The Problem of Hell

What's kind of a shame is that when you die and encounter nothingness, you will never know it and will never have to suffer for all of the bloody violence you indirectly support by your "beliefs". Cultist.

If i die and encounter nothingness then i will be nothingness and be therefore will not be able to feel anything. As an atheist you should believe this. You really must find out what you believe in before you make such statements.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

Adstar, you are called to a higher standard than this. Here is what I meant by turning the other cheek, but surely you already know this. You just are not doing it.

Matthew 5
38 “You have heard that it was said, ‘An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.’ 39 But I tell you not to resist an evil person. But whoever slaps you on your right cheek, turn the other to him also. 40 If anyone wants to sue you and take away your tunic, let him have your cloak also. 41 And whoever compels you to go one mile, go with him two. 42 Give to him who asks you, and from him who wants to borrow from you do not turn away.

Love Your Enemies

43 “You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ 44 But I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you, 45 that you may be sons of your Father in heaven; for He makes His sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust. 46 For if you love those who love you, what reward have you? Do not even the tax collectors do the same? 47 And if you greet your brethren only, what do you do more than others? Do not even the tax collectors do so? 48 Therefore you shall be perfect, just as your Father in heaven is perfect.


Murder Begins in the Heart

Matthew 5
21 “You have heard that it was said to those of old, ‘You shall not murder, and whoever murders will be in danger of the judgment.’ 22 But I say to you that whoever is angry with his brother without a cause shall be in danger of the judgment. And whoever says to his brother, ‘Raca!’ shall be in danger of the council. But whoever says, ‘You fool!’ shall be in danger of hell fire.

I am asking you on this basis to let go of your anger, Adstar!

Do you really think that God does not mind when you judge and condemn others? Do you think that you are a faithful servant to God when you openly disobey His commands and arrogantly dare to steel His authority from Him?

Anyway, I forgive you for judging me!

What anger??? I am not angry at you LOL. I warn others and work to reveal to them what it is in them that needs the forgiveness of God to cover.

See SetiAlpha6 i give the Word of God and it is the word of God that offends you. But you direct your attack against me because you subconsciously are placing me as the source of the message rather than the deliverer of the message.

You give the Beautiful Words of Jesus whom you have rejected. How evil it is to not only reject such a Messiah but then to turn around and use His Words to attack one of His messengers?

False allegations just flow from your lips, against God and against me. woe to you SetiAlpha6 woe to you.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

Pride in oneself has always been a threat to the control masters of certain organized religions.
It lets you realize you don't always have to be ashamed of being human;)

Spoken like a true ally of satan.

Proverbs 16
18 Pride goes before destruction, And a haughty spirit before a fall.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
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“ Originally Posted by superluminal
What's kind of a shame is that when you die and encounter nothingness, you will never know it and will never have to suffer for all of the bloody violence you indirectly support by your "beliefs". Cultist. ”

If i die and encounter nothingness then i will be nothingness and be therefore will not be able to feel anything. As an atheist you should believe this. You really must find out what you believe in before you make such statements.
Ummm... Another theist advertising his/her stupidity. Read my statement. You just repeated and agreed with my statement. And yes, I do believe that you will encounter nothingness, as I stated.
IceAgeCivilizations, Adstar, TheVisitor, and any other Christian out there I need your help.

I am arguing with someone right now on a different thread as to weather the Holy Spirit is above God. I think that it is pretty clear that nothing and no one is above God, but they seem to think that the Holy Spirit is above God.

So I need you to answer me two questions so that I can use that quote in the other thread. Thank you very much for any responses, I truly appreciate it.

Question 1: Is the Holy Sprit "above" or greater than God in any way, shape, or form?

As it was stated the Holy Spirit is God. God is Jesus, the Father, and the Holy Spirit. To go and explain the whole idea to you, I truly can't because I can't understand it fully, however that doesn't make it false. To answer your question, No. But there is some form of command. Notice how Jesus does things under the authority of the Father and the Holy Spirit does things under the authority of the Father and Jesus. I hope that helps you.

Question 2: Is the Holy Spirit the Spirit of God?

Sorda of.

