the ShiftShapers

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crazymikey said:
MiTO, there is only one way we can do something about it. Demand complete disclosure from our governments and the release of free energy and anti-gravity technology for humanities benefit, as well as ETI contact.
and the confidence to do whatever they want.

So what are we waiting for? Lets make some changes in this world ! We can do it :) Any ideas? Some kind of petition? Public disclosure? Something like Disclosure Project? I say lets rock n roll, wake up people ! :)
MiTo if you are serious, then I'm all for it. However how do we do it, when the entire ETI/secret government agenda is stigmatized. I think one method is by spreading ETI and shadow government awareness. That is what I'm doing, and also working on web sites for it. However, other than the internet and some friends and family, there is nothing more I can do.

Look, even when I tell this so called "intelligent community" and give them over 20 proofs of evidence of 550 pages. They still say, "there is no evidence" no matter how much written evidence we present, it'll do fuck all for others.

How do you recommend we do it?
Evidence is both measured in quantity and quality, and I have satisfied both criteria. This is why none of the cases I presented could be succesfully refuted.

I don't think you understand, the reason I am presenting this evidence, is so that you wake up and stop this shadow government. I would have thought, "Future of humanity and planet" would have enough of an incentive :rolleyes:
crazymikey said:
How do you recommend we do it?

One thing I have learned many times is that there is nothing that can't be done no matter how hard it may seem.
The main question is what can we do? Well I have a few ideas and I am sure some of you have too. Here are some of them:
If you are familiar with Stephen Bassett,Disclosure Project and the X Conference that recently took place. Here's url for more info and . We could contact some of the people that run such projects and they will probably offer some assistance. This is of course just a general idea, think how much can be done by public disclosure.
We can put together some web site with info on what other people can do to help. My idea is that lots of people can raise their voice and be heared.
what is that you particulary don't like about them? I mean - do they do smthing against you?
if you contact the disclosure project and other similar groups, they will most of the time be glad to supply you with ample information and instructions on how to present a public speach/event for spreading awareness.

if you dont want to go that far, i am sure they can supply you with good ideas, they are the ones pushing this movement and i am sure they are willing to help you help the globe.


"one world, one government, thats how it should be"
yes, but shouldnt everyone living on the one world be part of the one government ?
or no, you really do believe that a select few should have all control of the rest, and gather the most funds, while everyone else struggles to find why they seem to be stuck in life...


what do i particularily dont like about them ?

they have been secretely changing our laws, and slowly eating away at the great constitution our true forefathers created in hopes of establishing a free nation.

if you do some heavy research on directives such as HR 4079 and try to find information on these certain "Executive Orders" (which are really nothing more than laws granting the president the power to make decisions and implement them with or without congressional approval) you will see

EO 10995 - allows takeover /control of communications media
EO 10997 - takeover of electric, power, petroleum, gas, fuels, and minerals
EO 10988 - takover of food resources/farms
EO 10999 - takeover of transportation
EO 11000 - mobilization of citizens to brigades under govt supervision
EO 11001 - takeover of health, education, and welfare
EO 11002 - designates the Postmaster General responsible for civilian registration
EO 11003 - takover of airports and aircraft
EO 11004 - Housing and Finance Authorities responsible to relocating communities, saying what areas are to be abandoned
EO 11005 - takeover of railroad system, inland waterways, and public storage facilities

all these slithering executive orders were COMBINED under Nixon ( i am not a crook ? ) into one huge executive order, and ready for enforcement - they just need to declare a national emergency, which by the way it is descibed in some of these orders and directives; could mean ANYTHING. it should also be noted that it is rumored that FEMA can implement this law, even without the presidents signature- it was structured this way on purpose (perhaps to keep heat off president?)

so, my innocent forum posters, i hope you can see what a serious effort this is.

all of this were combined into ONE Executive Order ( # 11490 ) and was signed by Carter on July 20, 1979. friends, that means these above orders are LAW.


