There Are No Aliens!!

but how do you explain the ancient texts where aliens are mentioned a lot of times in almost all ancient cultures.
take a look at my posts in KMs thread of past civilization,you"ll find description of UFOs from loooooooooooooooong time back.

FIGHTER STUFF?,certainly it well may be,but why then the Govt official themselves gave the statement that they had captured a saucer,to change the statement to tell it was a weather balloon,then to change the whole thing again to say it was project Mogul,then perhaps let us say after couple of years U.S officials will say we captured Reptiles,then Dinos,then perhaps Live Human guniea pig experiments...crap goes on and on...

Take a peep at Ronald reagan's speech at UN:
he said this:(yes,exaclty this):
"I have often wondered,how it would be if we know that the world is under Alien civilization thread and yet I ask you,is the Alien force not already amongst us?"

certainly President wasnt referring to the Jews who took refuge in U.S.there are many military personalities who have openly said that the whole weather Balloon was a cover story.Col Du Bose,Sherriff Wilcox,Ina Wilcox had recieved death threats,death threats from speaking up the whole incident.
Mortician Glenn dennis recieved a phone call from the air force base asking him on how to preserve bodies that have been exposed to elements,and did he have any child sized coffins available?.
later he was told exactly this:
"If you speak about this,someone will be picking up your Bones in the desert"
His nurse friend(Glenn Dennis) who actually saw doctors performing autopsy on Alien bodies was ordered immidietly to report to another station,wherein she dies mysteriously due to Nausea?.
Military personall were reminded of their oaths.
Complete radio transmission that took place during 1947 have been found to be erased.

very extreme behaviour to account for a weather balloon.

you wanna know more,i can keep on going.Jesse Marcel i forgot is also one of those Credible witnesses i was talking about...

thanks for your time Pollux.

Adam, *No, there are no aliens. End of statement.*

I disagree here highly with you. Just because you have been flying around you think you can be sure about the fact that there are no UFO's and/or extraterrestrials? How narrow-minded! What a tunnel vision! I am sorry, don't want an arguement with you, you can be a little more open minded though.

As Zion says, look at Ancient Civilizations, for instance. And why should everything be a government thingy Pollux V? Jees, this is no discussion any more. It is becoming a "Yes" and "No" thread.

There is just to much to overlook people, to much evidence that points in the direction UFO's and extraterrestrial interferences are a fact. You can wear eye-shields and close your ears for it, that doesn't change it.

I quit with it for now. It's becoming a hassel to come here on the thread...

Plus, space travel between stars is IMPOSSIBLE, and i think that at least in this galaxy all of the sentient races are on the same level, because I bet that most of the stars with planets suitable for life were created at relatively the same time. All this UFO stuff is just a coverup to keep our competetors from finding out the truth, and sooner or later the US will declassify everything.

Two possibilities:

1. They are advenced civilizations who came from other stars in search for more resources (or even just for fun or to know better the Universe..)

2. They can travel through other dimensions...

As Zion says, look at Ancient Civilizations, for instance. And why should everything be a government thingy Pollux V? Jees, this is no discussion any more. It is becoming a "Yes" and "No" thread.

Look for my post in the thread "Pyramids"... ;)

The crop circles definetly can't be made by humans...
It's just way too perfect...

If you check out the videos i have for Crop circles where the guys are testing for change in magnetic field,you"ll know why guys are so serious about Crop circles.

Banshee, I believe you may have missed my point.

There are no aliens. (I feel a gun against my back) There have never been any aliens. (gun pressure easing slightly) We have never had any contact with aliens. (gun gone. sigh of relief)

Just my silly joke.
You have never had contact with extraterrestrials you mean...:bugeye:

That doesn't mean there is no extraterrestrial contact at all here on Earth (Terra)...;)
The ernest premise that extra-terrestrials are amongst us, and have been, begs such questions as: what have such supposedly, circumstantially priviledged entities to fear from us that they must hide from our inadequate capabilities to threaten their safety????

Why is it that the invisible and the non-existant look very much alike?
Here is something I just thought and this is as good a place as any.

Suppose at our present level of technology (2003), we design a new propulsion system and find it does go very fast with one side effect. At certain speed, it punches a hole in space and moves to another earth like planet with organic life forms very much different from ours. We also find, we can come back to our space the same way we left.

Will we bring back a live sample of the life forms mostly animals? Will we disect some samples on that planet to study? If you are running the propulsion research, what would you do? What will be our interaction with the alien planet?
Originally posted by Kmguru
*Will we bring back a live sample of the life forms mostly animals? Will we disect some samples on that planet to study? If you are running the propulsion research, what would you do? What will be our interaction with the alien planet?*

It's not so difficult to answer this. I would let them be. Where they belong. It's to the feelings of these 'species' to take them away and examine them. If I really had to go on such a mission, I would prefer to study the behaviour of the 'species' in their Natural surrounding. Not take them to some lab and cut them to pieces, just to look how they 'work'.

Typical human behaviour! Oh well, the extraterrestrials are doing the same with humans, so there is another side to it.

Guess it's a case of morality, making the right choice. Would you do it to yourself or the animals surrounding you?

