The Truth about Freemasons - By Saladin Bin-Qasim

PHPlatonica said:
.............. what is evil? And I don't mean your Opinions On evil.. But "Evil" as its self. What is it?

Evil is a duality, Evil is an Illusion that is made manifest as Man's Reality,
as what Man, he and she, imagine, Rationalize, reason to be a Reality.

Acting upon imagined Realities, deceptions, lies, resuts in Evil,
Evil Creating Evil.

Duality, a dual state or quality; Taking Absolutely Bad Knowledge to be Absolutely Good Knowledge.

There is more than one source of Knowledge.

The First source being: 16 And the LORD God commanded the man, saying, Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat: meaning the whole
of the Material, Physical, World of Reality which is the source of the knowledge of Realties that exist independent or our thoughts concerning
them, Objective Reality.

The second source of Knowledge: But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it:

The second source of Knowledge is the single mindedness of the Omnificent, those that are God Like, the Know-it-all, the Rationalist, the Singularity of the Individual Self, the source of Self-ish Righteousness..


1. the principle or habit of accepting reason as the supreme authority in
matters of opinion, belief, or conduct.

2. Philos.
a. the doctrine that reason alone is a source of knowledge and is
independent of experience.

b. the doctrine that all knowledge is expressible in self-evident
propositions or their consequences.

Eating of the Second Source of Knowledge, the Single Source a the center of the Garden, of our World of Reality, Central to our World of Reality being the Individual Rational Self.

The Rational Mind is the single source of both Absolutely Good Knowledge and Absolutely Bad Knowledge, with Absolutely Bad Knowledge being a Duality, Duplicitous; The Rational Mind being the Single Source of the Nature of Evil, Deception, duplicity, guilefulness, Lies.

Evil is Absolutely Bad Knowledge imagined, reasoned, rationalized, to be Absolutely Good Knowledge, for no Good Reason.
wow. I like the Way you wrote that :) It read flowingly and poetic.
I guess my question was "too" open. It left a lot of room for opinion.
the thing about living is not Dying. Right? Even though we are all going to die eventually.
right?...It would sound strange if some one asked "What are you living for?" and your truthful response was "So I could die".... There isn't any logic there at all. not that we can comprehend. the hope that there is something out there, other then this, would help things seem like at least there was a reason for all "this". Which was a reason behind faith, and god. because most people can't accept the idea that "this just might be all there is". It seems pointless. Why would we feel, and love and hate if there was no reason for it? "god" gave a reason for it. accepting that "god' existed, was faith. because no one knows.
the rest of religion, and the wars that have come about, seem to come from the fact that no one wants to be wrong. no one wants to accept that this just very well may be "it". So they fight it. because, with out it, there is no Point into who they are, or why. There is no reason. your tears, and anger mean nothing to any one but you.
religion gives comfort to those who are afraid of what the truth might be. and that deep seeded fear will make people react in very different ways. they will do things to prove their own beliefs. and usually it is only to prove it to themselves whether they realize it or not. especially when that very belief is being shaken by some one else. So, the idea behind what evil is, is only an opinion. that is why it seems like "bad" or "evil" things should be as basic as if you hurt or hinder progression in another human being, you have created evil. and it would be that simple.
perhaps if things were as simple and basic for each individual, we could grasp a better meaning of what it means to be alive and awear.
PHPlatonica said:
wow. I like the Way you wrote that :) It read flowingly and poetic.
I guess my question was "too" open. It left a lot of room for opinion.
the thing about living is not Dying. Right? Even though we are all going to die eventually.
right?...It would sound strange if some one asked "What are you living for?" and your truthful response was "So I could die".... There isn't any logic there at all. not that we can comprehend. the hope that there is something out there, other then this, would help things seem like at least there was a reason for all "this". Which was a reason behind faith, and god. because most people can't accept the idea that "this just might be all there is". It seems pointless. Why would we feel, and love and hate if there was no reason for it? "god" gave a reason for it. accepting that "god' existed, was faith. because no one knows.
the rest of religion, and the wars that have come about, seem to come from the fact that no one wants to be wrong. no one wants to accept that this just very well may be "it". So they fight it. because, with out it, there is no Point into who they are, or why. There is no reason. your tears, and anger mean nothing to any one but you.
religion gives comfort to those who are afraid of what the truth might be. and that deep seeded fear will make people react in very different ways. they will do things to prove their own beliefs. and usually it is only to prove it to themselves whether they realize it or not. especially when that very belief is being shaken by some one else. So, the idea behind what evil is, is only an opinion. that is why it seems like "bad" or "evil" things should be as basic as if you hurt or hinder progression in another human being, you have created evil. and it would be that simple.
perhaps if things were as simple and basic for each individual, we could grasp a better meaning of what it means to be alive and awear.