"did they do something to you?"

yes, and they did something to you too. they even have you thinking that totalitarian control is the way to live.

but, in my perspective, they have denied people their own free will (given by God) and have made the masses of people so gullable that they have in fact surrendered their free will in order to comply with these snakes.
and thats JUST THE ONE SECTION OF THE _________ THAT ARE LOCATED IN THE UNITED STATES. they have infiltrated the Government on many levels, and also infiltrated several other bodies, such as large companies, religious groups, and perhaps even schools.

if you want to take a step back and look at the bigger picture, you will see that the _________ are actually an ancient group of self-centered people. they have been here longer than Humans. they are the ones who breed selfishness into us, they were also at the forefront of some of the founding religions, such as the Roman Catholic church. Yes, its true- look at the way some of these religions work- "fear your god!" or else you will be punished.

realize how they work- FEAR. they try to drive FEAR into you on many levels.

i could go on and on about this, but i feel i will lose some potential readers if i continue.

take care
not at all, it's interesting. I welcome you to go on.
(I know about FEMA)
(I object that free will is given by god, it's by ius naturale)
(one executive power (totalitarian control) is the most efficient way of governing)
(are you saying that these "ancient people" are not humans , but another lifeform? like mind parasites in Colin Wilson's book?)
(fear your god goes just for christians/islamists/jews, not hinduism or buddhism(which is not a religion))
(actually they (secret government theories) drive curiosity into me, nothing more , as for religions, I find them laughable and made to control stupid people)
(why should I worry if the USA becomes a police state (with or without the help of a secret government)? (I've observed this progression for a long time, just would like to hear your oppinion)
(actually I there ment-> one planet - one government, and I nowhere said that it should be a totalitarian government, actually I was thinking of a democratic institution)
(the select few should have control on the rest, if these few are smarter than all the rest)
what if you couldnt leave your house for fear of being arrested. or even better you might not fear arrest as you support this 'possible' shadow government.

martial law all the way woooooo.
I guess I'm used to it as I was living in the former USSR. I see it as natural
not really, life was more thrilling back then. more dangerous - yes, but also a lot more interesting (of course at the risk of being arrested). I miss the good old days. I tell you - there is no better feeling or extasy in life as just after a successful revolution. good luck to you at finding your "shadow government" :D
Avatar, you seem to have no value for others lives, so it probably would not affect you of what the shadow government does.

Here is what it will do:

1. Take away our freedom
2. Take away our rights
3. Making us all struggle and suffer
4. Genocides to take down populatons
5. Undo every effort our forefathers have made in getting us where we are

If you have a loved one, then at least do something for them. If not yourself. Although, I don't think you even care about them either.
MiTo said:
One thing I have learned many times is that there is nothing that can't be done no matter how hard it may seem.
The main question is what can we do? Well I have a few ideas and I am sure some of you have too. Here are some of them:
If you are familiar with Stephen Bassett,Disclosure Project and the X Conference that recently took place. Here's url for more info and . We could contact some of the people that run such projects and they will probably offer some assistance. This is of course just a general idea, think how much can be done by public disclosure.
We can put together some web site with info on what other people can do to help. My idea is that lots of people can raise their voice and be heared.

MiTo, that is exactly it. There are already a lot of excellent web sites with all kinds of information:,,

The disclosure project is comprised of 400+ strong NASA, NSA, CIA, USAF, UA, UN, highly respected and highly educated members, with high clearence and penetation. Yet, even they are struggling in getting this deaf world to hear. Then what can we do?

Yes, I full support your idea of starting a website, and I am working on one right now. Please PM me to further discuss it. I would greatly appreciate everyone of your contributions.

You know, this is not paranoia, it's quite funny, but our posts are being watched by this shadow government right now. They know exactly who we are. As soon as we pose a threat to them. Well ;)
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crazymikey said:
You know, this is not paranoia, it's quite funny, but our posts are being watched by this shadow government right now. They know exactly who we are. As soon as we pose a threat to them. Well ;)

If that is so then I have a message for them :) Get a LIFE :)
After you take a life it's impossible to have one. I actually have no personal evidence of having interacted with a shadow government. I've only read articles on such things. IF it were to exist I do oppose it, that is, if it follows the commonly thought tradition of taking full control of humans so that free will becomes being able to buy the products that we 'want' and fund them into further imprisoning us... as long as the fight isnt outside the door nobody worries. :]
crazymikey said:
shadow government does...
Here is what it will do:
1. Take away our freedom
2. Take away our rights
3. Making us all struggle and suffer
4. Genocides to take down populatons
5. Undo every effort our forefathers have made in getting us where we are
Could you back this up either? Maybe all they want to do is give us icecream. Maybe they're shy...
i , nor anyone else, are not here to plagurize or regurgitate other people's hard work (that has even cost some of them their precious lives)

therefore, if you want to know the truth of things, and what documents say about these things, what people are involved in this, what organizations may be involved, and what their plans seem to be; then you are going to have to read some books on your own time and conduct your own share of the research/validation.

