The Truth About Islam

munim - in short you are becoming fucking hard work :rolleyes:

munim_786 said:
Vienna the fool said to me that Christians cant have fights with each other...


Again child - i will write this very slowly for you -

Where do I say this exact phrase - "Christians cant have fights with each other..."

I repeat

Where do I say this exact phrase - "Christians cant have fights with each other..."

Has that question sunk in yet, eh?

Good boy.

Then when you have tried very hard to answer the question - I have another one for you.........

Tell me how is it possible for a Christian to kill another Christian in the name of the Christian God?

Now read it again and think about it s-l-o-w-l-y.

:rolleyes: :rolleyes:
Vienna said:
Dork - where do I say that - please show me ......LOL :D

this is where: Islam Vs. Christinaty Page 7

Vienna said:
Tell me how is it possible for a Christian to kill another Christian in the name of the Christian God?

look Vienna, you just been

i might not be proving Islam right or wrong but I AM PROVING to everyone how YOU DONT KNOW your OWN WORDS and the HISTORY of YOUR OWN COUNTRY.

hmmm notice how you said
Vienna said:
Dork - where do I say that - please show me ......LOL :D

well whos the "DORK ...... LOLNOW?

why its



hmm, dont know your own words, the history of your OWN country, and you believe in Moon Gods etc. nice work Vienna. everybodys gonna belive you know!
you silly fool. you say that EXACT PHRASE on the thread;
ISLAM VS. CHRISTIANTY on PAGE 7 about half way down when disscussing the IRA and the tensions between protestants and Catholics.

NOW YOU DONT EVEN KNOW YOUR OWN WORDS. thank you for showing everyone how stupid you are.

doesnt know her own words
still doesnt know her own words even after i told her. tut tut tut. you made my first blanking even stronger now!!!!!!


Vienna said:
Tell me how is it possible for a Christian to kill another Christian in the name of the Christian God?


Queen Mary of England was a strict catholic. She HATED protestants. She had a short reign of 4 years in which she persecuted Protestants beyond belief.

- Anyone who was caught with an English translation of the Bible was burnt ALIVE
ANYONE who was protestant was tortured By
- Hanged off a tree for days on only one arm
- Forcefully made to place their hands on a burning candle
- Locked in the stocks and had rotten fruit thrown at them

She ARRESTED the ARCH BISHOP of CANTERBURY and BISHOP RIDLEY AND LATAMA (excuse the spelling on the names)

She then burnt alive the two Bishops in front of the Arch Bishop and FORCED him to convert in to a Catholic. Despite his conversion he was still burnt alive.

In her ONLY FOUR years she burnt alive; 257 men and 56 women and tortured thousands. She even signed DEATH WARRANTS on her DEATH BED. If she hadn’t of died so soon and didn’t fall so sick so often she would of killed thousand of people.

Vienna learn about your OWN country before you even try to comprehend another whole way of life.

whos the "dork now" Veinna.

What on earth are you smoking??

You've gotta be on something. I'm not going back on any words

Just give me a direct link to whatever it is - so then I'll know what you are talking about.

Because at the moment you are babbling like 3 year old child
munim_786 said:


Queen Mary of England was a strict catholic. She HATED protestants. She had a short reign of 4 years in which she persecuted Protestants beyond belief.

- Anyone who was caught with an English translation of the Bible was burnt ALIVE
ANYONE who was protestant was tortured By
- Hanged off a tree for days on only one arm
- Forcefully made to place their hands on a burning candle
- Locked in the stocks and had rotten fruit thrown at them

She ARRESTED the ARCH BISHOP of CANTERBURY and BISHOP RIDLEY AND LATAMA (excuse the spelling on the names)

She then burnt alive the two Bishops in front of the Arch Bishop and FORCED him to convert in to a Catholic. Despite his conversion he was still burnt alive.

In her ONLY FOUR years she burnt alive; 257 men and 56 women and tortured thousands. She even signed DEATH WARRANTS on her DEATH BED. If she hadn’t of died so soon and didn’t fall so sick so often she would of killed thousand of people.

Vienna learn about your OWN country before you even try to comprehend another whole way of life.

whos the "dork now" Veinna.


Right then....

You have not understood anything I have fucking said to you, are you like this at school?

I will explain to you about the Catholic vs Protestant troubles

The conflicts between the Catholics and the Protestants are related to issues of politics firstly within the Catholic church, and secondly when the English monarchy broke away from the Catholic church, and thirdly as a result of power, dominance and racism.

