The Proof for ETI

I see little reason, to continue discussion with you, as it would be a waste of my time.
Welcome to the club, SW. Want to be Vice Prez?

:D Peace.
crazymikey said:

Is there only one instance of interstellar gases: No, zillions
Is there only one instance of stars: No, zillions
Is there only one instance of planets: No, zillions
Is there only one instance of life: No, zillions
Is there only one instance of combined neurons, cells: no, zillions

Theres one thing you forgot to take into consideration pal. TIME. Time is infinite. Time always has been and always will be. Time preceeds all of these. Time is infinite. Divide the sum of all of these numbers by time, graph it and guess what you'll get. You will get a ZERO because no matter how big of a number you get, if you put it over infinite then you will get zero as a result.
You also cant say that stars and planets in the galaxy is infinite because they are constantly being created, because they're also being destroyed. Sooo looks like your probability of life in the galaxy equation doesen't quite hold up when one takes TIME into consideration.

While it is true, planets and stars are being destroyed, it is also true, that they being created. In an infinite universe, there would be a unform distribution of physical manifestations in the universe, and would be infinite. However, I have opted to use the word "zillions" as "infinite" would imply an infinite universe.

The same is for life, when one species is destroyed, another is created. So the state of infinity is always preserved. Nonetheless, my argument for the probability of life, does not hinge on the universe being infinite, if you read carefully, the universe being infinite is offered as a possibility, and regardless of which, the observable universe, is enormous.

With regards to time itself, it does not exist alone, its an imagination of spacetime.
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goofyfish said:
Welcome to the club, SW. Want to be Vice Prez?

:D Peace.

Yes, it truly is the best clue that pseudoscience is afoot when the claimant refuses to discuss with anyone critical of the claims. Now that I think about it, Jehovah's Witness members have rule that they aren't to disucuss with those that are critical. Perhaps the UFO/ETI cult is more organized that I thought.

Someone should edit the thread title, however, as it is misleading...
crazymikey i would like to thank you for trying your best to bring out some truth to the table.
i know it is hard sometimes, especially on these forums (ironically) when people respond so quickly with opposition. i understand their views as well as my own, and yours.

the whole mystery of UFOs and Aliens will be solved soon. With the coming of advanced technology and the development of devices that can manipulate electromagnetic waves, we will step closer to exploring space firsthand, instead of thru telescopes. this is a bit out of the area of discussion here.

I dont see how people can completely disregard what credible people have came forth and said. these people have broken security measures they SIGNED stating they will not disclose 'top-secret' information. now this we know is true. to work with the government, or NASA, or CIA- ANY OF THEM- you must pretty much sign your life away...
we know the stories of people being harassed for saying things they werent supposed to. the time has come where they cannot shut us all up anymore, and being in the information age we will be receiving tons of information regarding these and other issues.
some of you have already read bits and pieces of some valuable information, as time passes the facts (bundled with lies and debunkers) will come to light. filtering this is the hard part and only add's to the skeptics "proof"

if you guys want some proof, chew on this bit:

if you take Lazar's assertions at face value, you can accept the fact that in some of the briefing documents he was given, the origin of the space craft he was trying to reverse engineer was said to be Zeta Reticuli.

if you take the Betty & Barney hill abduction at face value, you will see that the star map she was supposedly shown by the Greys was in fact Zeta Reticuli. if you further your research you will find that computer analysis of the Betty Hill Map (which she was able to re create while under hypnosis) is an exact match of what the computer calculated would be the Star Locations if viewing from a planet inside the Zeta Reticuli system.

now whether or not you believe in coincidences you can see there is a strange connection.

to go even further, we can use some scientific logic.
in a search for other lifeforms (not just Greys or Aliens, just "life" in general) there are certain conditions that must be met. this is obvious.
so, in an analysis of possible life out there, it would seem logical to look at the Stars, which are of course the centers of Solar System which would harbor life.
Strangely enough, one of the stars inside Zeta Reticuli (Zet 2 Ret) meets this requisites. Our sun is a G2 star, while Zet 2 Ret is also a G2 star. this means they are nearly the same.
furthermore, comparing these Zeta Ret stars to our own sun, we see that Zet 1 Ret has a luminosity apporx 0.7 times our own sun's. whats even more convincing is that Zet 2 Ret has a luminosity approx 0.9 times our sun's.
This is ample evidence that Zet Ret 2 passes the requirement tests for harboring life. and could even suggests the life would be similar to ours.

