The Proof for ETI

chris beacham said:
Well, I don't know ufotheatre but if he has witnessed any ufos he's one up on you.
I doubt that anybody HASN'T witnessed a UFO. Reasonable people though don't think UFO=ET.
Right Persol,

Reasonable people think, flying disks travelling at 18,000 mph, that stop in mid-air, and zoom of at supersonics speeds, to be weather baloons or neon lights.

I'm sure you'e "reasonable" ;)
No, reasonable people think that you have no real evidence of disks flying at 18,000 mph and realize that speed can be misrepresented due to distance.
Just what was used to measure this "18,000" mph speed and how was the morphology of the object empiracally determined to be a "disk" and not a optical trick of perspective?

Cite a source that can be considered Primary Literature, and I'll go back and delete all my posts in your thread.
WOW, I give Crazymikey alot of credit! You are the kind of person I would want in my corner if I needed backup. If I wouldn't of been a believer before, I would at least be open to the posibility of other life out there. It realy make me wonder why some try so hard not to even try just a little bit to open their minds up to the facts that are in front of them. I would think it would be harder to prove UFOs are not real. How smart can a disbeliever be without a open mind???
I have to admire CrazyMikey's perseverance in the face of the opposition. You can taken comfort from knowing that you are basically correct in asserting that ET has visited this planet and that fact has been covered up for many years. Some people are not educable; or pretend they are not. I very much doubt that even physical evidence would convince some people; even if you produce a crashed flying saucer in the ground, somehow overlooked by retrieval units, how can you prove it came from the heaven? Make no mistake, these things are extraterrestrial in origin.
NanAutaben said:
I would think it would be harder to prove UFOs are not real.
Actually it's just about impossible to show that ETs do not visit Earth. Just as impossible as trying to show that faries and bigfoot do not exist.

It is however quite obvious that people see UFOs and that the large protion are real. That doesn't mean they are from outer space though.
Most people forget a lot of skeptics believe ETI to be out there due to the sheer probability of them being there, i think most skeptics are only skeptical that they have visited.
(Steven Greer, MD responded:)

"To Whom It May Concern,
Ongoing slander requires that I respond to allegations being made in
various circles.
The event next month is limited to 15 people because it will be held
at our private home and we can only accommodate this number of
people. A donation is requested since the intent of the gathering is
to create a historical record of events and the production of
materials to release to the public will cost between $20,000 and
$25,000, conservatively (out of pocket expenses only). Far from this
being some elite event, it is designed to quickly get the truth and
historical record out to the general public. This is the express
purpose of the gathering and the resulting materials which will be
Ridiculous and unfounded allegations that somehow I am a member of a
high cabal, or have somehow sold out to same, are baseless. In
reality, we are fiercely independent and our goals and purpose have
been clearly articulated. Our actions speak for our intent.
It is true that we have had important discussions with a number of
people and organizations related to covert programs, as well as
leaders of government and society generally. Our purpose is to
provide insight, information and perspective and to engage such
groups and individuals to persuade them to disclose the truth before
it is too late.
Jealous ranting notwithstanding, we feel it important that all
people be viewed as educable and capable of transformation -even the
power elites. We are neither influenced nor corrupted in any way by
such contacts. On the contrary, it is a measure of our sincerity
that we wish to engage all parties and view all humans as our
brothers and sisters who can see that it is time for the truth to
come out, and encourage them to facilitate such a disclosure.
As for the endless ad hominem attacks, it is any wonder so few
people of capacity step forward to engage this issue? Those so badly
behaving need only look in the mirror to apprehend why the secrecy
continues. "
A donation is requested since the intent of the gathering is
to create a historical record of events and the production of
materials to release to the public will cost between $20,000 and
$25,000, conservatively (out of pocket expenses only).

LMAO. And putting the information he currently has online for all to see costs what? $20,000 dollars my ass.

Far from this being some elite event, it is designed to quickly get the truth and
historical record out to the general public.

Sounds like he should post everything online.

His reluctance to do so speaks volumes, which he isn't able to respond to except through actions.
LMAO. And putting the information he currently has online for all to see costs what? $20,000 dollars my ass

Persol you dunce, if you paid any attention, you will see the conference is aimed at the media, and, if you have any knowledge at all, arranging something like that, costs big bucks. You are an absolute moron, honestly.