I agree with you
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PHPlatonica said:
because most people can't accept the idea that "this just might be all there is". It seems pointless. Why would we feel, and love and hate if there was no reason for it? "god" gave a reason for it. accepting that "god' existed, was faith. because no one knows.
...the rest of religion, and the wars that have come about, seem to come from the fact that no one wants to be wrong. no one wants to accept that this just very well may be "it". So they fight it. because, with out it, there is no Point into who they are, or why. There is no reason. your tears, and anger mean nothing to any one but you.

I think I agree with this, by and large. What I see is that some people get intellectually or emotionally trapped into their "religio-memes". It's dire, and it's dry and it's rigid, and it's because of that rigidity that they want others to believe as they do, to assuage their own internal limitations. Violence is the paramount of that - to force others to behave a certain way so as to validate one's own convictions. Belief gaining strength through conformity, or conformation.

It's not to say that all religion is bad - it isn't, not necessarily - but that it lays open to abuse.

GeoffP said:
I think I agree with this, by and large. What I see is that some people get intellectually or emotionally trapped into their "religio-memes". It's dire, and it's dry and it's rigid, and it's because of that rigidity that they want others to believe as they do, to assuage their own internal limitations. Violence is the paramount of that - to force others to behave a certain way so as to validate one's own convictions. Belief gaining strength through conformity, or conformation.

It's not to say that all religion is bad - it isn't, not necessarily - but that it lays open to abuse.

Yea. That's kind of what I am thinking. I am not one to say that an individual has not spoken to God, or not. Because I am not that person, I can not say He/She did or did not. How ever, it did happen to me, so my belief system hasn't been affected the same way a believers has been. And that Should be fine. I should not be punished or persecuted or Exiled because I did not witness the event. It is also my duty as a person, to allow a believer to believe. And Some where along the line, we forgot all this. Instead, there is this anger and animosity Over Who's God is what. Who's God is Right? My God Will Kick Your Gods Butt... Etc. People like that are Searching for answers about their own Mortality. They are showing their OWN lack of faith by doing that. Or Pushing, punishing Etc. Others For not falling into their Own belief pattern. I Feel a true sense of Wrongness when We deny people the right to practice their faith. But there is an equal wrongness when that faith states all who appose should be killed, bantered, bothered,punished, exiled etc etc... Why can't people accept that? it's simplicity at it's finest.
PHPlatonica said:
wow. I like the Way you wrote that :) It read flowingly and poetic.
I guess my question was "too" open. It left a lot of room for opinion.
the thing about living is not Dying. Right? Even though we are all going to die eventually.
right?...It would sound strange if some one asked "What are you living for?" and your truthful response was "So I could die".... There isn't any logic there at all. not that we can comprehend. the hope that there is something out there, other then this, would help things seem like at least there was a reason for all "this". Which was a reason behind faith, and god. because most people can't accept the idea that "this just might be all there is". It seems pointless. Why would we feel, and love and hate if there was no reason for it? "god" gave a reason for it. accepting that "god' existed, was faith. because no one knows.
the rest of religion, and the wars that have come about, seem to come from the fact that no one wants to be wrong. no one wants to accept that this just very well may be "it". So they fight it. because, with out it, there is no Point into who they are, or why. There is no reason. your tears, and anger mean nothing to any one but you.
religion gives comfort to those who are afraid of what the truth might be. and that deep seeded fear will make people react in very different ways. they will do things to prove their own beliefs. and usually it is only to prove it to themselves whether they realize it or not. especially when that very belief is being shaken by some one else. So, the idea behind what evil is, is only an opinion. that is why it seems like "bad" or "evil" things should be as basic as if you hurt or hinder progression in another human being, you have created evil. and it would be that simple.
perhaps if things were as simple and basic for each individual, we could grasp a better meaning of what it means to be alive and awear.

If you want to find meaning Life better not wait until after death to enjoy

A Mere Animal does not find meaning in Life, or death.

And His Name is Man

The Mark, the Way, the Nature, the Spirit, of the Beast that lives
in the Name of Death..

There are Beasts that find meaning in death, Life after Death,
that are willing to live in a Garbage Dump while living with the
Illusion that life after Death is better than Life before Death.

There you have it, the purpose of Life for a Man, he and she, that are more than a mere animal, and not a Beast, is to Enjoy Life, before you Die.

