The Truth About Islam

567 said:
I be careless, drugs crime and all the bull fucking shit is every where and with every religion you are race is not perfect either, dont tell me that christian dont commit any crimes it will be reatarded if you will say it all religions and all the people do horrible things, I am sorry if a white christian birtish have never comitted any crimes, and never sell the drugs and never discriminate any muslim or any other minority....... funny that all you rant above perfectly fits on you as well. :rolleyes:
Well I can't blame you for trying to protect your faith. It's a bit like saying someone loves Bin Laden, even if it is only his mother. The reality is muslims in this area control all drug running and this leads to a high crime rate. Oh, and by the way dude, I'm not christian, OK boy.
Vienna said:
Well I can't blame you for trying to protect your faith. It's a bit like saying someone loves Bin Laden, even if it is only his mother. The reality is muslims in this area control all drug running and this leads to a high crime rate. Oh, and by the way dude, I'm not christian, OK boy.

ooh and i don't blame you to be innocent engouh to belive that your faith commited no crimes ever and u are so innocent. Oh ya and sooooo funny that you think that faith commits

oh so you don't belive in FALSE pagan God knowns as Jesus christ?

so he didn't die for your sins and salvation is not through christ only?

and you don't believe in fantasies written in bible either?
567 said:
oh so you don't belive in FALSE pagan God knowns as Jesus christ?

so he didn't die for your sins and salvation is not through christ only?

and you don't believe in fantasies written in bible either?
No. I'm not a christian, take it or leave it, I don't really care what you do.
567 said:
Two christian terrorists talking about islam the religion they have learned from internet ................ :eek: ha


Viena muslims are coming to get you.

as I said before, muslims have funny definitions of wors, they mean what muslims say they mean, just like the truth can change, depends on what muslims what you to believe, isn't that waht George Orwell wrote about in "1984"?

Peace=islam, means eternal war
allah=god, means the cresent-moon god of the Ka'aba in Mecca
islam=surrender, means you better surrender or else
terrorist= any non-muslim that defends him or herself, even with words, like we do
issa=muslim Jesus, means that you change & corrupt the truth
cross= muslim deception, means no one can be saved if they believe in islam

you're coming to get me? why should I fear? Jesus said not to fear those that can take the body, to fear only the ones that take your soul, islam is kafir to me, its shirk, haram, I will not follow the cresent-moon god
PEACE to you, real peace is found only in Jesus,
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vienna you said all of Britains cities are filled with loads of muslims

due have any factual basis on that


muslim population in UK - 2.5 Million
Roman Catholic Population - 40 Million
Britain Population - 59 Million

2.5 million people can somehow fill up all of the cities of 59 Million people. strange...
vienna you said all of Britains cities are filled with loads of muslims

due have any factual basis on that


muslim population in UK - 2.5 Million
Roman Catholic Population - 40 Million
Britain Population - 59 Million

2.5 million people can somehow fill up all of the cities of 59 Million people. strange...

also crime rates are high becasuse of people getting drunk and doing crimes, also there are rapes and sexual abuse. now muslims dont do these and christians and other religions OBVIOUSLY do these things.

also the crime rate is alot higher then 2.5 million so how can it be muslims doing these things (remember alot of these 2.5 million are; kids and elderly - are they drung dealers.

as for pakis bein drugies - em,
1) are all pakis muslims
2) how do you know they are pakis and muslim - they could be asian hndus
3) there sure as hell aren;t enough paki drugies to suplly britain but there are enough catholics.
4) youre stupid
"Queen Mary of England, a CHRISTIAN burnt ALIVE at a time 100 other also CHRISTIAN protestants simply becasue they weren't her branch of faith (catholic).

wow a really peacful and tolerant religon. JESUS WILL SAVE US ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
you people are very foolish and aren;t using your inteligence.

just becasue a few guys do acts claiming to be "muslims" is that a reflection of islam are those people really Muslim


now look at 50 Cent - a big cross on his neck, referneces to God on his released LP and older mixtapes.

