The Proof for ETI

To drive the point home, if I registered, and then mirrored everything and made it freely avaiable, what do you think Greer would say?

Do it, and find out. And if not, then don't bullshit.
Persol said:
To drive the point home, if I registered, and then mirrored everything and made it freely avaiable, what do you think Greer would say?

You sure are generous with other people's work. I suggest to you to do your own ufo research and then if or when you come up with any of your own insights, share them on the internet. Until then.....:eek:
So yet again, he is charging why? After all, the fate of humanity is in the balance, remember?
So yet again, he is charging why? After all, the fate of humanity is in the balance, remember?

Oh and he's making a ton of money, what was it, $20,000? The annual income of the average American, more or less.

And let's see which is the most effective way of spreading the information, putting up a web site, so a niche audience can view it for interest or for entertainment, or setting up a press conference with all of the major powers in the media? Geez, uhh, I wonder which one.
You can set up all the pres conferences you want to free. Getting people to come is another issue, and has little to do with how many donations you've had. $20,000 is not needed.

Hell, if one was to say... i don't know... type fake paypal information in, they too might be able to access the information. Of which there really isn't anything special, just more unsupported claims. I also can't seem to find 450 people. I guess I'd have to fake donate more than $5, eh?
You can set up all the pres conferences you want to free. Getting people to come is another issue, and has little to do with how many donations you've had. $20,000 is not needed.

Exhibit A: The fool, who thinks setting a press conference with all the major media entities, is free, and easy. Need I say more.
Lets see. You need a soap box, a microphone, and the interest of the press.

Microphone - $50
Soap box - $2
Interest of the press (cost of faxes) - $50

Getting $20,000 to do the above - priceless

Very simply, many groups have tons of money (scientologists for example), yet nobody shows up at their press conferences. Other groups have little money (think community activists) yet they get plenty of airtime. The problem is showing that you actually have something worthwhile of attention. Even after getting into the Disclosure Project, I don't see any evidence.
Disclosure Project Money-Making Scam said:
The Disclosure Project announces the "GET THE WORD OUT" SALE!

"DISCLOSURE" BOOK Cost - $25 - SALE - $15


Donor $10-19/month
Associate Member $20-29/month
Directors Circle $100-499/month
Lifetime Member $1000+/month

I think it's pretty clear what "Dr." Greer's intentions are.

At the bottom of the page, you'll notice a counter that shows over 7,025,045 hits.

I bet he generates more revenue that most porn sites.

Dr. Greer is a con-artist, and a poorly disguised one at that.
ROFLMAO, that sounds like something the rugrats would do to play out a fantasy.

You really are some bit of work, eh? The number of stupid things you said by now would qualify your for special needs. I'm serious.

Let's see then:

Costs of organizing
Arranging the speakers, and covering their costs of travel, and cost of speaking
Arranging and hiring out a venue with good acoustics
Hiring carparking
Hiring lights, and video equipment
Hiring cameramen to record the event
Hiring sound equipment
Hiring a crew
Housing the guests
Food and provisions
Press kits, and other literature, for each guest

It's certainly not free, and it's certainly not easy. You are so ignorant, it's not even funny.
Thisis just sad.

Costs of organizing
- such as?
Arranging the speakers, and covering their costs of travel - personally if I knew about ET visitng earth, I'd pay for it my damn self to tell the story. Regardless that videotapes are just as good for the majority of people.
and cost of speaking - Do they have a coin-operated voice box or something?
Arranging and hiring out a venue with good acoustics - LMAO. Have you been to a press conference. Most are held in basic conference rooms at hotels.

Hiring carparking
Hiring lights, and video equipment
Hiring cameramen to record the event
Hiring sound equipment
Hiring a crew
Housing the guests
Food and provisions

Wait, do you want a press conference, or a convention??? The press have these things. You arenot however going to peak their interest if all you have is the statements in that website.

Press kits, and other literature, for each guest

Once again, you could just as easily email this stuff out.

It's certainly not free, and it's certainly not easy.

I never said it was easy.... but if the fate of the world was in your hands I think you'd manage. And it quite simply IS free if you can demonstrate to the pres that you aren't talking shit. Community groups manage to do this all the time. They however happen to have stuff to actually talk about.
Sheesh, can you stop, before you look like a complete a imbicile. Anyone with any education in media, would laugh at you, much like I am, and I educated in both general media, and film.

[quot]Costs of organizing - such as?[/quote]

Do you think organizors work for free?

Arranging the speakers, and covering their costs of travel - personally if I knew about ET visitng earth, I'd pay for it my damn self to tell the story. Regardless that videotapes are just as good for the majority of people.

First and foremost, they are not you, and a good thing too. Secondly, they incur costs too, and they have to make time to attend.

and cost of speaking - Do they have a coin-operated voice box or something?

Each speaker is hired to speak normally, costs can range from $500 per person. Do you think all these people, just willingly, out of the goodness of their heart, are speaking out to the media, and putting their lives at stake? If you do, you're a bigger idiot than - wait scrap that - you can't be a bigger idiot than I think.

Arranging and hiring out a venue with good acoustics - LMAO. Have you been to a press conference. Most are held in basic conference rooms at hotels.

I guess If I don't educate you, who will. PC's are held in a variety of places, from clubs, to outdoors, hotels, even houses etc. It depends on how big the PC is. Good acoustics are needed for the reporters, so that they get good reception. And hiring a venue for 2 hours+ does not come cheap, and can be quite expensive, depending on where you choose.

