There Are No Aliens!!

My knowledge on ESP has really come from looking into Quantum Mechanics, since there are many theorise that Doctors and Scientists had about the relationship of the Universe to observation. For instance Non-Locality can be a good reference to what theories and experiments have identified.

Another one is the usage of "Dopplers", take for instance you have an array of antennas or satellite dishes. It could be possible to allow the passive reception of frequencies from the array and if the array is built correctly it's also possible to take the recepted information and play it's harmonics "back" so it eminates out the same as it originally came in.

With this method it's possible to perhaps generate an electromagnetic matrix of where a person stood when the data was being recorded, it's usage in teh real world could explain the paranormal actions of "ghosts" and the sudden appearance of "investigators" (Maybe a little conspiracy, however do investigator investigate paranormal activity or is the investigation apart of the later stages of finding out how their experiment went?)

The army could even find it useful for decoding messages, by listening into the code being inserted into the equipment at the start and playing it back it can get around the problems of encryption. (unless the interface is shielded.)
kmguru said:
Please learn to read short posts by creating the proper mental model and try...not to read like an American Legal does take practice...I admit...

It should read "...and (assuming) human hybernation..." the word assuming comes from "Of course assuming that...."

Well.... now it makes sense..... :p

I shall have to refrain from posting when I should be sleeping in the future....
It doesn't matter if you don't believe in aliens or UFOs. However, I am not like you and I can not ignore the truth out there. You can get the hold of "Nasa's secret transmission" video and then you eyes won't believe a damn thing. something else, If you think there have been no reports of UFOS; I say this there have been people from military who recorded UFO contact on radar, on the ground in the air and at sea. US secret aircrafts are not 2 to 3 miles long so don't say that the aliens with huge city size motherships are just model aircrafts. Also, for you to know, there have been many americans killed in order to reveal the truth about the Alien business. So, UFO business is a very bloody business where politics say the first word in there.

US military personals UFO reports:
UFO reports Database:
UFO scientic organization:

Think about it and do your homework ...
My iffy rebuttal: Since Huygens has landed, its been said that the entire planet is geologically alive. There for its an identified living alien moon planet.
Also, for you to know, there have been many americans killed in order to reveal the truth about the Alien business.

Bunk. Give sources then.
what i find rather funny is that there are tons of alien crashes reported.
Now, we imagine them to be a superior race, but hey, they appear to have higher crash statistics than whole of America.

And, how come that the aliens come to earth at all? If they are even remotely related to intelligent then they should know that only lesser mortals live in this world.
Maybe the aliens are russians?
it's all repressed from my conscious mind but under hypnosis i've revealed being beamed up & all sorts of unspeakable things were done. my doctor says i'll be ok after several years of therapy.
zion said:
Evidence in UFO cases is mountainous,however it doesnt mean that they are alien in nature,most of us agree about it over here.they might just be interesting experiments of black budget programs.


I would say about 10% could be black budget programs, or crafts of our own. Otherwise, we have a ton of black budget programs out there... Typically those who don't believe aliens are visiting us like to write ALL UFOS as top secret crafts of our own just because they can. I say some ARE our own crafts, but a limited amount of them because we don't have THAT MANY top secret programs going at one time. It's too simple.

Furthermore, the fact that saucer shaped UFOS belong to ETI might be "black budget, top secret" - combined with our own black budget crafts. So you probably have coverups of our crafts and their crafts, so we get nowhere!

I've heard it said that - We can claim their top secret crafts of our own, because we know they exist; We don't know aliens exist. My answer to that would be; We don't know, THEY DON'T exist so we can't rule that out. In conjunction with the large amount of eye-witness testimony related to aliens and their vehicles. When you consider that evidence and the potential for hard/physical evidence being covered up it does not take such a leap anymore.

Of course that's just my two cents :D
Ahhhh ok, let me see how to handle this, lol....

what is so hard about not believing in aliens? lets look at crop circles... I myself believe that they are maps from where they came. Did we do the somewhat the same thing to the moon? Put a footstep and a flag? So why is it unbelieveable for us to understand that maybe, extraterrestrials do the same thing?
Just like many other people, I feel that its ridiculous to think that our small, insignificant planet - which is on the outside edge of a mdeium sized galaxy that contains billions of planets and is among thousands of other galaxies that also contain billions of planets - is the only one that contains life. There has to be some kind of ego, ignorance, or "I just don't give a damn" attitude behind such a theory. I'm not dondemning any of the above- i just find it eincredible that we can't believe that God didn't make other life in his image to inhabit this almost infinite universe we reside in. Is this selfish? All this space... just for us?... i guess it makes a person feel special, i don't know.
Pollux V said:
My thoughts,

