There Are No Aliens!!

Evidence in UFO cases is mountainous,however it doesnt mean that they are alien in nature,most of us agree about it over here.they might just be interesting experiments of black budget programs.

Good reply Zion.:)

All theories, scientific or Cosmologic are theories. It is assumed to be this way.

Guess some members have to do their scientific homework a little better, for even in science they tell us that they THINK it may happen the way they see it.

As far as UFO's concern. There is a lot of good websites to be found at the Internet.

find a searchmachine...Typ: UFO (s) and they show up...just like that.

By the way Mr. G., didn't you yourself see something 'strange' in the Sky...???

Though it seems like some humans have more insight here at the existance of extraterrestrials and the way they travel.


Lets go on with the discussion please...
Originally posted by Banshee
It is not my doing to proof aliens are on Earth.
Oh yes it is!!! If they're really here, they must be very shy!!! It's time ET phoned us & said "hello". What are they waiting for? What proof is there????? TV shows? Pictures?
And now I have to proof to you aliens exist?
Yes, and yes
Get real. You know it or you don't.......Pay attention and don't be so focussed on things you know what to expect.
You can try....
GET REAL??????????
Why not??? Try to see things in another opposite way.
Do you do this to everything you believe, or just somethings? Would you ever do this for things you don't believe in now? Or do you only want others to follow your advice, so that they can change their minds, but not you?
I hope you understand what I mean.
Turn it around, the whole item, then wait a couple of hours and try then to look at the words: Aliens are on Earth....
Without the scepticisme, just look at it, make your head empty and look at it.......
And then THINK......why should they not be here......
I do hope it's true that there are aliens, that we are not alone, but I can't prove it & neither can you, sorry.
:( :(
"Rare Earth"

Originally posted by shrike
Anyhoo aliens are definitely out there (man)
The book "Rare Earth" ( by Peter Ward and Donald Brownlee), put too many preconditions for intelligent, technologically-capable life to evolve, the odds are to great.

Pardon my french, but that is really f**king big
I know that that's just an expression, but the French word has to sound more romantic!!!??? I think?

You've got the known universe, plus the space between the galaxies. How the hell are you gonna traverse it, according to the laws of physics that we know of? The answer: Really frickin slowly!
All theories of faster than light travel, will need post-Einsteinian physics to make them a reality. And so far, we are short of post-Einsteinians.

Right now, somewhere, out there, there is another Earth with each and every one of us doing exactly what we are now. Traverse that!
Sort of like "The One"? What a waste of time & effort to duplicate the same thing over & over, ad infinum...
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Originally posted by Banshee
Well, then I will re open this thread with the statement that Aliens from outer space certainly DO exist.
Kmguru, come on, think back, the Ancient Times...
Who helped the Old Aztecs and other Ancient Folks with the building of all their Pyramids in exactly the right way..
You make it sound like any pyramid is a marvel of earth-shattering proportions, what's astounding is that so many people spend so much time & effort building these things!!!! In the Americas; the Aztec/Mexicas, were not the first or the grandest, the Mayans & Toltecs out-did them by hundreds of years. And I wish those pesky aliens would use alloys, instead of stone, so that they leave more verifiable evidence of their technological superiority. I hope the 'aliens' aren't a 'stone-age' people, maybe shamans from another world, traveling psychically to ours? Or are they artists that only work with natural materials; you know, like stone, dirt, animals & grainfields?
Marcello, listen to Kmguru.
This is no way to talk to you.
I do not take you serious.
Not for a second.
I am sorry.
Banshee, listen to Kmguru.
I don't know where Lothlorien is, but you have a problem too, with syntax & grammar. Most of the time it's hard to understand you too. But since this is an open forum, from every corner of the world, I guess we’ll all make do & try to understand each other?? Sounds good?? Yes??
Originally posted by zion
Evidence in UFO cases is mountainous,
I think more of a molehill, those pesky aliens are almost like ghosts; they leave only ethereal evidence.

however it doesnt mean that they are alien in nature,most of us agree about it over here.they might just be interesting experiments of black budget programs.
Now this gets closer to the truth!!! I can believe that. I was stationed at Edwards AFB from 1974 to 1979 & never once saw or heard of the B-2 or F-117, no aliens either, sorry! I did see cruise missiles, the B-1, F-16, F-17, YC-12, YC-13, F-15, A-10 & the space shuttle being tested. I did radio & intercomm repair in the 6515th AMS (Avionics Maintenance Squadron ), Systems Command. Sorry, not magnetic-resonance hyperdrive chamber calibration for the Aurora Project at Area 51. (I read that somewhere at a display case on a reverse-engineered spaceship model, which said it worked!! No, I didn't buy it!!)
In fact,it has been proved that govt can keep secrets for a long time...take for example B2 was not known until recently...

Randolfo, I don't believe in the existance of extraterrestrials...I know they exist. Something completely different.:)

You are talking about the Ancient Pyramids. Just this morning I've heard the SCIENTISTS have discovered Ancient Pyramid formations under the Ocean nearby California. The scientist found it by satelite. There has some more research to be done by them of course, as always, but it is located exactly in the path as the other Ancient Pyramids.

As far as the existance of extraterrestrials visiting Earth concerns. They do...But know better then to show themselves to the wrong humans who have in the past captured them and examined them.

If you are only open for scientifical information and take only their theories for real, that is your own good right to do so.

But don't accuse me of trying to convinche you, for I only post what I know and what I think of it. And I know a lot of the scientifical research also. Never said it was all wrong. Only that it are theories, you can take my opinion as a theory also if that suits you better.

And yes, they were on Earth in the Ancient Times and are still on Earth.

