The War on Christmas

Actually Sandy is probably on to something.

It's evident that the poorer and less educated are more likely to have belief in gods. It is true to state that the less educated have more children than the well educated.

This ultimately means that atheism will die out and christianity will achieve total global domination.....
Actually Sandy is probably on to something.

It's evident that the poorer and less educated are more likely to have belief in gods. It is true to state that the less educated have more children than the well educated.

This ultimately means that atheism will die out and christianity will achieve total global domination.....

"The Marching Morons" by Cyril M. Kornbluth
Obviously those who think they are too smart to believe in God get selected against.

Woo, what a surprise! :D

If you ask me to choose between Christmas and atheists...
Okay. That's fair.

But, to clarify, I was pointing out that your response characterized the situation I had put forth incorrectly, as it seemed to ignore the same point in the post you were replying to:

Tiassa: Other people shouldn't have to hear about your faith half the year in order to have a job. If they want to work in a Christian bookstore, fine.

John99: When i go into the Muslim shop and they are playing religious music i dont tell them- 'Shut that off, for i am not Muslim. Thus you insult me'​

I meant that it was exaggerated, i did not want to come right out and say you were lying about putting up with Chistians faith six months out of the year. Normally people in U.S hear about it for maybe a week but then if you are Jewish you are too busy with Hanukkah or if Muslim - Ramadan. It just so happens that in U.S the overwhelming majority are Christian.

And i do like Muslim\Middle Eastern music and have seen it performed on a number of ocassions.

So, now you admit Christians DO recruit? Christians will never stop actively recruiting, that is, until Christianity is eradicated from the planet. All in good time.

Christians dont have to recruit, people find JESUS all the time. Sometimes JESUS finds them. I dont see the problem, and listening to this Atheist faith BS all ther time on this forum does not bother me. And when someone points out the recruiting on here for Atheism then he\she is told to get lost.

But YOU are NOT going to stop JESUS- It is too powerful an image, gives people hope and besides he is real AND i am 95% certain this planet is pretty much in his charge. You may not know it now but you will. I would not have believed it either had i not had direct communication with his manifestation- which belive me is just like seeing\hearing anyone else-the only thin for me anyway was that JESUS came as a whit bird (a white bird in a giant dirty, grey city), the thing is JESUS can take on many forms AND has healing powers far beyond what is understood by humans but sometimes it is time to leave and go home and then it is too late- Like i said, to me it is no big deal and it is not a matter of faith but fact, unless the slight chance i was hallucinating but when the hell have i ever hallucinated? And i am glad i am not dead and was given another chance to stay here to take care of people who need me or maybe it was to learn new things and become a better person- maybe become a better person- free will is tough. On the other hand i dont do many Christian things and the religious part i only see or hear about for like one week out of the year.

So what is the big deal? And look, i am not posting this to get people angry. I dont even think about it that much but i know i did not want to die. At least not that way. But in the end i would not worry about all this too much because i am not sure how much matters. I cannot say much more because it is important for people to find their own way.
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I would not have believed it either had i not had direct communication with his manifestation- which believe me is just like seeing\hearing anyone else - the only thing for me anyway was that JESUS came as a white bird.
I thought you just said it was like seeing/hearing anyone else???
John99 said:

I meant that it was exaggerated, i did not want to come right out and say you were lying about putting up with Chistians faith six months out of the year.

Ah. I see. Whatever you say. That makes ... perfect sense.

Well, to you, at least. I would hope.
,,,,,I think you're making a minor incident into a big deal, as are the mass-media organisations operating on the internet and on television channels.

No. I'm announcing it. You won't see it in the drive-by media. Most of them hate God and Christmas too. ;)

Actually Sandy is probably on to something....
This ultimately means that atheism will die out and christianity will achieve total global domination.....

Yes. In a perfect dream world, that's how it would be. :D
Yes. In a perfect dream world, that's how it would be.

I don't understand why. Ultimately we're all going to be annihiated by this god of yours. The whole universe gets pooped out of existence and a fresh one gets created just for you. And then spend an eternity in servitude. Forever and ever and ever.. that's it..serving a being that doesn't need serving.

It seems daft.

Whatever, I honestly hope you get what you want.
He's not going to hurt His kids.

Under what basis do you come to that conclusion? He's already done it once... He drowned them all.. remember?

Eternity with Him will be AWESOME!

Ok. We'll speak in 50 gazillion billion squillion years time.
It just occurred to me, butr Sandy has a strong ally in her struggles against the War on Christmas.


Seriously, "Christmas" movies are so prevalent, that they are considered their own special genre. How many Hannukah or Rosh Hashanah movies have ever been made? Hollywood loves Christmas! Just like Sandy!
SAM said:
If you ask me to choose between Christmas and atheists...
The choice would be between Christmas and Christianity - so far, the non-Christians have won some major battles, and not only moved the holiday to the Solstice but brought in fun stuff like caroling and gift giving and feasting and family gatherings.

No need to thank us - virtue has been its own reward, in this case.
Whether you consider Christmas a religious holiday or not, the least you can do is respect it. I mean, I am a christian, but I dont attack Jewish and Muslim holidays. And, why do atheists hate a God so much, that they don't even believe exists. (not all atheists hate "god")
Whether you consider Christmas a religious holiday or not, the least you can do is respect it. I mean, I am a christian, but I dont attack Jewish and Muslim holidays. And, why do atheists hate a God so much, that they don't even believe exists. (not all atheists hate "god")

Who "attacks" Christmas? Some people might wish to use more inclusive displays ("Happy Holidays") or not have it on public property, but I don't know anyone attacking the holiday itself. I'm sure there are people, but it'sa few fringe loons, and hardly a "war" on Christmas.