THE REAL [GOD] = ALLAH ...... join here you all need to know

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That is some of the stupidest nonsense it has been my displeasure to read recently, now quit spamming muhammad.

PS. next time you talk to allah tell him I said to kiss my ass :shh:
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Considering there is just one God - than I'm right.

Considering there may be one other god, a multitude of gods or no gods at all, the odds are that you are more likely to be wrong.
Sock puppet path

i reported you and im waiting to see if there is a fair ADMIN here on this site or not.

i can insult you but ....... dogs can not harm the sky ....... and if i put a rock in each dog's mouth there will be no rocks on earth .
This thread started before I was moderator -I think. Clearly its only purpose is to preach and proselytize so I'm closing it.
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