The War on Christmas

The only people that seem to be "fighting" this so-called war on xmas are xians. Evidence of delusion, I say.
Christmas, Dec 25th. Is the renaming of the ancient and long held pagan celebration for the Winter Solstice. The solstice is the point in the Earth's orbit around the sun where the northern hemisphere experiences the least light from the sun. This point was celebrated as it marks the beginning of the path back towards the light and the life giving warmth of the sun. I'm sure you can see how these terms can have mystical, religious, and supertsitious connotations.

The solstice is really the true end of one year and the true start of the next, in as much as any point on a circle (orbit) could be considered a start point. Man's inability over the millenia to accurately measure planetary motions has led to the real start of the year now being some 10 days away from the official Jan 1. But for a very long time the solstice was considered Dec 25th and that was the case when Christianity tried to replace pagan traditions.

We now have the strange case where Dec 25th is now a random Christian date celebrated largely through pagan traditions, e.g. the little fir trees people put in their homes, strange decorations, lights, holly, yule logs, misteltoe, berries, etc, etc - all pagan, and a new year celebartion on Dec 31, and the real actual event of the solstice on Dec 21 largely ignored.

Pity. I kinda like having a real purpose behind a celebration rather than "offical dates", superstitions, and religious hogwash.

So today, Dec 21st/22nd I will be holding my own private celebration knowing that I am closer to a factual truth than most of the world.

The actual time this year is Sat., Dec. 22, 2007, 1:08 A.M. EST (06:08 UT)
I'm watching Fox News right now and they have some freakin' preacher dude giving a long sermon and a bunch of other things about Christmas. I mean, there's no newscasters or anything, it's like your regular preacher stuff you see on those religious channels, lol. I think it's called Rick Warren's X-mas Special or somethin. Hey, I don't mind that and all, but what in the heck is it doing on a news channel? I'd say the same thing if I saw this on ESPN! At least put this on their regular Fox channel, but their news station? I guess they can't compete with The Simpsons there, so they gotta give a little something to their conservative viewers since that's all who watch that channel. Too funny.

- N
Whatever this day represents for you, I will just take a moment to say.... Merry Christmas to all!
Aye. Regardless of you personal beliefs, Merry Christmas (note: I still celebrate the secular Christmas holiday, with my family).

PS) I got a kilt for X-mas! Black Watch tartan. ^^