Life after death, metaphorically speaking is for the Beast that would find meaning in death, would find meaning in life by living in a Garbage Dump while awaiting Death.
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PHPlatonica said:
Yea. That's kind of what I am thinking. I am not one to say that an individual has not spoken to God, or not. Because I am not that person, I can not say He/She did or did not. How ever, it did happen to me, so my belief system hasn't been affected the same way a believers has been. And that Should be fine. I should not be punished or persecuted or Exiled because I did not witness the event. It is also my duty as a person, to allow a believer to believe. And Some where along the line, we forgot all this. Instead, there is this anger and animosity Over Who's God is what. Who's God is Right? My God Will Kick Your Gods Butt... Etc. People like that are Searching for answers about their own Mortality. They are showing their OWN lack of faith by doing that. Or Pushing, punishing Etc. Others For not falling into their Own belief pattern. I Feel a true sense of Wrongness when We deny people the right to practice their faith. But there is an equal wrongness when that faith states all who appose should be killed, bantered, bothered,punished, exiled etc etc... Why can't people accept that? it's simplicity at it's finest.

Cool - I think we're on the same page here. I don't think all religions are, though - I mean, look at Diamond. She wants to decapitate people who either a) leave islam or b) happen to be homosexual. Now there are other people who want to do the same, but we refer to them as "nutbars" and we lock them up if necessary. Call me cynical, but I'm getting the feeling that Diamond's sentiments aren't all that uncommon in her faith.

wayne_92587 said:
If you want to find meaning Life better not wait until after death to enjoy

A Mere Animal does not find meaning in Life, or death.

And His Name is Man

The Mark, the Way, the Nature, the Spirit, of the Beast that lives
in the Name of Death..

There are Beasts that find meaning in death, Life after Death,
that are willing to live in a Garbage Dump while living with the
Illusion that life after Death is better than Life before Death.

There you have it, the purpose of Life for a Man, he and she, that are more than a mere animal, and not a Beast, is to Enjoy Life, before you Die.

Life after death, metaphorically speaking is for the Beast that would find meaning in death, would find meaning in life by living in a Garbage Dump while awaiting Death.
Im Sorry wayn, Can you do that again? I don't understand what your saying. *blush* MY bad! not yours. I do not understand "Beasts that find meaning indeath"... what beasts? animals? that would be a quik asumption to make don't you think? We really do not know what an animal thinks. Unless you say that GOD has told us, but see then, we are talking about religion again, where my first statement applys... so.. Do it ONE more time, try to explain that just a little bit.
GeoffP said:
Cool - I think we're on the same page here. I don't think all religions are, though - I mean, look at Diamond. She wants to decapitate people who either a) leave islam or b) happen to be homosexual. Now there are other people who want to do the same, but we refer to them as "nutbars" and we lock them up if necessary. Call me cynical, but I'm getting the feeling that Diamond's sentiments aren't all that uncommon in her faith.

I think so too :)
With religion. If there was a way to just live and let live? you know? But that's not about to happen. People are very serious about their religions that they forget to allow other people the room to believe in something different. I feel that that is where it becomes wrong. If we could look at is as simply as If another person is is being treated in a way they dislike or find harmful, then the persons responsible for that harming should be held accountable. That's when another person, or group of, should intervene. Not based on interpretation or empathy. But on ASKING from the ones who are being hurt to help.

then there is the whole issue of Children in that. Would be a better focus for the rest of the world. You know? But again, that goes back to interpretation.

There must be a way, that people can leave other beliefs alone. as long as those beliefs don't affect the safety and wellbeing of other persons. BLAH... See Science in it's simple definition and practice, is what tells use when something will cause harm. Like a religion that says all dead bodies should be sat out in the sun to rot.. Well that effects the whole. Disease from the dead bodies we have spotted with science. So, that would be a bad practice that would be harmful to other people. etc. That's what I mean about a belief harming another too. There's a huge tangle of religion that I am not sure any one knows how to untangle. but if we look at the simple aspects of what is bad and good for the Body as a whole maybe we could agree on more things.
QuarkMoon said:
Psh, I already knew all of that. The Da Vinci Code taught me! :m:

Hah! I read it in the original: "Holy Blood, Holy Grail", back when people had the good graces to simply invent their own lunatic theories, instead of stealing them from other people.


This isn't history, it is nonsense just because you include the names and correct dates for some historical events
does not give you some sort of artistic license to embellish those events as you see fit and still call it history.

quelquechosedautre said:
For those who missed the chance to survive...


