THE REAL [GOD] = ALLAH ...... join here you all need to know

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DiamondHearts said:
(Q), you might believe in those figures and statements, but I disagree completely with you.

there is alot of propaganda and lies spreading for hundreds of years in the West about Islam, those who live in the Middle East, and indeed many Non-Muslims will deny your figures as untrue.

Yes, you always deny facts, that's no surprise, but you certainly cannot speak for anyone else, especially non-muslims.

The Muslim government did take prisoners of war, however they took it for the state, not for an individual.

They're called slaves, and they were not just prisoners of war, any non-muslim was fair game. Becoming a slave was better than death unless you planned to be a martyr, which was the only other option.

The point of mutilation of genitals is new to me. I have lived in the Middle East, studied history there, and have a thorough knowledge of the history of my people. I have never heard this before, I believe it is another one of your misconceptions of Islamic history.

Oh no, it's merely just a case of your ongoing denials and refusals to accept facts.

Or, is it such that you look around and don't see the slave trade in operation today, therefore it never existed?

Don't you know that when Muslims conquered parts of the Roman Empire, they first began to acquire Eunuchs as slaves. They were used as harem guards.

Thorough knowledge, my a$$.
GeoffP said:
Show me my hypocrisy first, Diamond, and prove to me your truth. Until then you appear to have invective and bile, and nothing else. Well, doublethink, maybe. Do you or do you not understand that no one else here accepts the idea that people who leave islam must be murdered to protect an excuse for a state?

GeoffP said:
That's an implied threat to mustafhakofi.

So the only way you can hold up your lie is to say that I implied to insult someone. And you say I lie. That is hypocrisy.


Are you going to answer Michaels' yes/no questions? It appears you're ignoring the issue, which takes credibility away from your argument.
DiamondHearts said:
So the only way you can hold up your lie is to say that I implied to insult someone. And you say I lie. That is hypocrisy.


It is deceit to post that right after kofi posts his bit, and then tell us all no threat was implied. And then you threatened me too, but far more directly.

Why not just apologize? I apologized to you. Is your grip on your faith so tenuous and your honour so thin?

You will find that i posted this after Xerxes' question. Go back and read the thread.

Again, I will not apologize for something I did not mean.

Because you think I implied it, does not make it true.

Mustaf, why did you leave your religion?

Have you been disowned by your family?

What religion do you practice now?

I'm interested, tell me.

DiamondHearts said:
You will find that i posted this after Xerxes' question. Go back and read the thread.

Again, I will not apologize for something I did not mean.

And so you demand apology for my distrust of islam - which you term insult - and yet refuse to apologize for oblique threats against my person.

Your sense of honour appears to be a little warped. Do you honestly expect me to believe you meant it as a friendly warning that "allah would get me" if I didn't do as you wanted? That being: "shut up and stop posting".

So your post was meant as a humanitarian gesture to someone you say lies about islam and allah, and says nothing unless it ridicules islam or Mohammed?

I know full bloody well what Pakistan does to people who are accused of that, so don't bloody pretend at concerned council now.

Get real.

GeoffP, when did I say Allah swt would get you. You liar and deciever, do you have any honesty? And what does this have to do with Pakistan?

I never said it was a huminatarian gesture, I simply wanted to know about what happened to him? Why is that so hard for you to grasp?

You have a habit of putting your own words into someone else's mouth, and twisting the meanings, this has been demonstrated quite well in world events, and politics forum on your arguments with brian and mountainhare.

Why do you reply to almost every post I make, are you some kind of stalker or something?

You said that I should be careful of my safety. And now you call me a liar and a deciever? The comment about Pakistan was related to that very "safety" issue - there's an unsettling implication for you to call me a "deciever" when we know very well what happens to "decievers" in islam. Go on, why don't you just say that I'm "spreading mischief in the land"?

How exactly would my safety - other than my mental health (I note that TruthSeeker above seems to have been done for) - be in danger from debating you? Do you think I'm PacMan or something, existing only in the electronic world?

Go on, lie about my posts some more. And I'm not stalking you - am I not allowed to post on this thread? I think I might even have posted here before you. Why don't you tell me which threads I'm allowed to post on, and which ones I'm not. I promise I'll do just as you say.

I suggest you go back and reread it, until you finally understand what I meant. Why would I post such a thing to begin with if I didn't agree? Still have any Common Sense left?
I would like to share this article this the posters of this forum on Islamic values and Islamic chivalry.

I came upon this page the other day.