but he is surronded by 50 hoes, raps about drugs, killing, violence, reffering to women as "bitches" "hoes" "slutsS, saying hes a "P.I.M.P" openly trying to get in the porn industry along with his band members G-Unit

A BETTER EXAMPLE is beyonce who is a GOOD, God fearing Texan who is "very religious". in the bible it clearly states that women should dress modestly and sex is sinful if it is not for reproduction,

now what video do want as an example of her not dressing modestly and encouraging men to look lustfully (as the Bible teaches as being wrong) - crazy in love (nice hotpants!, like the legless, thighless, armless costums aswell!), baby boy (is she actually wearing anything!), naughty girl (niiiice!)

and wot do you want as a refernce to sex - "naughty girl" perhaps

the whole world is bloody christian but no one follows it and no one cares. no cheristian man can keep his pecker in his pocket! nowadays he will have sex before marrage without think 2wice
munim_786 said:
vienna you said all of Britains cities are filled with loads of muslims

due have any factual basis on that


muslim population in UK - 2.5 Million
Roman Catholic Population - 40 Million
Britain Population - 59 Million

2.5 million people can somehow fill up all of the cities of 59 Million people. strange...
dammit - you've missed the Anglicans..... LOL! :D
munim 786

You have clearly shown everyone your venom and hatred for anything Christian and/or Western. Your attitude is typically muslim and it is no suprise that Islam is detested by so many in this world. I particulary hate the religion and its pond life.
The Life and Times of Muhammad

Let’s read the words of the Muhammad from Sahih Bukhari –a book of Muhammad’s sayings – which is second only to the Quran for most Muslims.

Narrated Jabir bin Abdullah: Allah's Apostle (Muhammad) said, "Booty has been made legal for me." Source – Sahih Bukhari Volume 4, Book 53, Number 351

Only a true prophet of god would have made this elegant assertion.

Kind Regards
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Islam is a disgusting religion and Muhammad the Paedophile realised this and so passed a law of aposy that states anyone who tries to leave the faith of Islam faces death. Even the creator of the religion knew how pathetic Islam is that he had to pass such a ridiculous law.

Also how frequent is it to hear that it's just propaganda that muslims subjugate women yet in the quran it states that women are lesser than men, if that's not subjugation what is?

Muhammad was a common thief and murderer. Muhammad (piece of ham be upon him :D) encouraged his handful of followers to attack the caravans, kill the men, rape the women and bring the booty (20% for himself) to please Allah, while assuring them that if they are killed their rewards will be “young boys fine as pearls (for child rape sex)”, rivers of wine, and many virgins in the other world.

Do you know that 97% of the wars ongoing on this planet involve muslims?

Do you know that 100% of airline hijackings that involve bloodshed are or were committed by muslims?

Are you aware that muslims are the only religious group that sends their children to blow themselves up to achieve a political goal?

Go Bring Allah Another Camel To Rape :D
munim_786 said:
vienna you said all of Britains cities are filled with loads of muslims

due have any factual basis on that


muslim population in UK - 2.5 Million
Roman Catholic Population - 40 Million
Britain Population - 59 Million

2.5 million people can somehow fill up all of the cities of 59 Million people. strange...

I don't know where you got your stats, but that makes Britain a Catholic country, which would be a surprise to them, & to the Pope!!!
can I quote you?
due have any factual basis on that

Vienna said:
No. I'm not a christian, take it or leave it, I don't really care what you do.

you are chruistian every one knows it here and you are a fundo [deleted] :D
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Vienna said:
munim 786

You have clearly shown everyone your venom and hatred for anything Christian and/or Western. Your attitude is typically muslim and it is no suprise that Islam is detested by so many in this world. I particulary hate the religion and its pond life.

oph come one christian dont hate, they dont know the meaning of it. So innocent and so simple peole like vienna for them the world didn't exist till 9/11. lol

U spread so much love all over the world vienna, lol.
Viena, you live in the UK - not far away from Ireland.

the IRA - a terrorist groups who's workers are Christians.
IRA bombs places and terrorizes people. and remeber these are CHRISTIANS fighting other CHRISTIANS (catholic v. protestants)

for some reason when a muslim bombs someone or hurts someone - MUSLIMS are terrorists

when a christian like Queen Mary kills other Christians IN THE NAME OF GOD - Christians aren't terrortst though are they.

