There Are No Aliens!!

I sent an S.O.S to the world, I sent an S.O.S to the world. I hope that someone gets my, I hope that someone gets my. Message in a bottle, message in a bottle.

Sting has possesed me, my head is rotating around and around and now I want to name myself a present tense verb.
:confused: How could people be so arrogant to think there are no other equal/superior life forms in the universe? Whew we really need to deflate those egos!
Considering that those opinions are voices of the distant past (April 2002 to be precise) I doubt they would deflate easily.

I don't think anyone suggests there isn't life forms in the universe that are equal to our own. (I tend not to place anything superior purely because allowing someone/something to be superior would be idiotic and opening the way to be abused like people in history have done to one another for centuries, so I settle only for equality.)

Mathematically it's proven that the universe has life existing elsewhere purely because just our existance would be such a long shot. (I wish I could show the mathematics for the longshot odds, however it's such a large number it would take too many lifetimes to compute.)
HollieandGene said:
:confused: How could people be so arrogant to think there are no other equal/superior life forms in the universe? Whew we really need to deflate those egos!
welcome to Sciforums

hey, why would you choose to resurrect an old thread for your first post,was it the only interesting topic in all of Sciforums, hmmm?

anyway, we're all waiting for the big deflation

as I said before these so-called 'aliens' are so shy, that they won't show themselves? how about so shy they don't exist?:)
Stryderunknown said:

Mathematically it's proven that the universe has life existing elsewhere purely because just our existance would be such a long shot. (I wish I could show the mathematics for the longshot odds, however it's such a large number it would take too many lifetimes to compute
read "Rare Earth", I think it proves that any intellegent life is so remote, that
the odds are how did you put it? "such a large number it would take too many lifetimes to compute"

come on, entertain us, do the math!

BTW, by the time your program finishes computing, our ancestors will turn out to be those 'aliens' or is that descendants? :)
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I feel so exposed, my posts all out in the open like that :bugeye: I stumbled upon this site as a result of a google search I did. This particular post popped up and my finger got all frisky with the post a reply button.

Are we superior to dogs? :rolleyes:

The universe is so far beyond our understanding and will remain that way until we acquire a way to time travel or the "shy" aliens are more knowledgeable than us and choose to reveal themselves. I wouldn't walk knowingly into a science experiment which would result in me being the caged subject.......

Has anyone ever heard the theory if you travelled faster than the speed of lightning moving away from the earth you could take a telescope and take a peek at the past?

I just love the thought of us being aliens to our aliens......ahhhhhhhh
Why does everybody infer that time travel requires travelling at the speed of light?

Einstein's Equation suggests that mass travelling faster than light is impossible (or improbable) since the faster you travel the more energy you would require to deal with your exponentially increasing mass etc.

So I would suggest if time travel is possible, it will be through an alterative method.
Stryderunknown said:
Einstein's Equation suggests that mass travelling faster than light is impossible (or improbable) since the faster you travel the more energy you would require to deal with your exponentially increasing mass etc.

Yes but we don't know for a fact that that is the case. In some scientific experiments it appears the speed of light has already been exceeded.
- government officals have admitted to working on alien-tasked secret projects
- scientists have admitted reverse engineering the aliens' crafts
- even an astronaut has came out to say ETs exist
- a vatican pope admitted that ETs are real
- thousands of people have encountered UFOs and/or ETs
- crop circles (majority) have been proven to be not man made
- probabilty favors other intelligent life in universe
- ancient texts and murals depict astronauts and ETs (diff civs as well)

i think its obvious
- government officals have admitted to working on alien-tasked secret projects
Bob Lazar was one,he was a fake!.His identifications suggest so.Col. Du Bose in Roswell case was lying,this was because one can see,retirement from Military,no job,no money,nothing to do...UFOs? why not!...
- thousands of people have encountered UFOs and/or ETs
People have encountered UFOs,may be but ETs? no such relation can be proved by conventional science.Off course in Delerium...
- crop circles (majority) have been proven to be not man made
Which is not apparently true.Collin Andrews has been studying phenomenon over the past decade,and has admitted that most of them are hoaxes,small percentages show extreme deviations of magnetic fields,but that cannot relate them to UFOs.There has been no conclusive Link ever found between them and the UFOs.
- probabilty favors other intelligent life in universe
Argumentative,although sometimes i wonder...Is there any other Solar System like ours (Without Binary Star systems?...i am not sure there are many of the cases in Universe where,Single Star Solar Systems exist...i could be wrong though...)
- ancient texts and murals depict astronauts and ETs (diff civs as well)
Which i would assume is western upbringing of yours which prompted you to say that.Apparently there were texts,written like Vedas which had great grasp of Astrnomy or Maths(Speed Of light Accuracy for example),but does it relate anyways to ETs? People believe its E.T.s why? because they cannot bear the thought that the Indians could have known so much in the ancient days,they cannot bear the thought that Egyptians can know so much.Can't these Civilizations be advanced then.May be they suffered from a natural disaster...But it would be stupid to underestimate the texts and Human Brain,if they can think like that now,why not then?Its pure parochialism and Bigotry on our part to really think that.Take a look at the other side of the coin.

There are some sightings which are esoteric,abstruse but they have explainations invariably.
Pollux V said:
My thoughts,

UFO's are really secret government aicraft that WE, humans, have invented, all by ourselves. The US government is testing these craft all over the world and in space, and they're denying the existence of these craft because they want to 'stay ahead' of countries like China and Russia. They're all just like the old F-117 Stealth Fighters, which were seen and thought to be UFO's before the government told everyone they existed in '89, I think. All of the people in charge of these projects are laughing their socks off at all this 'alien UFO crap.' Most of the UFO reports are fake, and convincing pictures are easily produced. Any true sightings are either misconceptions or government aircraft. UFO abductions are completely fake, and those with actual proof have likely been tricked by the government to fuel the UFO craze. All those researchers who said they worked at Area 51 were lying just for attention (which is just what they thought). I saw somewhere that Brazil admitted that UFO's were real, but they were probably paid by the US to say that (all of those south american countries are in an economic slump).
Plus, space travel between stars is IMPOSSIBLE, and i think that at least in this galaxy all of the sentient races are on the same level, because I bet that most of the stars with planets suitable for life were created at relatively the same time. All this UFO stuff is just a coverup to keep our competetors from finding out the truth, and sooner or later the US will declassify everything.

But you said Aliens.......UFO's and Aliens are two different things. One is an inanimate object if do exist and the other is an living organism if exist. Clairification por favor.

questions...? said:
of corse there are aliens! : eek! : in this galaxy or the next :)
ahh, how do you know? care to put us in contact? my phone number is: (XXX)XXX-XXXX, if they're so advanced they can decode that ;-P
how old are you,what is xxxxxxxxxxxx mean, decode what xs
rodolfo, there are aliens even on the moon, they have bases there
they are americans
are there aliens?

Philosopher Philocrazy