The Truth about Freemasons - By Saladin Bin-Qasim

Is it Possible for us a Species to actually Put a stop to what we perceive as Evil? Any thing that Harms another or Our selves. Is it possible That it can be stopped?.
As human beings, no it is not possible because we are an imperfect species which causes pain for ourselves and others around us. We can fight the evil and supress it, but evil cannot be defeated because there will always be men in the world who desire mischief in the land. Only in the end of the world, will Allah (swt) himself cast the devil into eternal torture and its root as the human selfishness which is from the accursed devil. Humanity good naturally, but humanity has a weakness in that they are easily seduced into doing selfish things by even hurting others to get their own desires.

PHPlatonica said:
hey Where The hell Have YOU been For the Past Two thousand Years?? Uhm.. Did you Hear about this Strange thing Called the CRUSADES? Done in the Name Of Jesus?Or Maybe the Inquisitions?... SALEM Witch Trials Any one??... All Done in the Name of CHRISTIANITY??.............. So Your a Stupid Hypocrite Adstar, Do you Think Jesus Would really be happy about you Boast your self so highly?? I mean.. your not Being very Christian now ARE YOU.... *Cooing Like a baby*.... Please.. You have To Trash Muslims to Hide the Shame Of the past Two Hundred years done under the name of Jesus Christ. Don't Even try to Go there. At least Diamond has Things to Backup the statements Made... But incase you missed this Lesson in Sunday School Heres some Quotes from YOUR Bible Maybe you will remember them, then you Re question your OWN Faith and Behavior Before you Attack any one else's belief with.. BULL SHIT>... You Smell that? because that Pile is Half Coming from you.

Should I go on?

With me? I am a Christian. I have never killed or burn't or persecuted anyone in the name of Jesus. Because Jesus taught us not to do such things. Those crusaders has the spirit of islam they are the same as the muslims and may as well have been muslims far as God is concerned.

And yes i read those quotes and I agree with them all :) Thank you for confirming the fact that the people who took part in these tragic events where not true Christians. :)

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
DiamondHearts said:
Humanity good naturally, but humanity has a weakness in that they are easily seduced into doing selfish things by even hurting others to get their own desires.

it sucks that allah made us imperfect, he shouldn't have made the world at all since he can't make it right.
DiamondHearts said:
Adstar, I respect your religion and I admire Prophet Jesus (peace be to him) as a true prophet of God and an example to all.

What? Call yourself a true muslim and state that you have Respect for Christianity??? Your religion states clearly that what Christianity teaches about The Messiah Jesus is a lie. Do you respect a lie?? muhammad told you never to be a friend of a Christian. You are spitting on the koran when you say that you respect Christianity.

However, it is wrong for you to say who is a true Muslim and who is an evil Muslim.

No i did not say true and evil i said True and False. true muslims are evil because they follow the evil teachings of muhammed. False muslim do not take the korans verses seriously like when they say they respect Christianity.

Good Human being = those who are without bigotry, racism, prejudice and enjoin good and forbid evil

As a Christian i believe that no man is good. Only God is good. All human beings are faulty and it is a sure sign of pride to say that one is good.

Good Christian = a Good Human being who believes in Christianity and the Bible as the word of God

Although we are not good. We do believe in the Bible that it is the Word of God.

Good Muslim = a Good Human being who believes in Islam and the Quran as the word of Allah

A true muslim believes in the Koran and follows what it tells then to do. And you show by your words that you are not a true muslim. You are a person who compromises with the infidel and respects what the koran calls lies.

Just so you get it, Allah = Yehweh = Jehovah = Elohim = God

The God of Abraham has one will there is only one Way. Whatever name we call Him is worth nothing if we do not agree with His will and follow His desire for us.

If you want to start to be a true muslim the first thing you should do is stop wishing peace upon infidels. You should start waring against infidels until the whole world is in submission to the koran. Just like the true muslims are doing.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
DiamondHearts said:
Only in the end of the world, will Allah (swt) himself cast the devil into eternal torture and its root as the human selfishness which is from the accursed devil.

