the ShiftShapers

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one planet - one government
that is how it should be
and Illuminati are on it

besides: Illuminati is not = the USA
it's another body
Avatar, do you have any proof about the Illuminati. People say the same things about the Masons, and I have yet to have another member offer me my chunk of control over the world.

If you covered this already, just post a link.
checks and balances in the three branches of our government

Zonabi, these checks and balances are irrelevant, the whistleblowers with high ranking postitions have stated they operated outside any checks and balances. Wasn't it President Dwight Eisenhower's departing speech that warned about this?
Persol said:
Avatar, do you have any proof about the Illuminati. People say the same things about the Masons, and I have yet to have another member offer me my chunk of control over the world.

If you covered this already, just post a link.

I have none proof, but the video games I played (Deus Ex 1 and 2)
but the whole Illuminati idea and concept are very close to my heart
in this thread I play along and fantasise how nice it would be
Life isn't a fantasy, Avatar.
Like I said before, the Illuninati are Ill-luminance.
oh, but it is
according to the hindu myths everything is a dream/mediation of Visnu, and each time he blinks his eyes an existance (all our universe, gods, etc) ceases to be and a new one is formed.
okay, now here is where i think a moderator would come in and delete that OFF TOPIC COMIC STRIP...

get that sh!t out of here avatar what the hell are you trying to prove.
i have tried to tell you nicely that we are serious here, but you are persistant with your tainted sense of humor.


i have ONE, and only ONE piece of evidence that will prove to ANYONE, without a DOUBT, that there are secret societies closely tied together which make up what is known as the _________

.repooC mailliW yb , esroH elaP A dloheB

that is the most in-depth exposure of these snakes, and it is full of credentials, sources, people, names, groups, dates, meetings, and finger-pointing.

take care
but why the snakes? why do you don't like efficient earth governing?
and zonabi - I am where I want me to be
and I am saying that we now have sooo much world conspiracy theories on this planet that even those comics don't count in all of them. ( don't like them, eh?:( )
and now you suggest I buy a book? wouldn't such revealing info be required to be presented to the public free of charge?
dates/meetings/etc is good, but maybe you can copy a few paragraphs and show us what it's about - the most striking evidence
because dates and meetings of people I can invent myself (not that I see Illuminati being unrealistic, it's quite possible, but please - evidence. I don't have any money left to afford a new book.)

btw- by reversing the letters you hope to escape the Echelon detection?

Behold A Pale Horse, by William Cooper
that book sells on Amazon, hardly a top secret hush hush
looked at the page. some passages in this book ar laughable, some would be a nice evening read, especially about Illuminati, but I wouldn't think of taking the man too serious because of such things as:
>A reprint of a document found in a IBM copier bought at a surplus sale. In short this document is a blue print for controlling a population.

A discussion about population control and various attempts to decrease the world's population. On page 168 he reveals the origins of AIDS
however, if this is true, then all my regards to them. I already previously have said that it is good for the world population that they are dying off like fleas in africa because of aids thus decreasing world population. ech, seems that he thought about it before of me (that it could be done deliberately with such a huble, sacrifacing goal)

the main problem I see with this book (there are others) is that I could write everything myself and claim that the documents/evidence are genuine
Is this document really the protocols of the Illuminati? Read it and decide for yourself.
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i have tried to tell you nicely that we are serious here, but you are persistant with your tainted sense of humor.
When you laugh the world laughs with you, when you cry, the world laughs even louder I AM serious, but since no evidence was suggested or presented prior to "Behold A Pale Horse, by William Cooper" in reverse, I saw nothing to be serious at. Exept the potential existence of Illuminati that I (gladly) assumed/accepted
edit: and I doubt I can be serious even now, because of the index of that book, but.. since I have not read it, I won't expand on that
Zonabi: As I told you before, just ignore the children, by responding to them, you're wasting your time, and giving them the attention they crave :) I repeat the same order :D(kidding!) to others.
Think of all the time you would have to go find ET if you didn't visit this forum.
crazymikey said:
The NWO is slowly emerging before all, and what is saddening, our sheep minded people are letting that happen, even supporting them! They are digging their own graves.

Is there something we can do about it ? Perhaps... Or should we just sit down and watch everything fall appart and hope for the best... I've seen too many people to whoom word 'honesty' has no meaning. The 'sheep minded people' should not change the world, but themselves... they are the world...
So basically changing the mind the sheep becomes the shephard. So I guess after all, we can do something.
MiTO, there is only one way we can do something about it. Demand complete disclosure from our governments and the release of free energy and anti-gravity technology for humanities benefit, as well as ETI contact.

This is the only way we can have a chance of stopping the shadow government. The sooner we can expose them to the entire world the sooner we foil their plans. If we leave them unchallenged, it gives them the liberty and the confidence to do whatever they want.
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