In a divine tradition, we learn from Forty Hadith Qudsi that God says, "Neither the heavens nor the earth contains Me but the heart of My believing servant does." Knowledge of God, in the case of spiritual chivalry, is experiential and leads to the sensing of the presence of God in all that one does. In this state, the heart of the spiritual warrior becomes the throne of God. The tradition tells us: "One who knows self, knows Lord." It is a path that is open to all. - by Laleh Bakhtiar
We are at the core a Movement of Jeddi; masters of Futuwwat (“the Way of the mystic-warrior”). We encourage adherents to train both physically AND spiritually, for their own personal edification and to enhance their knowledge and abilities in the STRUGGLE. The Real does not lie alone in contemplation, prayer and meditation; nor does it lie alone in action and revolution. Both of these are notions of “one or the other” and Allah is not “one or the other.” “Allah” literally means “the One[ness] which manifests from Nothing.” As we have stressed before, this “Nothing” is not the “lack” of all, but rather, it is Nothing in the sense of Totality of Being, which is symbolized by the numeral zero – this number itself originated with Sufis. Allah is neither the positive alone, nor the negative. Allah is the perfect balance between the two. The direct center of two polarities is always zero, Pure Nothing, from which the Totality, the Tawhid (Unity), the Oneness of ALL becomes manifest. For it is out of zero that all subsequent positive and negative numbers reel. That is Allah.”

Way of the Muslim Warrior

DiamondHearts said:
I suggest you go back and reread it, until you finally understand what I meant. Why would I post such a thing to begin with if I didn't agree? Still have any Common Sense left?

I went back and reread it, and I understand that it was a threat, so I reported the post. Thanks for suggesting that.

But speaking of common sense, what in heck does "Why would I post such a thing to begin with if I didn't agree?" mean? That you agree it was a threat?

YES or NO:
Was it OK when Tariq ibn Ziyad led the Muslims to kill the Catholic Visigoths and conquer Spain?

YES or NO:
Where those Muslims evil colonizers?

YES or NO:
Are ALL forms of Slavery wrong?

YES or NO:
Would you would be happy to live as a Slave in servitude to your Indian Hindu Master under the conditions described for the treatment of Slaves in the Qur'an?

YES or NO:
Should a Muslim that proclaimed to have converted to Christianity be put to DEATH for his conversion out of Islam and into Christianity?

YES or NO:
Should a Muslim that proclaimed to have converted to Judaism be put to DEATH for his conversion out of Islam and into Judaism?

Presently, ALL ME Islamic countries made ALL FORMS of Slavery illegal.
YES or NO:
Is banning ALL FORMS of Slavery against the teachings in the Qur’an?
Also, another question you neglected:

Had Islam truly been a vehicle for the liberation of Hindu society from the evils of Brahminism (as is repeatedly proclaimed – and you claimed), then how was it that three centuries after the unqualified triumph of "Islam" in Sindh, Hindu society continued to survive just next door in Punjab, and the Islamic faith was able to win few converts amongst the majority of the Hindus, and not even amongst the discriminated caste communities?

And had Sindh become this great center of learning and culture after its conquest by Bin Qasim, how was it that Al-Beruni (an avowed Muslim) was studying Hindu scientific texts in Punjab, but not "Islamic" scientific texts in Sindh?

We’re all still waiting……..
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If any Muslims are reading this post, I would like his or her thoughts:

In my conversations with a few Christians, I've been given the claim that Christianity is not a religion, but rather a personal relationship with Jesus. Apparently their reasoning is that Jesus is the middleman, so to speak, between humans and God, thanks to his being both human and God. They think that to believe in Jesus is to be closer to God, which you couldn't be before Jesus died for everyone's sins. I've also been given the claim that no (other) religion can offer that.

It goes without saying that I don't buy any of that, but I thought about it when I started looking into what Islam is all about. I ordered The Koran for Dummies from recently, and I like looking up all the information the book has. I don't claim to know a lot about Islam, but I have an idea nonetheless.

I think one could reasonably claim that in Islam a personal relationship with God is very possible. Islam doesn't have the concept of the Holy Trinity and doesn't elevate Jesus (Isa to them, I think) above any of the other prophets. So a middleman may not be necessary. Furthermore, as The Koran for Dummies [page 118] says, every human being has a share of God's qualities, and by harvesting these qualities in your soul and in your outward practices, you come closer to God in the relationship leading to mutual love.

What say ye? Is the claim that Christians make for Christianity also valid for Muslims and Islam?
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