That's quite the fantasy you have going there, too bad that fantasy is doing all it can to getting mankind one step closer to the end.

Humanity good naturally, but humanity has a weakness in that they are easily seduced into doing selfish things by even hurting others to get their own desires.

No, they are not. Atheists live a life of never intentionally doing harm to others. They abhor and detest the murderous lifestyles of Islam.
Adstar said:
What? Call yourself a true muslim and state that you have Respect for Christianity??? Your religion states clearly that what Christianity teaches about The Messiah Jesus is a lie. Do you respect a lie?? muhammad told you never to be a friend of a Christian. You are spitting on the koran when you say that you respect Christianity.

me))and where is the evidence a man called Jesus ever even existed then??

No i did not say true and evil i said True and False. true muslims are evil because they follow the evil teachings of muhammed. False muslim do not take the korans verses seriously like when they say they respect Christianity.

me))you are christian fundamentalist spittin at an Islamic fundamentalist is all. both supposedly have same 'God'...hah. what a farce this is to watch!

As a Christian i believe that no man is good. Only God is good. All human beings are faulty and it is a sure sign of pride to say that one is good.

me)))))yeah but you tink yer 'gooder' tan to whom your adressin tho dont ya ya hypocrite?

Although we are not good. We do believe in the Bible that it is the Word of God.

me))))))depite loads andloads of actual evidence to the contrary

A true muslim believes in the Koran and follows what it tells then to do. And you show by your words that you are not a true muslim. You are a person who compromises with the infidel and respects what the koran calls lies.

me))why dont you beat him over te head wit youuur 'good-er' book. will that make yu feel more even, right-eous??

The God of Abraham has one will there is only one Way. Whatever name we call Him is worth nothing if we do not agree with His will and follow His desire for us.

me)))))yes, your fascist way. a fascist MAN-made way. one tht has caused so much terror and bloodshed it doesn't bear thinking about. but i will

If you want to start to be a true muslim the first thing you should do is stop wishing peace upon infidels. You should start waring against infidels until the whole world is in submission to the koran. Just like the true muslims are doing.

me))))))spreading the government propaganda i see. brownnosin ceasar

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

more like 'praise the anceint fascist or ELSE!!!!!' mo like
DiamondHearts said:
stealing ...would take on a different meaning and gain justification as charity.

Murder ... would become justified judicial execution.

Lying would not be considered a crime.

Time in place have a large effect on how evil is percieved.

Yes, that is the point we've been trying to make all along yet you deny it. Muslims will perceive evil when no evil exists and will justify lying, stealing and murder simply because of their ill-concieved perceptions.
Adstar said:
All human beings are faulty and it is a sure sign of pride to say that one is good.

deep within, all humans are good (god). some people are just a bit lost... sad... forsaken... alone... so they do evil...
(Q) said:
Yes, that is the point we've been trying to make all along yet you deny it. Muslims will perceive evil when no evil exists and will justify lying, stealing and murder simply because of their ill-concieved perceptions.

Ill-conceived perceptions of Reality are the Greatest cause of all suffering.
Guilefulness, Duplicity, Dualities.

Ill-conceive perception of Reality, Absolutely Bad Knowledge imagined to be
Absolutely Good Knowledge, the Knowledge of Evil.
wayne_92587 said:
Ill-conceived perceptions of Reality are the Greatest cause of all suffering.
Guilefulness, Duplicity, Dualities.

Ill-conceive perception of Reality, Absolutely Bad Knowledge imagined to be
Absolutely Good Knowledge, the Knowledge of Evil.

Wtf are you talking about?
c7ityi_ said:
deep within, all humans are good (god). some people are just a bit lost... sad... forsaken... alone... so they do evil...