When a Christians coutry like america (190 Million Christians, at the time even more) drops bombs on Hiroshima and kills 200,000 innocent people - Christians are still peacekeepers but if Sadam Hussein* kills 4 thousand kurds then Muslims are barbaric.

America's Nuclear Wepons - Not Christian
Russias Nuclear Weopons - Not Christian
Israels Nuclear Weopns - Not Jewish
Indias Nuclear Wepons - Not Hindu
Pakistains Nuclear Weopns - ISLAMIC MILITANTS

* remember, that for years to the western world Sadam Hussein was a great man, great leader, great at attacking from with in and from out, great stratgist tpo the west but then all of a sudden he turns in to some evil tyrant reeady to kill everyone. the very reason for Sadam's power, maintance of his power, finances, weaopns were all due to (Chritsian*) America.

* i will from now on call all of the countries with christians majorites Christians countries and say that their political actions are christian, there terrorists are Chroistians as you are doing by saying all Muslims who are terrorist are a true reprenstaion of Islam and all Islamic Majority countries who's goverment do action are becasue of Islam. it is only fair.
since WW 2 america has bombed over 21 countires. The American Govermant are the real terrorists.

"THE AXIS OF EVIL" is no doubt evil and and i agree with the erradication of these goverments but it was america who financially and morally supported this axis. it was america who supplied the weapons and the money.

Vienna said:
munim 786

You have clearly shown everyone your venom and hatred for anything Christian and/or Western. Your attitude is typically muslim and it is no suprise that Islam is detested by so many in this world. I particulary hate the religion and its pond life.

why am i showing venom? i am showing truth. hmm my hate for christianty? so its ok for you to argue about other religions but not me.

once again - my venom, my hatered.

aren't you the one who says...

Vienna said:
Muhammad (piece of ham be upon him )
Vienna said:
Go Bring Allah Another Camel To Rape

you're the one who has sworn at the Prophet and the God of 1.4 Billion people NOT ME. if you argued or debated them then thats ok, but you swore directly at them. your the venomous one. but according to you I show hate and venom to Christians. have i directly swore at their Prophet and God? have i said a particular christian majority race is responxible for crime BECASUE

you also said the Pakistanis are the ones responsible for high crime rates - TYPICAL RACIAL BEHAVIOUR.
right Randolph, so jesus will save u all.

this is a very long subject and i really cant be bothered debating it (I will in about 2 weeks when i make a new thread)

You think Jesus is the son of God, and he will save you all, despite its irratinal and illlogical nature i will disprove this and the notion of the trinity anyway.

it is God who gives life and God who gives death. Which "God" caused jesus Death on the cross and which "God" ressurected him?

if God died wouldn't the entire universe fall apart?
How did the universe manage for 3 days without God?

simple, Jesus is not the Son of God and there is one infinate God who was managing the universe at the time of Jesus's death.

why did the son of God die for mankinds forgiveness? it is stated in the Bible that no one is responsible for the sin of another (1). and also everyone dies in his OWN sin (2) as stated:

(1) "the fathers shall not be put to death for the children,
nor shall the children be out to death for the fathers"

(2) "In those days they shall no longer say 'the fathers have
eaten our sour grapes, and the children's teeth are on edge'
but every soul shall die for his own sin; each man who eats
sour grapes his teeth will be on edge" (JEREMIAH 31:21,30)

Christians belive in the trinity - the father, the son and the holy spirit. the trinty's members are all equal and none is superior to each other. but would you put in order: the holy spirit, the son and the father as having equal powers?

3) JESUS is NOT the son of GOD because Mathew begins his Gospel C:1:1 with the lineage of Jesus where mathew states; "the book of the lineage of Christ, the SON of DAVID the SON of ABRAHAM.