UFO's are really secret government aicraft that WE, humans, have invented, all by ourselves. The US government is testing these craft all over the world and in space, and they're denying the existence of these craft because they want to 'stay ahead' of countries like China and Russia. They're all just like the old F-117 Stealth Fighters, which were seen and thought to be UFO's before the government told everyone they existed in '89, I think. All of the people in charge of these projects are laughing their socks off at all this 'alien UFO crap.' Most of the UFO reports are fake, and convincing pictures are easily produced. Any true sightings are either misconceptions or government aircraft. UFO abductions are completely fake, and those with actual proof have likely been tricked by the government to fuel the UFO craze. All those researchers who said they worked at Area 51 were lying just for attention (which is just what they thought). I saw somewhere that Brazil admitted that UFO's were real, but they were probably paid by the US to say that (all of those south american countries are in an economic slump).
Plus, space travel between stars is IMPOSSIBLE, and i think that at least in this galaxy all of the sentient races are on the same level, because I bet that most of the stars with planets suitable for life were created at relatively the same time. All this UFO stuff is just a coverup to keep our competetors from finding out the truth, and sooner or later the US will declassify everything.
Why do you state with such certainty all the matters alleged in your post? Your communication has all the intnation not of one holding crucial scientific information rather you come off as some authoritarian. You said "Brazil admitted sthat UFO's were real". How can a country admit anything? You meant to say that an emloyee of the Brazilian gvernment, Senor Hector Guzman . . ." Where did you get all this information about all the things you ckaim were true or false.

If you read the post yourself your will detect a thread of bias, a manner or a mode of communicating with an assumed reality about your world. Why would you make such statements? If someone who had been actually kidnapped by alien told you what occured you woukld deny the occurance and then you would telll that person what really happened to them.

Do you ever consciously research a subject matter of any degree of complexity or scope just to look at things as somethinfg to learn somethinf about? Do you ever look at any written source material and judge the content of that material based on the nature of the document, the author's qualifications, possible biases included documentationb and speculative content? Do you consciously attempt to build a level of confidence in the accuracy or truthfullness of the source material? Or do you judge the value of the material based on whether you agree with or believe the content or not? If you were ever in error on a matter, let's say hypothetically, the existence of alien visitors, travelors on earth, your disbelief would be a major disabling and potentially hazardous disability that could oprate to threaten your health or safety. However you came to develop the analytic structure of your own thought processes (you did deveelop your own thought processes did you not?) did you thioughtlessly adopt the opinions and manner of expression as winessed here in your post or did you come to the conclusions and beliefs expressed after careful consideration of all the available important parameters that you have learned to deal with in the dynamic model which drives your mental musings?

Has anyone ever described you as an opinionated know itall? Are you satisfied with what you know and believe? In a social setting do you correct others who state beliefs in matters different than yours? Have you ever suspected that people avoid socaializing wwiwth you for the reasons, partially at least, that you hog an inordinate share of copnversation time? Have you ever, as an adult, ever listeed to another preson speaking becaus eyou wanted to hear what they had to say,

In general do you value the thinking of others who think like you? Do you hang with people who are opinionated snobs? Would you trust some like yourelf to provide an honest appraiall of an issue that is of great importance to yourself?

do you ever look at a posters posting history and notice their last posts (two) were over four months ago, and their prior posts ten months ago? Do you ever consider, under these circumstances, that they are unlikely to read your reply? Do you ever think that you'll go ahead anyway since it will afford you an opportunity to pontificate, with reduced risk of a riposte?

Do you ever look at a post that opens "My thoughts", and recognise that the poster is very clearly flagging up a suite of opinions? Does it ever occur to you in these circumstances that these opinions represent an amusing working hypothesis for the poster and not an intrinsic, indelible belief? Has it struck you that the poster may be looking for some speculative discussion and not a contrived deconstruction of his alleged mindset, accompanied by a character assassination?

Have you ever thought of taking your head out of your ass and smelling the roses?

btimsah said:
I would say about 10% could be black budget programs, or crafts of our own. Otherwise, we have a ton of black budget programs out there...

I would suggest the percentage to be higher since people tend to forget in the modern "Capitalised Democracy" some projects are open to the "Marketplace". For instance a country might not develop a new fighter craft, but look to Third-Party defense contractors for their designs to Contract.

This would mean multiple third-party companies developing craft on a need to know basis that wouldn't have records existing within the government libraries under a secrecy act. (This is one way that such governments conceal what they are working on, since the public doesn't need to know about what the third-party bodies are up to.)

