the ShiftShapers

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in reality you are never going to progress

and why would you wish me luck if you didn't care

and why would someone who doesnt care be telling me to be careful
progress in what? finding out the truth about secret governments? I have other priorities in which I hope to progress.

and I don't care about the fact if there exists such government, but I see that it is important for you, so I wish you good luck. I'll take it back if you don't want it

my last remark about aliens was sarcastic
zonabi, Perhaps we all should move beyond this obstacles, whats done is done,
and for the rest of the world, well someone once said when pupil is ready the master will appear :)
It would be the funniest thing in the history of the world if the illuminati actually did exist. If all the nutters were actually right, think of how insane that would be! It would make the world a much more interesting place also. I wish it were true.
oooh man it would be so insane it would be like being Carl and living right next to the aqua teen hunger force!

what if 'they' are actually just a STATE-OF-MIND that has been passed on over ages and ages and eons and maybe even species?

a corruption infecting people's mentalities.

do you think something can be metaphorical AND literal at the same time ?
Zonabi, I was thinking, I have no evidence for this, but I suspect, the shadow government is not running the show. There is some hostile alien civilization that wants this, that wants our species to plunge into violent destructive conflicts and is deliberately fueling this upheaval.

Note this: Hilter's agenda was almost identical to todays shadow government and he may have been involved with aliens. Somehow he got this delusion, that everyone has to have blue eyes, blonde hair, white skin, to be a pefect species(Aryan Nordics) and that there was an entrance to an underground world at the poles, and ihis sudden fascinatinon with ancient sanskrit literature and the paranormal. If my suspicision is right, Hilter and the shadow government were merely pawns in some hostile alien civilizations agenda. They fooled them by religious propaganda and bribing them with technology. I am not sure exactly why the alien civilization is doing this, I don't expect them to just want us to fight, I think they want us to fight, so they can take us over - divide and rule.
you haven't done your homework, oh zeee great alienotologist
according to hindu sanskrit and some pre-buddhism myths shambala is a resting place/last bunker/cryocam for the last people of the old civilization, that almost destroyed mankind in a global war. sorry, no aliens there
where can I send my donations to the shadow government? got mailing address?
You know what's going to be funny, the day you realize it's happening, and you're being pushed around everywhere or simply taken to be eliminated. Please note down your replies here, so you can reflect on them later.
One day we will have kook death camps. We warned you not to be a kook. One day when you're being taken to be eliminated, note your replies here so you can reflect on them later.

I mean really... do you have ANY evidence at all? You seem to have this odd mental disease where you are compelled to repeat every unfounded claim you hear.
unlike you crazy, I have the experience of how to survive in a totaliran regime
so I'm not all that worried, even if your government takes over.
Can you survive stealth biological viruses like AIDS and SARS, that have been manufactured for the sole purpose of controlling populations?
Even funnier.
1) They are not any more 'stealth' than any other virus
2) They don't 'control populations'
3) They were not manufactured
---Hell, the 'evolutionary' path of AIDS has even been shown.
and SARS is lethal in only a very few percent of cases (forgot the number, but was smthing like 4 or 5 percent). hardly a population killer.
besides- it's not so hard to be careful and not get aids
of course if you're not a primitive african or a intravenoze narcotics user
If SARS is not lethal, it woud not cause a huge population stir across several countries. I suggest you read up on how many people have died of it.

There are around 6 known types of HIV, and new viruses are constantly being created and released into population centres, that can be transmitted by sexual, bodily contact, or by a sneeze. How are you going to survive this?

Or do you think it's not possible, that the shadow government would do this?

Do you have any ideas why fertility rates are falling sharply?

Do you have any idea why AIDS is now also believed to be transmitted by oral contact?

Do you have any idea where AIDS was in the last 6000 years of our history? Why it suddenly appeared in America, Africa and west India at the same time? Why 32% of the black population in US, that is only 12%, suffered from AIDS?

Wake up dude.
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oh, aids by sneeze? :D
and about SARS there is an old latvian saying: big shouting, little wool
mening - SARS magnitude and terror is overblown by sesation hungry mass media
and of course countless crackpot websites
crazymikey said:
If SARS is not lethal, it woud not cause a huge population stir across several countries.
The same reason 'The Osburnes' does. It was picked up by the media. Fact is that SARS was not a very 'effective' virus at killing or injuring people.
crazymikey said:
There are around 6 known types of HIV, and new viruses are constantly being created
Any source besides crackpottery class?
crazymikey said:
and released into population centres
Funny... most new strains develop OUTSIDE of major population centers.
crazymikey said:
, that can be transmitted ... by a sneeze
LMFAO. A source, any source. You have a better chance of a big rock from the sky killing you.
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