The Truth About Islam

Proud muslim & daisy,

You can quote the Bible till the end of time. It will make no difference to the fact that Christianity has become civilised and kept with the times, whereas Islam is still living in the barbaric middle ages.
PM, and Daisy,

Have you never heard the saying, "Two wrongs do not make a right" do you think the wrong of Islam will be washed away by talking about the wrongs of Christianity? If you do, then you are fools, and it's clearly evident, you are well aware of the wrongs of Islam, yet here you are, singings hymns about its brilliance and it's innocence and purity. Then what does that make you? It makes you hypocrits.

I challenge you to prove me, and others wrong. If you can't. It will prove for once and all, to all, that Islam is an inherently wrong and false religion, and it's proponents are delusioned. Then no matter how much you moan and bark, there will no audience listening to you.

So are you men enough to accept my challenge? You do know, if you don't, not only will you prove our allegations are TRUE, you will also act as proof yourself, for those allegations.
re: Crazy:

What challenge ?? you are copying and pasting from HATE SITE, you did not even bother to quote the source, never mind what the hell you are copying and pasting !! I can easily refute your crap, I have been doing that for years, the problem is you dont have a clue what you are copying and pasting !!!

So PM, if I prove I am not copying and pasting from a HATE SITE, will you accept Islam is a false religion, and Muhammed, a false prophet?
No, this is not the point, the point is you DONT KNOW WHAT THE HELL you are copying and pasting !!! I told you, I can EASILY refute your COPIED AND PASTED LIES but the problem you wont be able to carry on after that because you dont know what the hell you have just copied and pasted !! got it ???? :rolleyes:

Beside, for 1400 YEARS, christians and jews, scholars and priests and rabbais tried hard to prove prophet muhammad as false prophet but they FAILED, instead, Islam continued to spread all over the world and now, ISLAM IS THE FASTEST GROWING RELIGION ON ''crazy'' accept Islam and be saved.
No, this is not the point, the point is you DONT KNOW WHAT THE HELL you are copying and pasting !!!

You just contradicted yourself my friend. You say what I am quoting is "from a HATE SITE" now if I quote from a NON HATE SITE, that says the same as the HATE site, then does it not prove the allegations?

Thus it is irrelavant to you from which site I quote from. Hence the points raised are true. Interestingly, you have not even refuted the points raised against you. Which must again only mean, they are true.

PM, how can you support a religion that is false, that has been created over the dead bodies of millions, that has been founded bya prophet that is false? That murders people, tells lies, distorts history, and uses the name of God to get his own desires fulfilled. How can you support that? Are you not human?
What I dont understand is...after reading half of the garbage that is written here, why is ISLAM STILL the most popular, and fastest growing religion? I met Christians and even JEWS who converted to ISLAM. I have yet to meet or even hear about a muslim converting to another religion.

After months of research, and reading about Islam....(not the garbage that you picked out (and some altered) from the Quran) but all the other hundreds of passages that teach peace, and how you must TOLERATE other religions!!! Not kill them because they're Christian or Jewish!!!

After all this.....It still makes me wonder. WHY IS ISLAM STILL THE FASTEST GROWING RELIGION?

I'm beginning to think that it must be the one true religion of god.
deedee italy said:
After months of research, and reading about Islam....(not the garbage that you picked out (and some altered) from the Quran) but all the other hundreds of passages that teach peace, and how you must TOLERATE other religions!!! Not kill them because they're Christian or Jewish!!!

OK then deedee, quote a passage from the Quran where it specifically states that muslims must tolerate Christians and Jews, and NOT harm or kill them.

And can you quote the same from surah.
Ya right. Just because islam is the fastest growing religion doesn't mean there must be truth in it. Maybe people are just more gullible towards it.

Once the americans overthrow a few more islamic countries the muslims will see that the christian god is more powerful. Or, the way I see it, the western military might is more powerful than allah.
Well the inability of the Muslims to deal with my arguments, means, I must be right. So there we have it proven: Islam is a fake, primitive, religion.
deedee italy said:
What I dont understand is...after reading half of the garbage that is written here, why is ISLAM STILL the most popular, and fastest growing religion? I met Christians and even JEWS who converted to ISLAM. I have yet to meet or even hear about a muslim converting to another religion.

After months of research, and reading about Islam....(not the garbage that you picked out (and some altered) from the Quran) but all the other hundreds of passages that teach peace, and how you must TOLERATE other religions!!! Not kill them because they're Christian or Jewish!!!

After all this.....It still makes me wonder. WHY IS ISLAM STILL THE FASTEST GROWING RELIGION?

I'm beginning to think that it must be the one true religion of god

EXACTLY !! the more they attack Islam, the more Islam spreads !! :p

Islam is a rational logical religion, it preachs Peace Love and Tolerance:
crazymikey said:
Well the inability of the Muslims to deal with my arguments, means, I must be right. So there we have it proven: Islam is a fake, primitive, religion.

:D what a great conclusion !! WELL DONE !!! :D
Vienna said:
Proud muslim & daisy,

whereas Islam is still living in the barbaric middle ages.

I think you mean the opposite, its the christian civilisatin who has gone back to barbaric middle ages. As we all know, priest from your 'oh so precious' churches are sexually molesting little boys and girls under their care. I don't think I need to give you more specification. How about fathers who wear the cross against their chests and are sexually abusing and molesting their own daughters?? {I call that barbaric middle ages} YOU WILL NEVER FIND THAT IN THE MUSLIM WORLD, NOT ONCE A MUSLIM PRIEST {IMAM} HAS EVER LAID A HAND ON A CHILD IN THE MOSQUE, OR A FATHER LOOKING AT HIS DAUGHTER AS A SEX OBJECT. What more can I say?!
mario said:
Ya right. Just because islam is the fastest growing religion doesn't mean there must be truth in it. Maybe people are just more gullible towards it.

