There Are No Aliens!!

philocrazy said:
show what?
dont you know aliens come and go just like americans do when visiting
the moon,

Philosopher Philocrazy
what? "come & go just like americans"? if they do that, then they must have the same tech level as us, so, lets see, our species is 100 k years old, so, what, then? about every 36 years or so afterwards? that is real regular
zion said:
Bob Lazar was one,he was a fake!.His identifications suggest so.Col. Du Bose in Roswell case was lying,this was because one can see,retirement from Military,no job,no money,nothing to do...UFOs? why not!...

People have encountered UFOs,may be but ETs? no such relation can be proved by conventional science.Off course in Delerium...

Which is not apparently true.Collin Andrews has been studying phenomenon over the past decade,and has admitted that most of them are hoaxes,small percentages show extreme deviations of magnetic fields,but that cannot relate them to UFOs.There has been no conclusive Link ever found between them and the UFOs.

Argumentative,although sometimes i wonder...Is there any other Solar System like ours (Without Binary Star systems?...i am not sure there are many of the cases in Universe where,Single Star Solar Systems exist...i could be wrong though...)

Which i would assume is western upbringing of yours which prompted you to say that.Apparently there were texts,written like Vedas which had great grasp of Astrnomy or Maths(Speed Of light Accuracy for example),but does it relate anyways to ETs? People believe its E.T.s why? because they cannot bear the thought that the Indians could have known so much in the ancient days,they cannot bear the thought that Egyptians can know so much.Can't these Civilizations be advanced then.May be they suffered from a natural disaster...But it would be stupid to underestimate the texts and Human Brain,if they can think like that now,why not then?Its pure parochialism and Bigotry on our part to really think that.Take a look at the other side of the coin.

There are some sightings which are esoteric,abstruse but they have explainations invariably.

lets take this one step at a time, for the simpletons.

Bob Lazar. you think hes fake, and thats because his credentials are missing. don't you know that if you were to work for a secret undercover project such as this, (and many others that arent related to ETs) your 'life' is waived by the government, they can erase any traces of you and make you dissappear from the face of the earth. this is all safety measures, IN CASE SOMEONE LEAKS OUT INFO. welcome to the real world of deception my friend.

" People have encountered UFOs, but not ETS ? "

completely wrong. people have seen UFOs, seen ETs from the UFOs, seen ETs without any UFOs and much more. Some extra terrestrial life forms dont even need a physical ship to travel here.

Crop circles.

"There's been no link to ETs and crop circles"

oh, so the dancing lights observed near the time and place of crop circle formation is just a coincidence.

we KNOW some are Fake hoaxes, this is perpetrated mis information campaigns aimed at discredited any viable ET phenomena. why else would people be doing these formations, and why wouldnt they openly just say, hey we like to make cool designs in grass, check them out. why would they do it in secrecy then later admit it. it is a fake cover up plan guys.

on your side-tracked comments of the ancient texts and murals;

we are not just talking about their WORDS and IDEALs, we're talking about DRAWINGS of ASTRONAUT-LIKE HUMANOIDS with SPACE SUITS.

tell me they knew about Space Suits .... complete with a glass bubble around the head.

the fact remains, that until this is said and done, there will be duality throughout this entire phenomenal those who believe and those who don't want to. or those who aren't ready. take your pick. oh, theres also those who dont care. bless their souls.
There will definetly be aliens in space, anyone heard The Drake Equation

N = N* fp ne fl fi fc fL

The equation can really be looked at as a number of questions:

