the ShiftShapers

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How dare you say he's insane, I read is story and it checks out

Is it mere compassion that drives you to respond FOR this person across multiple forums. I am a very analytical kind of person WCF, and somehow your interest in this person, whose obviously an alias of one of the "debunkers", which includes you in a limited list of people, seems very suspect indeed. If I did jump to conclusions, I would think it's one of your accounts :)

The man is a DOUCH, not only does he claim illogical things but he also claims to be totally insane or from the future which ever. Why should I not have an interest in it, its fun as hell?

Hey believe what you want, I can’t stop you, heck that’s why you believe or claim to believe in all this crap anyways. I sometimes get the idea that you are faking it, many of your claims have been identified as false or illogical repeatedly and very easily yet you stick to them, either your pulling our legs or you are also not mentally sane.
I think that he thinks he's from the future, especially since he keeps referring to a time a few thousand years int he future...I am particulary surprised CrazyMikey hasn't fallen to Exploding's delusion since he has fallen to every other ploy on these forums. Then again he's always saying how he doesn't believe something at first but after further research it seems completely logical, so how long do you think it'll take Mikey to find Exploding's bullshit completely logical as well.?
Avatar said:
our goal is to illuminate humankind into a new step of our evolution

As long as one keeps hanging onto that word evolution they are not going to take any steps. The only thing that evolves is our achievements and understanding.
stop saying their despicable name you _insert_your_own_insult_here_

are you really that ignorant as to claim allegance to them and joke about it like a baffoon? do you think its a big joke ? grow up

...and you claim to have knowledge of "ancient history, mythology, science, astrophysics, taekwon-do, cyberculture, webdesign, nature "


yes, im glad at least some people can read poetry and think deeply.

to all concerned, there is hope. there always was and always will be, thats how the universe works. the almighty believes in 2nd chances, and 3rd, 4th... and so on. you will have a great many incarnations to right yourself (or wrong yourself)

but back to this world~
in this physical world today we should be more aware of what our governing bodies are doing. nobody seems to care, and that only lets corruption and deceit even easier for them.
listen to what our president says, he doesnt make sense. whats going to happen when we pull out on june 30th, and leave them all dazed and confused without ANY GOVERNING BODY at all... ? spark! the REAL HOLY WAR.

why do u think NOBODY wanted to help us invade the middle east ? the United Nations, along with our Congress, DID NOT APPROVE THIS STUPID WAR. yet, the president still went OVER THEIR HEADS and DID IT ANYWAY.

how could this happen? isnt there supposed to be checks and balances in the three branches of our government ?

O que você vestiu sabe é que para o após 2 décadas (talvez mais) o ramo EXECUTIVO de nosso gov't tem escrito LEIS heeft geschreven en Richtlijnen scheiden af en gaan hen in het midden van de nacht voorbij wanneer oppositie gegaan is en in resultaat dat omwerkt de grondwet. verdaderamente ellos hacen éstos directivas de serpentea-como que tienen en cuenta de algún modo al presidente faire les actions folles, illogiques et un-approuvés telles que cette guerre avant impôts.
yes, im glad at least some people can read poetry and think deeply.

It is in fact, a good test for ones intelligence. Hence, don't be surprised, about the insults from a few. Never let children get to you and don't take them serious.

listen to what our president says, he doesnt make sense. whats going to happen when we pull out on june 30th, and leave them all dazed and confused without ANY GOVERNING BODY at all... ? spark! the REAL HOLY WAR.

why do u think NOBODY wanted to help us invade the middle east ? the United Nations, along with our Congress, DID NOT APPROVE THIS STUPID WAR. yet, the president still went OVER THEIR HEADS and DID IT ANYWAY.

Yes, this is revealing the NWO, a sort of modern imperialism. The NWO is exempt from the UN and from international opinion, and exempt from any legal or social framework, and has little regards for human values. It has the power to enforce whatever it wishes to do, and the reason it has become this powerful, is because the world is full of sheep.

If they say Iraq has WMD's: the world swallows it
If they say the UN is being irrational and inactive: the world swallows
If they say they are building a new Iraq: the world swallows it

and now, they are trying to invoke a false sense of patriotism in the masses by feeding us this propoganda, that our armed forces are "heroes" fighting to defend the people of Iraq. Guess what? The world swallows it.

The NWO can do the same to anyone, by creating some ploy, and then going in and invading that country: Afghanistan, Kosovo, Cuba, you can fill in the rest. Yet, this is only a beginning of a dark-era. Soon, people are going to be losing everyone of their rights, in a drive towards socialism or totalitarianism, and find themselves slaves to their own state. It's only starting Zonabi, and I still believe, if the world unites, we can remove this unseen enemy. Sadly, that won't happen, because the world is full of sheeps.
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"Zonabi, and I still believe, if the world unites, we can remove this unseen enemy. Sadly, that won't happen, because the world is full of sheeps. "

if you do not think it can happen then there is .00000001 less chance of it happening.

if you 'believe' it can happen, then there is .00000001 more chance of it happening.

dont let the sheepified state of the states bring you down, thats giving them more power.

its time to spit out this horrible taste!
crazymikey said:
It is in fact, a good test for ones intelligence. Hence, don't be surprised, about the insults from a few. Never let children get to you and don't take them serious.

