The Truth About Islam

I have something to offer you Vienna.

do you hate Islam? and do you want to want to see Millions and Millions and Millions of Muslim denouncing their faith? if you do (and you obviosly do) I CAN TELL YOU (yes you) how YOU can do this yourself. currently your in the wrong place trying to do the wrong thing on such a petty mesage board.

if you want a way to make MUSLIMS turn away from Islam (right now your only really making Non_muslims hate Islam and not doing anything to Muslims and stoping conversion rates and population growth) then i have an EASY way for you to do this.

it is simple and if your succsesful the Muslim Ummah would collpase.

if you want to know how to do this then just ask. i will tell you.
munim_786 said:
LOOK on the thread



that is where you say how can Christians ghave fights with eachother.

NO. 2) (YOUE SECOND contradictory STATEMENT) now look at the top of THIS PAGE where you deny you ever said this when you obvioulsy have!!

I honestly think you are seriously ill.

For the very last time - This is my answer to you:

The conflicts between the Catholics and the Protestants are related to issues of politics as follows:

(1) within the Catholic church

(2) when the English monarchy broke away from the Catholic church,

(3) as a result of power, dominance and racism.

These conflicts are nothing to do with God, (who is effectively the same interpretation of God) because in effect the argument is about the religion or brand which they have applied to God.

I know it's asking a lot for you to understand and digest all this, but do try.
munim_786 said:
I have something to offer you Vienna.

do you hate Islam? and do you want to want to see Millions and Millions and Millions of Muslim denouncing their faith? if you do (and you obviosly do) I CAN TELL YOU (yes you) how YOU can do this yourself. currently your in the wrong place trying to do the wrong thing on such a petty mesage board.

if you want a way to make MUSLIMS turn away from Islam (right now your only really making Non_muslims hate Islam and not doing anything to Muslims and stoping conversion rates and population growth) then i have an EASY way for you to do this.

it is simple and if your succsesful the Muslim Ummah would collpase.

if you want to know how to do this then just ask. i will tell you.

Go on munim - tell us your masterplan. :rolleyes:

This I gotta hear :D I could do with a laugh
munim_786 said:
so what if these "nations" have evolved these nations ARE NOT Christianty, the BIBLE is and the Bible remainsd as ruthless as ever. even if it did change it is obviuos that humans made this change which means that the Bibles beliefs are the same but people arent following them anymore.
Yeah, the Bible is crap - I agree. JUST LIKE in Islamic societies its the society that is ultimately under scrutiny. I was trying to clear this up with a few questions from the other post – but alas you seem to prefer spending time bickering with these other guys then making a worthwhile point. Which is fine – pointing out that someone’s else’s house used to have a bad lawn and crapping on about how the lawn needed mowed back 1000 years ago is all well and good, but when your own house is burning up in flames - well than it seems a bit pointless to talk about how the other person USED to have a bad lawn. Anyway it seems to me to be like spinning ones wheels.

And those few questions posted would have warranted a respectful response had you answered them. Isn’t it better to have one meaningful discussion over a hundred sidetracked spiteful ones?
Michael said:
Yeah, the Bible is crap - I agree. JUST LIKE in Islamic societies its the society that is ultimately under scrutiny. I was trying to clear this up with a few questions from the other post – but alas you seem to prefer spending time bickering with these other guys then making a worthwhile point. Which is fine – pointing out that someone’s else’s house used to have a bad lawn and crapping on about how the lawn needed mowed back 1000 years ago is all well and good, but when your own house is burning up in flames - well than it seems a bit pointless to talk about how the other person USED to have a bad lawn. Anyway it seems to me to be like spinning ones wheels.

And those few questions posted would have warranted a respectful response had you answered them. Isn’t it better to have one meaningful discussion over a hundred sidetracked spiteful ones?

Well said Michael

I am also guilty of argueing with the juveniles, thus aiding the sidetrack element and I apologise to you for this.

Good point. :)
Proud_Muslim said:
In your face, christian liar:

''And from among His Signs are the night and the day, and the sun and the moon. Prostrate not to the sun nor to the moon, but prostrate to Allah Who created them, if you (really) worship Him'' The Noble Quran (41:37)

so, are you saying that mosques don't have cresent-moons on them? is that what you are telling the whole world?
the cresent-moon, that is the symbol of allah, the moon god, & don't forget his daughters, they are lonely for you, look up the 'satanic verses',
why do you think that the mullahs made such a big deal about it? because it proved, that Mohammad, didn't know who told him stuff for the quran, Jibril or satan.
and that is a

