The War on Christmas

Superstition is not myth, but there can be superstition based on myth.
And myth does not mean anti-reality, but it's not historic. Rather the reality is that of a society - psychological.
Muslim helps Jew attacked by Christians

How very Christian, standing up for their holiday. :mad:

Muslim helps Jews attacked on New York subway

NEW YORK (CNN) -- A Muslim man jumped to the aid of three Jewish subway riders after they were attacked by a group of young people who objected to one of the Jews saying "Happy Hanukkah," a spokeswoman for the three said Wednesday.

The New York Police Department's Hate Crimes Task Force is investigating Friday's incident on the Q train.

Friday's altercation on the Q train began when somebody yelled out "Merry Christmas," to which rider Walter Adler responded, "Happy Hanukkah," said Toba Hellerstein.

"Almost immediately, you see the look in this guy's face like I've called his mother something," Adler told CNN affiliate WABC.

Two women who were with a group of 10 rowdy people then began to verbally assault Adler's companions with anti-Semitic language, Hellerstein said.

One member of the group allegedly yelled, "Oh, Hanukkah. That's the day that the Jews killed Jesus," she said.

When Adler tried to intercede, a male member of the group punched him, she said.

Another passenger, Hassan Askari -- a Muslim student from Bangladesh -- came to Adler's aid, and the group began physically and verbally assaulting him, Hellerstein said.

"A Muslim-American saved us when our own people were on the train and didn't do anything," Adler said. Adler pulled the emergency brake and the train stopped at DeKalb Avenue station, where police came on board.

The 10 suspects, ages 19 to 20, were taken into custody, said Brooklyn district attorney spokesman Sandy Silverstein.

Askari was first handcuffed alongside them, but he was released when Adler told police he was not an attacker, Hellerstein said.

Alder was treated at Long Island College Hospital for injuries that included a fractured nose and a cut lip that required several stitches, while Askari suffered a black eye, Hellerstein said.

The suspects are to appear in Brooklyn District Court on February 7 on charges that include assault, attempted assault, menacing, harassment, unlawful assembly, riot and disorderly conduct, Silverstein said.

The New York Police Department's Hate Crimes Task Force is investigating the incident, and will determine whether the suspects will be charged with hate crimes, Officer Philip Hauser told CNN.
Nine Democrats voted no marking a House resolution on Christmas, but all but one voted yes on the Ramadan resolution in October. :mad: The atheist who thinks Bush gets off by blowing up Iraqis is among the 9. What a POS. :mad:

"This resolution is an example of the degree to which political correctness has captured the political and media elite in this country. I am not opposed to commending any religion for their faith. The problem is that any attempt to do so for Jews or Christians is immediately condemned as ‘breaching’ the non-existent line between Church and State by the same elite.”

No war on CHRISTmas my @ss. :(
And yet ANOTHER story: A WI official fought back against atheists who demanded the removal of the nativity and bought one
himself to display. :D

Green Bay Council president Chad Fradette said the U.S. Constitution upholds citizens' right to display symbols of their religious beliefs on publicly owned property as long as they are not paid for with tax money and other faiths aren't excluded.

The Freedom From Religion Foundation, the nation's largest group of atheists and agnostics, objected to a nativity display in a Peshtigo city park, saying it was illegal to erect it on public property. :mad:
...The Freedom From Religion Foundation, the nation's largest group of atheists and agnostics, objected to a nativity display in a Peshtigo city park, saying it was illegal to erect it on public property. :mad:...

:yay: well, good for them!
I know back home, there is a nativity in front of the court house. I grit my teeth every time I drive by it.
Jesus doesn't offend me. Its the people who claim to represent him.
I know damn good and well there would be a huge stink if someone wanted anything of another religion to be displayed.
Jesus doesn't offend me. Its the people who claim to represent him.
I know damn good and well there would be a huge stink if someone wanted anything of another religion to be displayed.

