There Are No Aliens!!

James R,
I would suggest that ESP is potential but only as a side-effect of other experiments (For instance "Observation collapsing a Wavefunction") so I wouldn't necessarily tar it with the whole Pyramid power and Crystal energy setup which invariably is use a way to make money.
If most TRUE UFO cases are government projects which are secret, we have a lot of secret project's.. And, these secret project's have been seen since the cave-men days. We are damn good! :D
Actually it's been one secret government like organization since the stone ages.
A very ancient and global conspiracy. I think there might be vampires involved! :eek:

p.s. I've read too much of Anne Rice.
Like everything in life, the truth is always somewhere in the middle. No different on the issue of UFO/ETI/TOP SECRET CRAFTS.

Some UFO'S are top secret crafts, though not an incredible amount of them could be. I mean, how many top secret programs do we run? How long have they been running? How long have we seen UFO'S? Even before WE COULD fly.

So to claim EVERY unexplainable UFO is a top secret craft, is merely a skeptical person trying to explain away the UFO phenomon in such a way as to rule out any chance that it could be alien. Because typically the person does not believe Alien's are, or have been visiting us.

End of story.
Americans see a UFO once a day (IMO),

you can interpret that either as that they are really stupid or that the goverment actually has UFO like aircrafts and hence the americans see them.
I believe the latter (but they are frankly rather stupid too). Some crafts may though be alien ships but i doubt that more than half of them are.
Or maybe it is because of some chemical reaction in brain as a result of overconsumation of fast food :D

p.s. No surprise if it's some USA gov. aircraft project. Has happened before. The F-117A's were reported as UFO's in many cases and the gov. didn't say that they had such aircraft.

p.p.s. I too find it interesting that mostly americans see ufo's
Avatar said:
Or maybe it is because of some chemical reaction in brain as a result of overconsumation of fast food :D

p.s. No surprise if it's some USA gov. aircraft project. Has happened before. The F-117A's were reported as UFO's in many cases and the gov. didn't say that they had such aircraft.

p.p.s. I too find it interesting that mostly americans see ufo's

I find it interesting that individuals today seem to report seeing all the same flying saucers that were originally reported as flying saucers, when the dude actually said they flew like a saucer on water... nothign to do with looking like saucers... Now after seeing this report it affects peoples subconscious and conscious "sightings"

Along I wonder why people dont report seeing the boogie man, fairys, trolls or witches anymore... Just sexually perverted aliens...

Why dont these dang things stop harvesting our females eggs and sperm and figure out cloning... Hell, we being much less advanced then them have at least figured that part out.. Lets trade our cloning technology for their intergalactic space travel technology! :D LOL
Latest buzz from India is that some people went into hybernation during the Mahabharat War (The Great World War) somewhere close to the Indian and Chinese border. There have been heavy UFO sightings in that area. May be a small group are waking up. Since they (our ancestors) spoke Sanskrit , it should not be too difficult to interface their computer with ours. Someone has said that Sanskrit is the perfect language for computers.

Of course assuming that Mahabharat did describe atomic and neutron warfare, Vimanas, DNA guides missiles etc and are not someones fantasy....and human hybernation is possible for 10,000 years or more....with occasional waking up...
kmguru said:
Latest buzz from India is that some people went into hybernation during the Mahabharat War (The Great World War) somewhere close to the Indian and Chinese border. There have been heavy UFO sightings in that area. May be a small group are waking up. Since they (our ancestors) spoke Sanskrit , it should not be too difficult to interface their computer with ours. Someone has said that Sanskrit is the perfect language for computers.

Of course assuming that Mahabharat did describe atomic and neutron warfare, Vimanas, DNA guides missiles etc and are not someones fantasy....and human hybernation is possible for 10,000 years or more....with occasional waking up...

:D lol
kmguru said:
Latest buzz from India is that some people went into hybernation during the Mahabharat War (The Great World War) somewhere close to the Indian and Chinese border.

How is that different that the "buzz" by Heaven's Gate that they could ascend to Haley's Comet or the "buzz" that ancient astronauts built the pyramids? Don't bore us with "buzz," dazzle us with facts.

kmguru said:
Since they (our ancestors) spoke Sanskrit, it should not be too difficult to interface their computer with ours. Someone has said that Sanskrit is the perfect language for computers.

The computer was invented in the 20th century. (if you don't count devices like the abacus). It would be a bit hard to interface with a fictional computer, don't you think?

kmguru said:
Of course assuming that Mahabharat did describe atomic and neutron warfare, Vimanas, DNA guides missiles etc and are not someones fantasy....

They are, undboubtedly, someone's fantasy.

kmguru said:
and human hybernation is possible for 10,000 years or more....with occasional waking up...

Really? You have a citation to that journal article? I think I missed that breakthrough in medicine.
Don't bore us with "buzz," dazzle us with facts.

If you need facts, go to the science forum, and let us see how much science you know, dazzle us there - this is pseudoscience where we have fun. And BTW learn to read the whole sentences and google the context if you are bored. And who is "us" anyway? hanging around in pseudoscience section!
Just because its the pseudoscience forum of a science message board, doesn't mean that this is the place to engage in mutal masturbation of speculation and fantasy.

This is the place that pseudoscientific thoughts and speculations like yours should be exposed and criticised. The matter-of-fact statements you made on ancient societies and "human hybernation" deserve to be questioned. How about answering them?
"Of course assuming that ..." If this is a matter-of-fact statement, perhaps your English teacher could help...

Yes, this is the place to engage in speculation and fantasy the same way in the religious section they do - you know, the God thing! And as to using the word Masturbation - perhaps in my teenage years when I was not getting the real thing...and difficulty understanding the real world....someday, you will grow up too!
"and human hybernation is possible for 10,000 years or more....with occasional waking up" is very matter-of-fact.

And please accept my apologies of using the word "masterbation," I didn't mean to evoke old feelings.

But I take it you won't answer my questions: What sort of "computers" were the ancient cultures of the region using? What citation will demonstrate the concept of human hybernation?
Please learn to read short posts by creating the proper mental model and try...not to read like an American Legal does take practice...I admit...

It should read "...and (assuming) human hybernation..." the word assuming comes from "Of course assuming that...."
I am also assuming you have absoultely no solid evidence to back up anything you say.

Im also assuming your completely insane.

woot woot :D
I take it no one has read the booklet that is in the Led Zeppelin 4 disk box set?
NO1 said:
I take it no one has read the booklet that is in the Led Zeppelin 4 disk box set?

no share with us.. Im SO fascinated to what LED ZEPPELIN knows about the universe, when they are on LCD, CRACK, METH, COCK, Heroin, ETC ETC

Well when it comes to Zeppelin alchemy, teh fact is that it's a chemical fusion and with so much ESP involved. Its sounds pretentious, but its true.