Micheal munim doesn't care about making any real points or having a serious debate. This is the scary part He really and truly believes that this is his jihad and he is getting points for paradise with every post against the kafir (non-muslims) Check some of his other posts where he talks about it.
Randolfo said:
so, are you saying that mosques don't have cresent-moons on them? is that what you are telling the whole world?
the cresent-moon, that is the symbol of allah, the moon god/QUOTE]

no all mosques dont have moons on. hardly any do. in just one city for exmaple Manchester, you can find hundreds of mosques with nothing to do with the moon on them. also the symbol of the moon wasnt't introduced until the 15th century. :D

ALL CHURCHES have crosses on them but Christians dont worship a cross do they. say yes and you'll get laughed at say no, then apply the logic to Islam.

also there is nothing in the Quran (THE PRIMARY source in Islam about moon Gods. infact Allah says openly not to worship the moon. Allah also isnt like any creation.
munim_786 said:
yes you are saying this NOW but on ISLAM VS. CHRISTIANITY page 7 you say that, you say that, you say this, you say that, you say this ,you say that, you say that.................

Here we go again :rolleyes:

How many different versions of the same answer do you need.

OK - I ask you a question that I know the answer to:-

"Tell me how is it possible for a Christian to kill another Christian in the name of the Christian God?"

And the answer is:-

"It isn't possible."

Why? you ask.

I tell you the answer to why

"Because there are only very few acts that are claimed to be acts of God which ARE truly acts of God.

Mostly as soon as act by man is claimed to be an act of God, the reality is that the act is very far removed from God."

If "RORY McGRATH" (of BLOODY BRITIAN - DISCOVERY CHANNEL) ever said that all of those acts you mention were in the name of GOD, then he is just as wrong as you are.

There are plenty of acts which are portrayed as acts of God - but these are without doubt acts of man, cowardly people who hide behind God as the reason for their actions. These are the actions of man, they are not the acts of God.

Munim - Please supply the source, links, or whatever, to support your claim that Rory McGrath stated Acts of God being committed and the authority which allows him to state it.
What really strange to me is that many muslums claim that there book is the last book of the word of god.

However it totally conterdicts every single word in the New testament.

Every teaching of jesus is about love and
harmony. yet when I read the Koran it seems to be more like it reverted to the old testament. Like taking a step back in time.

it would also seem if you believe in something you would check it via the older book and see if it is in sync with what it claims to come from.

The only excuse that I have heard a Muslum say is that well it was that the bible was changed etc ....

you would have to change the whole thing to acomplish that not just a few words and there are texts all over the world in many langues even at that time and there never have been one that was found with the word amhed or Allah etc ...
munim_786 said:
Randolfo said:
so, are you saying that mosques don't have cresent-moons on them? is that what you are telling the whole world?
the cresent-moon, that is the symbol of allah, the moon god
so all of a sudden, all the crescent-moons disappeared from flags & mosques?
no all mosques dont have moons on. hardly any do. in just one city for exmaple Manchester, you can find hundreds of mosques with nothing to do with the moon on them. also the symbol of the moon wasnt't introduced until the 15th century.
so, islam was changed in the 15th century? it became more pagan? was it christian before?
ALL CHURCHES have crosses on them but Christians dont worship a cross do they. say yes and you'll get laughed at say no, then apply the logic to Islam.
the cross is a symbol, just like the crescent-moon, our Savior's symbol
also there is nothing in the Quran (THE PRIMARY source in Islam about moon Gods. infact Allah says openly not to worship the moon. Allah also isnt like any creation
it was cleaned out, the quran is corrupted by man's ideas & hands, check out the history told in the hadiths
Joe said:
What really strange to me is that many muslums claim that there book is the last book of the word of god.

However it totally conterdicts every single word in the New testament.

Every teaching of jesus is about love and
harmony. yet when I read the Koran it seems to be more like it reverted to the old testament. Like taking a step back in time.

it would also seem if you believe in something you would check it via the older book and see if it is in sync with what it claims to come from.

The only excuse that I have heard a Muslum say is that well it was that the bible was changed etc ....

you would have to change the whole thing to acomplish that not just a few words and there are texts all over the world in many langues even at that time and there never have been one that was found with the word amhed or Allah etc ...
right Joe, so jesus will save u all.

this is a very long subject and i really cant be bothered debating it (I will in about 2 weeks when i make a new thread)

You think Jesus is the son of God, and he will save you all, despite its irratinal and illlogical nature i will disprove this and the notion of the trinity anyway.

it is God who gives life and God who gives death. Which "God" caused jesus Death on the cross and which "God" ressurected him?

if God died wouldn't the entire universe fall apart?
How did the universe manage for 3 days without God?

simple, Jesus is not the Son of God and there is one infinate God who was managing the universe at the time of Jesus's death.

why did the son of God die for mankinds forgiveness? it is stated in the Bible that no one is responsible for the sin of another (1). and also everyone dies in his OWN sin (2) as stated:

(1) "the fathers shall not be put to death for the children,
nor shall the children be out to death for the fathers"

(2) "In those days they shall no longer say 'the fathers have
eaten our sour grapes, and the children's teeth are on edge'
but every soul shall die for his own sin; each man who eats
sour grapes his teeth will be on edge" (JEREMIAH 31:21,30)

Christians belive in the trinity - the father, the son and the holy spirit. the trinty's members are all equal and none is superior to each other. but would you put in order: the holy spirit, the son and the father as having equal powers?