So if you went to another country you would be offended by what is in front of the small town courthouse? WHY????:shrug:
Why does Jesus offend you so much? :confused:

Basically because the good news is offensive... the person knows Jesus is 'right' and they're 'wrong' but cannot muster the courage, honesty and integrity to acknowledge this.
Basically because the good news is offensive... the person knows Jesus is 'right' and they're 'wrong' but cannot muster the courage, honesty and integrity to acknowledge this.

I don't think most people find Jesus offensive. I think the things that are being done in his name offensive.
why would I be offended?
If I was like that, I would throw a fit about the nativity in front of the courthouse back home. But its a different environment. If it offended someone who lived there, I would support that person. But I don't live there, so I just grit my teeth.
Its none of my business.
I think the things that are being done in his name offensive.

I dont know what your talking about. Also, why do you expect people to change for you? Just because there are certain customs\practices where you live doesn't mean it is like that all over U.S.
if i lived in a Jewish neighborhood and the Menorah offended me i would just move to another part of U.S. You can go to San Francisco.
Reality vs. superstition and myth. Illusion vs. delusion. Ignorance vs. knowledge. Belief vs. thinking.

Faith vs. pride, eternity with God vs. eternity with satan, bliss vs. misery, wisdom vs. knowledge, true vs. false...

How very Christian, standing up for their holiday.

THAT was admirable. I would defend a Jew/Hanukkah, too. Jews are "God's chosen people." I'm not messing with them.

Jesus doesn't offend me. Its the people who claim to represent him. I know damn good and well there would be a huge stink if someone wanted anything of another religion to be displayed.

Then protest them, not their God. We don't complain when Jews have their displays.
...Also, why do you expect people to change for you? Just because there are certain customs\practices where you live doesn't mean it is like that all over U.S. ....

I don't expect people to change for me. :shrug: Its why I don't do anything!!
Skinwalker said:
Nobody is 'attacking' Christians.

This is one of the more ludicrous statements posted in Sciforums. Of course Christians are being attacked. They are attacked constantly by non-Christians. They are attacked by having their fringe elements held up as exemplars of Christianity, something that is not done with other religions. We are told that extremist Muslims do not represent Islam while at the same time being told that extremist Christians represent Christianity. No one ever puts extremist atheists forward as representatives of atheisism yet they constantly do exactly that with Christians.

In Sciforums Chrisians and their beliefs are constantly attacked, often in a vile manner. The God Christians worship is called a rapist, their beliefs are called superstitions, they are called fools and evil.

The hatred of Christians, especially that exhibited in Sciforums is so pervasive that those who exhibit it can't even recognize that it exist. They are so in deenial that they can post such drivel as, "Nobody is 'attacking' Christians.'
Jesus doesn't offend me. Its the people who claim to represent him.
I know damn good and well there would be a huge stink if someone wanted anything of another religion to be displayed.

If you know that damned good and well you know that incorrectly. I am a devout Christian an I would not be offended by displays of other religions. I realize that not everyone agrees with my religious views.

When I see a menorah displayed I don't feel offended. In fact, just the opposite. I get a warm feeling knowing that people care enough to display the symbols of their belief. The same if I see a Muslim symbol or a Hindu symbol.

I do not want Christian symbols displayed to the exclusion of symbols of other religions. I want all religions to be able to display their symbols. I also want atheist to feel free to display symbols that display their atheism. The only think I would ask of the displays would be that they not denigrate the beliefs of others.

If atheists want to have a kiosk displaying their beliefs and offering tracts I would have no problem with that. If Jews want to have a similar kiosk I would have no problem with that. The same for any group that did not advocate violence, including Communists, Fascists, Flat Earthers, and all other groups ad infinitum.
This is one of the more ludicrous statements posted in Sciforums. Of course Christians are being attacked.