N* represents the number of stars in the Milky Way Galaxy
Question: How many stars are in the Milky Way Galaxy?
Answer: Current estimates are 100 billion.
fp is the fraction of stars that have planets around them
Question: What percentage of stars have planetary systems?
Answer: Current estimates range from 20% to 50%.
ne is the number of planets per star that are capable of sustaining life
Question: For each star that does have a planetary system, how many planets are capable of sustaining life?
Answer: Current estimates range from 1 to 5.
fl is the fraction of planets in ne where life evolves
Question: On what percentage of the planets that are capable of sustaining life does life actually evolve?
Answer: Current estimates range from 100% (where life can evolve it will) down to close to 0%.
fi is the fraction of fl where intelligent life evolves
Question: On the planets where life does evolve, what percentage evolves intelligent life?
Answer: Estimates range from 100% (intelligence is such a survival advantage that it will certainly evolve) down to near 0%.
fc is the fraction of fi that communicate
Question: What percentage of intelligent races have the means and the desire to communicate?
Answer: 10% to 20%
fL is fraction of the planet's life during which the communicating civilizations live
Question: For each civilization that does communicate, for what fraction of the planet's life does the civilization survive?
Answer: This is the toughest of the questions. If we take Earth as an example, the expected lifetime of our Sun and the Earth is roughly 10 billion years. So far we've been communicating with radio waves for less than 100 years. How long will our civilization survive? Will we destroy ourselves in a few years like some predict or will we overcome our problems and survive for millennia? If we were destroyed tomorrow the answer to this question would be 1/100,000,000th. If we survive for 10,000 years the answer will be 1/1,000,000th.
When all of these variables are multiplied together when come up with:
N, the number of communicating civilizations in the galaxy.
antisipatience said:
lets take this one step at a time, for the simpletons.

" People have encountered UFOs, but not ETS ? "

completely wrong. people have seen UFOs, seen ETs from the UFOs, seen ETs without any UFOs and much more. Some extra terrestrial life forms dont even need a physical ship to travel here.
All these sightings and still no evidence to make fools of the skeptics..

Crop circles.

"There's been no link to ETs and crop circles"

oh, so the dancing lights observed near the time and place of crop circle formation is just a coincidence.
So the people who make crop circles have torches with them...

we KNOW some are Fake hoaxes, this is perpetrated mis information campaigns aimed at discredited any viable ET phenomena. why else would people be doing these formations, and why wouldnt they openly just say, hey we like to make cool designs in grass, check them out. why would they do it in secrecy then later admit it. it is a fake cover up plan guys.
I'm pretty sure you can get fined for damaging crops. People do it for fun. I think of crop circles as a somewhere between art and graffiti. Part of the fun would be the people showing up with crystals and divining rods and talking about the energy they feel hehe.

on your side-tracked comments of the ancient texts and murals;

we are not just talking about their WORDS and IDEALs, we're talking about DRAWINGS of ASTRONAUT-LIKE HUMANOIDS with SPACE SUITS.

tell me they knew about Space Suits .... complete with a glass bubble around the head.
This could be how you are interpreting the drawings. The ones I have seen show humanoids with a large round head and look like they were drawn by a four year old. Didn't look like glass to me but perhaps I thinking of different pics.
Visiting aliens wouldn't necessarily look like astronauts from the 20th century either. Perhaps they have better ideas for life support than the bubble around the head? Just an idea.
If you go through enough ancient carvings/pictures/paintings you will find wierd monsters and gods of all shapes and sizes.
stew2yk said:
There will definetly be aliens in space, anyone heard The Drake Equation

N = N* fp ne fl fi fc fL

The equation can really be looked at as a number of questions:

if that equation were true or "provable", we would already be awash in alien visitors & tourists, where are they? don't say, "waiting for the right time to show themselves", we've already been prep'd with Star Trek, Star Wars, ET, etc.... what are they shy? or part of some "x-files" cover-up? come on, if they're here, let them appear

btw, if any of those numbers equals 'zero", how would you know? anyway, as far as I can prove, N=1, (N= earth) yep, we're it
You, My Moron are wrong neither China and Russia have anywhere close the technology we have and they never will because we made a deal with our little friends. Our technology is integrated "Alien" technology believe what you want but when I see ignorance I can't stand by and let it happen I speak up. Strawberry Ice Cream is Good...
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MadGreenwood, your ignorance is showing, particularly in your use of derogatory language of fellow humans.
You are both morons it is still a free culture and if I want to speak my mind and the truth about something I will. You obviously need to get laid firey ice so you will cool down, are you angry at men or do you need to use your toy because you can't get one. Just making an observation firey... oh and what makes you think I am a fellow human...
Your welcome to have your opinion but you should realise that other people do have opinions to and their opinion might actually contest your own.