To SetiAlpha6:
I am not offened by your sarcasm or some of your wise cracks. I am fully aware how that plays out in debates and am for it. I am offened when people mock God. I understand there is some comic understanding of God, however some people take it to the extreme. This is one of the things I find sad about sciforums. Some people are more enthusiastic to belittle and offend than to actually debate. LoL But I am provided hope from some. You have debated with me and I ask you has my sarcasm belittled you or offended you? Anyway if what Adstar was saying was true, which I believe it is but for discussion sake I say if, would you not find it nice if not loving what he is doing? The truth is you would appreciate it. Also this whole turning the cheek thing I want to address. Jesus didn't mean if someone hits you repeatedly and wants you to die or hurt you you just sit there, that would be stupid, unless there was reason. Anyway Adstar just came across mean he in no way meant to offend you, or thats what I believe.

To Adstar:
They are offended and aggrivated when we say some stuff. I would just advise that you be careful not to offend because that hurts our witness. Not trying to call you out I am just stating the obvious. Other than that I am behind you. Also I how do you see the beginning of John talking about the Holy Spirit?

Thank you,
His son,
What anger??? I am not angry at you LOL. I warn others and work to reveal to them what it is in them that needs the forgiveness of God to cover.

See SetiAlpha6 i give the Word of God and it is the word of God that offends you. But you direct your attack against me because you subconsciously are placing me as the source of the message rather than the deliverer of the message.

You give the Beautiful Words of Jesus whom you have rejected. How evil it is to not only reject such a Messiah but then to turn around and use His Words to attack one of His messengers?

False allegations just flow from your lips, against God and against me. woe to you SetiAlpha6 woe to you.

I forgive you!
To SetiAlpha6:
I am not offened by your sarcasm or some of your wise cracks. I am fully aware how that plays out in debates and am for it. I am offened when people mock God. I understand there is some comic understanding of God, however some people take it to the extreme. This is one of the things I find sad about sciforums. Some people are more enthusiastic to belittle and offend than to actually debate. LoL But I am provided hope from some. You have debated with me and I ask you has my sarcasm belittled you or offended you? Anyway if what Adstar was saying was true, which I believe it is but for discussion sake I say if, would you not find it nice if not loving what he is doing? The truth is you would appreciate it. Also this whole turning the cheek thing I want to address. Jesus didn't mean if someone hits you repeatedly and wants you to die or hurt you you just sit there, that would be stupid, unless there was reason. Anyway Adstar just came across mean he in no way meant to offend you, or thats what I believe.

Thank you,
His son,

You have never offended me! And so far, I respect the way you handle yourself here!

Adstar, has called me an antichrist, and he has personally condemned me and many others to hell on numerous occasions. When do you think God gave him the authority to do this? I just forgive him for the way he treats me and I move on.

Ummm... Another theist advertising his/her stupidity. Read my statement. You just repeated and agreed with my statement. And yes, I do believe that you will encounter nothingness, as I stated.

Ahhh ok i read you wrong. I though you where suggesting that i would feel ashamed if i died and found nothingness on the other side of death.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
As it was stated the Holy Spirit is God. God is Jesus, the Father, and the Holy Spirit. To go and explain the whole idea to you, I truly can't because I can't understand it fully, however that doesn't make it false. To answer your question, No. But there is some form of command. Notice how Jesus does things under the authority of the Father and the Holy Spirit does things under the authority of the Father and Jesus. I hope that helps you.

Sorda of.

To SetiAlpha6:
I am not offened by your sarcasm or some of your wise cracks. I am fully aware how that plays out in debates and am for it. I am offened when people mock God. I understand there is some comic understanding of God, however some people take it to the extreme. This is one of the things I find sad about sciforums. Some people are more enthusiastic to belittle and offend than to actually debate. LoL But I am provided hope from some. You have debated with me and I ask you has my sarcasm belittled you or offended you? Anyway if what Adstar was saying was true, which I believe it is but for discussion sake I say if, would you not find it nice if not loving what he is doing? The truth is you would appreciate it. Also this whole turning the cheek thing I want to address. Jesus didn't mean if someone hits you repeatedly and wants you to die or hurt you you just sit there, that would be stupid, unless there was reason. Anyway Adstar just came across mean he in no way meant to offend you, or thats what I believe.

