The Truth About Islam

Zarkov said:
>> However, that would be irrational, as Islam itself, though it's origins are barbaric, and primitive, is not an entirely "evil" religion, although it does come close to one.

Religion is the product of metal poi-soned minds.... and that includes Christianity and all its sects.

Religion should be totally banned, only fractional thinkers are followers.

You wish to throw stones at muslems, then burn your churches first.

OK ?????
Before condemning the Christian church we need to demolish the mosques of the devil worshippers
You people play with words. Worship words. That's all religion is...just words. Don't you want REAL proof of god?
Vienna said:
Before condemning the Christian church we need to demolish the mosques of the devil worshippers

Don't just speak out of your mind, please, you have no idea of how many people just like you say the same thing. 'devil worshippers'?? Nice vocabulary.
Next time, be specific. Thank you. :bugeye:
Islam originally meant: “defiance of death (for the sake of God and his prophet)” or “readiness for defiance of death.” The expression is thus semantically related to gihad [jihad], “warlike effort (for God and his prophet),” which implies also, secondarily, the sacrifice of property (viz. livestock) as a preparation for warlike action.

Surah 4. 89. - They but wish that ye should reject Faith, as they do, and thus be on the same footing (as they): But take not friends from their ranks until they flee in the way of Allah (From what is forbidden). But if they turn renegades, seize them and slay them wherever ye find them; and (in any case) take no friends or helpers from their ranks.

The religion of Muhammad, according to the usual definition, derived from the Quran, is based on two principles: gihad and iman (“faith”), or, by another definition, on Islam and iman.

Surah 49. 14 - The (true) believers are only they who believe in Allah and His messenger without subsequent hesitation and strive for the cause of Allah with their lives and their possessions.

Much of the spread of Islam was due to it’s violent nature. They killed anyone who would not submit to “Allah” and confess “There is no God but Allah, and Muhammad is the prophet (or messenger) of Allah” which is the great Shahada, or “confession,” which faithful Muslims around the world declare daily.
I think what the world finds disgusting is how ordinary muslim citizens can be so blood thirsty. Like what happened to those contractors that were hired to help rebuild iraq. They were totally innocent...just trying to help rebuild the country. And the iraqi people rejoiced in their murders. You don't see that in civilized countries. Is that what islam is all about?
Mario, I don't think it's atypical when compared to the Halocaust or any other crimes that occurred in civilized countries.
mario said:
I think what the world finds disgusting is how ordinary muslim citizens can be so blood thirsty. Like what happened to those contractors that were hired to help rebuild iraq. They were totally innocent...just trying to help rebuild the country. And the iraqi people rejoiced in their murders. You don't see that in civilized countries. Is that what islam is all about?

First those killed were NOT civilians, second, why you dont talk about the thousands of iraqi MUSLIMS mutilated by the american bombs ???

Here is some pictures:

Yes I agree. Atrocities have occured throughout history. It's unfortunate that iraqi civilians were killed or maimed in the bombings. But that was not the americans intent. Nobody celebrates those victims. So will there be an on-going civil war in iraq now that the majority of muslims are siding with the americans? I feel sorry for the iraqi police force. They are constantly being killed by their own people. Can islam justify pitting muslim against muslim? Or does religion take a back seat to power and politics.
I apologise for intruding on any running conversation. This is to bring a discussion over from another thread:

Proud Muslim: "you may not degrade Islam by offering other religion"

Like many Muslims, many Christians believe that living their lives as an example to others is the highest form of witness to others of the truth of their faith. Many devout Christians I have known of many sects ( andy sect that has long been in the Mideast in fact) considers it highly inappropriate to attempt "conversion" of someone from onother belief, especially by attacking another belief. I grew up around Christians and Muslims who got along very well.

Your remarks seem to me to hark back to the Crusades, and not the Qur'an. It was not long after Crusade, when a leading Muslim very clearly and admirably tried to set things right for the future.

When Calif Umar ibn al-Khattab returned to Jerusalem in 633, as you probably know, Christian officials asked that he spread his carpet in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre to pray. He refused, on the grounds that future Muslims would be likely to convert the place into a mosque, only because he had once prayed there. Instead, the Caliph's carpet was carried to the top of the steps outside the church, to where as you know the Mosque of Umar now stands- Many consider this the second holiest place of Islam. I think that in his tolerance, the Caliph acted in accordance with the Qur'an, and as a result the Church of the Holy Sepuchre is to this day celebrating and promoting Christianity among Muslims.

Islam, as the divine law of a supreme being, already applies everywhere, and has always been universal according to the Qur'an. If this is true,then Muslim intolerance for other beliefs is evidence that they themselves have, at the moment, forgotten the vision revealed in the Qur’an.