However resorting to namecalling and stabs at upsetting people isn't going to get your opinions read or understood as people will tend to switch off from preadolescent behaviour. So a word of advice, please drop the abuse.
I must apologize to my fellow humans for not recognizing MadGreenWood as ET. I should have known by IT’s lack of social aptitude and limited intellectual capacity that IT (MadGreenWood) is one of those ET’s that got it’s butt kicked across our solar system and is here amongst us. Another indicator is the aggressive attitude that is showing itself as a result of being the LOSER’s in the war.

Also take note of ITs remarkable inability to recognize that my statement regarding fellow humans was not necessarily directed to MadGreenWood’s status but IT naturally assumed so.

So this thread about no aliens, what more proof does one need other than an alien biting you on the nose?
Damn it Skin, I nearly fell off my chair, just hit my funny bone. Good one. I feel sorry for this one if he pisses you off. :cool:

Yet, FieryIce is correct in her giving forth the information that those losers would have an attitude. Wouldn’t you if you just lost an interstellar conflict? I would. But then that is another story. Suffice it to say that if those bible prophecy’s ring true and we have had a war in the heavens above with the losers getting cast down to the earth, shit should be hitting the fan.

Is it?

Hell with a bit of tinkering anyone can get on line, even ET. :D
craterchains (Norval said:
Hell with a bit of tinkering anyone can get on line, even ET. :-D

MadGreen was not an ET, he was an AI with attitude :p
The universe is so diverse and gigantic there maybe other civilizations that will never have the oppptunity to leave there space. Also we (the earth) has only been around for a fraction of time in comparison to the universe. WE ARE VERY NEW AND UNDISCOVERED
After reading most of this thread, I was amazed at some people's stubborness in their belief of aliens without any valid proof at all.

The fact that they said they just "knew" that aliens were among us just because they did was ridiculous*. According to that, I can just say that I *KNOW* for a fact that purple monkey dishwashers are living among us just because I do, and my opinion should be automatically accepted? Hah.

(* = example: Banshee:
Randolfo, I don't believe in the existance of extraterrestrials...I know they exist. Something completely different. )

I know it's been said before, but until there is hardcore, irrefutable proof that aliens are on this planet at this exact time, then our only choice is to believe that they don't, otherwise we are talking leaps of faith in a matter that isn't even that important to the survival of the human race.

Also realize that I am not saying aliens don't exist, that much has some evidence, given the size of the universe and the time it has been around. It's just that I highly doubt that we, on this small insignificant rock in the middle of what appears to be nowhere in the universal suburb, have encountered or ever will encounter any kind of extraterrastrial life at our current leve of participation in the surrounding universe. And by that I mean, we don't exactly stand out at all in our galaxy, if we had some kind of equivalent to a giant flag saying "LOOK AT US HERE WE ARE COME VISIT WE HAVE PIZZA", and *then* we got nothing, then we could probably assume that there is no other intelligent life capable of reading that least in our immediate area. The fact of the matter is that at our current technology level, there is no way at all of knowing if there is life in some unreachable (to us) part of the universe. And not only that, but the perplexing part of all of this is that some other alien race could be posting on some kind of message board right now referring to *us* as the life in the far part of the universe...

Wow, I typed a lot more than I thought I would..heh..but it's a deep topic so meh
It is known that there are an infinite number of worlds, simply because there is an infinite amount of space for them. However, not every one of them is
inhabited. Therefore, there must be a finite number of inhabited worlds. Any finite number divided by infinity is as near to nothing as makes no odds, so the average population of all the planets in the Universe can be said to be zero. From this it follows that the population of the whole Universe is also zero, and that any people you may meet from time to time are merely the products of a deranged imagination.

--The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
but not absolute zero not 0.0 but something like 0.000000000000000000757787556234 and how do we know that the universe is infinite and not finite but expanding faster than we can comprehend. The universe is probably a sphere that ends at sum point, but whats beyond that, no one knows so we can even comprehend it.
ETs Prepare to Arrive

This Yahoo forum link will take you to some evidence that yes, Dorothy, there are more things than you know in Kansas -- there are such beings as ETs in this universe and in fact "they" are sending signals they may be preparing to arrive. :cool:

We all can help by channeling, in dream states, meditations, etc. to alter our mindset and begin to connect with our Space Brothers & Sisters. Just ask and your "proof" will come to you. Or, if you'd rather just sit back and watch... ;)
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Why do people who believe in aliens almost invariably also believe in ESP, pyramid power, crystal energies etc.?