In 1100AD, the Crusaders captured Jerusalem.

You call your post HISTORY as if you are going to clue everyone in. The first thing you do is get the date for the capture of Jerusalem wrong, ok already skeptical to the quality of your research ;)

They lt two of the commanders go free. The ENTIRE REST OF THE CITY'S POPULATION WAS SLAUGHTERED.

We are only in the second poorly written sentence of your history and again we find mistakes that could easily have been avoided with a minimum of research. The "ENTIRE REST OF THE CITY'S POPULATION" was not slaughtered though a great many were.

Ok now I'm thinking really why bother continuing but you know curiosity can be a nuisance ;)

After this the established a kingdom and then went home. With a single loathed outpost of Christianity

stuck in the middle of nowhere, its chances of survival were slim, so in 1118, 9 of the remaining knights band

together and give a vow overriding all to always keep Jerusalem a Christian Kingodom. Instant heroes, the Pope et

al give them immunity from taxes, cash etc. and the Order grows like wildfire.

In 1118 a group of knights, led by Hugues de Payens, offered thier military services to the Patriarch of
Jerusalem. This newly formed military order had the mission of protecting pilgrims on thier way to the Holy Land
In the year 1118 AD King Baldwin II granted this newlyformed order quarters on the Temple Mount (hence the name
templars). Grew like wildfire? After the first nine years of it's existance the order consisted of the original 9
knights. It wasn't until Bernard of Clairvaux wrote his promotional treatise "De Laude Novae Militae" that anyone
even knew who they templars were, outside of Jerusalem. After this they gained the backing of the Holy See and
many european monarchs and finally began to grow as an order.

Then, in 1187, Saladin approaches the city with a big army. The Knights Templar ride out to battle. There's now

21,000 of them. They meet at a rock outcrop known as the Horns Of Hattin. On 4th July (sound a familiar date),

Saladin wipes them out to the last man.

Honestly how can you expect anyone to take you seriously when even the lead-in to pure conjecture is so fraught with errors and or flat-out lies? in 1187 there were approximately 350 templar knights in Outremer (the holy land). Shortly before The battle of the Horns of Hattin, Gerard of Ridefort
gathered 90 templar knights, supported by 40 secular knights and attacked a much larger force of egyptian cavalry by the spings of Cresson and were wiped out almost to a man apart from Gerard (a real tragedy that). So at the final battle at the Horns of Hattin there were nomore than 300 templars MAX with thier attending sargents. At the end of the battle Saladin executed nomore than 230 knights of the orders (knights of St. John and knights Templar) combined. You claiming that 21,000 knights were present at the Horns of Hattin tells me you have absolutely no realistic concept of what it cost to field a knight in the middle ages. That is enough the rest of your "HISTORY" is mostly just conjecture and nonsense.
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quelquechosedautre said:
NO!!! Specifically NO!!! ...That's when it will START!.
Don't be such an idiot religion is what divides mankind into groups, the righteous, the bad, the jews, the muslims, the christians, etc.. the monotheists, the polytheists, the damned and the saved. It is THE EVIL of human history.
The Jesuits , freemason , satanists , have all been sock puppets of the Catholic CHUrCH.

Why do you think chess has a BISHOP and knights and pawns

Peices and description of players

POPE is the King





SaTANIST CULTS are the PAwns


The Pope rules the Catholic CHurch and the world although it is a bit of a struggle to stay alive.


The Assassin Guilds plan to destroy immediate threats to the babylon rule that goes back 6000 years


Jesuits infiltrate churches and youth and slowly reteach Catholic doctrine bringing in one church for the whole world


Freemason provide a base of operations and communications and have excellent ability to cut off enemy communications


KNights templar and the knights of Malta provide national security and up to date battle tactics and training


satanist cults are poorly trained disinformation agents heavily backed by masons or by any peice in the game


Learning strategies of babylon


Sumeria and the secret of MA"AT




MY personal story

Dean Roger Ray
letter to a woman who is disabled

You are probably wondering why your government would sink so low as to
take your children away and not supply a support mechanism for you and
your kids. I can only send you comfort that there is a lot of other
people in the same boat that will try to expose the corruption.

Details you should know:

I believe 911 was faked to take away freedoms and privilidges from us.
The Canadian Government took advantage and wrote a blank cheque to
national security and have done away with the checks and balances that
protect us. For a reference look up operation North woods and you will
find a similar event.

I believe a very well organized Cult is in CHarge of all the western
country's GOvernments and police forces. They have been around for a
very long time.