The Kafir, and the infidel, variously indicated in the Qur'an as people who are not the follower of any religion, or followers of idolatry, or people who have gone astray. Certainly it is clear from the Qur'an that at least in the case of Christians, and Jews, the same God is recognized, and the religions Islamically legitimate, even if considered much less perfect than Islam. Qur'anic unbelievers (of which I as an agnostic am a member) disbelieve the truth of all religions, and disbelieve all Scriptures as of divine revelation. However, I am not a disbeliever to the extreme of active opposition to the practice of any or all religions- I believe in "live and let live", which has among my Muslim friends most always given me a "pass" from some religiously-mandated sanction.

The Qur’an confirms, or alludes to the truth of all religions in several verses, and in several faoundational verses affirms and presents to the world a Prophet among us, here to confirm the truth of all that was revealed before, through Prophets shared by all 3 Abramic faiths. Muhammed said that "Kafir" was not to be applied to those who say “Salam” to the Muslims. Remember, Muhammed had allies among the "unbelievers" even after Islam had triumphed in Arabia, and Muhammed honored his treaties. It was righteous conduct and orderly commerce, much more than the sword, that sparked the amazing expansion of Islam.

I'm not going to go digging for Qur'anic verses at this point to support the idea that Islam teaches tolerance, even to the point that foreign missionaries are tolerated within many "Islamic" countries (that's another topic, because I doubt the literal existence of one).

I have never seen in the Qur'an anything expressing your assertion "you may not degrade Islam by offering other religion". If I'm wrong, please show me the truth. Salaam.
mario said:
I think what the world finds disgusting is how ordinary muslim citizens can be so blood thirsty. Like what happened to those contractors that were hired to help rebuild iraq. They were totally innocent...just trying to help rebuild the country. And the iraqi people rejoiced in their murders. You don't see that in civilized countries. Is that what islam is all about?

Yep, you've captured the image in a nutshell.

That is Islam!
mario said:
I think what the world finds disgusting is how ordinary muslim citizens can be so blood thirsty. Like what happened to those contractors that were hired to help rebuild iraq. They were totally innocent...just trying to help rebuild the country. And the iraqi people rejoiced in their murders. You don't see that in civilized countries. Is that what islam is all about?

first of these attacks aren;t Islamic

but anyway ask yourself this and reply back,

what would YOU do if an invader was in you country and you had no army, no missiles, no grenades, no tanks, no planes, no nukes, no weapons, no missiles, no protective militry gear, no night vision, no anti-aircraft missiles but your opponent had? and remember this person is an invader, you dont want him there, he has killed 8,000 of your country's citezins, killed 13,000 of your soldiers who fought to protect YOU, brought confusion to your country, brought mass looting and desttoyed the economy?

well what would you do how would you fight withouyt an army?
First I would ask myself why my fellow countrymen cheered as they pulled down saddam's statues. Ask myself why they are not protesting their occupation in the streets. Then I would come to the conclusion that I am a minority. That I don't speak for the people of my country. But hopefully, thru democratic means, I will help put saddam or someone similar back in power. But I would NOT kill my own people (police officers) just because they do not see things the way I do. Or kill someone just because he is not an iraqi.
Vienna the fool said to me that Christians cant have fights with each other...

Vienna you uneducated fool. Are you stupid? Christians can have and HAVE had battles between its sect and this is happening in Ireland where there is tension between Catholics and Protestants.

Also just look at the history of YOUR bloody NON-MUSLIM country. I’m ashamed of you Vienna. You make such bold claims about Islam and you don’t even know about your OWN countries past.

Well I’ll give you a lesson about how violent CHRISTIANY IS TO ITS OWN RELIGION.


Queen Mary of England was a strict catholic. She HATED protestants. She had a short reign of 4 years in which she persecuted Protestants beyond belief.


- Anyone who was caught with an English translation of the Bible was burnt ALIVE
ANYONE who was protestant was tortured By
- Hanged off a tree for days on only one arm
- Forcefully made to place their hands on a burning candle
- Locked in the stocks and had rotten fruit thrown at them

She ARRESTED the ARCH BISHOP of CANTERBURY and BISHOP RIDLEY AND LATAMA (excuse the spelling on the names)

She then burnt alive the two Bishops in front of the Arch Bishop and FORCED him to convert in to a Catholic. Despite his conversion he was still burnt alive.

In her ONLY FOUR years she burnt alive; 257 men and 56 women and tortured thousands. She even signed DEATH WARRANTS on her DEATH BED. If she hadn’t of died so soon and didn’t fall so sick so often she would of killed thousand of people.

