the ShiftShapers

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Gun control and genocides:


The Down Side of Gun Control

Advocates cannot see any harm in gun control, but it has a nasty
downside. Its victims number in the tens of millions. Its downside is
genocide: the mass murder of civilians on account of religion, language
or political views. Since 1900, at least seven major genocides have
occurred worldwide involving 50 to 60 million victims. (See table)

Perpetrator Date Target #Murdered Date of Source Document
Government (Estimate) Gun Cont.

Ottoman- 1915- Armenians 1866 Art. 166, Penal Code
Turkey 1917 1-1.5 Mil. 1911 Art. 166, Penal Code

Soviet Union 1929- Anti-Comm 1929 Art. 182, Penal Code
1953 Anti-Stal
inists 20 Mil.

Nazi Germany 1933- Jews, Gypsys, 1928 Law on Firearms &
& Occupied 1945 Anti-Nazi Ammunition, April 12
Europe 13 Mil. Weapons Law, Mar 18

China 1948- Anti-Comm. 1935 Art. 186 & 187, P.C.
1952 20 Mil. 1966-76 Pro-Reform Group

Guatemala 1960- Mayan 1871 Decree #36, Nov 25
1981 Indians 100,000 1964 Decree #238, Oct 27

Uganda 1971- Christians 1955 Firearms Ordinance
1979 Political 1970 Firearms Act
Rivals 300,000

Cambodia 1975- Educated 1956 Art. 322-329, P.C.
1979 Persons 1 Mil.

Total Victims: 55.9 Million
maybe you should learn more history and spend less time on crackppot websites
compared to middle age's black death sars is but a kitten sneeze in blizzard

Actually, maybe you SHOULD learn more about history, because genocides by the state are not uncommon at all, and nor is germ warfare against civilians.

And then all you need to do, is some basic math.
buy eyeglasses, I said nothing about genocide
and basic math I did - sars is laughable as a threat to humanity/or major population
so is aids in the not primitive world
sars is laughable as a threat to humanity/or major population

I think you are laughable to undestimate it and ignore it so foolishly, when several countries around the world, see it as a real danger.

Do you think the bubonic plague took down populations over months? It started small and spread. SARS has also started small and is spreading. In just 8 months, it is claimed three times more lives. AIDS has also started small, and is spreading, now claimed millions, and by 2050 or sooner, around 300 million lives.

Do the math:

Genocides against state
Germ warfare against state
Over population
Energy crisis
AIDS and SARS appearing suddenly in more than one country, and increasing rapidly
Fertility rates falling
NWO emerging
Hundreds of government witnesses coming out and claiming the existence of the shadow government and it's agenda.

If you can't work it out, you're an idiot. However, some of us know what's going on, and we will try everything within our powers to stop it. We are not going to sit quiet like you.
stop what? you are mixing many unconnected existing and unexisting problems into one big fictional super monster and declaring your jihaad to it.
oh and I'm not going to sit quiet. I'm going to work against the threat to international peace process, stability and security that such people as you pose
I'm sure that my legal education will come in handy
I'm sure that my legal education will come in handy

You sure suck at formulating rational arguments, for being educated in law.

stop what? you are mixing many unconnected existing and unexisting problems into one big fictional super monster and declaring your jihaad to it.

Unexisting problems?

Genocides do not exist?
Germ warfare programs against populations do not exist?
Over population does not exist?
Looming energy crisis does not exist?
AIDS and SARS appearing suddenly in more than one country, and increasing rapidly, do not exist?
Fertility rates falling do not exist?
Hundreds of government witnesses coming out and claiming the existence of the shadow government and it's agenda, do not exist?
NWO does not exist?


Over-population - energy crisis - hundreds of government witnesses claming the existence of a shadow government and NWO - NWO emerging - sudden appearence of several types of AIDS virus and SARS - fertility rates falling and people dying from rampant gun culture and AIDS AND SARS - genocides and germ warfare programs against civilians.

And yet you say you have legal education? If I presented this in a court of law, it would make a hell of a strong case. In fact a lot of cases fought in a court of law are using unconnected evidence, with an argument for connection. Here we don't even need a connecting argument, they are already connected.

Don try and use your lack of education as an excuse. You just can't get your head around it, because you can't think. You're actually very dim-witted. However, those of us who can, already know we have a case, and we are going to fight for it, and you know why? because we care for our species, for our loved one, and our planet. Unlike you, who only cares for himself and nothing else.
and you sure suck at understanding written word (don't take out of context)
I said existing and unexisting problems
and yes, they are unconnected problems

If I presented this in a court of law, it would make a hell of a strong case.
I'd crush you in 5 minutes (for each "problem") even though I haven't gotten my degree yet
What unexisting problems would that be, all of them?

I'd crush you in 5 minutes (for each "problem") even though I haven't gotten my degree yet

You have not even been able to do that in 5 days of posts. Have you even made any arguments? Please recap for me :)
you presented these "problems" only a few hours ago
besides I'm on a course paper deadline, so I have no time for you,
maybe I'll get back to your minor misunderstanding after wednesday, when I have to give in the paper
just a quick recheck: you want to sue some governmental body that by law doesn't even exist.
so you want to prove in some court institution (don't forget that the USA declined the membership in the internationall criminal court, so you're left with ANO and your own constitutional court) that such shadow government exists and that it is solely responsible for
Germ warfare programs against populations
Over population
Looming energy crisis
AIDS and SARS appearing suddenly in more than one country, and increasing rapidly, do not exist [same as Germ warfare programs against populations]
Fertility rates falling
the shadow government and it's agenda [supposedly against the law]

now then, according to the court procedure law you have to give in the evidence to the court
I'm on the other side and I'm going to counteract that such government doesn't exist, and if exists isn't responsible for all the given problems.

website links don't count- write a report
if you think it's a waste of time against me, it would come in handy for your own use, if you really plan to turn to a court
"besides I'm on a course paper deadline"

Oh, I suppose that explains why you only post to mock the issue, rather than present coherent counter-arguments. You are not good at lying either. Are you sure have a legal education?

now then, according to the court procedure law you have to give in the evidence to the court
I'm on the other side and I'm going to counteract that such government doesn't exist, and if exists isn't responsible for all the given problems.

Did you have to get a legal education to know that? I learnt that as a child from a z-grade movie. Prosecution and defence, duh.

website links don't count- write a report

I am in the process of doing just that ;)
changing the subject again, eh? Write the paper and after 3day I'll give you a legal response to it.
you'll need this training if you hope to achieve anything in any court.

as for my course paper, I could send you the drafts, but I'm afraid that neither your intellectual capacity nor your knowledge of latvian language and international rights would allow you to understand or analise the legal problems and the process of such a problem as de facto statuss restoration to a de iure still existing country

edit: that's because I'm trying to explain you everything @ your intellectual capacity level, that is , of a 12-14 year old kid

So, mentioning some legal terminology just to show you're doing law? Holy shit man, you're like really sad. That is the most pathetc thing I've seen on this forum to date, bar none. Also the funniest.

Do you want me to start mentioning some random physics and quantum mechanics concepts just so I can show you my knowledge of science? Even if you did, I wouldn't do it, it's really sad.

Now how about taking your head out of your ass, and using your god like legal knowledge, to actually make a point worthy of getting you a reference from us ;)
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