In the beginning of World War 2 there was a incident called the
Reichstag fire which burned down the german parliament. It was started
by Hitler so that he could gain control of a democratic government and
turn it into a empire. Hitler was an occultist who studied Madam
Blavatsky and followed her masonic ideas. She was a useful pawn of
freemasonry something like eastern star. The freemasons funded hitler
and one of the most recognizable was presscott Bush. George Bush
senior was a member of the council of foreign relations he quit to
please the population but never really separated himself from the
Elite group. The council of foreign relations has only one purpose and
that is to sell you the fact that you rent the money in your pocket
from them. The war with Hitler and Napoleon before that is a
smokescreen to get rid of a lot of freemasons who will expose the
Elite. When the order loses the ability to be secret the elite set out
plans to make them the most hated. Hitler hated freemasonry and hunted
down and killed a lot of freemasons and so did napoleon.

The secret orders have controlled society for a very long time and
will be reset again and again. In each town there is a masonic lodge.
Each lodge contains top level politicians, police officers, lawyers,
judges and health professionals. These people work together just like
those small corrupt towns where you see the Sherrif and the judge in
bed with local criminals. Criminal gangs are subdued and used to deal
drugs to the population to subdue the nature of dissention. Hells
Angels,Triads, Yakuzza, mafia all have connections to freemasonry

We are on the verge of another reset to keep us busy so we never
think of going after the elite who have manipulated us through the
centuries. First the freemasons have taken position capturing all the
oil Haliburton and British Petroleum are the major players. The
freemason then shorten supply and raise oil prices and then later flood
the markets. Knowing when the drops occur they can use putt and calls
to insure investments untill the system collapses. The elite call in
most of the money back out of circulation until most everyone is broke.
The government then blames other countries and offers work in the
military manufacturing weapons. In World War 1 people were shoved in
the front line and forced to fight or die with guns on both sides try
to run away and cowards were shot. One Movie that shows this is "Enemy
at the Gate" where a soldier is forced to fight to his death and
survives and then proves himself. If you play strategy games you
realize that you can win the game faster if you build up workers to a
high amount and then to save money you send them into the enemy and the
costs are gone. The result is a formiddable advanced army ready to
strike and built on the backs of the populations. This game is real
and that is exactly what the Americans and all western Countries have
been duped into.

The Matrix is an incredible movie that exposes the ELITE if you look
close enough.

In one of the discussions neo is told that the complicated world built
in the matrix is just a smokescreen so the computer world can just use
him for a battery. In the real world there is no difference betweent
the matrix and you. They just want you to believe that they are in
charge of the money in your wallet and they live for free on the
interest charged.

How Deep the Rabbit Hole Goes
written by Andy Wachowski & Larry Wachowski

Morpheus: I imagine that right now you're feeling a bit like Alice.
Tumbling down the rabbit hole?
Neo: You could say that.
Morpheus: I can see it in your eyes. You have the look of a man who
accepts what he sees because he's expecting to wake up. Ironically,
this is not far from the truth. Do you believe in fate, Neo?
Neo: No.
Morpheus: Why not?
Neo: 'Cause I don't like the idea that I'm not in control of my life.
Morpheus: I know exactly what you mean. Let me tell you why you're
here. You're here because you know something. What you know, you can't
explain. But you feel it. You felt it your entire life. That there's
something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's
there. Like a splinter in your mind -- driving you mad. It is this
feeling that has brought you to me. Do you know what I'm talking about?
Neo: The Matrix?
Morpheus: Do you want to know what it is?
(Neo nods his head.)
Morpheus: The Matrix is everywhere, it is all around us. Even now, in
this very room. You can see it when you look out your window, or when
you turn on your television. You can feel it when you go to work, or
when go to church or when you pay your taxes. It is the world that has
been pulled over your eyes to blind you from the truth.
Neo: What truth?
Morpheus: That you are a slave, Neo. Like everyone else, you were born
into bondage, born inside a prison that you cannot smell, taste, or
touch. A prison for your mind. (long pause, sighs) Unfortunately, no
one can be told what the Matrix is. You have to see it for yourself.
This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back.
(In his left hand, Morpheus shows a blue pill.)
Morpheus: You take the blue pill and the story ends. You wake in your
bed and believe whatever you want to believe. (a red pill is shown in
his other hand) You take the red pill and you stay in Wonderland and I
show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes. (Long pause; Neo begins to
reach for the red pill) Remember -- all I am offering is the truth,
nothing more.
(Neo takes the red pill and swallows it with a glass of water)

Be carefull extreme truth can cause panic and disorientation

