...

My resident psychic had a dream that we will contact aliens and they will be here on earth in about 100 years. That is 36525 days of no news...
I'll stop drinking soda and just lie down and breath, maybe if I'm lucky I'll live to see it.
OpSys_Pax2.02> verification/analysis "alien" = external proto-extant entity-cluster ?
OpSys_Pax2.02> verification entity-cluster "alien" require proto-designation (type/nature) = 10 ?
OpSys_Pax2.02> request response recipient system (sciforums) variant analysis "alien" entity-cluster
OpSys_Pax2.02> request response recipient system (sciforums) variant analysis syntax abstract entity "OpSys_Pax2.02"
this thread has now reached a new low. opsys you're not fooling anyone just speak human alright. lay off the hallucinagens.
Well, then I will re open this thread with the statement that Aliens from outer space certainly DO exist.
Kmguru, come on, think back, the Ancient Times...
Who helped the Old Aztecs and other Ancient Folks with the building of all their Pyramids in exactly the right way.
There are several old tales about a Giant Folk that came by on Earth in flying objects.
There is even proof of that on an old Egyptian wall inside a Pyramid.
And where does Modern Man come from??
Not from the Cromagnons or what so ever, they simply do not know where this so called Modern Man came in first, they know nothing about them.
Doesn't that make you wonder? ;)
wondering-the great american pastime

Maybe we came from Venus, and were the aliens in the first place.
The Planets we know have gotten their names from the old Romains(?). I hope I wrote that correct.:)
Pluto is just discovered by humans in the late 1930's and Neptune some time before, so humans do not know for such a long time where exactly a Planet is situated.
I guess there were someones from outerspace who has mingled with mankind many, many ages ago and that is where the so called Modern Men started to exist. But I guess also that I will get a very nasty reply on saying this from one of you.
I have my own knowledge and real certain feelings that this is what happened.
And who can garanty that there are no Aliens from outerspace on Earth these days..
No one can, but I have a very certain feeling about it and I am not talking nonsense here.
Humans with going out of their body experiences know and feel certain about the precense of so called Light-Beings in the Spheres. Just because they are there and contacted them often in these experiences.
This is dangerous talking, for humans who do not know a thing about these experiences shall come haunting me now.
Well, come on, I know for sure that they are there. Let me have your hateful and disbelieveness.
I do not care..... ;)