Once the americans overthrow a few more islamic countries the muslims will see that the christian god is more powerful. Or, the way I see it, the western military might is more powerful than allah.

There is no basis on your words you've just inlisted. "the christian god is more powerful.." There is only one god. You sound like someone in kindergarten... and western military?? GO START A THREAD ON WESTERN MILITARY INVASION to be more precise...! :rolleyes:
daisy250 said:
I think you mean the opposite, its the christian civilisatin who has gone back to barbaric middle ages. As we all know, priest from your 'oh so precious' churches are sexually molesting little boys and girls under their care. I don't think I need to give you more specification. How about fathers who wear the cross against their chests and are sexually abusing and molesting their own daughters?? {I call that barbaric middle ages} YOU WILL NEVER FIND THAT IN THE MUSLIM WORLD, NOT ONCE A MUSLIM PRIEST {IMAM} HAS EVER LAID A HAND ON A CHILD IN THE MOSQUE, OR A FATHER LOOKING AT HIS DAUGHTER AS A SEX OBJECT. What more can I say?!

Thats your mentality isn't it, when all else fails have a pop at Christianity. :rolleyes:

Keep up the good work. Islam will disappear one day. Ultimately, all rational thinking people will see that Islam is a dangerous, mind controlling cult.

When will you think for yourself instead of following a 7th century pedophile-butcher who called himself a prophet and continues to try to conquer the world with his war manual and legacy of death—the Qur'an?
Vienna said:
Thats your mentality isn't it, when all else fails have a pop at Christianity. :rolleyes:

Keep up the good work. Islam will disappear one day. Ultimately, all rational thinking people will see that Islam is a dangerous, mind controlling cult.

When will you think for yourself instead of following a 7th century pedophile-butcher who called himself a prophet and continues to try to conquer the world with his war manual and legacy of death—the Qur'an?

Its amazing with what you can come up with. You didn't say anything against what I've previously written. 7th century pedophile butcher?! Hop around all you want... I bet you're scared to death. Islam is your destination whether you're in it or not, Christianity will have a 'pop' in the end?? Yeah, because theres no logical explanation behind why we should all convert. If you think of it, its more of a luxury. You do wutever you want and Jesus takes the blame. Thats right I forgot, he saved you... lets be christian.

You'd be good talking to vegetables, they suit you..
re: Daisy250:

As salamo Alikum dear sister;

Vienna and other haters are scared to death from Islam, Islam is COMING and they know it, they are trying in vain to stop it !!

You know sister, the more I read from those bigots and liars, the more I become closer to my great ISLAM. those haters are doing us muslims a great favour, they are doing FREE PR ( PUBLIC RELATIONS ) for Islam.

Keep the good work vienna and other haters.....we are so grateful ! :D
Proud_Muslim said:
re: Daisy250:

As salamo Alikum dear sister;

Vienna and other haters are scared to death from Islam, Islam is COMING and they know it, they are trying in vain to stop it !!

You know sister, the more I read from those bigots and liars, the more I become closer to my great ISLAM. those haters are doing us muslims a great favour, they are doing FREE PR ( PUBLIC RELATIONS ) for Islam.

Keep the good work vienna and other haters.....we are so grateful ! :D

I challenge you to prove me, and others wrong. If you can't. It will prove for once and all, to all, that Islam is an inherently wrong and false religion, and it's proponents are delusioned. Then no matter how much you moan and bark, there will no audience listening to you.

Your barking is making no difference now. In all honestly, I know, you don't care about Islam. I know people enough, to know, you are using Islam as something to make yourself feel proud and righteous. This is not about Islam, PM, it's about you. Your means of feeling self-important. You do not care about the history of Islam, or about innocent victims who are crushed in its clutches. In fact you enjoy it, you look at these victims as some sort of brownie points for Islam, at the same time, you look at the victims of other religious terrorism, like Christians, and Jews, as brownie points for Islam.

You are treating humanity like some commidity, something that you can use, abuse, to make yourself feel better. Just like a child bragging about his toys, deep down, he does not care about the toys, it's about feeling more important than this peers.

Not only you are ignoring this, but many here at this forum, who so casually discuss mass slaughter with you. They denounce you as a moron and their sole agenda is engaging in discussion with you with absolute disregard for human lives, is to entertain themselves, so they can feel self-important.

It's deeply sickening, how there is so little respect for human lives. Who are just you, but born into different conditions. What kind of worthless life do you live, in which everything is for only your benefit. You will be out of this world in seconds.

You are a very primitive being, along with many others at this forum. If only you knew, how worthless you are, and how even more worthless your opinions are. Why do you come to the world? So you can enjoy the deaths of others? How sick is that. Why don't you at least try to understand, that there are others in this world too, who are just like you, they laugh, they cry, the hurt. You don't like it when you are hurt, then why should they? Yet here you are diabolically enjoying the deaths of others. You do not deserve to live, because you're a parasite.

The more I learn about humanity, it's history, and see it first hand for myself, the more I think, what a pathetic race this is, and wether I should even continue to live here. It's people like you who've made this planet a shit hole. Trouble is; there is too many of you.
i Challenge You To Prove Islam Is Wrong, I Asked You Before And You Failed To Even Provide A Source For Your Bullshit, You Are Just A Troll.

Viva La Islam.