These conflicts are nothing to do with God, who is effectively the same interpretation of God. In effect the argument is about the religion or brand which they have applied to God.

There are very few acts that are claimed to be acts of God which are truly acts of God. Mostly as soon as act by man is claimed to be an act of God, the reality is that the act is very far removed from God.

Understood - Got It??

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munim_786 said:
and may i add

well you are the dork now as my above post proves hahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahaha
you are a child, which your outbursts prove.

Let me ask you 6 simple questions? answer them if you can:

1) why do mosques have cresent-moon symbols on them?
2) where or to who, was that symbol used in pagan Arabia?
3) what was the title of the cresent-moon god worshipped in the Ka'aba before Mohammad?
4) did that cresent-moon god have daughters?
5) did those daugthers have a role in the "satanic verses"?
6) logically, did Mohammad adapt a pagan god & turn him into a monothestic one?

If you can anwser any of those questions truthfully, you will know the "Truth about islam", then you will have at least 4 choices;
1) remain a muslim, following a lie, from the father of lies & knowing it
2) reject all religion
3) convert to some other religion or
4) become a Christian, following the one person that said that He, "was the truth, the way and the life", that nobody came to God without Him.
munim_786 said:
- Anyone who was caught with an English translation of the Bible was burnt ALIVE
ANYONE who was protestant was tortured By
- Hanged off a tree for days on only one arm
- Forcefully made to place their hands on a burning candle
- Locked in the stocks and had rotten fruit thrown at them
I think this is the point I was making (in this or the other thread) that Medieval Christians nations USED to do these things. However, this SORT of restriction of freedom is still occurring in many Islamic nations this very day. About 1 thousand years ago the Jewish and Christians took a hard look at their religious books and started to unravel the histories behind them. Through centuries of Archeology and scientific scrutiny we now know that many of the stories are exaggerations at best (the flood) and fabrications at worse. In turn societies have distanced themselves from religion - a great landmark in American politics brought about, principally, by Thomas Jefferson (probably a Deist or Atheist). Right now the time just doesn’t seem to be ripe in the ME for an Arabian Thomas Jefferson to make a move. Even today, most Muslims think the Qur’an was practically handed down from God and is somehow perfect – however, Muslim scholars know this just isn’t the case. My point being (I don’t know if you think the Qur’an is infallible or not) is that the Christian nations grew out of this mindless mystic age into an age of reason and enlightenment – represented even by the theories in electromagnetism used to design the PC we’re using to communicate. Whereas the Islamic nations, who were once open-minded and relatively progressive, were conquered/colonized by the West and the East and hence have sadly regressed to a state similar to a time after the Fall of China or of Rome. Clinging, I'd say hopeless, to the last bastions of glory and empire left – a bastardized combination of religious and cultural memes. Kind of reminds me of the French really :D kidding!
Proud_Muslim[SIZE=2 said:

I asked about posting verses from the quran proving that Allah almighty was the moon god, you failed [deleted].[/SIZE]

the 'satanic verses' were taken out by an embarrassed caliph, read the hadiths, oh proud one, even your brothers say 'allah and his daughters' are the "the cranes" of the deletions in surah 53.
Why do you think, that in a religion that believes that all representations are 'shirk', leaves the cresent-moon symbol, all above its mosques? can you say, 'allah of the cresent-moon'?

First, are these surahs found in the quran? Saying that lying is permitted in islam?
Allah is a deceiver:
The Hypocrites - they seek to deceive Allah but it is Allah who deceives them. When they stand up to prayer, they stand without earnestness, to be seen of men, but little do they hold Allah in remembrance (Surat Al-Nisa 4:142).
Allah is a torturer:
Fight them and Allah will torture (literal translation) them by your hands, and disgrace them, help you [to victory] over them, heal the breasts of believers (Surat Al-Tawbah 9;14)
Allah is the best plotter:
And when those who disbelieve plot against thee [O Mohammed] to wound thee fatally, or to kill thee or to drive thee forth; they plot, but Allah [also] plotteth; and Allah is the best of plotters (Surat Al-Anfal 8:30 MPT)
More truth about islam. This is one of the most distressing aspects of Mohammed’s life. Mohammed’s adopted son, Zaid, had married a beautiful young woman with whom he was deeply in love. Then one day, according to early Muslim tradition, Mohammed saw Zaid’s wife without her veil. Her beauty was such that he lusted after her. He asked Zaid to divorce his wife and to give her to him. But Zaid and his wife refused such an outrageous request.