This is confusing. Better let someone else answer this, it's not for me, sorry...:bugeye:
Originally posted by TruthSeeker
I have never been mistreated while abducted, though...
Paging Dr. Fish, Dr. Goofy Fish… Dr. Fish please pick up courtesy phone 2 for urgent call.

[Slight time delay]

GF: This is Dr. Fish.
Operator: Dr. Fish? Please hold I’ll connect you.

[Slight time delay]

Operator: Go ahead Mr. Seeker.

TS: Thank you operator. Fish?
GF: *Groans audibly* Yeah, Nelson.
TS: Fish, it happened again! I was on a camping trip in New Mexico. I had set up my tent and gone to bed and had fallen sound asleep when these bright lights woke me up, except I couldn’t move, it was like I was paralyzed and…
GF: Nelson, how many times must I tell you, it is highly unlikely and you were undoubtedly dreaming.
TS: Fish, I’m telling you, this stuff really happened, the strange pale faced people appeared again only this time it was different, I was…
GF: You know Nelson, you call two, three times a week with this crap, and it’s always something different, like last time when they stuck a minnow up your penis when you were vacationing in the Amazon, I mean really…
TS: Hey, that really happened, I got pictures to prove it!
GF: It just proved that you shouldn’t have whizzed in the river, you numb skull.
TS: I don’t care what the scientists said, that minnow felt incredibly alien.
GF: Yeah? Well it wasn’t, it was terrestrial.
TS: Yeah exactly, extraterrestrial!
GF: No, more like aqua-terrestrial.
TS: Fish, give me a break, this time I have real evidence.
GF: Uh-huh, and what is it this time? Half a tan, like when you were abducted falling asleep at a tanning salon? Or a chip implant like when you got accidentally knocked out and abducted at the Pringles factory?
TS: Come on Fish, you know all those things happened, I can’t understand why you reject all my evidence like that.
GF: Because so far all your evidence has been explained away, they saw you fall into the potato chip storage bin for crying out loud.
TS: Fish, you know those guys work for the government.
GF: Here we go again, the government conspiracy theory.
TS: Fish, you know that shit’s for real.
GF: Nelson, I don’t have time for this.
TS: Okay, okay, hear me out. There is no way you’re going to doubt this evidence.
GF: Okay Nelson, what is it.

[Short silence]

TS: I’m pregnant.

[Long silence]

GF: Come again?
TS: I’m pregnant!
GF: Nelson, you’ve got a doozey this time. How have you come to that conclusion?
TS: When I was abducted last night, they stuck a probe through my belly and injected me with an alien embryo.
GF: Wow Nelson, have you been smoking something?
TS: I’m serious Fish, it really happened and that’s not all…I can feel the baby inside me.

[Long silence]

GF: Uh-huh. Tell me Nelson, you mentioned you were in New Mexico, did you sample any local food?
TS: Why yes, I had a great big bowl of chili and some refried beans, why do you ask?
GF: Sounds like bowel movement to me. Where in New Mexico are you?
TS: The four corners, in the Navajo nation.
GF: I see, and did the locals treat you to anything special?
TS: Well, they invited me to join in a peace pipe ceremony.
GF: I see, and did the peace pipe taste like tobacco?
TS: No, it had a peculiar flavor.
GF: Peyote. Nelson, you were dreaming and if I’m not mistaken you’ll be giving birth some time this morning and I think you’ll find your baby will be far from alien.
TS: Fish, I’m telling you, this shit really happened.
GF: Nelson, I’m hanging up now.
TS: Fish…
GF: Bye Nelson.
TS: Fish, don’t…



You amuse me... :D

I just didn't like when you went to much in my intimacy...:eek:

No, there are no aliens. End of statement.

Ahem, I have an email from a friend with the Esoteric Order Of Dagon (not to be confused with the Cthulhu Cult). Let me quote his email:

Strange lights? Strange beings? Missing chunks of time?

They are most likely just too close to our rituals, especially those involving the Shining Trapahedron.

I'm sure if they send you a private message with thier location, and credit card number (verification purposes) I can have the rituals moved.

How's things? Any chance of coming to visit Innsmouth over the summer?

So, feel free to take his advice. fhtagn Cthulhu!
Originally posted by Xev

So, feel free to take his advice. fhtagn Cthulhu!

If you are interested in going out with an alien some time, please let me know. I am looking for a human beeing to date with. ;) FEMALE beeing.:p
Female, yes. But human?

*Notes a certain extension of the skin between her fingers and a greening of her eyes*

Yeah. 'S okay, it is the members of the Escoteric Order of Dagon who have to worry about being made in the image of Cthulhu's dreams. ;)


but how do you explain the ancient texts where aliens are mentioned a lot of times in almost all ancient cultures.


You know, there was a time when we felt it best to conceal the operation, even the existance, of the Cthulhu Cult and the Deep Ones, now it seems we have to explain all this.

Those sightings are probably Cthulhu Spawn. Fthagn Cthulhu!

Are you back to playing with the humans again? You know what momma said! If you keep pestering those humans no one is ever going to believe we exist. She said she would come and get us in the communial saucer. You're goona get us in trouble...:D :D :D