The War on Christmas

I happen to feel it's important. Some Christians may rally to the cause, but the law is on the side of a secular state.
In the end, for those that hold to superstition, it isn't a matter of a "war on xmas," its a matter of their superstitions are, more and more, being scrutinized and undergoing inquiry. And, scrutiny and inquiry are the two most dreaded of human endeavors for those that hold to delusion, fantasy and superstition. They know, deep down, that superstition doesn't stand a chance against rationalism, thus they demonize the rationalists as "atheists" and try to evoke a sense of evil by typically using such terms in the same breath as communism and the like, as if this is a valid and sound argument.

The war isn't on xmas, its on reality and whether or not the reality-based community can be allowed to have a voice. Xian nutjobs will do whatever they can to keep reality, rationalism, and freethought from interfering with their delusions and superstitions.
I don't think it's even about the rationality of any religion. I wonder if Sandy would object to the installation of an Islamic display on public property? How about a Wiccan display?
Born-again Christians are not opposed to scrutiny or inquiry. We welcome it. You want to go to Heaven? Then you do what the Bible says. You don't? Then you don't. It really is that simple.:)

The war is on CHRISTmas and CHRISTians. We will win, though. We always do. :)

The "reality-based" community has always had a voice. It just wasn't so obnoxious in the past. Not like now. Like Michael Newdow.

Atheist nutjobs will do whatever they can to keep God, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit from interferring with their hate, anger, and failure.
Born-again Christians are not opposed to scrutiny or inquiry. We welcome it. You want to go to Heaven? Then you do what the Bible says. You don't? Then you don't. It really is that simple.:)

The war is on CHRISTmas and CHRISTians. We will win, though. We always do. :)

The "reality-based" community has always had a voice. It just wasn't so obnoxious in the past. Not like now. Like Michael Newdow.

Atheist nutjobs will do whatever they can to keep God, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit from interferring with their hate, anger, and failure.

Oh Sandy... you are so over the top. Are you actually for real ??
I don't think it's even about the rationality of any religion. I wonder if Sandy would object to the installation of an Islamic display on public property? How about a Wiccan display?

An Islamic display in an Islamic country founded by Islamists for Islamists is fine. A Wiccan display in a Wiccan country founded by Wiccans for Wiccans is fine. But this is a God-believing country, founded by God-believing/fearing people FOR God-believing/fearing people.
I don't think it's even about the rationality of any religion. I wonder if Sandy would object to the installation of an Islamic display on public property? How about a Wiccan display?

a wiccan would not put up a public display of faith. to wiccans that is considered poor taste. wiccans believe religion is a private affair and shouldn't be flaunted in public.
An Islamic display in an Islamic country founded by Islamists for Islamists is fine. A Wiccan display in a Wiccan country founded by Wiccans for Wiccans is fine. But this is a God-believing country, founded by God-believing/fearing people FOR God-believing/fearing people.

Which god?
And no, it wasn't created for religious people, or else you'd have a different constitution.
Which god?
And no, it wasn't created for religious people, or else you'd have a different constitution.

THE God. The ONLY God. The great I AM. I didn't say it was created for "religious" people. I said it was founded by God-believing/fearing people. Big difference.
THE God. The ONLY God. The great I AM. I didn't say it was created for "religious" people. I said it was founded by God-believing/fearing people. Big difference.

Oh, you mean Kali!

THE God. The ONLY God. The great I AM. I didn't say it was created for "religious" people. I said it was founded by God-believing/fearing people. Big difference.

Being founded by god believing people, and being a god believing country are completely different.
To Christians, CHRISTmas is about celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ. For everyone else it's about Santa, toys, gifts, and secular cr@p.

uhh to me its about sharing time with family and friends.......and using gifts as a polite gesture. Hell I dont even think I bring up jesus or anything the entire holliday......because for me......its not about him. Its about family and friends......
uhh to me its about sharing time with family and friends.......and using gifts as a polite gesture. Hell I dont even think I bring up jesus or anything the entire holliday......because for me......its not about him. Its about family and friends......

That could be any day of the year. CHRISTmas is for celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ. You don't want to? Fine. Don't. But don't pretend it's not all about Jesus Christ.
That could be any day of the year. CHRISTmas is for celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ. You don't want to? Fine. Don't. But don't pretend it's not all about Jesus Christ.

WHy would you celebrate a persons birth on a day when they were not born, or if they may not have been born at all?

I from this day forth names Christmas