Faced with the refusal of Zaid and his wife to dissolve their marriage, Mohammed had a convenient “revelation” from Allah which not only commanded Zaid to give up his wife to Mohammed but also decreed that there was no evil in a father-in-law taking his daughter-in-law away from his own adopted son! Zaid and his wife were told that they did not have any choice in the matter. They had to submit to the “will of Allah.”

Sura 33:36-38 wrote:

It is not for any believer, man or woman, when God and His Messenger have decreed a matter, to have the choice in the affair. Whosoever disobeys Allah and His Messenger has gone astray into manifest error. When you said to him whom Allah had blessed and you had favoured, “Keep your wife to yourself, and fear Allah,” and you were concealing within yourself what Allah should reveal, fearing other men; and Allah has better right for you to fear him. So when Zaid had accomplished what he would of her, then We gave her in marriage to you, so that there should be any fault in the believers, touching the wives of their adopted sons, when they have accomplished what they would of them; and Allah’s commandment must be performed. There is no fault in the prophet, touching what Allah had ordained for him.

From: Between Christ and Mohammed: The Irreconcilable Differences Between Christianity and Islam
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Randolfo said:
the 'satanic verses' were taken out by an embarrassed caliph, read the hadiths, oh proud one, even your brothers say 'allah and his daughters' are the "the cranes" of the deletions in surah 53.
Why do you think, that in a religion that believes that all representations are 'shirk', leaves the cresent-moon symbol, all above its mosques? can you say, 'allah of the cresent-moon'?

In your face, christian liar:

''And from among His Signs are the night and the day, and the sun and the moon. Prostrate not to the sun nor to the moon, but prostrate to Allah Who created them, if you (really) worship Him'' The Noble Quran (41:37)

Proud Muslim and Co. try to make Islam appear tolerant and peaceful, but there are still many teachings of Islam today that are barbaric and can't match Western civilised human rights standards.

The rights accorded to those 7th century Bedouins are far from being acceptable to us in the 21st century. Here are a few examples of the teachings of Islam and their references in the Quran:

1) Men are superior to women.(Surah 2:228)
2) Women have half the rights of men:
a. In court witness.(Surah 2:282)
b. in inheritance.(Surah 4:11)
3) A man may beat his wife.(Surah 4:34)
4) A man may marry up to four wives at the same time.(Surah 4:3)
5) Muslims must fight until their opponents submit to Islam.(Surah 9:5)
6) A Muslims must not take Jews or Christians for friends.(Surah 5:54)
7) A Muslim apostate must be killed.(Surah 9:12)
8) Stealing is punished by the amputation of the hands.(Surah 5:41)
9) Adultery is punished by public flogging.(Surah 4:2)
10) No separation between Church and State.(Surah 2:193)
11) No opposition party allowed.(Surah 4:59)

Wow - Islam seems a fun way to live - NOT!
path said:
Faced with the refusal of Zaid and his wife to dissolve their marriage, Mohammed had a convenient “revelation” from Allah which not only commanded Zaid to give up his wife to Mohammed but also decreed that there was no evil in a father-in-law taking his daughter-in-law away from his own adopted son! Zaid and his wife were told that they did not have any choice in the matter. They had to submit to the “will of Allah.”

This is nothing more than legalised adultery for your beloved mohammed, aren't you a swell bunch of guys......

Isn't this true PM?
I don't want to be confrontational interpretation of the Qur'an states: "...not to make friendship with Jews and Christians" (5:51), "...murder them and treat them harshly" (9:123). The Qur'an prohibits a Muslim form befriending a non-believer even if that non-believer is the father or the brother of that Muslim (9:23), (3:28). As for women the book of Allah says if they are disobedient it advises to "take a green branch and beat your wife", because a green branch is more flexible and hurts more.(38:10).
I understand what it is to be proud of one's religion and culture but I'm not sure if I could be proud (just speaking for myself) of being told not to have anything to do with any person if they are an unbeliever. I don't want this to sound anti Islam; I just want to know if this is the correct interpretation of the Qur'an, and I just want to understand. Thanks.
Vienna said:
Right then....
There are very few acts that are claimed to be acts of God which are truly acts of God. Mostly as soon as act by man is claimed to be an act of God, the reality is that the act is very far removed from God.