I think YOU are 100% Correct :D
How about any one Who places Physical Harm and FORCED beliefs is Evil. The Thing about .. God, is that God Doesn't DEMAND You DO anything. You Find it in yourself. But when You Cross the line and place what your Feelings and beliefs are as Fact.. Well then you are Evil. And I think you lack more Faith then not. and must need some reassurance...... There is no Faith in Forcing a Belief on to some one else Period.. It Doesn't matter What the Religion is... What KIND of God Would Force and Kill others that did not worship the way This God Wanted ? ..... our Role is to Not harm each other Physically and to Attempt to Coexist... eh.. Period. Intell the Day the Sky opens up and says different.
How about any one Who places Physical Harm and FORCED beliefs is Evil.

That's it, and religion & the state do exactly that. Religion "forces" it's belief by intimidation of the unknown, and the state "forces" people to live by their rules be they moral or amoral.


Where Does Evil Come From

So there you have it, take it or leave it. Wether you believe it or not, makes no difference, it is as it is.

Godless said:
That's it, and religion & the state do exactly that. Religion "forces" it's belief by intimidation of the unknown, and the state "forces" people to live by their rules be they moral or amoral.


Where Does Evil Come From

So there you have it, take it or leave it. Wether you believe it or not, makes no difference, it is as it is.

Amen LOL... couldn't help it.
(Q) said:
Wtf are you talking about?

You made a statement about Muslims ill-concieved perceptiion.

Why tf do I have to explain to you what you said.

Do you even understand what you said?????

What is an ill-concieved perception?????

Ill as defined by websters:

4. evil; wicked; bad
11. evil: to know the difference between good and ill.
14. unsatisfactorily; poorly: It ill befits a man to betray old friends.
18. faultily; improperly.
—Syn. 1. unhealthy, ailing, diseased, afflicted. ILL, SICK mean being in bad health, not being well. ILL is the more formal word. In the U.S. the two words are used practically interchangeably except that SICK is always used when the word modifies the following noun: He looks sick (ill); a sick person. In England, SICK is not interchangeable with ILL, but usually has the connotation of nauseous: She got sick and threw up. SICK, however, is used before nouns just as in the U.S.: a sick man. 4. wrong, iniquitous. See bad 1. 9. hurt, pain, affliction, misery. 10. calamity. 11. depravity. 12. illness, affliction. 14. badly.

Ill conceived perception of what? Reality, the knowledge of.

Duplicity, deception, guilefulness, absolutely bad knowledge, Evil, Lies,
are ill conceived perceptions of Reality.

Originally Posted by (Q)
Yes, that is the point we've been trying to make all along yet you deny it. Muslims will perceive evil when no evil exists and will justify lying, stealing and murder simply because of their ill-concieved perceptions.

Ill-conceived perceptions of Reality are the Greatest cause of all suffering.
Guilefulness, Duplicity, Dualities.

Ill-conceive perception of Reality, Absolutely Bad Knowledge imagined to be
Absolutely Good Knowledge, the Knowledge of Evil.
so we is talking power-over

if i force my shit on you ten i am oppressing you

patriarchal religion does this
it has done it BIG style in tepast. actually torturing and murdering you if you do not believe what they believe. even cutting women's BREASTS off and cutting their children's eyelids off so they HAVE to watch parents being tortured and killed. THAT kind of power -over. THAT is what it is capable of!!!

Some athiests here believe that we are past al of that. tat now tere is no power-over

well tat is rubbish. itis as worst as ever. if people now do not believe in te current paradigm they will be punished, financially, and 'medically'!

so te sorry game is ontinuuing cause it sares same root stock
'so where's Freemasonyr/Illuminati come into this?

it is the foundation of all this. the secret cabal of it all. the hiearchical scaffolding. 'we are gods' its elite say. meaning WE are all their herded cattle
wayne_92587 said:
You made a statement about Muslims ill-concieved perceptiion.

Why tf do I have to explain to you what you said.

I know what I said, wtf did you say?
Then define what you mean by stating that Muslims have an Ill conceived perception.

What do your mean by Ill, conceived, perception, an Ill conceived perception of