Zion is very right here. The government of some countries, especial the United(???) States, keep a lot of information hidden. They have a lot hidden for the humans and there will be a change to that, for Ufologists are making a way free for their theories.

Pay attention to your television and so on. Perhaps you will be surprized.;)

By the way, Lothlorien is from a very good book almost everybody has read, not some freaky place out of Space.
(Lord Of The Rings!)
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Aliens have to exists. There is no way that there would only be one planet in the entire universe that has "intelligent life". There are probably millions of planets in the universe that are so similar to earth. And why not? If organisms can evolve and create humans on this planet why not on other planets? And the theory that it is impossible for extraterrestrials to travel from other galaxys to Earth, I do not believe in.
Originally posted by Yo_girlfriend_still_love_me
Aliens have to exists. There is no way that there would only be one planet in the entire universe that has "intelligent life". There are probably millions of planets in the universe that are so similar to earth. And why not? If organisms can evolve and create humans on this planet why not on other planets?
Read "Rare Earth" by Peter Ward and Donald Brownlee. It has some of the why nots. Yes life may be common in the universe, but life capable of conscienceness & technology, may be rarer than chimps discoursing on the finer points of translating the meaning of Shakespearean English into modern American English.
"Yo Shake, wwwhaaatzzuuuuup?!"

And the theory that it is impossible for extraterrestrials to travel from other galaxys to Earth, I do not believe in.
Until they invent post-Einsteinian physics, we're out of luck, it takes too much energy to sent a small package to near light speed.
My thoughts in this universe at this current time are simple:

Numerous intelligent cultures, some of peace, some terrifyingly sinister, are peppered throughout the universe, however none of them are anywhere near earth. It will be upwards of five hundred years before we ever come in direct contact with anything intelligent that isn't human or created by a human.
Originally posted by shrike
My thoughts in this universe at this current time are simple:
Numerous intelligent cultures, some of peace, some terrifyingly sinister, are peppered throughout the universe,
Ahh?? How do you know it???????

however none of them are anywhere near earth.

It will be upwards of five hundred years before we ever come in direct contact with anything intelligent that isn't human or created by a human.
Will humans be around that long?????? I hope we make it to the 22nd Century. If the bin Laden's of the world send us into a 'Dark Angel' kind of world, "What then???".
Intelligent aliens at least on our level of intelligence are nowhere near us because:

Dun dah dah dah dun!

Consider the following: Earth producing a helloffa lotta radio signals that travel in a sphere that is relatively seventy or eighty lightyears in diameter. It is that large because seventy or eighty years ago the radio was invented (i think). So therefore if aliens were on our level of intelligence and were near us we would watch their old 'I love Lucie' episodes and such. That is how I know.

Humans will be along forever. I dream of a day that our descendents see the end of the universe, when we begin to wonder: what happens when we run out of room? Can you imagine a universe that is a single, connected city? That is the future. A city the size of the universe.

And a population of an infinitesimal number of aliens coexisting with us, the masters of the universe.
At the back of the DOOMSDAY CONSPIRACY by SIDNEY SHELDON,there is a long list of people who have died in mysterious,unexplainable(Govt replies,that is to say)reasons and they were all connected in UFOS in some way or the other,some of them were even Exobiologists.

Exactly Zion, and the governments have done their very best to keep it all hidden behind closed doors.

But it is getting out of their hands more and more...bit by bit...;)

To many scientists and Ufologists are aware of the Spacecrafts and their biological way of traveling through the Universes.

And it is for a long time they are awre of the Spacecrafts and their inhabitants.
Why didn't they come out with it earlier?

Afraid the human race should learn more about the existance of other Beings who perhaps might take away the scientists control over the humans with their scientific thechnologies and 'killing' inventions???

And now they finally come out with a so called new invention which is stolen from the extraterrestrial crafts. It took them a long time to find a way to reproduce the biological crafts into Earth made material though.

Well, I go for the technology of the extraterrestrials.

Do your homework scepticals...there is a lot more Out There...:)
Originally posted by Banshee
Do your homework scepticals...there is a lot more Out There...:)
Do your homework?????? And exactly how do you do yours??? Reading??? Interviewing our friends from Out There???? Wishful thinking????? How????? Tell me!!!?? I'm waiting??!!
:D :) :eek: :confused: :rolleyes: :D
Originally posted by shrike
Intelligent aliens at least on our level of intelligence are nowhere near us because:

Consider the following: Earth producing a helloffa lotta radio signals that travel in a sphere that is relatively seventy or eighty lightyears in diameter. It is that large because seventy or eighty years ago the radio was invented (i think).

Huumm?? These were my thoughts 2 years ago, same idea I think?
Originally posted by Randolfo
Going through alien's' radio & TV emission trails
I think that with the Earth, our Sun & our Galaxy all rotating around the Universe, we should cross someone's emission trail, I'm sure that we are leaving a trail, a 24 hour rotating beacon, as we scream around the Galaxy. So, if there is intelligent life out there, they should be able to see or hear us, or us them sometime in the future. It seems to me our only problem is, if they or we blink, while we are in position to see each other. We have had radio for over a hundred years, & TV for at least 50, we can only hope that all others are somewhat like us, that they have analogous sensory organs, that they develop radio, TV, telescopes, lasers, & radar like us, that they are exploring the world around them and that tiny window of opportunity does not miss us.
Should have happened by now, right?

So therefore if aliens were on our level of intelligence and were near us we would watch their old 'I love Lucie' episodes and such. That is how I know.
I think this constitutes psychological torture, right???

:confused: :( ;) :D
I think the best way to prove the existence of aliens is to do a DNA test of everyone on the planet looking for their human abductee spawn.

Obviously, some poeple on Earth behave atypically alien.

I have a list of suggested people with whom we can begin the testing.