To Adstar:
They are offended and aggrivated when we say some stuff. I would just advise that you be careful not to offend because that hurts our witness. Not trying to call you out I am just stating the obvious. Other than that I am behind you. Also I how do you see the beginning of John talking about the Holy Spirit?

Thank you,
His son,


You prompted SetiAlpha6 and i to continue our discussion beyond the point of profit. What happens when a discussion goes beyond the point of profit? People start repeating themselves and sometimes try to use personal attacks.

I was wise to end the discussion with SetiAlpha6 when i did and was foolish to engage with her after she responded to your prompting to peruse the discussion beyond the point of profit. All that happens when you persist with someone when they have rejected your message is they turn around and tear into you with lies and vitriol. Like the following:

Adstar, has called me an antichrist,

As you and i know Warrior as one who has rejected the Messiah Jesus SetiAlpha6 is indeed an anti-christ.

and he has personally condemned me and many others to hell on numerous occasions. When do you think God gave him the authority to do this?

A clear lie.. As we both know Warrior, Christians do not have any such power to condemn anyone to hell. This power has always been in the hands of God and always will be. I have never condemned anyone to hell. I have shared my fears for some on this forum and given warning to others. But expressing a fear or giving a warning is not condemning someone to hell. But as we know those who are out to attack the Word of God will take any opportunity to twist what we say in an attempt to portray us in the worst possible light as they can.

I just forgive him for the way he treats me and I move on.

Lets see if she will do this will we?????

Now to your points Warrior:

To Adstar:
They are offended and aggrivated when we say some stuff.
I would just advise that you be careful not to offend because that hurts our witness. Not trying to call you out I am just stating the obvious. Other than that I am behind you.

Luke 6:22
Blessed are you when men hate you, And when they exclude you, And revile you, and cast out your name as evil, For the Son of Man’s sake.

John 15:18
“If the world hates you, you know that it hated Me before it hated you.

John 15:19
If you were of the world, the world would love its own. Yet because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you.

If your giving the Word of God and you find that everyone is liking you and they all think your a wonderful guy then you can know for sure that there is something wrong with your witnessing Warrior.

The Word of God offends Warrior there is no way around that fact. People Hate the Word of God and project their hatred against those who give the Word of God. They hate us because we love what they hate.

I cannot control the way others react to the Word of God and by extension how they react to me. If people choose to get angry and vilify me then that is their choice, they can feel the stress and angst that hate gives to the ones who embrace it with much enthusiasm. They can have their cancer stick. It is their choice.

Also I how do you see the beginning of John talking about the Holy Spirit?

The beggining of John is the best revelation of the nature of Jesus that we are going to get in written form on planet earth i guess. Having said that i am in the same boat as you. That it is bejond human reasoning to understand the nature of the relationship between the 3 who are 1. Now i could be wrong about that, the Holy Spirit may one day give me understanding on that if God wills it and if it is possable for me to understand it in my currect form.

I lean towards the God is one who has manifested Himself in 3 different forms. But then again i do not state that as a statement of faith kind of thing. Its a hunch thats all.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Please take to heart that I didn't mean to offend you, that was not my goal. If you see no fault then please continue, I just know people are more likely to listen when you don't sound offensive. Also I didn't understand what you were saying about the beginning of John, but I totaly agree with you. The only point that we disagree on is the whole liking thing. Yes we will be persecuted but that is not a clear indication that we are doing right. I just was just reminding you. Jesus' goal wasn't to offend but to acknowledge and teach. I can say they are sinners headed to hell but it is my goal to explain to them and I would rather them want to listen to me. Again we all have our ideas. I would suggest reading Colossians 4:5 -6 or at least the end of the chapter. With Love,

Thank you,
His son,
Explain how an entity can manifest itself out of nothing? furthermore were is the evidence that an entity manifest it'self in "3 forms"?
Hey Godless, explain how the Universe came out of nothing, without a creator God, Godless.

The problem is Ice (an this is from a God believer too..although not the bible image of God) that we are faced with another paradox..where did God come from?
The problem is Ice (an this is from a God believer too..although not the bible image of God) that we are faced with another paradox..where did God come from?

What if God is eternal? It seems to me, that if the universe was eternal it would have suffered a "heat death" an eternity ago. But it has not, therefore it is not.