3) JESUS is NOT the son of GOD because Mathew begins his Gospel C:1:1 with the lineage of Jesus where mathew states; "the book of the lineage of Christ, the SON of DAVID the SON of ABRAHAM.
After 3 years with his disciples we read how one of them
asks Jesus and wants to be "shown the Father (God)".

Jesus answered, "Don't you know me, Philip, even after
I have been among you such a long time?
Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father. ...
Believe me when I say that I am in the Father and the
Father is in me; or at least believe on the evidence of the
miracles themselves." (John 14:10-11).
if God died wouldn't the entire universe fall apart?
How did the universe manage for 3 days without God?

simple, Jesus is not the Son of God and there is one infinate God who was managing the universe at the time of Jesus's death.
I must misunderstand what your trying to say, the universe managed for 3 days without god? when? when jesus was dead? but he is the SON of god, not god himself, and how does any of that bring you to the conclusion that Jesus isnt the son of god?
Also gods always been dead, he/she/it was never alive and the universe hasnt fallen apart, and one day its likely to collapse anyways, regardless of if theres a god or not.
munim_786 said:
You think Jesus is the son of God, and he will save you all, despite its irratinal and illlogical nature i will disprove this and the notion of the trinity anyway.

it is God who gives life and God who gives death. Which "God" caused jesus Death on the cross and which "God" ressurected him?

if God died wouldn't the entire universe fall apart?
How did the universe manage for 3 days without God?

simple, Jesus is not the Son of God and there is one infinate God who was managing the universe at the time of Jesus's death.

why did the son of God die for mankinds forgiveness? it is stated in the Bible that no one is responsible for the sin of another (1). and also everyone dies in his OWN sin (2) as stated:

(1) "the fathers shall not be put to death for the children,
nor shall the children be out to death for the fathers"

(2) "In those days they shall no longer say 'the fathers have
eaten our sour grapes, and the children's teeth are on edge'
but every soul shall die for his own sin; each man who eats
sour grapes his teeth will be on edge" (JEREMIAH 31:21,30)

Christians belive in the trinity - the father, the son and the holy spirit. the trinty's members are all equal and none is superior to each other. but would you put in order: the holy spirit, the son and the father as having equal powers?

3) JESUS is NOT the son of GOD because Mathew begins his Gospel C:1:1 with the lineage of Jesus where mathew states; "the book of the lineage of Christ, the SON of DAVID the SON of ABRAHAM.

Have you never heard of the immaculate conception?

You have a long way to go before you understand the Trinity properly, and you haven't a prayer (pun intended) of ever understanding the crucifixion and ressurection.

Maybe your understandings on the subject of Christianity are hindered because of your full belief and submittance to Allah, I can understand that.
Vienna said:
Have you never heard of the immaculate conception?

You have a long way to go before you understand the Trinity properly, and you haven't a prayer (pun intended) of ever understanding the crucifixion and ressurection.

Maybe your understandings on the subject of Christianity are hindered because of your full belief and submittance to Allah, I can understand that.

Vienna, you believing in Fantasy, Trintiy doesn't You are losing it man. :D
skywalker said:
Vienna, you believing in Fantasy, Trintiy doesn't You are losing it man. :D

Well you'd better put on the news buddy, there are millions in the world today that believe it.
skywalker said:
Vienna, you believing in Fantasy, Trintiy doesn't You are losing it man.
and you believe in a fallacy, why do you call yourself "Skywalker"? islam is an earth-bound religion, it is stuck in Mecca, ask yourself, how can the God of the Universe, be in Mecca? isn't that "shirk", by islamic standards, equating a physical place with God? what part of God is arabic? only the ones that come to Christian faith.

BTW, it is Easter and our Lord has risen, and Mohammad is still dead

Read the Bible Skywalker, then you will be heaven-bound
My god's better than your god. nah nah na naaah naaah!

Why do you people feel the need to submit to anything? Wouldn't you rather feel free? Free of any controlling force? You are the master of your own destiny. Use it wisely.