The War on Christmas

Some stupid, secular POS school lists Kwanzaa as a holiday but not Christmas. WTF? Who celebrates Kwanzaa anyway? 2 people?

Sandy's hatred, bigotry and racism of non-Christians are exemplified and encapsulated in her Christian values. Thanks for sharing, sandy.
Sandy's hatred, bigotry and racism of non-Christians are exemplified and encapsulated in her Christian values. Thanks for sharing, sandy.

Blah, blah, blah....:rolleyes:

Is that all your liberal thinking can come up with is "racist, bigotry, hatred" bs? :rolleyes:

I liked it better when you had me on ignore. :rolleyes:
Denying attacks on Christmas is disingenuous at best and outright lying at its worst. The attackers almost invariably say they are attacking the displayingT but not Christmas itself. They are in effect attacking all the symbols of Christmas and when you attack the symbols you attack what those symbols represent.

Many who attack Christmas display no overriding need to attack other religions or their symbols. They see nothing wrong with displaying a menorah, or a yin and yang symbol, they do not complain about statues of Buddah sitting in store windows. It seems to be only Christian symbols that get them so incensed.

Some, like Tiassa, like to insult Christian beliefs by saying that God raped Mary. There is no reason other than unreasoning hatred for a person to post something like that knowing it will be hurtful to a segment of fellow posters. Such insulting posts abound on the internet and seem even more prevelant is a site such as this one.

I have no problem with people not believing in Christianity. I would prefer that they did but I understand that my beliefs are not shared by everyone. What I do have a problem with is the raw hatred and disrespect displayed by some posters. They hide behind the anonymity of the internet to say hateful things they would be much too cowardly to say to someone's face. How sad and pathetic they are.
We're used to it. We've been persecuted for years. This is nothing new. But finally, Christians are fighting back. No more pc bs over nativity scenes at CHRISTmas. Leave them the hell alone. :mad:

They ARE personally attacking Christians because they can. They have been getting away with it for way too long. It's the old good vs. evil, darkness vs. light, satan vs. Jesus fight that's been going on for years. Fortunately, we know who always wins. :D

We are the minority here. We are treated as such. People personally attack us and get away with it because their snide comments are supported by most of the mods. :(

The people who attack us and Christianity will have to answer to God. IF they even get the chance.
Till Eulenspiegel,

You are also clueless. No one cares about displaying Christmas symbols or displays. The issue is GOVERNMENT sponsored displays and symbols. Such funding violates the constitution.
Moreover, the most popular symbols of Christmas aren't even Christian. They're either pagan or seasonal.

The evergreen tree, holly, mistletoe, snowflakes, garland, yule logs, polar bears in sunglasses (be cool to your yule), stockings hung by the hearth, snow, snow globes, reindeer, snowmen and colorful wrapping paper.

Face it. Christmas isn't a Xian holiday -its a cultural one. Get over it and quit whining and crying like children. If you want to celebrate mass (the "mas" part of Christmas), go to church. If you want to perpetuate delusions of magical beings, sorcerer messiahs, and zombie saviors born to virgins raped by deities, do it in your own homes. Keep that silliness out of public life. Its embarrassing. Next you'll be going on about space aliens probing your bum-holes.
Who gives a shit. It evolved. First xians co-opted pagan holidays of solstice; now popular culture has dominated it. Get over it. Quit crying and whining like children. Practice your superstitions and cults in your homes and churches and be happy.
Sweet. Ya know, there is no Christ in Ziemassvētki*. :p

*Christmas in Latvian. Means "Winter celebrations".
Who gives a shit. It evolved. First xians co-opted pagan holidays of solstice; now popular culture has dominated it. Get over it. Quit crying and whining like children. Practice your superstitions and cults in your homes and churches and be happy.

But if the situation was reversed and it was the atheists being attacked/ ridiculed/mocked etc, you would think differently, no?
Nobody is 'attacking' Christians.

There are plenty who are responding to their nonsense about the so-called "war on Christmas" which doesn't appear to exist. Various religious nutjobs are pretending that prohibiting only displays of nativity scenes on public property or the occasional overreaction by some politicians who attemt to be "politically correct" in the eyes of other religious nutjobs like Jews and Muslims is this "war."

It isn't. Rational people are happy with Christmas just like it is. Its my favorite secular holiday. It has nothing to do with religious belief and superstition in my family and it never has. The only spurious belief in my family regarding Christmas is Santa Claus, and this delusion is only held by the children.

The adults are happy to get together, engage in fellowship, remember charity to each other and enjoy the winter season and the aesthetic appeal of the symbols I mentioned above.

Only the religious nuts and idiots or the truly deluded think there's a "war" in which the atheists of this nation are rising up to snatch Christmas away from the religious. If that could be done, it says a lot more about the nature of your delusions and beliefs than it does the power of atheism.
We're used to it. We've been persecuted for years. This is nothing new. But finally, Christians are fighting back. No more pc bs over nativity scenes at CHRISTmas. Leave them the hell alone. :mad:

They ARE personally attacking Christians because they can. They have been getting away with it for way too long. It's the old good vs. evil, darkness vs. light, satan vs. Jesus fight that's been going on for years. Fortunately, we know who always wins. :D

We are the minority here. We are treated as such. People personally attack us and get away with it because their snide comments are supported by most of the mods. :(

The people who attack us and Christianity will have to answer to God. IF they even get the chance.

that is delusional christians aren't being persacuted. would you quit pretending to be a victim.
But if the situation was reversed and it was the atheists being attacked/ ridiculed/mocked etc, you would think differently, no?

There's no law against being ridiculed or mocked. However, if the government started to promote atheism, that would also be wrong.
..."Another failing of the irreligious movement has been its tendency, frequently, to pick the wrong fights. Keeping the Ten Commandments out of an Alabama courthouse is one thing. But attacking a Christmas nativity scene on public property does more harm than good. Such secular crusades allow Christians—after all, the overwhelming majority of the country—to feel under attack, and even to declare that they are on the defensive in a “War on Christmas”. When a liberal federal court in California struck the words “under God” from the pledge of allegiance, religious conservatives rallied. Atheists might be tactically wise to accept the overwhelming majority’s comfort with such “ceremonial deism”....