Yes, this is revealing the NWO, a sort of modern imperialism. The NWO is exempt from the UN and from international opinion, and exempt from any legal or social framework, and has little regards for human values. It has the power to enforce whatever it wishes to do, and the reason it has become this powerful, is because the world is full of sheep.

If they say Iraq has WMD's: the world swallows it
If they say the UN is being irrational and inactive: the world swallows
If they say they are building a new Iraq: the world swallows it

and now, they are trying to invoke a false sense of patriotism in the masses by feeding us this propoganda, that our armed forces are "heroes" fighting to defend the people of Iraq. Guess what? The world swallows it.

The NWO can do the same to anyone, by creating some ploy, and then going in and invading that country: Afghanistan, Kosovo, Cuba, you can fill in the rest. Yet, this is only a beginning of a dark-era. Soon, people are going to be losing everyone of their rights, in a drive towards socialism or totalitarianism, and find themselves slaves to their own state. It's only starting Zonabi, and I still believe, if the world unites, we can remove this unseen enemy. Sadly, that won't happen, because the world is full of sheeps.
I've already pointed out that its a repeat of world war two, no one would stand in front of italy or germany, so they kept pushing for more land. Also i wouldnt go around calling people sheep just because they dont agree with you, especially since your ideas are based on rumors and ideas , and not a solid hypothesis.
Jojo, that is quite simply rubbish. Iraq posed no threat to anyone, it was an impoverished state, and little to no capacity of building weapons of mass destruction, which was the dominating propoganda fed to the masses, yet had frequently changed since to:

1: Saddam is a dictator
2: Iraq poses a future threat
3: Iraq needs to be freed from the evil
4: Iraq needs to be reconstructed

I am not calling people sheeps because they don't agree with me. I am calling them sheep, because they buy this nonsense, swallow everything they say, or are simply withdraw because they feel powerless. Sheep is the most polite word I can use for them.

JoJo, it's not based on rumours and ideas. It is based on what I can see happening right before my eyes. I don't need people to tell me anything, I can think for myself, and I can see clearly, that a dark NWO agenda is forcibly taking control of our world, and taking away our rights and freedom. I can see it is designing weapons that can destroy our planet, and destroy us. I can see that it's even attacking it's own citizens. I can see it is withholding technologies to eradicate poverty from the world and eliminate all kinds of pollution. I can see it is going to every length, even cold-blooded murder and terror networks, to keep us from knowing about aliens. I know that they are shooting at extraterrestrial UFO's that could risk a fatal war with a higher intelligence.

I can see they are creating more and more "non lethal" weapons to be used against us. Like mind control, or electric bolt weapons.

Why do you think 400+ of the governments own NSA, NASA, USAF, CIA, UN, UA are now working towards exposing them? They know, how disgusting the government have become and what they have in store for the world.

And people are such sheeps, that even when 400+ of the most educated and respected minds, come out and tell them, they still ignore them. I really don't see any better words for it other than sheep.
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Many have attempted to change the course of world events.
ONLY one was given that authority.

Now their time is about up.

(great topical post there sushi)
zonabi, you don't seem to understand. I like how Illuminati governs (or would have governed) the western world pretty much. It's a far superior and more efficient way than all these big and little countries... If I had the chance, I'd defend them as my own country, but they don't need that (if they exist of course)
Norval, why the time up? It seems that they are doing pretty good. big brothers everywhere and all, control of digital media, echelon , etc, etc
"back to topic?"

what was off topic, besides that off-topic remark ?

avatar- if u want to be self-centered and truly like the idea of them, then all i can say is good luck, u seem to defend them, but finish the sentence with "if they exist"


do u think they can suppress the information forever? its already busting at the seams for those who can see

it used to be a time where exposing this info was dangerous but now the informations is all over the net and everywhere else, officials are coming forth in groups which is a smart idea.
why do u think they have IC and debunkers trying so hard to scramble all this info? they are turning to sublime methods of control, so as to engrave certain attitudes into our mentality, such as the rejection of ETi, the acceptance that the US can and should take over and control other countries... etc.. i dont want to go there plus its time to go.

take care
the acceptance that the US can and should take over and control other countries

It's subliminal advertising. I recall the exact same attitude in a young 18 year old US marine I met. He told me, the US government is right, it should take control of this world. I asked him why? He said, you only have to be here, and see for yourself, how much better our country, culture, standards of living, technology is. It's only beneficial for the rest of the world to follow the US, even if by force. I found that extremely disturbing.

Yet, he is not the only one who thinks that. I have seen many endrose the same views. The NWO is slowly emerging before all, and what is saddening, our sheep minded people are letting that happen, even supporting them! They are digging their own graves.
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