but wait! there's more !

studying the Zet Ret system you will find that it is comparable to our solar system's lifespan, only Zet Ret is a bit older than our Solar System.
this only re-inforces the notion that life in this system would be further along the evolutionary ladder than us. hence their ability to create crafts able to travel space.

and if u consider how close Zet Ret is to us, the idea of life traveling here isnt that far-fetched either. Zeta Reticuli is approx 37 light years away.

this could explain why the Greys seem to look pretty similar to humans. they are from a star that is very similar to ours. they are from our same galaxy. hence their humanoid, bi-pedal nature.
zonabi said:
this could explain why the Greys seem to look pretty similar to humans. they are from a star that is very similar to ours. they are from our same galaxy. hence their humanoid, bi-pedal nature.
Now that is so ignorant it is just funny.
The idea that 'they are from a star that is very similar to ours' has nothing to do with 'bi-pedal nature'.
I have to agree with Persol... there are many hypotheses about "why humans are bipedal," such as brachiation, wading in water sources like ponds, rivers, and seashores, looking over tall grass for predators/prey, carrying tools and young, food gathering, curiosity, etc.

I don't think I remember any of them requiring a particular type of star. Evolution on another world might involve different selective forces alltogether. Intelligent life might even develop in aquatic species or avians prior to land-bound mammaloids.

The "greys" look humanoid because humans have always applied anthropomorphic qualities to demons, gods and mythological creatures.
And hell, look at Superman. HE wasn't from a similar star, now was he? Hmmm?
(Now what would be funny is if zonabi actually took this as valid reasoning)
Hi all,
This thread has been too long for me to read all of it, but I thought I'd respond to a couple of points..

crazymikey: "In Hindu literature, not only is the bridge documented, but also sunken cities, that have also been found today, as well as detailed descriptions of flying craft...."

For the last few months I have been working with Mr Massimo Teodorani, an Italian Astrophysist, in gathering and analysing UFO spectrum. I have been successful in capturing some high quality spectra images, and the first spectrum is now being analysed. So far there are no known aircraft with the same spectrum. While I do not wish to upsurp the Scientific publication of the material, I will say first results point towards the ancient 'vimanas' appearing to be a credible source of UFO information.

"In fact, it seems fairly clear to me that the UFO/ETI movement is but a loosely defined cult movement with various sects."

I do not consider myself to be in any movement or cult, and one of the most exciting parts of my own involvement with ufos so far has been to read Massimo's correspondence with Scientists from JPL, Narcap, Seti, and Nids. I can assure you these people are taking the UFO spectrum work very seriously. I look foreward to sharing the material with everyone soon...
Hey look everybody! It's mister "buy my CD, which I am selling to spread the truth, but I won't allow it to be hosted online".

You are correct. You are not in the cult. You are the person selling the kool-aid recipe.
Persol said:
So, do you mind if I host all your images online?

Persol, I think you need some manners at the least, so why would I entrust my material to someone like you. That said, I am looking for someone with a lot of spare disc space to host some movie clips. As I stated in my original post, anyone interested can please email me:
No grandstanders please.
I'd be glad to host not only clips, but the full length movies. Unfortunately, you are only interested in the income though.
Chris beacham,

Welcome to the thread. Yes it certainly has grown quiite large, and I'm sure it will still grow more, as many others, including yourself, contribute to it. I am also currently reseaching some UFO cases to discuss. I am most intriuged by the UFO spectrum work you mentioned. I would love to see it. Please do not be disturbed by the obvious idiots, just ignore them, they are limited by their death of intelligence.

Looking forward to your posts. I am sure you have wealth of topics to contribute.
Chris has limited the availability of ET 'evidence' so that he can charge for it... and you complain the government is hidding the proof?
Hi crazymikey, yes I'll come up with some comments.

SkinWalker said:
All we need is UFOTheatre to join the thread and we'll have true party!

Well, I don't know ufotheatre but if he has witnessed any ufos he's one up on you.