the ShiftShapers

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You are some of the most gullible and brainwashed people I've met.

You do not think a government would deliberately infect it's own people?

Do you need a lesson in history?
Since you felt the need to edit your post:
crazymikey said:
Do you have any ideas why fertility rates are falling sharply?
Actually yes. In the developed world it is do almost completely to CHOICE.
crazymikey said:
Do you have any idea why AIDS is now also believed to be transmitted by oral contact?
Because it was ALWAYS believed to be able to be transmitted by oral contact? The problem is that the actual chance of this happening has been proven to be incredibly small... although nowhere near as small as the odd circumstances that would result in you catching AIDS by being sneezed on.
crazymikey said:
Do you have any idea where AIDS was in the last 6000 years of our history?
Do you know where the latest version of the flu was 2 years ago? Simply genetics, which has been demonstrated.
crazymikey said:
Why it suddenly appeared in America, Africa and west India at the same time?
Well, actually, it didn't. Anybody that was alive at the time would remember this.
crazymikey said:
Why 32% of the black population in US, that is only 12%, suffered from AIDS?
Cultural seperation. The same reason many black people listen to rap, even though they are only 12%.
LMAO. Your OWN SOURCE explains to you the reasons for the falling birth rates... which amounts mostly to choice, not a shadow government biological weapon conspiracy.

From your link:
The rise in marriage age in most countries of the region has contributed to the lower fertility rate. Fewer marriages are also being recorded, with the number having declined by 50 percent or more in some countries.

While in the Baltic States this represents a change in lifestyle, in the Caucasus and Tajikistan, the chaotic conditions caused by ethnic violence have led to the postponement of marriage. The situation has been further aggravated by the outward migration of young men in search of work.
Increasing mortality and AIDS rates, falling fertility rates


"The HIV epidemic
"Of these three threats, the HIV virus is the first to spiral out of control in developing countries," said Brown. "The HIV epidemic should be seen for what it is: an international emergency of epic proportions, one that could claim more lives in the early part of the next century than World War II did in this century." In sub-Saharan Africa, HIV infection rates are soaring, already infecting one fifth to one fourth of the adult population in Zimbabwe, Botswana, Namibia, Zambia and Swaziland.

Barring a medical miracle, many African countries will lose one fifth or more of their adult population to AIDS within the next decade. To find a precedent for such a potentially devastating loss of life from an infectious disease, we have to go back to the decimation of New World Indian communities by the introduction of smallpox in the sixteenth century or to the Bubonic plague that claimed roughly a third of Europe's population during the fourteenth century.

Ominously, the virus has also established a foothold in the Indian subcontinent. With 4 million of its adults now HIV positive, India is home to more infected individuals than any other nation. And with the infection rate among India's adults at roughly 1 percent a critical threshold for potentially rapid spread the HIV epidemic threatens to engulf the country if the government does not move quickly to check it.

Using life expectancy, the sentinel indicator of development, we can see that the HIV virus is reversing the gains of the last several decades. For example, in Botswana, life expectancy has fallen from 62 years in 1990 to 44 years in 1998. In Zimbabwe, it has fallen from 61 years in 1993 to 49 years in 2000 and could drop to 40 years in 2010. For infants born with the virus, life expectancy is less than two years. "
*Sigh* Once again he's gone to posting lost of information that doesn't even have to do with his false claims.

Yes, AIDS is bad. Yes people are having less kids.
No, you don't have any reason to think this is 'stealth' or biologically engineered.
Avatar has a suspicion that whenever mikey needs evidence , he just types the word in google and posts the first link to show up

HIV-2 virus discovered

Extract: "HIV-2, along with HIV-1 and SIV, comprise the subgenus 'primate lentiviruses'. The genomic organization of these viruses is similar, although HIV-1 and SIV of chimpanzees (SIVcpz) encode a vpu gene, while HIV-2 and SIV of sooty mangabeys (SIVsm) have a vpx gene. The function of Vpx is not clear, although it may play a role in nuclear import (Fletcher et al., 1996) and the functions normally associated with HIV-1 Vpr may be provided separately in HIV-2 by Vpr (cell cycle arrest in G2) and Vpx (nuclear import) in HIV-2. Vpx (but not Vpr) is important for efficient replication of HIV-2 in PBMCs but not T cell lines (Park & Sodroski, 1995). Additionally, Vpx or Vpr SIVs can cause AIDS, while double mutant Vpx/Vpr SIVs are severely attenuated (Gibbs et al., 1995).

Despite similar genomic organizations, there is a high degree of genetic diversity between the primate lentiviruses, especially in their env genes. Genetic variability between HIV-2 strains is comparable to that within HIV-1 groups, with up to 25 % divergence in Gag, Pol and Env (Gao et al., 1994; Schulz et al., 1990; Zagury et al., 1988). "

New HIV virus discovered in 1997-1998


newly discovered form of HIV may already have been transmitted world-wide, experts have warned.
They fear that current treatments and experimental vaccines will prove ineffective against this new form of the deadly virus.

It was first detected in blood samples taken from an Aids patient in Cyprus who died in 1998.

However, a medical team in Seoul, South Korea, has announced that they have detected the same form of the deadly virus in a 33-year-old female with Aids who died in 1997.

SARS virus mutating rapidly, has claimed 200 lives

Extract: The virus thought to cause Sars is constantly changing form, say scientists - which will make developing a vaccine difficult.
The Beijing Genomics Institute reported that the virus is "expected to mutate very fast and very easily".

Other experts have warned that, once established, it could be particularly hard to stop the Sars virus causing problems.

8 months later, SARS still mutating, now claimed 800 lives


Sars is a serious respiratory virus, which killed nearly 800 people worldwide in the months following its emergence in November 2002.
The World Health Organization announced that the outbreak had been contained in the following July.

However, experts predict the virus will continue to pose a threat - and warn that health authorities need to be ever vigilant for its return.
In around 20 years time, suddenly extremely intelligent viruses, rapidly evolve beyond all our defence systems, and just appear out of of absolutely nowhere. In addition fertiliry rates start to fall, virus infections start to claim more lives, the knowledge of the NWO and shadow government and it's objectives start to surface

Maybe you should die, it would be one less idiot out of 6,000,000,000+
Do genocides occur? Yes they do.

The seizure of East Timor would be swift and easy, so Indonesia believed over 20 years ago. The US government, Indonesia's main arms supplier, agreed. President Ford and Secretary of State Henry Kissinger gave their consent to the attacks before they left Jakarta, Indonesia's capital, just hours before the December 7, 1975, assault began. Indonesia eventually won control of the territory, killing over 200,000 Timorese -- one-third of the population -- in one of the worst genocides since World War II.
maybe you should learn more history and spend less time on crackppot websites
compared to middle age's black death sars is but a kitten sneeze in blizzard
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