And, are you that much of a cheap skate, that you can't spend $5 measely dollars, to access all their information? You're a joke.
Thanks a lot for your compliments, NanautaBen, and Tononi6, very much appreciated. In fact I was ready to just give-up as nothing will convince these morons, and as the whole forum seems to think this forum(psuedoscience) is fanatic, but your encouragement keeps me going :)

Thanks again.
Actually no. If you have evidence giving it to the media costs zilch, nothing, nada. Moreover, it is avaiable for free on the internet, news organizations are more likely to pick it up.

No valid reason has been provided to charge for it.

that you can't spend $5 measely dollars...

There are thousands of bids on ebay selling all kinds of information for '$5 measely dollars'. Have you paid them? If there was a reason to charge for this, that is one thing... but there isn't.
To drive the point home, if I registered, and then mirrored everything and made it freely avaiable, what do you think Greer would say?
Persol said:
Actually no. If you have evidence giving it to the media costs zilch, nothing, nada. Moreover, it is avaiable for free on the internet, news organizations are more likely to pick it up.

Now, it's obvious you don't know what you're talking about. There is a difference between news reporting, and a press conference, and they are used for different purposes. I have been a media student, and film student, so I think I know what I'm talking about.

To drive the point home, if I registered, and then mirrored everything and made it freely avaiable, what do you think Greer would say?

You always say things like, "I have 10,000 testimonials", "I can host the file on my web site", and now this. For once, show me, you're not fully made of shit.
Well, first the 10,000 was clearly to show that paying for something which on the surface looks like a fraud is not wise.

Second, if I were to pay the $5 and host everything behind there, would I be expecting a lawsuit... even though I'd be helping 'spread the word'. This is the same question I posed to chris, and the response speaks volumes. Otherwise, send me the files... and I'll have them hosted within the hour.
Tononi6 said:
(Steven Greer, MD responded:)

"To Whom It May Concern,
Ongoing slander requires that I respond to allegations being made in
various circles.
The event next month is limited to 15 people because it will be held
at our private home and we can only accommodate this number of
people. A donation is requested since the intent of the gathering is
to create a historical record of events and the production of
materials to release to the public will cost between $20,000 and
$25,000, conservatively (out of pocket expenses only). Far from this
being some elite event, it is designed to quickly get the truth and
historical record out to the general public. This is the express
purpose of the gathering and the resulting materials which will be
Ridiculous and unfounded allegations that somehow I am a member of a
high cabal, or have somehow sold out to same, are baseless. In
reality, we are fiercely independent and our goals and purpose have
been clearly articulated. Our actions speak for our intent.
It is true that we have had important discussions with a number of
people and organizations related to covert programs, as well as
leaders of government and society generally. Our purpose is to
provide insight, information and perspective and to engage such
groups and individuals to persuade them to disclose the truth before
it is too late.
Jealous ranting notwithstanding, we feel it important that all
people be viewed as educable and capable of transformation -even the
power elites. We are neither influenced nor corrupted in any way by
such contacts. On the contrary, it is a measure of our sincerity
that we wish to engage all parties and view all humans as our
brothers and sisters who can see that it is time for the truth to
come out, and encourage them to facilitate such a disclosure.
As for the endless ad hominem attacks, it is any wonder so few
people of capacity step forward to engage this issue? Those so badly
behaving need only look in the mirror to apprehend why the secrecy
continues. "

Thanks for that Tononi6,

Excellent, Mr Greer, I could not have said it any better.
Second, if I were to pay the $5 and host everything behind there, would I be expecting a lawsuit... even though I'd be helping 'spread the word'. This is the same question I posed to chris, and the response speaks volumes. Otherwise, send me the files... and I'll have them hosted within the hour.

Persol said:
To drive the point home, if I registered, and then mirrored everything and made it freely avaiable, what do you think Greer would say?

So as usual, you are full of shit. Law suit, for what? Fanatical information? ;)
Once again, send me the files... I'll have them hosted within an hour. How is this 'full of shit'?