Understood - Got It??


hmmm, thats not what you've been saying since you first started posting. cos you've been linking OBL and other terrorists and other Islamix states to a lot of things in Islam. another example of Vienna going back on her word.
Michael said:
I think this is the point I was making (in this or the other thread) that Medieval Christians nations USED to do these things. However, this SORT of restriction of freedom is still occurring in many Islamic nations this very day. About 1 thousand years ago the Jewish and Christians took a hard look at their religious books and started to unravel the histories behind them. Through centuries of Archeology and scientific scrutiny we now know that many of the stories are exaggerations at best (the flood) and fabrications at worse. In turn societies have distanced themselves from religion - a great landmark in American politics brought about, principally, by Thomas Jefferson (probably a Deist or Atheist). Right now the time just doesn’t seem to be ripe in the ME for an Arabian Thomas Jefferson to make a move. Even today, most Muslims think the Qur’an was practically handed down from God and is somehow perfect – however, Muslim scholars know this just isn’t the case. My point being (I don’t know if you think the Qur’an is infallible or not) is that the Christian nations grew out of this mindless mystic age into an age of reason and enlightenment – represented even by the theories in electromagnetism used to design the PC we’re using to communicate. Whereas the Islamic nations, who were once open-minded and relatively progressive, were conquered/colonized by the West and the East and hence have sadly regressed to a state similar to a time after the Fall of China or of Rome. Clinging, I'd say hopeless, to the last bastions of glory and empire left – a bastardized combination of religious and cultural memes. Kind of reminds me of the French really :D kidding!

so what if these "nations" have evolved these nations ARE NOT Christianty, the BIBLE is and the Bible remainsd as ruthless as ever. even if it did change it is obviuos that humans made this change which means that the Bibles beliefs are the same but people arent following them anymore.
Vienna said:
munim - in short you are becoming fucking hard work :rolleyes:

Again child - i will write this very slowly for you -

Where do I say this exact phrase - "Christians cant have fights with each other..."

I repeat

Where do I say this exact phrase - "Christians cant have fights with each other..."

Has that question sunk in yet, eh?

Good boy.

Then when you have tried very hard to answer the question - I have another one for you.........

Tell me how is it possible for a Christian to kill another Christian in the name of the Christian God?

Now read it again and think about it s-l-o-w-l-y.

:rolleyes: :rolleyes:

well this is how they are done. AND YES THESE ACTS WERE DONE in the name of THE CHRISTIAN GOD. Queen Mary ACTUALLY thought she was doing these people a favour by forcing them to convert and those who didnt were killed to discourage other Protestants. read her diary if you want in History Text books to prove this. VIENNA DONT DENY THE HISTORY OF YOUR CONTRY. if you want look in BRITISH text books writtewn by Pagans and Christians about how these acts were in the name of God. read her bloody diary. God haven't you ever heard of the Disocvery channle as well (CHANBEL 551 on Sky Digital for UK viewers) they do a show called BLOODY BRITAIN by Rory McGrath, a Christian.

this is how fool.


Queen Mary of England was a strict catholic. She HATED protestants. She had a short reign of 4 years in which she persecuted Protestants beyond belief.

- Anyone who was caught with an English translation of the Bible was burnt ALIVE
ANYONE who was protestant was tortured By
- Hanged off a tree for days on only one arm
- Forcefully made to place their hands on a burning candle
- Locked in the stocks and had rotten fruit thrown at them

She ARRESTED the ARCH BISHOP of CANTERBURY and BISHOP RIDLEY AND LATAMA (excuse the spelling on the names)

She then burnt alive the two Bishops in front of the Arch Bishop and FORCED him to convert in to a Catholic. Despite his conversion he was still burnt alive.

In her ONLY FOUR years she burnt alive; 257 men and 56 women and tortured thousands. She even signed DEATH WARRANTS on her DEATH BED. If she hadn’t of died so soon and didn’t fall so sick so often she would of killed thousand of people.

Vienna learn about your OWN country before you even try to comprehend another whole way of life.

whos the "dork now" Veinna.

munim - do you realise how stupid you look ??

and the more you prattle on - the more stupid you look.
Vienna said:
What on earth are you smoking??

You've gotta be on something. I'm not going back on any words

Just give me a direct link to whatever it is - so then I'll know what you are talking about.

Because at the moment you are babbling like 3 year old child

LOOK on the thread



that is where you say how can Christians ghave fights with eachother.

NO. 2) (YOUE SECOND contradictory STATEMENT) now look at the top of THIS PAGE where you deny you ever said this when you obvioulsy have!!