Vienna learn about your OWN country before you even try to comprehend another whole way of life.

Vienna you uneducated fool. Are you stupid? Christians can have and HAVE had battles between its sect and this is happening in Ireland where there is tension between Catholics and Protestants.

Also just look at the history of YOUR bloody NON-MUSLIM country. I’m ashamed of you Vienna. You make such bold claims about Islam and you don’t even know about your OWN countries past.

Well I’ll give you a lesson about how violent CHRISTIANY IS TO ITS OWN RELIGION.


Queen Mary of England was a strict catholic. She HATED protestants. She had a short reign of 4 years in which she persecuted Protestants beyond belief.


- Anyone who was caught with an English translation of the Bible was burnt ALIVE
ANYONE who was protestant was tortured By
- Hanged off a tree for days on only one arm
- Forcefully made to place their hands on a burning candle
- Locked in the stocks and had rotten fruit thrown at them

She ARRESTED the ARCH BISHOP of CANTERBURY and BISHOP RIDLEY AND LATAMA (excuse the spelling on the names)

She then burnt alive the two Bishops in front of the Arch Bishop and FORCED him to convert in to a Catholic. Despite his conversion he was still burnt alive.

In her ONLY FOUR years she burnt alive; 257 men and 56 women and tortured thousands. She even signed DEATH WARRANTS on her DEATH BED. If she hadn’t of died so soon and didn’t fall so sick so often she would of killed thousand of people.

Vienna learn about your OWN country before you even try to comprehend another whole way of life.
Vienna said:
Islam originally meant: “defiance of death (for the sake of God and his prophet)” or “readiness for defiance of death.” The expression is thus semantically related to gihad [jihad], “warlike effort (for God and his prophet),” which implies also, secondarily, the sacrifice of property (viz. livestock) as a preparation for warlike action.

Surah 4. 89. - They but wish that ye should reject Faith, as they do, and thus be on the same footing (as they): But take not friends from their ranks until they flee in the way of Allah (From what is forbidden). But if they turn renegades, seize them and slay them wherever ye find them; and (in any case) take no friends or helpers from their ranks.

The religion of Muhammad, according to the usual definition, derived from the Quran, is based on two principles: gihad and iman (“faith”), or, by another definition, on Islam and iman.

Surah 49. 14 - The (true) believers are only they who believe in Allah and His messenger without subsequent hesitation and strive for the cause of Allah with their lives and their possessions.

Much of the spread of Islam was due to it’s violent nature. They killed anyone who would not submit to “Allah” and confess “There is no God but Allah, and Muhammad is the prophet (or messenger) of Allah” which is the great Shahada, or “confession,” which faithful Muslims around the world declare daily.

Dont be stupid you think you undertsnd Arabic? you kelb bibli kera

Islam is derieved from the word Salam which means peace in Arabic
Jihad means struggle in Arabic. wot the hell r u on about with all your "destruction" and "fighting" crap. you think people are stupid. even a bloody non Muslim arabic speaker can set you straight on this.

Vienna i am truely ashamed of you. do you think people are stupid and going to listen to evry lie you say? if you give them a couple of lies then they will believe you but making stupid lies about the Arabic language and acting like you know Arabic better then Arabs is stupid. Even non Muslim Arabs can tell you are faking this stupid allegation.
i would just like to take some time to thank Vienna :D , Greco :D and the other haters of Islam. you are doing Muslims a great favour by hating Islam. you are encouraging people to LEARN about it. and once the start learning about it... well it is the fastest converting religion in the world after all. the more you give Islam hate the more people want to learn about. after 9/11 according to THE US CENSUS reports by the AMERICAN GOVERMANT conversion rates to Islam QUADROUPLED becasue the hate Muslims were getting makes people want to learn. thanks for posting lies on this thread and publisicing us!!! :D
thanks on a personal level aswell. i have learnt alot about Islam personnaly becasue of you guys. ooooo i love you all. really.
Vienna said:
Dork - where do I say that - please show me ......LOL :D

this is where: Islam Vs. Christinaty Page 7

Vienna said:
Tell me how is it possible for a Christian to kill another Christian in the name of the Christian God?

look Vienna, you just been

i might not be proving Islam right or wrong but I AM PROVING to everyone how YOU DONT KNOW your OWN WORDS and the HISTORY of YOUR OWN COUNTRY.

hmmm notice how you said
Vienna said:
Dork - where do I say that - please show me ......LOL :D

well whos the "DORK ...... LOLNOW?

why its



hmm, dont know your own words, the history of your OWN country, and you believe in Moon Gods etc. nice work Vienna. everybodys gonna belive you know!