Hiring carparking
Hiring lights, and video equipment
Hiring cameramen to record the event
Hiring sound equipment
Hiring a crew
Housing the guests
Food and provisions

Oh boy, allow me to say, duh. First of all, the press, have video cameras, and digital cameras, and still cameras. The stage needs to be lighted evenly for them so they get proper visual output. Furthermore, another TV camera is deployed to record the event, this is for the actual PC people itself. As you know nothing about hiring costs of equipment, let me give you a rough idea, over $5000, wages of crew included for a day.

Press kits, and other literature, for each guest
Once again, you could just as easily email this stuff out.

It's astonishing how stupid you can be. Press kits is a must for PC events, and additional information is faxed and e-mailed to them. This is so the representatives of the press, and get all their information they need, in a user-friendly form, to write a report. You don't say, "Oh, I have no information, but please check your inbox, when you get home"

And it quite simply IS free if you can demonstrate to the pres that you aren't talking shit. Community groups manage to do this all the time. They however happen to have stuff to actually talk about.

How can you talk about something you know nothing about, not even at a common sense lebel? Greer is right, in what he's labeled you, "people of no capacity" Have you noticed how Greer has not managed to make up enough funds this time, and he's decided to hold the next PC in his house? Does that say anything to you? Hello, knock, knock?
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crazymikey said:
Do you think all these people, just willingly, out of the goodness of their heart, are speaking out to the media, and putting their lives at stake?
1. You just reitereted my point. It is not out the goodness of their hearts, but for the money.
2. If somebody was after them, their lives would be a stake regardless of being paid for a press conference.
3 If this was actually true, and people wanted to silence it, paying $5 to find out who is on the site would not be a big issue.... especially when you can get in without paying.

So in the end, valid community groups are able to pull this off. You claim the Disclosure Project an not because the people involved will not do it for free. Seems to support the con artist theory now, doesn't it.
crazymikey said:
Have you noticed how Greer has not managed to make up enough funds this time, and he's decided to hold the next PC in his house? Does that say anything to you? Hello, knock, knock?
Have you noticed how he is charging this group of people, even though having it at his house for 15 people has little or no expense? Hello, knock, knock?

Could you point to even one grain of evidence that he is going to present at this meeting, or has presented at any others? He has plenty of people claiming to have evidence... none of which seems to reach the surface.

Do you actually send money to people that send you SPAM too, or is con-der just deficient in this area?
Persol said:
1. You just reitereted my point. It is not out the goodness of their hearts, but for the money.
2. If somebody was after them, their lives would be a stake regardless of being paid for a press conference.
3 If this was actually true, and people wanted to silence it, paying $5 to find out who is on the site would not be a big issue.... especially when you can get in without paying.

So in the end, valid community groups are able to pull this off. You claim the Disclosure Project an not because the people involved will not do it for free. Seems to support the con artist theory now, doesn't it.

What a wonderful hypothesis. Actually no, I'm just mocking you. So these NSA, CIA, NASA, USAF, UN members are paid peanuts to tell lies? That sounds like a brilliant incentive. No - I am mocking you again ;)
Thank you for making my point yet again. I'm saying, if they aren't lies, and the claims are supported, they shouldn't need to be paid anything. The fact that the people with the 'information' are only willing to share it when paid speaks volumes.

If you felt your life was threatened, but that sharing it could change the world, what would you do?
Would your decision be changed for $500?
That would make the entire world liers, because we all demand money for things we do, and sometimes say. You don't really have a point, being paid for speaking at a PC, and note, I said it is usual in PC, I did not say DP is doing the same, and being paid for the travel costs you incur, only compensates for their loss of time, and expenses.
And yes, $500 per head, is the price of these rare people. For that price, they are willing to sell themselves :D (Try $50,000 per head and I'll believe you)

How does that make you corrupt? Man, I swear, you need your head examined or something, either that, or you're in high school.

Anyway I can't be bothered hitting my head against the wall anymore, you just say one stupid thing after the other.

Note to others: Standby for more proof
If I saw someone murdered, I wouldn't request money to speak at a trial.
If I knew something that would either save lives or change the world for the better, I would not require money.

People do charge to speak, but not for causes that can change the world. And if you wouldn't share that infromation without being paid (when it is quite easy to do so for free), then yes, you are corrupt.

Note to others: Standby for more proof

Lol, just login to the disclosure project and see that there is no actual proof in there.... just more claims. The joys of poorly secured websites....
SkinWalker said:
I think it's pretty clear what "Dr." Greer's intentions are.

At the bottom of the page, you'll notice a counter that shows over 7,025,045 hits.

I bet he generates more revenue that most porn sites.

Dr. Greer is a con-artist, and a poorly disguised one at that.

No, but I do think its clear, you know nothing about the internet, or popularity of porn sites for that matter ;) It's amazing how stupid the "skeptics" are, I enjoy showing you guys up now.

Less than 7379 hits per day from May 2001. Out of those more than 50% are most probably repeat hits, which means it's less than 3690 unique hits a day. That is tiny. I've hosted small niche web sites in the past, that got double that.

Most of the top Adult web sites, get multi-millions hits per day. The mid-size ones get over 500,000 hits per day, and the costs of membership are around $30-50 per month, in addition pay per video, and live sex shows, can range up to $50 to $200 per paying member, and merchandize ranges from $10 to $500. No surprise, but porn sites together, rake in around a billion dollars a year.

What Greer is making, if anything, compared to that, is peanuts, in fact most, if not nearly all, internet businesses, make more than Greer. No surprise really, DP is not a money making venture:

Did you miss this, my child
Do you really belive that a con artist is unable to say "I'm a nonprofit"?