In general this is complete untrue. While there have been isolated "attacks" of an ad hominem nature, I dare say that the numbers do not exceed those of similar ad hominem "attacks" of theists to the rational. What you mistakingly assume to be "attacks on Christians" is no such thing. The are attacks on Christianity, not the individuals that comprise that superstition. If you infer criticism of your cult as "offensive" or as a "personal attack," then it says more about you than it does the critic.
We are told that extremist Muslims do not represent Islam while at the same time being told that extremist Christians represent Christianity.

Perhaps someone *did* tell you that. Perhaps even it was told to you by an atheist, but the rationalist stand point is that extremist Muslims *do* represent Islam. I would never tell you otherwise. Islam, Judaism, Christianity, Hinduism, etc. are all superstitions and their members and adherents are each culpable for the destruction they cause to society however violent or subtle it may be.

No one ever puts extremist atheists forward as representatives of atheisism yet they constantly do exactly that with Christians.

I've yet to see an example of what an "extremist atheist" might be. Mostly since atheism isn't a doctrine or dogma that would be expected to have extremist members. Indeed, it would analogous to calling someone an extremist non-golfer. Does this person really, really not golf as apposed to the plain non-golfer who simply doesn't golf?

This is evidence of projection and justification on your part. I think that there are those within the folds of religion that, on some level, recognize the nonsense and irrational nature of their positions, but can't bear to come to terms with this. So they attempt to apply their own faults on their critics: referring to the rational as irrational; calling those that don't believe in their god as "deniers;" inventing definitions that suit their needs since it cannot be accepted that some people simply don't believe in their superstitions; and, most laughable, attempting to assert that "atheism" is, itself, a religion.

The latter is so clearly a form of acknowledgment that religion is an untenable and silly position to defend that it invokes this sort of special ad hominem known as tu quoque ("you too").

In Sciforums Chrisians and their beliefs are constantly attacked, often in a vile manner. The God Christians worship is called a rapist, their beliefs are called superstitions, they are called fools and evil.

Please PM me with the post # of the comment that directly calls any member a fool. It would be easy for me to miss, but if you don't click the report button, I can't do much about it since I don't know. When I see such abusive ad hominems I delete them and warn the offender. But don't confuse calling your superstition -sorry- your cult evil or criticizing your cult or your cult's beliefs with attacking you personally. That's attacking the belief. This is a science forum and if you expect nonsense claims to get a free ride and a pass, then you are mistaken. You might want to avoid this forum and go to one of the other subforums of SciForums.

The hatred of Christians, especially that exhibited in Sciforums is so pervasive that those who exhibit it can't even recognize that it exist. They are so in deenial that they can post such drivel as, "Nobody is 'attacking' Christians.'

Again, you mistake criticism of your superstition and even dislike and discontent with its dogma and doctrine as hatred against you or individuals within that superstition. I'm sure you're a nice person. I have absolutely no ill will that I would wish to you. Indeed, if being Christian or even credulous enough to accept Christianity as legitimate paradigm for living one's life were sufficient for me to "hate" someone, then it would be highly unlikely that I would get along so well with so many people with whom I work. In fact, it would be even less likely that I would bother being charitable to them or willing to assist them in times of need. And yet, I find every reason to help others, be friendly and compassionate and refer to them as friends in spite of their beliefs, however much I disagree with them.

But in a forum such as this, where science and scientific naturalism are the status quo, many religious people -most Christians- come here spoiling for an argument. They make unreasoned claims and hold irrational expectations that their beliefs are to be held as a priori truths when this just isn't the case. And when their beliefs or nonsense is criticized or ridiculed (the nonsense, not the person), they cry foul because the "big, bad atheist wouldn't play nice" and just roll over and accept the cultural taboo that religious beliefs are to be respected, regardless of how silly or irrational they are. And they ARE silly and irrational.

So, when you go on an on, crying about how "I'm being attacked by the big, bad atheist," maybe its time you found a new place to play. Because the victim routine is getting old and the incessant whining about being attacked won't change anything. Irrational bullshit will always be met with criticism and ridicule in this forum as it should be. But none of that ridicule and criticism is about you.