spitting out what other people have worked hard to publish is almost like stealing their effort/money. i have given a few bits of information simply to satisfy a sceptic person who was mocking this entire subject. i can see now he realizes the seriousness of the entire situation.

the USSR is not very different from how our government IS LEANING TOWARDS. and THAT IS PRECISELY THE PROBLEM. whats even worse is the fact that they are trying to do this without our knowledge whatsoever, which in my eyes is worse than the USSR. At least their public knew what was going on, and, like Avatar said, perhaps some even liked it for whatever reasons. they at least KNEW, therefore had a choice.

We Do NOT KNOW, therefore our Choices are Hindered.

they are slowly pulling out our Laws and Rights like Jenga blocks from the bottom of our Constitution.

open your eyes, especially the third one. don't you feel something is wrong?

this entire war is bullshit, and it can lead to Marshal Law being announced here any day. and if u followed anything i said, there are new directives for what will happen to the nation if and when a national emergency is announced, and it is NOT PRETTY.

dont u see? a law was made that allows pres to invade another country even if UN/Congress doesnt approve- at the same time laws are made that dictate how the NEW GOVERNMENT will work if a national emergency is called. at the same time (and over the years) more and more stringent Gun Control laws are passed, disabling the public from having any form of defense, should they need it. at the SAME TIME a UFO/Alien presence has been deceiving the government left and right, claiming to be the founders of our religions and scaring officials with their time-travelling predictions.

therefore the Gov't is going INSANE trying to figure out what the fuck they are going to do....

... why dont they just Buck up and face the Jury? Stubborness runs rampid in these service-to-self souls.

... maybe exposure of the alien presence will bring more power to us Humans as we will know what to expect (or a taste of what to expect)
i wish they could stop for a second and really, truly, and sincerely look inside their own hearts- and see what they are doing not only to the country, but to themselves, their children, and the future of Humanity on Earth, which can very well also include them again in the future.

if eisenhower was tricked by an Alien presence, you cannot blame him. these beings are thousands of leaps ahead of us in the evolutionary ladder, hence they KNOW how WE work (i have said this before). you cannot blame the poor man for believing what a SUPERIOR LIFE FORM was stating to them, especially in the given circumstances.

I can even understand the reasoning behind secrecy in this matter, over half a century ago. Aliens were unheard of in those days (except for a few saucer sightings from the 30's) and so they were right in concluding that the public is not ready to know this.


because they are afraid of the reprocussions for what they have done in the half century of lying/cover-ups/assasinations/abductions/treaties

they have dug themselves in a hole, and cannot get out. bad thing is, they plan on blowing the hole up, causing everyone else to fall in as well.

and as for them watching now, all i can say is that i hope they find the strength in their will to finally face their fears. together we can expand our knowledge of Aliens, and perhaps there are better factions out there that arent as decietful as the ones who are claimed to have made treaties with our US govt.

i strongly believe that NOT ALL ALIENS are NEGATIVE ('evil' is such a bias word) because it is obvious that if there are Negatives, theres also Positives. I personally think our gov't got tangled up with the WRONG KIND OF ALIENS. this doesnt come as a surprise, because as you know 'birds of a feather flock together' and so you see it isnt coincidence that decietful Aliens approached Deceitful Humans.

It is not too late to change things for the better. its never too late. Our gov't can end their alliance with the beforementioned Alien Presence, yet they are afraid to do so because of fear that the Alien Presence is way too advanced and may take us over.


Another thing that everyone should be aware of is that WE ARE THE EARTH, WE OWN THIS PLACE. Aliens cannot interfere unless they are given permission. now are you finally starting to see how this unfolds? why do you think a treaty was formed between usa and the aliens that crashed at Roswell?

now, a disclaimer:
if in fact there are No Aliens; then our government has perpetuated THE SINGLE MOST DAMAGING HOAX in the history of Man. there are several documents available and Books with these documents photocopied into them- all available to the public. these documents are REAL. they have signatures, stamps, and dates. (not to mention they look like crap)
they shine light on the single most dramatic discovery in our lives:

We Are Not Alone.
//Avatar smiles
in reality I don't care if they take away your freedoms or not, or if there is a shadow government or not.
good luck on your quest

p.s. be careful with those aliens ;)
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