There are a number of different areospace firms that aren't just developing craft for the military but also the public sector, however they too shroud what they do in secrecy to stop other firms from stealing their designs before the patents go through. The people that should really be questioned are the people that work in patent offices to see how many flying craft designs have been submitted, then you might understand howthe number of UFO accounts tie in.
I don't have time to read all 6 pages. But just to come back to the origional poster.

You're Topic say's there are no aliens, but your post goes on about UFO's. Are you saying that there are no aliens in the universe at all? Or just that there are none that have visited Earth. As far as none visiting Earth, I tend to agree as much of the 'evidence' is easily hoaxed or imagined. As for life in the universe, I think given the odds, it's impossible that there is no life outside earth.

And as for saying it's impossible to travel between stars? Incredibly ignorant statement. Humans are still stuck in the phase of burning an extremely large amounts of fuel to get to a short distance. I refuse to believe that is the best way, and wouldn't be surprised if a more intelligent race figured out other ways
SeekerOfTruth said:

Space travel is not impossible, we have done it. Space travel to another star is not impossible, it would just take time and resources that human beings are not ready to commit to or a technology that may not exist.

The question of whether or not there are aliens out there is one that is almost impossible to prove with our current knowledge, but if aliens did exist, why haven't they colonized the galaxy? This question was asked by Enrico Fermi and is known as the "Fermi Paradox". Here is a link to a good article discussion the "Fermi Paradox".

With conventional technology you could do it, it would just take on the order of hundreds of millions of years. We don't have the drive to do it right now, but if aliens existed that did have the drive to do it, why would they not have already colonized our galaxy?

Every person ive ever known thats had contact with aliens has been told about some kind of earth disaster, they range from earthquakes, to a new ice ages, to nuclear war. In short i think its nonsense, not that what they have experienced is nonsense you understand but what they are being told.
Credible people claiming to be abducted, steven greer collecting evidence from military personnel talking about ufos flying over military bases and deactivating missles without having a clue where these craft came from. Videos filmed by mulitple people of esoteric craft hovering over major cities; entirely out of character for government black ops crafts. Nasa footage of ufos being firing fired apon from earth..

Alien visitation is quite frankly the only solution that makes all the above make sense, so im going to stick with that for time being untill i hear a better explaination.
Pollux V said:
My thoughts,

UFO's are really secret government aicraft that WE, humans, have invented, all by ourselves. The US government is testing these craft all over the world and in space, and they're denying the existence of these craft because they want to 'stay ahead' of countries like China and Russia. They're all just like the old F-117 Stealth Fighters, which were seen and thought to be UFO's before the government told everyone they existed in '89, I think. All of the people in charge of these projects are laughing their socks off at all this 'alien UFO crap.' Most of the UFO reports are fake, and convincing pictures are easily produced. Any true sightings are either misconceptions or government aircraft. UFO abductions are completely fake, and those with actual proof have likely been tricked by the government to fuel the UFO craze. All those researchers who said they worked at Area 51 were lying just for attention (which is just what they thought). I saw somewhere that Brazil admitted that UFO's were real, but they were probably paid by the US to say that (all of those south american countries are in an economic slump).
Plus, space travel between stars is IMPOSSIBLE, and i think that at least in this galaxy all of the sentient races are on the same level, because I bet that most of the stars with planets suitable for life were created at relatively the same time. All this UFO stuff is just a coverup to keep our competetors from finding out the truth, and sooner or later the US will declassify everything.

So sure are we? Hmmmmmmmmmm!!!
heliocentric said:
Credible people claiming to be abducted, steven greer collecting evidence from military personnel talking about ufos flying over military bases and deactivating missles without having a clue where these craft came from. Videos filmed by mulitple people of esoteric craft hovering over major cities; entirely out of character for government black ops crafts. Nasa footage of ufos being firing fired apon from earth..

Alien visitation is quite frankly the only solution that makes all the above make sense, so im going to stick with that for time being untill i hear a better explaination.

Not really the only solution. Hear this:
Many thousands of years ago there was a highly advanced human civilization which had spaceships, but there was a great war and the last remaining people of that civilization put themselves in "deep freeze" in a bunker below Himalaya mountains. Every now and then they check out how our civilization has or hasn't progressed and lends a hand if needed.
This is more probable than aliens from some far-away planet visiting Earth. You see, no aliens needed in this speculative scenario. Why do you need aliens? Ah, of course... the cult. You need gods and demons.
Human psyche doesn't change. I think more people should study psychology.
The real alien is human mind, which most are too ignorant to explore.
If there really are no aliens, that means we've got the whole Universe as our private playground :D Doesn't that raise the hair on the back of your necks, :eek: Considering the course of Human history on Earth, what the hell are we going to be doing to each other (on a vastly larger field of fire) when we do eventually enter Space for real, instead of just playing with it as we are now?